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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 161 KB, 990x742, home-design (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1401099 No.1401099 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a name for this "hobby lobby" aesthetic every is doing with their remodeling? Looks awful

>> No.1401123


what's so bad about that pic? It looks nice for a smallish, comfy house.

>> No.1401126


OP jealous cause he cant afford a nice house, and is stuck in moms dusty basement

>> No.1401127

>It looks nice for a smallish, comfy house.

except for that lighting fixture seen in the mirror. looks a bit huge.

>> No.1401146
File: 151 KB, 990x742, home-design (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patio furniture indoors
tile floors everywhere
fake plants
bargain light fixtures from the $5 bin at Lowes
artsy quotes and "aged" furniture

>> No.1401154


the chairs might feel better than they look. the upper right room has hardwood floor. the plants look real but they don't look like they have enough light to be as healthy as they are. the lights look ok and might not seem so bright in reality. I don't see the artsy quotes or the aged furniture, but even so, it's their house and as I said, it looks small but comfy.

Post a pic of your place so we can see what true taste looks like.

>> No.1401158

restrained kitsch

>> No.1401167

>criticizing something means you're bitterly jealous

i just wish it didnt look like an etsy/pinterest/walmart makeover thats all. I say the same things when house flippers buy old houses (20s-50s) and replace all the metal fixtures and flooring with whatevers on sale at lowes that week, thus ruining whatever originality that place may have had.

>> No.1401168

It's not your house, why do you give a shit?
>muh originality
So buy your own original 1920 house and don't update it at all.

>> No.1401169

>muh hedonist reasoning
Stop being a fag enabler.
Pretty sure anon is more salt about something that was quality enough to last half a century plus being replaced with grabo.

>> No.1401172

Those houses are ugly as shit, I don't deny it. However, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over people decorating their home as they like.

>> No.1401173


well, please post a pic of any room in your place that you think was done tastefully. surely you can find at least one wall that you can show us.

and if you are young and haven't actually decorated anything beyond your bedroom then I understand that, but you have such strong and well defined opinions of how things are done incorrectly, it seems that you might have some experience.

go for it. if it's cool you will get accolades.

>> No.1401178

Shitty cheap chinese 'wrought iron', fake plants, bulbous oak railings.

Everything about that screams trailer park. It's not a nice space.

>> No.1401179

>you have preferences regarding movies
>show me the movie you made then
>psh, yeah didn't think so
You are literally a faggot.

>> No.1401183

>You are literally a faggot.

is that the best analogy you can come up with? everyone lives somewhere, and has usually added a personal touch. OP thinks this place is awful, so why not show his place?

>> No.1401184

Post an example of good interior decoration. Your house, your wife's husband's son's house, random house off of google, whatever. Just show us the antithesis to what was posted in the OP. Something you consider good taste.

>> No.1401188
File: 449 KB, 1597x1600, trump_embarrasing_pimp_decor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything about that screams trailer park. It's not a nice space.

It might not be perfect, buy you clearly have never been inside a trailer.

pic related is what half of this thread probably drools over.

t. trailer trash

>> No.1401199
File: 95 KB, 800x531, e0afd4e11776e3ef51ac564ad1232557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in a architecture firm, and I've studied residental architecture both in school and while employed. I've grown up in a 50s house, a 90s, house, lived in a 60s apartment and 70s apartment and a 00s apartment. im allowed to dislike it as much as youre allowed to like it.

yes okay its your house but trashing anything unique to the house seems like a waste. painting over stained wood seems like a loss

I would complain equally if they stuck in some oversize couches and a put a tv in front of the window or hung up a "love is family" cursive sign. if you want to like it thats fine, but im also allowed to dislike it

>> No.1401204

>im allowed to dislike it as much as youre allowed to like it.

so you post a really cool pic of work that someone else did.


>> No.1401205

>painting over stained wood seems like a loss

If you've ever seen a house that had that dark stained trim that was properly changed to white or a tasteful light color of trim, I doubt you would say that. Some of the old dark as hell trim ruins a place.

this thread will go places. thanks, whether I agree with you or not.

>> No.1401209

>Post an example of good interior decoration. Your house, your wife's husband's son's house, random house off of google, whatever. Just show us the antithesis to what was posted in the OP. Something you consider good taste.
thats exactly what i did

my concern is that getting the wood back is laborious process thats 3x as long as it takes to just take a brush with paint, youll have to sand off all the paint and restain.

>> No.1401212

>youll have to sand off all the paint and restain.

no one has ever done that, except maybe some historical restoration where they were paid 50 grand to fix a room

>> No.1401214

>thats exactly what i did

I've always said that the grownup boards need thread specific IDs. You are replying to two different people. I want to see how awesome your place is, and that other poster wanted to see what you prefer.

I love 4chan, but in some ways it sucks.

>> No.1401215

in general though. lets say i bought a house with painted wood. am i better off buying new wood and staining it the color i want instead of trying to fix the old stuff?

>> No.1401216
File: 2.80 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_3968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not in position yet where I can give my place a complete makeover like those people did so it's unreasonable to compare the two. I have been given furniture from family members and assembled them to the best of the ability.

>> No.1401218

That room layout almost exactly matches my old house. Stairs, door, railing, kitchen, everything. Weird. Cool story I know.

>> No.1401219

>buying new wood and staining it the color i want

yes. most trim has at least one groove here or there. you can use piles of toxic chemicals and toothbrushes and "fix" it. or just find a house with natural/stained wood.

It's kinda like saying you want to buy a brick house but you really like siding so why is it such a pain to remove the bricks.

>> No.1401220



>> No.1401221

>why does someone who has hand me down furniture look like shit compared a a house where everything was bought at the same time with a theme in mind

>> No.1401222

go back to 2001

>> No.1401224
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>> No.1401227

this is pretty cool

>> No.1401232

Why are there so many people in this thread defending that ugly ass interior decoration? He's right, it genuinely looks like they just picked up a bunch of cheap shit from walmart or lowes.

>> No.1401246

poverty. the answer is poverty

>> No.1401256

Ayyy trailer trash unite.
If you dont know it already check out Doublewide Blues by Todd Snider

>> No.1401258
File: 2.90 MB, 1944x2592, Virtusphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My argument was basically "this faggot is being a faggot and here is why he is a faggot". I don't have any stake in this, but sure.

>> No.1401259

He died in there

>> No.1401260

>telephone capped at 95%
Bullshit. Sub-humans were oversampled.

>> No.1401263

Anon, you could probably find better shit just looking out for curb scores around apartment complexs.

>> No.1401268

Rug should be on the other side of the table, but other than that 6/10. Given your alleged constraints, 7 and change outta ten.

>> No.1401269

thanks for understanding, and I am sincere when I say the furniture is nothing I picked out on my own. the couch 1991, table 1989, tv 2004, tv stand 2004, bike 1978, music stand 1985, painting, 1979

>> No.1401270

Planned Obsolescence Chic

>> No.1401271 [DELETED] 
File: 1.10 MB, 2560x1440, 20180606_184853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God gave me this power

>> No.1401274

Buy two carpet swatches for where you put down your bike. It'll only cost you like $4.

>> No.1401299

You've posted your room on /ck/ before and I remember it vividly because it looks comfy as hell

>> No.1401351

How do you know the year all the stuff was made?

I agree with you there or picture decor looks like shit. Your room isn't any better so get at it. You can find cool shit at thrift stores. I'll post my room if y'all interested. Gotta wait till the sun comes up to take a pic

>> No.1401353

If you live in OKC I will deadass buy most of that right now.

>> No.1401371

Let's not forget FAKE DOGS!

>> No.1401382

Because it was all from my parents lol. Most of that was stuff they bought after that got married. We had a 6 personal family so we had a lot of duplicate furniture so when I moved out I took some of the extras. It's not bad perse, the couch is still springy, it's just very outdated

>> No.1401386
File: 42 KB, 350x602, 1984651436746168468791436514646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like the most unfuckingcomfortable furniture ever devised by man. Hell even the ones you can lean back on look like youd strain your neck muscles trying.
also >>1401179
this is DIY forum you polesmoker.
now that is a couch I could sleep sitting up in.

>> No.1401505

Pretty sure I saw this in /vr/

>> No.1401528

It's the epitome of the "that boring and trashy aunt you don't even wanna see but you still have to go to dinner at her house for some reason" aesthetic.

>> No.1401533

>Rug should be on the other side of the table,
The point if a rug is to protect the carpet from excessive wear, including at the foot of furniture where people are likely to be sitting and scuffing their feet around. That is exactly where it should be.

>> No.1401568

>hurr neo-rococó is treila trash XDD le drumf XD
t. cockmongling tasteless cuck

>> No.1401571

Is he shopped to look taller or something? I know he's under a drop roof feature, but something just looks way out of proportion here..

>> No.1401592

It's technically "contemporary", but when people who have no design experience or sense attempt it on the ultra cheap it becomes white-trash kitsch.

>> No.1401627

Seems like everything is white trash nowadays, everything white people do is bad. You never hear things such as asian trash or black trash. Makes you wonder.

>> No.1401629


the black version is ghetto or hood. Not sure what the asian version is.

and the racist aspect of it is that the term "white trash" implies that whites are inherently decent hard working people, unless they are trash.

>> No.1401631

m i n i m a l i s m

>> No.1401663

Trump is already tall, and on top of that they're probably using a lens with a nonstandard FoV, to make the room look bigger than it actually is. Although the room is clearly huge.
The dropped-recessed ceilings help with the illusion.

Obviously the dudes who work for Trump know how to design a room and how to work a camera.

>> No.1401665

To me that kind of open space just means "empty" and "pitifully underfurnished.
There's a certain density of furniture that a home needs to feel like someone actually lives there, and this is far and away towards the "empty" side of the scale.

>concrete ceilings
parking structure-tier.

>> No.1401671 [DELETED] 


>> No.1401688

>t. insecure honkey

>> No.1401699

Middle age women shit, thats all it is.

>> No.1401711

i forget how many boards I've posted on. hello fellow crossposters

>> No.1401714

>muh nuew-scandi minimulism

>> No.1401771

>t. cursed with skin the color of shit forever

>> No.1401777
File: 73 KB, 540x300, 4408288699_fd3f4ebe76_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all tiled floors
>everything is beige, white or off white
>garbage straight from pier 1 imports for decor
Where the fuck is the style and character

>> No.1401781

It's fucking boring and insanely gaudy at the same time, it's really strange.

>> No.1401784
File: 153 KB, 990x742, home-design (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least the dining room is passable

>> No.1401805

It’s called Tuscan-style, aka, 56% Italian trash from Long Island.

>> No.1401903
File: 1.03 MB, 1079x1432, Screenshot_20180607-160619_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my living room hobby lobby :( ?

>> No.1401905

>wroght iron frame thing by front door
>fake oil painting art

other than that it looks average

>> No.1401918

Pretty comfy, especially that fireplace. Lose the mirror and the rug tho desu.

>> No.1401980

>lose the mirror
how else is the wife gonna check her makeup right before she gets out the door?

>> No.1401982

Why does /diy/ have so many genuine boomers?

>> No.1401997
File: 678 KB, 1060x1504, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying entryway mirrors are a uniquely boomer thing

>> No.1401999

Japan's defining attribute is that it was molded by the same generation of Americans who raised the boomers

>> No.1402001

if you're going to tell a joke you should append a "kek" or so after it so idiots don't take you seriously

>> No.1402003

>that 38 year old boomer who needs sarcasm tags

>> No.1402005

t. underage who still hasn't learned how to present himself in front of others

Be honest, how many cargo pants do you own?
>but they're useful!

>> No.1402011
File: 52 KB, 1000x559, 1528202578649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm 30 and don't have a wife...

>> No.1402015 [DELETED] 


>> No.1402016
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1402072

Looks good anon. Get rid of the coffee table

>> No.1402094

>Is there a name for this "hobby lobby" aesthetic every is doing with their remodeling?
"big box boring"

>> No.1402110

i like how that raised level will kick (computer) dust, pubes, farts, etc. right into the dining area at face level

>> No.1402113
File: 947 KB, 460x258, 1516157794279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually owning hifi
>having dedicated hifi

>> No.1402118

kek. i used to live in a house like this, we used that area as a walkway to the couches because shit was always being kicked off the edge

>> No.1402435

why does everyone hate carpet so much?
hardwood is loud, dirty, and cold
carpet is soft and loving

>> No.1402440

I'm okay with rugs.
Carpet too permanent.

>> No.1402444

More effort to clean effectively if you spilled something. Veneer seems nice though.

>> No.1402515

Carpet is gross.

>> No.1402646

guess how many people have lived on that carpet before you
guess how clean those people are

>> No.1402673

If you have dogs long term carpets can be impossible to keep clean for decades of dog ownership. We ripped it all out one day and I put in travertine, one of the best decisions I made. Even if it was a learning experience. Also we have had minor flooding (texas tropical storms) and lost carpet. Our travertine gives two shits if it floods.

I know I will get shit for this here on DIY but for us the cost all came out about the same per sq foot. Whether we went with tile, laminate, carpet or whatever. Not huge differences since we already had the equipment to do any of it. I may have to shop around for weeks and check craigslist/whatever to get a deal but in the end, I just like the tile more.

Also stone is a tad more fire resistant.

>> No.1402722

yeah, wypipo

>> No.1402747

I don't know if it has a name, but it's definitely the interior decorating analog to McMansions.

This is as good a name as any.

>> No.1402820

>"big box boring"

i think i have the solution, anon. back in the 70s, there was this lady living across the street where i grew up who sold "Home Interior". lots of candle holders and other stuff you can hang on the walls. but the thing i remember the most was the oil bead lamp sculpture thingy she had. this thing pumped oil on a loop from bottom to top, where the beads of oil dripped down angled wires around a bare maiden. this thing was the cherry on the whipped cream to her entire line of classy merchandise.

yeah, if you ever find yourself lucky enough to score one of these architectural treasures of americana, for heaven's sake anons, keep it just the way it is. or maybe add a tiki bar if you must. the last thing you want to do is replace everything with Sticks 'n Stuff and Bed Bath and Beyond.

>> No.1402821
File: 386 KB, 1200x1600, cool-tabletop-oil-lamp-on-a-budget-amazing-simple-with-interior-design-ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left out pic related...

>> No.1402899

I live in Hawaii and California, I have never experienced tile or wood floors being “cold”... they are room temperature.

>> No.1402910

Grove Street ... home ...

>> No.1402916

It can be cold if there is a basement underneath that is not directly heated and with no insulation in the joists. Common up north.

Regardless, wood floors >>>> carpet

>> No.1402932
File: 943 KB, 634x623, 1497823578307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling one of the most recognizable mid-century modern interiors ever, "new-scandi minimalism."

Embarrassing, anon.

>boasting about architectural background
>that's all he can scrounge up for a living room

You are also embarrassing. You must be a CAD/Revit-monkey for your firm if that's what you can afford right now. If you aren't living in an apartment, then you have the space to build your own furniture, they should've taught you this at school. At least get your shit together for the non-upholstered pieces, man.

>> No.1402934
File: 829 KB, 1964x2271, cassette2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents had one of those. the thing is that the oil clogged up if you ever let it sit for more than like a few months. I remember once, me and my brother found it after years of being in storage, spent HOURS cleaning off all the oil residue and clogs.
Then we put new oil in it and it clogged again. so now its just for show,

>> No.1402947

stop furniture shaming!

>> No.1402953

Well then, step it up if you wanna talk aesthetics and design. Fwiw, I abhor the tacky bullshit OP is describing as well, especially if all of it is post-remodeling rather than a collection of secondhand furniture like most homes are decorated with.

>> No.1402966

Empty glass boxes like this run counter to the human condition, which is to hoard resources and look for safety (an enclosed house with windows). They ultimately emphasize form over function, unless you are an artist who has fooled yourself into thinking this is actually good design.

>> No.1402967

Try again without slamming headfirst into the keyboard

>> No.1402971

>shitting on common interiors but not posting anything better besides 1 minimalist meme house thats likely used for nothing but porn shoots

Shit thread guys.

>> No.1402975
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>> No.1402978
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>> No.1402980
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>> No.1402983
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>> No.1402986
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>> No.1402993
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>> No.1402994
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>> No.1403041

Liberace truly had horrible taste.

>> No.1403083

Or ask a flooring store for discontinued swatches, they will gladly hand them to you.

t. flooring store employee

>> No.1403085

Move that rug a little more to the right hand side of the sectional, slightly under the leg. Other than that, it's breddy gud

>> No.1403214

how can anyone live in this

>> No.1403219

no coats, no shoes, no animals, no kids, no food outside of the kitchen, medical booties on your feet and a serial killer-level of OCD cleanliness and you could keep it looking that clean for a while.

>> No.1403232

with great difficulty.
my buddy has (well, had) a fancy modern/glass/white-everything suite like this but then he had a baby with his gf his stress levels are thru the roof.

>> No.1403234

>he had a baby with his gf his stress levels are thru the roof.

not seeing how the house is to blame, is he worried the kid will walk through a glass wall railing and tumble onto some pointy modern art?

>> No.1403236

the house isn't to blame, it's him trying to maintain his previous standard of ocd cleanliness with a kid around.

>> No.1403257

I grew up in a house like this. Upstairs clean and nice. Downstairs was for my dad, brother and me. Man cave decor, do whatever you want. Nice.

>> No.1403271

i love this thing, its such an efficient use of space but there is no room in the world where it would functionally work. if you have 15ft+ cealings like that the rest of the room is probobly big enough that you can spread out without a problem. maybe the layout could be used as a basis for some Asian tiny apartments but you need to work a kitchen and bathroom into the design.

>> No.1403305


gaudy ikea tier shit

>> No.1403336

So that's the name for that design? I remember a lot of those features (false ledges, fake plants everywhere, outdoor furniture everywhere) as a big thing in the 90's.

>> No.1403341

If I ever hit the lottery, I'm going to redo my entire house in Googie. Always loved that aesthetic.

>> No.1403342

well that house design is called a split level, and OPs picture specifically is a forrester split level, very popular in the 80s and 90s

>> No.1403346
File: 191 KB, 1688x1108, SEP92_B24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1403350


that shit is disgusting, i'm with you OP

>> No.1403359
File: 160 KB, 800x534, Googie-architecture-Albizia-House-by-Metropole-Architects-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"modern" Googie is possible too.


>> No.1403372
File: 438 KB, 833x1024, 187828802_ff8e43218f_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go for it. googie and mid century modern are good stuff

>> No.1403389

excellent use of shipping containers

>> No.1403421

>tube tv
>Value City tier table and love seat
it's like when I was growing up in the Mid West in the late 80s and would go over to my friends house (my parents still had all the furniture they had bought in the late 60s). All that's missing is a Nintendo

>> No.1403422

>That room layout almost exactly matches my old house.
cookie cutter house planes. designed by one firm, sold countless times to developers across the country with tweaks made to meet local code.

>> No.1403428
File: 14 KB, 327x327, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever try to heel clack on carpet?
Its not the same.

>> No.1403429
File: 172 KB, 1110x600, bawls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the bawls aesthetic.

>> No.1403469
File: 10 KB, 250x250, canbeunseen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unhygienic + bad for people with allergies
>doesn't work well with underfloor heating
>wears and can't realistically be repaired

>> No.1403500

>crawl-in closet

>> No.1403514

You should post a few pics of your design work so we can compare and contrast.

>> No.1403518

Remove a carpet that has been in place for a year or two. What you will find will disturb you. It's not so much hate as it is revilulsion at the nasty that carpet collects and stores.

>> No.1403519

Please don't ever change.

>> No.1403531

it never works. it's just people emulating a particular style. a style that's associated with cheap and tacky. rendered everything and plastic/plaster moulding instead of wood trim. but by all means, if you want to make your nice hardwood trim look like it's made of plastic so it's 'modern' then go ahead.

>> No.1404252

I recreated this for myself in 2007 while I was in high school and loved it.. for a few hours until I realized that my swath of computer equipment made it hot as fuck upstairs. Maybe it would work out for someone else with higher ceilings and less PC equipment.

Occasionally I think about building it again with an updated vented space to direct heat away.

>> No.1404254
File: 384 KB, 703x625, 1521750595112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1404453

>f a i l u r e
There, fixt.

>> No.1404479

Not that it's a magic bullet, but there is carpet with waterproof backing now a days that makes it pretty livable with pets. Travertine is a porous material that will soak up pet urine and feces just like a carpet will, especially if you aren't sealing it every 1-2 years as you should.

True, it doesn't work with radiant heating (not sure why you would need it since the carpet won't really be cold but I guess it depends on the climate), but it's far from unhygienic or bad for allergies, that is only if you are a complete slob. Hard surfaces are actually worse for allergies in homes with central air systems because they allow pollen, dust, etc. to move freely vs. being trapped in the carpet fibers until they are vacuumed up. If you don't vacuum at least once a week with a proper vacuum, you are disgusting and your carpet will not last.

See above.

I own a flooring store. I have rugs/hardwood in my own home, but I hear a lot of bullshit that isn't true on an almost daily basis from customers worried about these things. Carpet is a luxury item these days, as ceramic tile is cheaper to install for most builders so it gets pushed as the end-all-be-all in the name of jewing the buyers into thinking that they're getting a GREAT DEAL when in reality it's usually some trash that comes from Mexico and costs $.59 sq/ft. Travertine, porcelain, marble, etc. are the real high end hard surface floors along with solid hardwood and things like wool or branded nylon carpets.

Actual hardwood trim will have unique grain vs. plastic that doesn't. I'm not going to say what's better than the other because it's just personal taste, but you aren't exactly correct.

>> No.1404487

>I own a flooring store
Could you please recommend a quality manufactured flooring? I'm not really interested in laminate, and some of the synthetic versions seem appealing.

>> No.1404492

>Is there a name for this "hobby lobby" aesthetic every is doing with their remodeling?
HGTV. It's gotten so bad that there are ways to make fake material knockoffs of already cheap materials.

>> No.1404496

Not gonna lie, this goes so far into opulence that I'd want to stand there too.

>> No.1404514

Laminate is on the way out as far as trends go, honestly. It's really shitty around moisture and my larger distributors are actually converting their laminate mills in favor of resilient (vinyl).

My biggest company that I push is Shaw, so if you are looking for a synthetic floor that looks like wood I would say take a look at their stuff like Floorte or a porcelain that has the wood appearance which these days is making leaps and bounds and is no longer cheesy looking unless you go with a lower end ceramic. I also recently opened an account with Emser, which is basically a company that buys porcelain, ceramic, stone, etc. from independent manufacturers and sells it under their company and has really high quality stuff at competitive pricing, it just won't be American made like Shaw or Mohawk will in most cases.

For starters check this out and see if you like something like that, they are very good at making vinyl look real now a days.

>> No.1404523

>carpet is luxury again
Dang i remember when the 60s through the 90s carpet was the cool thing to have in your house, and now you're looking at several thousand dollars for just a few small rooms. That said. I still love carpet and will ALWAYS choose it unless hardwood actually looks good and not just an "etsy" meme option

>> No.1404529

Thank you for time and help, I have some things to consider.

>> No.1404551

Heh, the Shaw plant that makes that shit is literally 600 yards from my back fence. St. Andrews Rd in Columbia SC.

>> No.1404593

You can get affordable carpet options, it just depends on what you're looking for. My go to "bang for the buck" option runs $28 sq/yr installed for single rooms and less for larger quantities. That's a 28 oz nylon with 3/8" 8lb pad and 10 year warranty on the product and the installation.

That being said, I have stuff that runs $100+. Cheap carpet sucks, so I won't sell anything that I wouldn't want personally even if I lose the job based on the price. I'd rather come down as low as I can and try to get someone a good deal because otherwise people will think I sell junk.
Np, let me know if you have any questions. I don't carry everything they make just because my showroom isn't that big, but I have a Floorte rack that I could ballpark you some pricing on to compare to your local stores.

I wish I was closer, I'm in TX so shipping and all that kind of sucks on some of the special order stuff that isn't stocked.

>> No.1404603
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I learned that the hard way. I was helping my grandma pick out new carpet (shes had the same nylon high pile since 1981). We went with Empire carpet (popular in chicago but i think also national now) they sold us on garbage carpet that thankfully I was able to back her out of at the last minute. When the carpet men came we felt the stock and it was awful contractor stuff.
However then we went to a better carpet store where it was about $1400 for a 12x11 room installed which my grandma wasn't ready to spend yet. Anyways, 7 months later we still have the same carpet lol.
I will say though that shag carpet she has feels good on the feet.

>> No.1404606


Those steps between parts of the room are a great idea if you love tripping and falling down.

>> No.1404830

>$1400 for a 12x11
I could literally get you out the door for $400 installed on a decent carpet. A 48 oz anso nylon with 3/8" poly pad (memory ) in any color you want would be $880 and I don't think there's anyone alive that would snub that shit because it's like you're walking on clouds. 20 year warranties. That carpet in the photo still looks ok, maybe just uglied out and loose, but it's not as bad as I've seen.

$1400 is hardwood pricing or some of the most luxurious shit made period carpet wise.

>> No.1404846


It's called the late 90s. Most of my house still looks the part because my mom refuses to actually think about furniture and filled our walls up with useless crap just so it wouldn't be barren.

That said tile/vinyl floors are GOAT because they stay cool in the summer and are easy to clean up. I have vinyl floors in every room because they're so convenient. Except for my mom's bedroom, which has about 4" worth of insulation and shag carpeting that she installed in the mid 80s when she first bought the place.

>> No.1404848
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People use patio furniture indoors because it's not as cumbersome as proper indoor furniture, but really they'd be better off with stools and a bistro table. I personally find it to be the most common with older women whose kids have moved out, meaning all the huge kid-tolerant furniture in their homes becomes massive overkill while they're retired.

>> No.1404854
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Also another MAJOR issue with these homes, especially ones built before the mid 80s, is that they do not have enough lighting. Before the 1960s doing wall only lighting without ceiling lights was extremely commonplace, since it was so easy to install especially in older homes. In the 1970s through early 80s the general aesthetic was to remove light and have a lot of dark colors that would absorb whatever light was still installed.

The result are rooms that don't have enough light and are much darker than they should be. Shitty furniture looks a lot better if there's lots of light, it looks like garbage if it's too dark. It's why I put three of pic related in all the rooms in my house, so now all the rooms are about as bright as a commercial showroom.

>> No.1404857

maybe its me but i still cant get into the whole sterile 9300k white light look in a house. I feel like the yellow bulbs are nice

>> No.1404858


>wanting to live in the twentieth century


>> No.1405021

>Is there a name for this "hobby lobby" aesthetic every is doing with their remodeling?
completely tragic and terrifying.
off the charts tacky
get rid of the carpet and it will look 100x better
i like the pufferfish and plants window. nothing else.
the Fart Cave
help i'm trapped in a bottle of Polo Sport
perfect for children trying to save on rent

>> No.1405972

Yellow light makes me angry. Pure white is best light.

>> No.1406234

is this bait? because what you describe is a convience store at 3 AM. literal hell. Just buy some lamps, ffs.

>> No.1406606

Spiderman, is that you?

>> No.1406782

if god wanted us to have pure white light he wouldve made candles 9300k

>> No.1406784

I was going to say the same thing.

>> No.1406785

>the only colours are grey and beige
>I'm so rich I can afford to have empty rooms
>cement is beautiful
>curves are for plebes

>> No.1406787

Back when people weren't afraid of colours !

>> No.1406797

The guy who owns that obviously doesn't have kids, because otherwise that monitor on the left would either be broken or not placed right next to a railing with a 3 foot drop.

>> No.1406798

Holy cow, William-Robert finally finished his gaming setup ! I thought he was going to use F150 seats as chairs.

>> No.1406803

That's not opulence, that's bad taste.

>> No.1406815
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He probably wasn't as fat in that pic as he is now so he looks taller due to better proportions. His taste in decoration does remind me of the guy from Simpsons who won the lottery and spent it all on a solid gold house though.

>> No.1406848

What kind of floor is this?

>> No.1406864

>table 1989
It's not your average american 80s table though, is it. What style would you say it is? Would you call it art-decoish?

>> No.1406900
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not sure, the glass is slightly smoked, it also came with an endtable and lamp. it was purchased at achicago WICKS furniture store that no longer exists.

>> No.1406915

Ceramic or Porcelain in a herringbone pattern. It COULD be real brick, but I don't know why you'd bother with that.

>> No.1407321

Warm lighting is best lighting.

>> No.1408547

best post itt

>> No.1409974
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>> No.1409975

>Back when people weren't afraid of colours !

Sure they were anon, didn't you pay attention to history?

>> No.1409994
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R8 me
Also recommendations

>> No.1409995
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That's no lighting fixture...

>> No.1409997

That looks like some kind of small town community center.

>> No.1410004

top level cringe

>> No.1410029

You're old and you should feel bad. Stop sucking on my ss you cunt. Go die.

>> No.1410048


>> No.1410084

He said colours, not coloreds.

>> No.1411872


>> No.1411963

The last pic would be OK if you ditch the fucking elders roll banner or whatever the fuck that is and had about half the amount of bric-a-brac on your table top. I like the entomology cases.

Also the plants over the windows could be cool if you had the right wall decor and table underneath.

>> No.1411969


All fucking over the place.

>nerd / fantasy with elder scrolls and GoT stuff
>southwest with cactus shit
>"im smart n shit" with fucking butterflies

Put all the elder scrolls shit in a dedicated man cave and if the sword is a decent quality one then get a fucking wall mount / display stand for it.

Burn the flag
Get new curtains or rods
Tone down the plants

>> No.1412012


Or double down on the plants. Shit or get off the pot.

>> No.1413035

Haha my uncle had that same table back in the day I miss him.

Very comfortable looking room

>> No.1413048

sorry for you loss

>> No.1413072

those chairs are fantastic. You have to experience them to believe.

>> No.1413099
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The furniture is absolutely horrendous. Post some actual Scandinavian shit next time.