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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 477 KB, 1349x1264, 1956cent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
121877 No.121877 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys keep your coin collection? Also, coin collecting general.

>> No.121881


>> No.121882

Collecting does not equal making.

>> No.121885

What board would you put it in then smartass?

>> No.121886
File: 62 KB, 1500x1477, fuckingkiddingme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.121888

/b/, obviously. Good luck.

>> No.121891


>> No.121892

When there isn't a board specifically catering to you, that's where you go. I shouldn't have to tell you this.

>> No.121895

>/diy/: civilized intelligent people

>/b/ retarded teenagers obsessed with porn and "trolling"

where would you rather discuss such things?

>> No.121900

homo coin collecting is for faggots

>> No.121901

Not the point, your shit is as relevant here as it is in /v/,/co/, or anywhere but /b/. You have no specific place so /b/ it is.
Complain to moot about it, in several years time there might be a /hoard/ for you.

>> No.121902

Or you can try /r9k/ about coin collecting?
Sometimes there are some niche boards and the occasional gent roaming about.

>> No.121905

NOT IN /diy/
This has nothing to do with diy projects.
Now end this thread.

>> No.121914

The question of the day:

In places where pornographers and perverts like to congregate sometimes you get a special group which focuses on any particular fetish. However, what fetish is considered so stupid that even fetishists reject it? Furries.

So, if you had a board full of nose-up'd intellectuals focused on crafting and hobbies, say, a do-it-yourself board, who would then be their "furry"? What behavior is obviously the same damn thing from the viewpoint of anyone outside of the "inner circle" and yet is shunned by the community itself?

Question answered.
Koin Kollector, you are the furry of diy. Congrats.
also, share before you ask for a handout. how do you keep Your coin collection; must have had some inventive means of making a display or storing them with a usable index, right?

>> No.121916

Justify your statement.

>> No.121918

DIY goes right along with hobbies.

>> No.121917

Meh, I keep mine in 2x2's in a safe. Nothing too extreme yet.

>> No.121925

/diy/ = crafting
If it was all about hobbies then this whole board would be nothing but trolling, dumbass.

Here's a place to talk about your dipshit coin collection:
Now gtfo.
I'm sick of seeing good threads die to faggy threads like this.

>> No.121943

I'm already a member of that forum.

>> No.121945

How would hobbies cause trolling? wtf

>> No.122357

Talentless fucks with no skills or real hobbies spend their free time trolling and ultimately trolling becomes their hobby. And speaking as someone who's seen a lot of trolling you're not that good. I know it's really hard for you to stand out amongst the crowd and you have to go to less troll populated areas so someone will pay attention to that shithole abomination you call a life but maybe if you lurk more you might find something you're good at and develop a real skill or talent. Then maybe you won't be so obvious.

>> No.123459

>wants to start a genuine coin collecting thread
>TROLL GTFO AN GO BAK 2 /B/!!!!11!!!

>> No.123475


>> No.123478

aaahaha OP got shut down

>> No.123500

I have a big three ring binder which has special pages for them.

I very rarely buy coins - instead I find mine metal detecting. Just got into collecting and detecting, actually.

What is the rarest coin you have?

>> No.123507

What kind of metal detector do you use? What is the price range for a good one?

>> No.123528


It is one of the cheaper ones, a Bounty Hunter, at just around a hundred dollars. I don't mind it, it may not be the most sophisticated or accurate but it gives you a general idea.

If you want a decent one with some more features be prepared for somewhere between $250 and $400. There is a great one whose name escapes me that is $900, but that is a chunk of change obviously.

>> No.123533

I built my own treasure chest for my coin collection. I have something like $500 in coins so far. Not many rare or foreign coins. Some WW2 contraband coins from the Nazis and some various European countries from that time and a shit load of standard US coins.

>> No.123599

I collect squished pennies. One of these days I want to get a binder, but for now they're all in a couple of jars on my dresser. I get them only when I travel, and sometimes people give them to me.

Here's a question for you then, /diy/. How can I make my own pressed penny machine?

>> No.123606
File: 81 KB, 792x396, coin4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep this sweet nigga on my desk and occasionally it gets cummed upon if it decides to get in front of my knob's warpath.

>> No.123622

it is a "simple" matter of two hardened steel wheels, geared together and affixed very firmly to the spacing mechanism.

The mechanism to convey a penny to the proper spot is simple enough in concept. Once trick would probably be the "starting notch" that you will probably notice at the beginning of every smashed penny. Without something to catch the metal and pull it in it would probably just slide there. This also makes sure it starts pressing in the proper place for the pattern.

The pattern is, to me, the tricky part.
A careful bit of engraving, and i do not know if there is a way to account for any warping ahead of time. You could either dedicate enormous time to figuring this out or just settle for trial and error on different spots of a wheel, then swap in a new one and do it perfectly.

one method maybe?
mark the image into the wheel with transfer paper or transfer carbon, then lock the wheel into a custom jig on your drill press. Something to allow you to spin it or slide it side to side as you line up a tiny drill bit, then lock it and drill the lightest divot possible. Repeat for pattern. Ultra detailed bits are probably the handywork of a skilled engraver/machine operator.

>> No.124530


I'm own one of those and I'm a bonafide roody-poo!