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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 964 KB, 947x821, sonifier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1113500 No.1113500 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, this is lab cell disruptor.
What it does is cavitating shit out of materials that came into contact with the probe in liquid environment.
I intend to blast my sauces (you know how, for example, mushrooms and stuff like chlorella not digested by humans very well), beverages (including strong spirits) and medicinal extracts with it.
Problem is, those fuckers are expensive.
Looking for something to read up about cobbling them up from what you can buy on ebay.

>> No.1113502
File: 758 KB, 801x576, transducer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what chinese shops sell for $50-60.
A controller board and oscillating film jammed between steel/aluminum cylinders.

>> No.1113940

please report back after testing this down your urethra, you know you want to.

>> No.1113974

>trusting a chink device that plugs directly into mains
natural selection at its best

>> No.1113976

This desu

>> No.1114018

> being too stupid to analyse the circuit, the layout, look for catches, and work around them.

It's like you're only pretending to know anything about electronics.

>> No.1114028

That would be extremely painful.
But it got a fuse!
And anyway, I gonna ground the probe or tank (although the board does look fishy).
But what I'm actually seeking is parts of equipment to assemble food/drink sonicator for under $100. So I want to know what I should be looking for on ebay/craigslist.

>> No.1114058
File: 28 KB, 559x282, 120baseAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ultrasonic parts cleaner.
fill with water
put food in plastic bag
put plastic bag in water in parts cleaner

Or you could just make these.

>> No.1114118

That would make sense if 100W+ cleaners were cheap (e.g. significantly under $100) and had one phat transducer so i could mount it on a bottom of much smaller (preferable conical) bowl. E.g. one coffee mug sized.

>> No.1114372

I use an ultrasonic/vibratory machine to steep vape juice faster.

As well as clean parts, tools, vapes, atties, glasses (optical) and jewellery. Works well with other liquids like ammonia or detergent too for cleaning certain items, as it has a SS tank.

>> No.1114751

Can you just put your sauce in an ultrasonic cleaner?

>> No.1114822

It's power VS volume. Plus something about the frequency: cleaners use 40kHz and rated 100W for 3l tank while cell disruptors use 19-20kHz (for a reason) and deliver up to 400W to small volume.
Also, sauces are secondary objective, primary being extraction with alcohol (yep, 24h of ultrasonic blasting of moonshine with some oak chips might replace 1yr maturation in a barrel, heh) and low temp coffee&tea brewing.
Meanwhile, I've found the source of boards and transducers on ebay, they sell a 20kHz@120W set for $35. Looks good for 0.5 or 1l thin-walled stainless steel cup. Need to think about additional mods like ultrasonic power delivery via bottom or immersed rod, getting small pressurized container (extraction goes better under pressure, although it seems redundant), heating/cooling in such a way that it would not waste too much power and would not get wrecked by the cavitation.
Another interesting project for summer: get vortex concrete mixer, mod the barrel with UHMWPE sheet, weld regular vibrators (for degassing and compaction) and ultrasound emitters (for additional mechano-chemical activation), attach a high-pressure lid to the barrel so I could use it with air compressor as poor man's concrete pump. After reading much about high-perf concretes, i think it's possible to achieve 100+MPa strength on your backyard to make some really good pavers, tabletops and sinks.