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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1355751 No.1355751 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I see him mentioned here, someone will point out how horrible and clueless he is and how you should kys if you watch his channel.

But I've never seen anyone point out what's actually the problem with his content.

Can someone enlighten me? What are the worst things he has done?

I guess it's the BOLTR / tool reviews that piss of some fanboys, or is there more?

>> No.1355758

How about your watch some of his videos and come to your own conclusions?

>> No.1355763

he always mentions is horrible and clueless, and want the community to input his errors.

>> No.1355765

I do watch him regularly but I'm not that knowledgeable so I might not notice if I'm fed bullshit.

>> No.1355767

He plays a polarizing character that you'll either love or hate and everything else branches from that. His reviews are fine. Some of the conclusions are iffy but he gives you enough data to draw your own. He seems really stuck up on plastics and molds, not sure why. His non-tool/building content sucks. If the video doesn't involve making or reviews steer clear.

>> No.1355770

He's got a bit too much canadian banter for the common idiot. So when he mentions a "blonde one" and "hangulation of the dangulation", it upsets the average wannabe engineer and autist alike because those aren't real things. He's entertaining, and reasonably informative for the lay-person. From a strictly enginerding perspective, he's a dotard that probably gets paid too much to find errors in heavy machinery.

>> No.1355774

>Getting mad at some youtuber
Do people really do this? Dude wtf

>> No.1355775

There is nothing wrong with him really, he knows exactly what he is,what his limits are and makes it perfectly clear to the audience what he knows and what he doesn't, watch a few videos and realise he gets as much if not a lot more from people commenting than you get from watching the videos, it's more a community sharing forum than some all knowing spout of wisdom.
I'm not Canadian, i am familiar with plenty of his nomenclature, really don't get people's problem with it.

>> No.1355779

Either they just don't like the dingle of his dangle, or maywhat they've got a bit of tool envy on their hands, and maybe a bit on their fingers, if ya know what I mean.

>> No.1355794

I think he's hilarious. "Keep your dick in a vise." I see people complain but never hear their suggestion for better content. He knows more than me and doesn't bore me to death. I suspect people just say things because they think they know more than he does but nobody likes to listen to them because they're betas. Losers gonna' lose.

>> No.1355821

this old tony has a similar style of content, but it's not garbage.

>> No.1355824

>But I've never seen anyone point out what's actually the problem with his content.

His shtick is stolen from red green and his quality has greatly went downhill as his patreon money has increased.
He is now contractually obligated to put out content instead of just doing his own thing like he used to.

Fake shoptalk doesnt make his content good, much like ElectroBOOMs shtick of shocking himself every video doesnt make his content any good either. But retards lap it up

>> No.1355827

>I suspect people just say things because they think they know more than he does

Or the fact that I wouldnt watch any other ignorant faggot on youtube venturing into shit they doesnt understand. But suddenly you start speaking shoptalk gibberish and people think its quality content.

You can very clearly tell what he is versed in and what he is bullshitting and clueless.

>> No.1355839

Glad you’re smart enough to know everything about the huge range of topics you cover on your successful YouTube channel followed by millions.

>> No.1355842

Why not both?

>> No.1355850
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>covering topics you dont understand
>so that you can learn from people in the comments
>because you created a Larry The Cable Guy tier persona

>and people fight tooth and nail to defend this hack

He's popular so he's good!

>> No.1355852

because AvE is constantly wrong about basic physical principles.

>> No.1355854

he obviously has some specialization but i dont think hes totally clueless about anything he talks about. i dont think he pretends to be a pro about much but at least he tries to have take a decent approach to most things, even if hes not sure. better than most losers on the job that just fake it totally

>> No.1355856

Hey now, just have an open mind. Follow the channel to watch a man grow his skills through his comment section. A true coming of age story unfolding in front of your eyes.

>> No.1355863

He doesn't. Fun to watch, and I've learned a few things. Even better, he annoys my wife.

>> No.1355864

> i dont think he pretends to be a pro about much but at least he tries to have take a decent approach to most things

Which begs the question
Why the fuck do I want to watch a jack of all trades who clearly isnt strongly versed in what he is presenting?

There are millions of other people doing the same exact thing on youtube, just without the persona. Who wants to listen to a handyman not knowing what he's doing?
Oh thats right, idiots who think that saying "cunt hairs" and "skookum" is so funny youll disregard the actual quality of the content.
The blue collar comedy tour of diy channels!

> I've learned a few things

Did you make sure to fact check the comment section first, or to watch the following videos where he regularly corrects what he says because of the comments?

>> No.1355886

>Which begs the question
>Why the fuck do I want to watch a jack of all trades who clearly isnt strongly versed in what he is presenting?
'cause that's six notches above where you are right now?
>Did you make sure to fact check the comment section first, or to watch the following videos where he regularly corrects what he says because of the comments?
Oh yeah, the comments are going to be reliable. Sure.

>> No.1355888

His horribly forced meme language can get annoying, but he seems to know what he's talking about. And if you don't think it's forced then watch some of his older videos.

>> No.1355891

>Oh yeah, the comments are going to be reliable. Sure.

Its your boy AVE who reads the comments and realizes he is wrong, to the point he addresses it in later videos. Do you even watch the show?

>'cause that's six notches above where you are right now?

Devolving to personal insults this quickly?
What a shame, just when you think someone was going to respond with something objective or having substance they have to go and throw it all away.

>> No.1355901

>Can someone enlighten me? What are the worst things he has done?

I'm 85% sure you are AvE/BOLTR, purely from your wording, prose, and the fact that you're posting on 4chan, it kinda matches your nuttiness.

If it is truly you, dude, I love your work.

My peers consider me a 'genius' yet I constantly learn from AvE videos. The videos have an insanely rounded knowledge to them. How the fuck does someone know so many things about so many trades??? Hydraulics, plastics, structural, metallurgy, electrical, etc... Yes, not everything is perfectly correct, but it spurs conversation on the subject and learning. I've learned a shit-ton from his videos, that's why I love them. What I don't understand is how he knows so many nerdy things, yet seems to have a social life. I'm guessing from the videos, his work requires a lot of travel, and the downtime is spent at bars.

Worst things he's done??? I dunno, maybe destroyed perfectly good tools, in the name of learning how they work!!!

If you don't know what PA6 is yet, you should watch his videos.

>> No.1355903

So its like a Vsauce channel, if Vsauce did no research and posted a bunch of incorrect info?

>> No.1355910

>Vsauce channel

Had to look that one up. No, it's like having the Journeyman that every trade should have. Someone willing to teach. I feel good every day I learn something new at my job. To me, work is boring if I'm not learning something new.

>> No.1355914

Youve convinced me
I might subscribe to the channel.

Wont watch the videos, will just read the distilled content with all the proper corrections made in the comments. See a lot of that in his patreon comments too. Learning something new everyday does seem like a great use of the youtube platform.

>> No.1355916

It's a right shame that youtube seems to actively work against videos with real educational value in favor of garbage designed to sate ADHD-addled children.

This thread is dumb. Let's just post channels worth a damn.
Starting with the obvious: Essential Craftsman

>> No.1355917

The occasional random quips and jokes fill in the gaps. I think he'd be fun to work with in the field for a couple of weeks, but would drive you nuts if you were partnered up with him for more than a month. =)

>> No.1355919

>I think he'd be fun to work with in the field for a couple of weeks,

Watching his early videos shows you what it would be like to work with him.

Not the faggot asshat he is now in his videos. But acting like a fucking monkey on camera is whats bringing in the patreon cash, so he will keep doing it.

>> No.1355920

>It's a right shame that youtube seems to actively work against videos with real educational value in favor of garbage designed to sate ADHD-addled children.

Errrrrr, I disagree with you. I frequently watch Mr. Carlson's lab for electronics. I think I actually found him before AvE. Each serves it's own purpose. It really depends on your mood. Take regular TV but for instance. Sometimes I like to watch "Cops" and sometimes I like to watch "Nova"

>> No.1355921
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>"just gotta turn your brain off"

>> No.1355923

Imagine how much patreon money MrPete222 AKA Tubalcain could have made if he fell down the same shitty trap that AVE did.
Thank fuck he didnt, he still to this day puts out quality content. I dont know how the geezer still does it.

>> No.1355924

mrpete is old guard Youtube before the new clickbait culture existed.

>> No.1355927

AvE may have fell down the YouTube money trap but he rips open expensive tools for content. I feel like he make have personally contributed to the downfall of Juicero.

>> No.1355929
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>I feel like he make have personally contributed to the downfall of Juicero.

Of course, it had nothing to do with their business model at all

>> No.1355930

Well done that was all in his voice

>> No.1355931

I've watched a bunch of his videos before, I wouldn't say I'm a fanboy but I do like him tearing apart tools to show potential issues with them and stuff like that.

>> No.1355932

>Of course, it had nothing to do with their business model at all


I did like his teardown of a Festool circular saw. Personally I'd never buy one just based on the price. After seeing his teardown, I think I'd rather get a nice Makita circular saw with ball bearings.

>> No.1355935

He's wrong about the helical gear handedness in that festool video.

>> No.1355936

>I think I'd rather get a nice Makita circular saw with ball bearings.

Oilite bearings cost about the same as ball bearings while being able to take a LOT more load for the same size. It was designed in there for a reason, and will probably make for a more reliable tool.

>> No.1355937

I'm a bit influenced by AvE altho I hope to not crawl up my own ass

>> No.1355949

pretty sure AvE pointed you and most faggots to the essential craftsman

>> No.1355968

>How the fuck does someone know so many things about so many trades???
Work on mine sites where there's literally nothing else to do outside of work but sink beers and talk shit with specialists in other fields?

>> No.1355972

but you could spend that time masturbating instead

normies confuse me

>> No.1355981

Never underestimate the power of autism.

>> No.1355982

.t I do nothing but read dry textbooks and watch dry seminars and presentations

Just why.

>> No.1355985

i really only like watching him rip shit apart. nice to know what's inside a tool and he's generally not bias with his reviews.

>> No.1355991

>vertical videos
Just stop. This is NOT okay.

>> No.1355993

>He seems really stuck up on plastics and molds, not sure why.

I've always figured he's just an industrial engineer by trade (a.k.a. imaginary engineer), thus the obsession with how things are manufactured.

>> No.1355995

>"Keep your dick in a vise."

lol no, Keep your dick in a VICE.

>> No.1356019

>mining sites are know for their glorious internet for porn masturbation\

Problem with AvE is he creates brainlets unintentionally.

>> No.1356028



i dont mi d you bit you seem linda lile a try hard. Not being a prick. And it's opinion.

The only thing that really pisses me off is your faggot yankee douchefuck accent.

Just talke normal eh doncha noo?


Keep on keeping on brother

>> No.1356029

Cherrypicked about 10 vids.

Is you fed shit it is unintentional.

Watch for fun and learn with a grain of salt.

Watch proven shit for learm amd watch ave to see a yankee hotrod a vibrator.

>> No.1356032


Hi AVE's dad.

Yare right

>> No.1356034
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Is this an ironic comment? I sincerely hope we don't get people like that

>> No.1356045

Where did all these shills come from? I'm PRETTY fucking sure they're all samefags hating on AvE. /diy/ loves him and generally gets nothing but praise when posted about around here.
There's only like 2 people that might legitimately not like him, and they clearly hate because they can't get over the bantz to enjoy learning (or worse, are jelly).

>> No.1356049

>>generally gets nothing but praise when posted about around here
>every past thread I can recall seeing since /diy/ was created was the same as this one
The problem isn't even AvE, it's you retards that can't stop gushing over him, imitating his speech, and then the next retard going
>omgggg its AvE 4 reals upboat if you agree

>> No.1356050

>unironic snarky 2D waifu reaction image folder


>> No.1356130

He talks like a fucking retard.

>> No.1356134

>How the fuck does someone know so many things about so many trades?
Pretty sure he is a FSE. I know because I am also a FSE, talk like a tech instead of a real engineer, know a little about everything, but not as much as a desk jockey in their specific area of expertise. He did mention in one video he has a doctorate degree which would be pretty odd for a FSE to have, but maybe things are different in Canada.

>> No.1356138

actually it was this board

>> No.1356143

I don't learn a thing from his videos but i think it's very entertaining to watch. He does stuff exactly the way i would do if i wanted to know how tools are build and if i had the money to buy them and risk destroying them. He casually rips stuff apart with mostly no respect for who manufactured it or how expensive it is if you make a mistake.

I can't do that at home so i'll watch a video of it. Same as with action movies. He's not always right but admits errors i like that. You have to take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt. May it be his contents or the "corrections" in the comment. A lot of people accuse him of being wrong and telling bullshit and then proceed to do exactly the same thing. Just draw your own conclusions and enjoy the content. If you don't enjoy his language and content do like he said fuck off and watch some other content somewhere else. There's enough out there.

>> No.1356148

>red green

Didn't know who that was but I think you're right, he does sound really similar. Then again maybe Red Green is based on Canadian stereotypes, which means really they're both just poking fun at this caricature?

>contractually obligated


>> No.1356156

Red Green is based on both Canadian and general redneck stereotypes

>> No.1356202

Well.. if I had to pick between 2 alternate worlds; one where he exists, one where he doesn't: I'd pick first. But like my gf says: "You watch his videos but he's the kind of guy you'd hate to work with after 2hours." And I have to agree. Cintered gears are fine for home-gamers ffs.

>> No.1356217

>>contractually obligated

I wonder what would happen to that $50k a month in patreon money if he doesnt shit out a large volume of videos like he currently does.

>> No.1356219

>Where did all these shills come from? I'm PRETTY fucking sure they're all samefags hating on AvE.

Weird, I feel the same thing about the people gushing all over his cock
He was mentioned here and there and nobody paid any mind.

Then all of the sudden we have threads dedicated to him having to talk about how great he is, and how anyone who doesnt like him just "doesnt get him"
You idiots are the worst

>> No.1356224

>Then again maybe Red Green is based on Canadian stereotypes, which means really they're both just poking fun at this caricature?

The buzzword thats been used to justify stealing anothers shtick or joke or routine is "parallel thinking".

>> No.1356226

>wanting to consume something to learn
>has to have a clown gimmick to keep you entertained
>the content itself is not enough to hold your attention

What sort of ADHD medicine are you on anon?

>> No.1356230
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Yes, he taught everyone all that they know, especially regarding youtube!
Its a 4 year old channel, that only got really active 2 years ago!
A true pioneer showing us all the way!

>> No.1356239

>$50k a month in patreon money

Holy fuck really? And he doesn't even have to show his face.

>> No.1356244

Why do you think some people are so willing to call this man jesus who can do no wrong?
They dont want to feel like idiots for paying him $5 a month to watch his videos a few days early.

>> No.1356245

he doesn't show, but there are over 13K patrons and his standard pledge is 2$
sure, some whales will give more
but 50K? never ever

>> No.1356251

>Just stop. This is NOT okay.
This is interesting. I have wondered for a long time from where the hate against video in portrait mode comes from? My theory is that it's just another "this has been done like this always and therefore it can't be changed". In the olden days one couldn't shoot vertical because of projectors and shit and you were constricted to the one so called correct orientation. Now when digital video makes it possible to shoot in any orientation one should embrace the possibility. Photographs were always easy as one can turn them around, it's easy to go from portrait to landscape by just turning the camera and after tat the physical object.
In the winter times when the sea is frozen I work as a photographer so I toy around with digital images a lot and am therefore genuinely curious about the argumentation against shooting video in portrait mode.
Obviously I might be in a special situation as I have several monitors and one lives in portrait...

>> No.1356265

There's an explanation as to why some of that video was vertical, he was migrating in some Snapchat content. Guess you didn't read. Well I enjoyed the trailer even if some of the clips were vertical video. How does it feel to not be able to like things?

>> No.1356268

well even if all are only giving the $2 that's still $26k per month. likely more around $35k when you account for morons giving $5. he also sells shirts and shit too so when you account for that $50k really isn't that unrealistic

actually there's quite a few videos he's yet to post to youtube so currently they are actually getting extra content

>> No.1356274

can you tell where to find those exclusive vids? Ive pledge 2$ this month but couldn't find them (stopped immediately)
i didn't look up the numbers before,
considering he keeps saying the patron money goes into Tools to tear down and projects, the return these past months/years is pathetic.
~30K a month
Dont show chinkshit
Show Industrial grade stuff that we could never afford
And then do something with the gear
Show end of the line tools, the Festool saw is yet the most expensive power tool he did

I havent seen him this way before, but >30K a month for this, AvE is a fucking hack

>> No.1356275

ChuckE2009 has an annoying voice but I do like his videos.


>> No.1356276

>I havent seen him this way before, but >30K a month for this, AvE is a fucking hack

Have to agree.

>> No.1356278

I hated ChuckE when he first fell down the sponsorship rabbit hole, but his recent videos are pretty good.

>> No.1356280


>> No.1356293

chris pontius is looking good nowadays

>> No.1356295

i could be wrong on the exclusive vids. i don't have access to watch them but noticed a few videos that have titles i haven't seen on youtube so i assumed he's either yet to post them or they are only for patreon.

as much as i enjoy his videos ever since he got popular he's really mostly in it for the money. he claims to not give a fuck about money but then why did he go to patreon? why has he made several videos bitching about youtube? because he wants money of course. there's nothing wrong with that and like i said i do enjoy his videos but he's become pretty hypocritical lately

he's just a fucking shill and really doesn't know jack shit about a lot of things. check out his newest video on the baler, absolutely fucking infuriating how clueless he is. i'm eagerly awaiting the video where he cries about breaking the baler tongue

>> No.1356303

clearly inspired by YoutubePoops. subscribed

>> No.1356306

It's because of fucking monitors.
Most people who use a laptop or desktop have a landscape monitor, a vertical video just ends up as a narrow bar in the middle. But most people now do everything on a phone, where the vertical format works.
People who complain about it (me included) are probably just reactionaries who don't like change.

>> No.1356326

It wouldn't even be a problem if YouTube had a "rotate" button.

>> No.1356331

So you're admitting he's not "contractually obligated", but rather "wants to do a thing so that he can get more money".

Also I notice you're not mentioning that he made videos back when he got jack shit for money, and has not restricted his content at all besides giving patrons like 3 days sneak peek at his videos. So it's not like, say, Samurai Carpenter, who complained about his money situation and then dropped off the face of the planet once people gave him a bunch of money.

>> No.1356336


Listen guys. This is the same kind of reaction as people complaining about baseball players getting millions for hitting and throwing a ball. It's about having the skills that fit the market. AvE is unique and people enjoy his videos. He's slowly built a following and thus he now has a shitload of patrons and thus a shitload of income.

This is gonna seem unrelated but I think of Shaytards/Shaycarl in these cases. He had a combination of luck and skills that let him hit it big when Youtube was really starting to become a platform for actually making money for content creators. Someone can dissect his videos and say "he's just making videos about his daily life!" and dismiss his success, but in reality he provided content that few others could match, at a time when that content was desired. And then he sexted a hooker or something but he's a multi-millionaire so he doesn't need to do shit anymore.

>> No.1356341

Technically it's vise in this context, no matter what continent you're from

>> No.1356345

Personally I really used to like him but find the videos boring now. Not because he got worse like some people claim, but because the novelty of the weird crude jokes wore off. So instead of being funny, the lengthy dialogue just bores me now and stretches the whole thing out more than it has to.

>> No.1356347

>o you're admitting he's not "contractually obligated", but rather "wants to do a thing so that he can get more money".

Sure, technically I was incorrect to use the term but you knew exactly the context and what I was saying. Thanks for arguing semantics to not even make a point

>Also I notice you're not mentioning that he made videos back when he got jack shit for money,
Really dude?
That was the crux of the whole "we dont like AVE anymore"
He DID use to put out quality content.
Suddenly a few dollars roll in and he becomes a memefest pumping out videos where he regularly gets corrected for being wrong. But it doesnt matter the views are all that counts.

>AvE is unique and people enjoy his videos

Doesnt mean its quality content, and doesnt mean it hasnt went largely downhill
Guess who else has a large following?
Kipkay and ElectroBOOM

>> No.1356349

>Personally I really used to like him but find the videos boring now

I enjoyed his teardown videos, until I realized every single one is identical and he says the same exact thing every time. And then you realize that none of it is actually applicable or useful when buying a new tool, you have to buy whats on the market

>> No.1356381

Because most things you'd want to film move horizontally. By shooting "landscape" they can move around the frame without the camera operator having to pan constantly to follow them. Our field of view is also wider than it is tall, so low wide displays feel much more natural than narrow tall ones.

The other reason is of course that the vast majority of desktop, laptop, and television displays are horizontal and can't easily be reoriented, while you can always turn a phone or tablet sideways to watch a horizontal video.

>> No.1356619

Autism is no laughing matter

>> No.1356621

I can't stand HIM so I've never watched his videos other than the juice press teardown.

So fucking cringe all the stupid shit he says and reddit cunts repeat it.

>> No.1356661

I hate wheb he starts speaking gibberish in broken german or something, it's bullshit.

>> No.1356714

I liked when he tried to cut metal with a reciprocating saw with a wood blade in it. Yep it’s shit.

>They make specific blades for metal man

>> No.1356806

well, check out the video in question and answer me this- assuming that the only footage you have of something is in vertical video format because you were creating for a purely mobile platform at the time (snapchat), what is the best option?
>yes all of these are bad options because we're starting with vert video, but bear with me

a) crop and pan around the crop using keyframes, which is a massive pain in the ass and also looks like ass and reduces the resolution by multiple orders of magnitude
b) TMZ it and and stretch out blurred warped clones of the video into the black vertical bars (this kept crashing Openshit)
c) black bars
d) just abandon that content

>> No.1356808

oh wait the other option is to rotate the vertical video into landscape format and make people turn their heads or their mobile device to see it

ideally youtube would make a smarter video player that will adjust the player dimensions to fill the screen if they're watching on a phone and there's a vertical video segment

>> No.1356809

He's going to get even worse now that his bridge collapse theory got picked up by the media.

>> No.1356814

really? well shit that'll go straight to his head

>> No.1356855

This nigga right here:

Too the channel seems dead

>> No.1356856

Nevermind that, its not dead.

>> No.1356857

You mean they're quoting him or they came to the same conclusion?

>> No.1356859

This Old Tony's dad humor make me laugh way more than it should.

>His shtick is stolen from red green
Also Trailer Park Boys and South Park.

>> No.1356876




>> No.1356886

jesus christ

i guess hes definitely getting ID'd now

>> No.1356896

So the media now presents the ramblings of a random YouTuber as fact? What a fucking world we live in

>> No.1356910

Sure is samefag in here. Was expecting some legitimate reasons to prefer other channels or suggestions on how AvE could improve, but it just looks like the same guy posting nonsense over and over.

>> No.1356919

Hi AvE

>> No.1356920


>> No.1357170

He talked about his PhD. His post hole digger. It was a joke.

>> No.1357173

Go on his patreon page and select the posts tab at the top.

>> No.1357187

He does the YouTube thing of turning 2min of content into 20min of video.

I mean the content is usually good but stop saying get her done and actually fucking do it.

>> No.1357189

>cheap trigger
>computerised battery
>yep that plastic has glass in it
>potted electrics
>cheap gears
>over moulded rubber

What did I miss

>> No.1357298

Wtf does BOLTR stand for?

>> No.1357307

Bord of lame tool reviews.

>> No.1357392

>What did I miss

Some comment about the power cable.

But what else *can* you say about a stupid power drill, really.