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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1084313 No.1084313[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello: do it yourself friends. I wanted to share my new Zonohedron.

600 struts, 1200 holes 220 bolts, 20 screws. I used a Ryobi table saw. Designed it on SketchUp.

Cost about $80 in 2x4's $25 in hardware, $35 in plastic covers.

>> No.1084314
File: 99 KB, 862x829, Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at 7.03.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a 20 star zonohedron that has been triangulated.

>> No.1084315
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What many of the connections look like.

>> No.1084317
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The tip is a 5.5" disk with a pully on the inside and a hook on the top to lifet it up so I could assemble from the top down.

>> No.1084318
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What it looks like.

>> No.1084319
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>> No.1084321

Did you make the zonohedron for a reason, or to prove that you could?

>> No.1084322

2x4s split multiple times held together with 10-24? screws won't be very strong

>> No.1084332
File: 425 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It doesn't need to be strong. Only strong enough to hold up the plastic covering.

It's a shelter, not a jungle gym.

>Did you make the zonohedron for a reason
Yes, I need a work space that was affordable to work on some car's I'm restoring. 10,000 for a garage was too much.

>> No.1084336 [DELETED] 

Reminder that Wayne Lambright is a hobo con artist parasitizing the people around him and especially the elderly. Wayne Lambright was 5 months behind on the rent for his mobile home before the owner kicked Wayne Lambright out. This guy had also loaned Wayne Lambright over $1000 in his many failed attempts to get the psycho Wayne Lambright to straighten his life out. Everybody coming into contact with Wayne Lambright eventually learn. Wayne Lambright has no conscience, no prospects, no loyalty, no skills, no future. Behind Wayne Lambright is a long trail of devastated and financially inconvenienced people stretching back into Wayne Lambright's 20s. Wayne Lambright also managed to con older technologically illiterate people into handing over several tens of thousands of dollars for projects that could have been carried out by an outsourced indian in one week. In Wayne Lambright's hands, not even that can be done. Wayne Lambright is the perfect storm of incompetence and narcissism and the only people who have been willing to maintain a relationship with Wayne Lambright for more than a few months are a couple of redneck alcoholics and a methhead with whom Wayne Lambright enjoys periods of homosexual debauchery including the use of stimulants while seeking out ill reputed public bathrooms for "slam bams." But don't worry, Wayne Lambright fully forgives himself every time so he's Not Gay.

>> No.1084347

How soon until it breaks?

>> No.1084358

>How soon until it breaks?

It will probably last three years before it breaks do to wood rot.

>> No.1084367

>yo Wayne, sup?
what happened to the dome(s), BTW? Tho, this design does look more stable.

>> No.1084379

Give me advice about building a strong lightweight rocket ship.

I wanna get drunk on Mars and write my name in the dirt with piss.

Not even kidding.

>> No.1084382

What about wind?

>> No.1084389

Will you draw a giant peen and write #operationdickfarm in the red dirt please?

>> No.1084396

>I need a work space that was affordable to work on some car's I'm restoring
How do you get the cars in there? It barely looks large enough to cover one, with no opening to get in or out. What gives?

>> No.1084397


Seems like the only issue for where I live. Otherwise, looks pretty rad. Nice work OP.

>> No.1084402
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I finished it last night, I was not even sure it would stand it's own load.

I'll open the struts to roll the car in on one side and on the other side, I'll build a big door. More work to do in Sketchup first.

We have already been to Mars. Google Project Looking Glass.

>What about wind?
Good question: The plastic covers are loosely attached, strong wind will just make them flap.

I probably should anchor the bottom to the earth to avoid a tip over.

WE don't get much wind in this valley of tree's.

>> No.1084403

Not as shitty as that joke of dome you made and posted here and then quickly deleted the thread when everyone laughed at you.

What's is like having been born with autism? Do you also collect model trains and like primary colors? Are you in a relationship with your Porsche?

>> No.1084404

Nice spam/shit posting man.

>same thing as the dome guy, same exact reason/answers and build style.

>> No.1084406
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Fuck you.

You sound like a stalker who is obsessed?

Seriously go fuck off.

I mentioned nothing about a Porsche.

You're basically jealous of my life.

You hide you identity because you're ashamed of who you actually are.

>> No.1084408

>being jealous of a fat guy with a neckbeard who owns the least desirable Porsche made.

Nope. Nice try though.

How many restraining orders do you have against you now? Like 5?

What other spicy memes are you going to drop on us this year?

>> No.1084409

How does it feel to keep getting your threads 404ed by the mods?

>> No.1084410

Hey now, he likes his corral of Porsches
They are like Corvettes for people who cant afford a corvette.

>> No.1084411

He is the dome guy

See that joke of a dome in the pic >>1084402

Do you think he has a lot of imitation crab meat?

>> No.1084412

OP, don't let this thread go down that road. Just ignore that stuff. Answer the real questions, and then let the thread die when people lose interest.

Your structure is very cool. I'm glad wind isn't much of a problem. Seems like you could even have a little heater in there.

>> No.1084413

You anons need to let it go. This guy is harmless.

>> No.1084415

Any older corvette would be a better purchase than the pile of shot Porsches he has that he claims to buy for a 1000 dollars and resell for 8 to 12 thousand a piece when he "restores" them with autism magic.

With the build quality on that dome you know the cars are top notch. Surprised he doesn't get 20k for them when he sells them.

>> No.1084419


Are you guys high? Have you seen his YouTube videos? He's fucking nuts. He thinks he invented the internet.

If this is the same guy I'm thinking of he is most definitely mentally ill. I could be wrong and thinking of someone else but I'm fairly certain he posts some crazy shit on /pol

>> No.1084420

I don't need to see his youtube videos to know hes nuts. Check out that nasty ass pool.

I mean for fucks sake at least drain it and cover it...

>> No.1084422

I can't recall his name but he is definitely a weird fucking guy. He responds VERY personally to banter on 4chan and it's quite strange. Everyone fucks with him because he responds to everything instead of just shit posting back and laughing at everyone.

>> No.1084424

>certain he posts some crazy shit on /pol
as opposed to the collection of reasonable thought, calm conversation and sane discussion that comprises the remainder of /pol/?

As 'nother anon said, dont really see the problem - but, I can also see how these threads end up being kicked as well, desu.

>> No.1084425

Look at the picture he posted earlier. It's wayne.
Reminder that he was on /k/ asking for bombmaking advice.

>> No.1084426

All I'm saying is he is crazy enough to post his face on Pol and on here and his full name and everything.

He doesn't take any criticism either. He justifies everything and gets mad if you point flaws out in what he's built or done or said

>> No.1084428
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You all are tripping.

I'm just talking about a zonoHedron, I have said nothing about cars or politics.

Yet you all have a hard on for me

Why is that.

oh... because I exude excellence. That's why.

While you're busting your nuts, I'm building amazing stuff and sure I love to bragg about it.

You're just sad you can't brag.... Because you have nothing to brag about.

Say my name you if you like. But you would only be promoting me.

I get stronger as you grow weaker.

LOL... You fucked yourself. Don't call it a grave that is the future you choose.

You're just jealous. That's all.

The cars are a money making venture. If I had corvettes you would call them shit. You would shit on anything I do because you're shit. Shit for brains.

Here I come trying to inspire the pond scum and you give me the only thing you can. From scum, scum is excited.

Just look at my ZonoHedron.

Admire it for its complexity and beauty.

I'm the only MAN in the world making and selling them.

I'm so confident I don't even need to mention my name.

I'm so powerful that you try to put me down before I even say my name.

I'm so powerful you know who I am.


How's my bitch? YOU are!

Let's face it. You're afraid. You're a coward. You're afraid of a MAN who builds.

You're in /DIY/

It should be /DIYIYNAL/

Do it yourself if your not a loser.

>> No.1084429

Yeah that sounds about right. /Pol too


Quite strange stuff

>> No.1084430

You should get a trip. So we know when your posting...

>> No.1084431

This is what I'm talking about wayne. This is the kind of reply that confuses people.

All you have to respond with is "kek jelly of my dome and zonomemedron" and post a picture of a cartoon anime girl and it would be dealt with.

But instead you post this. It's 4chan man. Nothing actually serious is going on here. It's mostly dildos.

>> No.1084434 [DELETED] 
File: 2.59 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're trying so hard to force me to be a faggot like you.

Have you noticed I don't fucking care.

I'm a spider, this is my web, you're in my trap.

It's really just that simple.

Want to fuck me over. Go build a zonohedron and undersell me in the marketplace.

LOL. I dare you to leave mom's basement. LOL.

I can see your fat ass trying to move.


I did not come here seeking advice bitch's. I came here to answer any questions from legitimate builders

If the faggots can just shutup and watch why real men build stuff. Please bitch!

>> No.1084436
File: 224 KB, 302x351, 1476927449773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like a Tim and Eric skit or something. I'm having a very hard time even understanding if the posts are serious or just high level memes on your part at this point.

That dome was shit but I like this cone thing more. Looks like it would deal with rain better but it would be much cooler if it was welded out of aluminum.

>> No.1084444


Wayne, your self promotion IS a bit annoying. ANONYMOUS.
Your creativity however, is pretty fucking awesome. I enjoy your threads. Pure, money saving, fuck convention, passionate, creativite, do-a-lot-with-little, /diy/ spirit.
Wish we had more threads like this. 10/10

Just ignore the shit posters and keep the focus on the project.

>> No.1084447


I'll be honest, I likely won't remember.


Not in person.

Designing a project spaceship would be good for me anyways.

I need to learn basic chemistry, electronics, etc.

I'm incredibly uneducated.

>> No.1084452

>hours spent in sketchup
>hours spent collecting garbage wood
>hours spent hours spent building precious dome

How the fuck can you live with a disgusting pool like yours?
I bet you can smell it miles away..

>> No.1084462

Why have you failed to credit yourself as a "humble genius" this time?

>> No.1084466


Quads don't lie, nigga!!

>> No.1084473
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>I'm having a very hard time even understanding

WHat the fuck is hard to understand.

I made a zonoHedron.
I said ask me anything.

Nothing more.
Nothing less.

You faggots turn this into something it's not.

>Wayne, your self promotion IS a bit annoying

I never mentioned my name.

I'm just famous and other mentioned a name.

--- RIGHT--- Just read the thread. I never said my name or Porsche's or anything.

I kept it just to the zonohedron.

>Your creativity however, is pretty fucking awesome.
Thanks for the compliment.

My goal is to make the most with the least. I achieved that.

>Just ignore the shit posters and keep the focus on the project.

I use their shit as fuel.

>disgusting pool like yours?

It's not disgusting. Your mom's vag is.

>collecting garbage wood
? I bought all this wood new at homedepot.

Why you such a faggot? .... .ah don't answer that.

>humble genius
NOPE I was waiting for you.

>Quads don't lie
True dat!

Look at those double-doubles

>> No.1084477
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Filter was broken.

We got it fixed last week.

It's Phil's job to fix it.

You're rude, I would like to curb stomp your pathetic head.

Broken filter in photo.

>> No.1084481

To be fair you have some mad skills. Have you thought of adding panels of clear plastic or something instead of plastic sheeting or is it cost prohibitive?

As for humble genius - it's too much and an oxymoron to boot. You do know you're a bit crazy though, right? Or have you possibly slipped unknowingly into self parody?

>> No.1084483
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>> No.1084485

Instead of building a zorocollider, why not clean your damned pool?

>> No.1084487
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>Instead of building
God you're a dumb fuck.

THe responsibility of the pool is somebody else's job. What a fool you are.

THe pool is now clean and the filter functions well.

>cost prohibitive
Yes cost to much and this is just a temporary structure so I can sell off the cars.

I'm building a hydrogen power station is my next project.

Unless the sales of the domes and zonohedron's takes off.

I'm not crazy. Crazy is a person who does not know what they are doing.

I'm very intelligent.
I set goals.
I make mistakes.
I adjust my goals.

I hit my targets.

I use the anger of the people I hate to propel my popularity. Even when I tell them what I'm doing they still fulfill my needs.

It's like taking candy from a baby or fishing with a net at the fish hatchery.

>> No.1084490
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>> No.1084491

We're all a little crazy anon, you have skills to boot. I'd buy a dome kit from you but I'd want the option to add panels at my expense. Work on some pricing structures!

>> No.1084498
File: 3 KB, 94x125, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots need to chill out the guy is just trying to show you what he made.

>> No.1084502

He was trying to sell it to us the domes the last 2 threads
The problem is, the 3 threads before that he had posted before that showed us his margins and how easy it was to make yourself

Are you new, because these retarded threads arent

>> No.1084512

Wayne lambright I think is his name. Whacko conspiracy theorist or something. At this rate he's going to have 300 differently shaped shelters with no work having been done on the 944s

>> No.1084526

Hey OP fuck the haters, I think building things with your own hands is pretty cool. Pretty nice Zonowhatever

>> No.1084554
File: 375 KB, 1875x1875, DAw4lty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my thoughts exactly. remember that the original objective was to DRAIN THE SWAMP!

>> No.1084575


Oh hey it's the dome autist again. I like watching your autism in the last dome thread, I'll be lurking for what zany autismo adventures you get into this thread.

>> No.1084578

Your shit is fucked up and retarded

>> No.1084604

Why did you build that nice structure to half-assedly hold up the tarp instead of a standard four poles holding up a tarp half-assedly?

>> No.1084619
File: 59 KB, 453x439, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loves that he thinks he can sell them for 1000 dollars or more and it's "only 300 dollars" to buy the supplies.

The dome broke in many places and was very obviously uneven and shaped wrong. He said it broke under its own weight or the wood was the problem. Not the shitty way he joined the wood obviously. Fucking gravity man....always Fucking up all buldings like they are supposed to stand against it or something.

>> No.1084625

This is some fucking weapons-grade autism right here.

>> No.1084627

Wait...isn't this the guy who posted some retarded candy ideas thread on /ck/ a couple months back?

>> No.1084631
File: 49 KB, 250x242, 1422767783739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please please please please please show us a picture of a finished porche that you've restored. Interior and exterior would be great

>> No.1084632
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>I'd buy a dome kit from you
Great! Than do it.

>You faggots need to chill out the guy is just trying to show you what he made.
I didn't use my name.
No Ego in the post.
I just said, here is what I made. THis is "Do it yourself".

You clearly have problems and can't let a guy share something he made.
I have no revealed my identity. AS far as anybody knows, I could have copyed the stuff off his twitter, just to spin you up and it seems you're spun up! Have your boyfriend blow you.

What's that about?

zonohedron. I didn't make up the name. It's a math term. Only faggots & Niggers have to re-name everything because they can't learn the name in the first place.

I love the butt hurt all the hater have.

YOU Haters have butt hurt, you can't admit it and that makes the butt hurt more for you.

Victory is mine!

>Whacko conspiracy
Such as what?

Japan attacked the USA on December 7th, 1941
Israel attacked the USA on June 8th, 1976
The world is flat until about 1600.

>Your shit is fucked up and retarded
YOur mom tells me to tell you that you forgot your medication she put it on your table in the basment next to your xbox.

>build that nice structure

>I loves that he thinks he can sell
I sold four so far faggot.

>fucking weapons-grade autism right here.
Yeah!.... I know.

Free hamburgers for everybody that's not a faggot!

>> No.1084633

We have gusts of 60-70 mph and my shitty four pole tarp structure has been fine for a few years now.

>> No.1084634
File: 831 KB, 250x250, Gillian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no revealed my identity.

>> No.1084635
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Can't you faggots stay on topic.

I could show you but than the mod's would say I'm trying to sell something and delete this amazing post.

Here is the table saw I'm using.

>> No.1084636
File: 3.14 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_8560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true. Where did I say my name? Show me?

Here is a dish I made to contact the aliens you think aren't real.

>> No.1084637
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You must have never fully restored one then. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.1084639
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He made a thread asking if it would be a good deal to buy it.
Everyone told him it was shit and that he shouldnt buy it.

Like 2 days later he is posting videos and pics of him cutting shit on it, talking about how he has to learn how to use it.

He truly is a great handyman

>> No.1084640
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Like you said. Shitty. Mine is elegant. I have more talent in my pinky finger than you have in your whole body. I'm not saying you can't be awesome like me, you would just have to shut the fuck up and do something with your life.

Last time I check, there is no Olympic gold medals for masturbating or playing video games.

I'm not saying you're lazy, it's just the lazy behavior you exhibit and back with nothing is why.

Living in nature makes life easy. I don't have the anger you children have. I'm an old guy.

>> No.1084641

I see recreational weed has been passed there in california.

Do you think the stoner market for your geodesic domes has increased substantially?

>> No.1084642
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_9281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said I'm restoring anything? This is a thread about zonohedron's.

Yes this is called a Meditation POD that I made for a local Dr. Office.

>> No.1084643

Thats a picture of your first build where you were flagging all of the broken and split pieces during assembly.
At least thats what you said in the last thread you posted that picture in. And at that point you said you hadnt even marketed them, just looking to sell to stoners

>> No.1084644

wheres the door

>> No.1084645
File: 2.62 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_9295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal is to sell 1000 units this year.

Some counties in California require you to grow your cannabis in a greenhouse, such as Sacramento. There are probably 30,000 people growing in Sacramento county. If I can get 3% of that market, its about 1.2M in sales.

I have been in talks with a national chain fo hardware to distribute the product. I'm also working with local dispensaries as wholesale partners. I'm trying to close a round of financing for 200K to build units for the spring time.

Right now, I'm the only man in the WORLD selling a Zonohedron. call me all the names you want. I'm doing something with my life. You're just talking shit.

Version one is better than none!

>> No.1084648


Its clearly been made with equilateral triangles, by definition it cant be zonohedron.
Misusing terminology isnt going to make it more impressive.

>> No.1084650

Hes talking about the dome in the OP, not >>1084645

>> No.1084652
File: 23 KB, 488x488, 1420598681666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did. In the thread about zonohedrons.

>Yes, I need a work space that was affordable to work on some car's I'm restoring

>> No.1084654

Your first geodesic domes didnt turn out that great.
This actually looks like it could be usable. Good to see you making actual progress on shit

>> No.1084655

I would rather buy something with funtion, like alexapro water filters and DNA force and living defense and survival shield d. All from a way better conspiracy theorist called Alex Johns.

>> No.1084671
File: 83 KB, 879x296, Screen Shot 2016-11-15 at 8.14.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OK, I heard you and disagree.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A zonohedron is a convex polyhedron where every face is a polygon with point symmetry or, equivalently, symmetry under rotations through 180°. Any zonohedron may equivalently be described as the Minkowski sum of a set of line segments in three-dimensional space, or as the three-dimensional projection of a hypercube. Zonohedra were originally defined and studied by E. S. Fedorov, a Russian crystallographer. More generally, in any dimension, the Minkowski sum of line segments forms a polytope known as a zonotope.

>> No.1084672
File: 2.36 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didnt turn out that great.
It's perfect for me.
Show me your geodesic dome.

I don't care what you want. You're a faggot, go be a faggot someplace else.

>> No.1084678

There is no disagreeing. An object comprised of all equilateral triangles literally cannot be a zonohedron.
You posted the fucking definition, look at it. It literally has to have scalene triangles in it get symetry under 180 degrees.

You learn this shit in 8th grade geometry.

I simply didnt realize you were talking about your object in the OP, I was looking at the geodesic dome you posted here
You know, the post that is actually talking about selling items.

>> No.1084679

You're talking out of your ass. Fuck off.

>> No.1084681
File: 109 KB, 872x965, Screen Shot 2016-10-17 at 12.55.22 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling items.

No it's not. there are no names or contact information. This is a discussion about Zonohedron.

You're not educated and you're probably a nigger.

>> No.1084685

Please educate us on how
or this
falls under the definition of a zonohedron.
They are polyhedrons, but not at all zonohedrons.

I love to learn about new things.

>> No.1084700 [DELETED] 


i have to ask, what is the purpose of this OP?

only thing that comes to mind is childs climbing apparatus, but i somehow doubt that'st he goal here

>> No.1084705

>see thread
o neat some crazy guy built some crazy thing
>see him constantly talking about his 'zonohedron'
>see people trolling him
the shit? they know his name and everything? whyd he let them know all his de-
>see him mention he sells these things
but from reading teh thread it looks like this is still in test and error build/design phases?
>decide to google "zonohedron for sale"
>instantly find zonohedron com/for-sale/
>Small 3′ Diameter, 4′ height $200
>Large–20′ Diameter, 17′ height $2900
>price not including shipping or assembly

2900 for pre-cut strips of wood, some nuts/bolts, and plastic tarp, all of which costs you under 300 according to your statements in this thread?

and ur not even shipping it to them at this price?

the fuck?

200 bucks for a 4ft one? I'm having trouble believing anyone has bought one of these from you at these prices, especially considering you're not even using any type of treated lumber and admit theyll only last ~3 years
also that complete lack of material list and/or details, god luck getting 3k from people with absolutely no info on the product

>> No.1084707

We can decide if the guy is mentally ill, or if he just likes to troll people. He goes on other boards like /pol/ a lot too.


>> No.1084708

Also for his old smaller domes, he says in his videos that it costs about 9$ in wood and about 12$ in hardware.
Not anywhere near 300

>> No.1084711

>Show me your geodesic dome.

I work on my car in a garage, why would I want to do it under a tarp on dirt?

>> No.1084713

Keep the RR watershed clean m80

>> No.1084723

Because you're stupid enough to buy a Porsche 944

>> No.1084755
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No one is gonna buy that shit, sorry man.

>> No.1084759

Why the hell would I build this monstrosity instead of sinking four 4x4s in the ground and putting a tarp over it? It would last longer, be cheaper, Give me more work area, and be better for my plants

>> No.1084760

>Why the hell would I build this monstrosity

He is going to come to your house and build it himself for a fee

>> No.1084773

So you're a racist too? I definitely wouldn't deal with an autistic racist who posts information on his"business" on 4chan. It shows a complete lack of sense

>> No.1084787

There are a bunch of online calculators out there for building geodomes, ordering a kit is kind of against the whole ethos of them. Plus that one is p small.

>> No.1084788

Why triangulated??????????

>> No.1084830

You underestimate the autism market.

>> No.1084832

Anyone wanna start a business selling legit kits for less then what this joker charges, patent it, and put him out of business? We can even use crazy building supplies like.. treated wood, or this new stuff I heard of called m e t a l. I think I said that right. I heard if done right these metal ones can last decades.

>> No.1084833

We can call them Zonohardons

>> No.1084851

I believe the correct term is ZonoMemeDrons

>> No.1084873
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LOL, you jokers. You're not capable of wiping your own ass, there is no way you can compete against me. Plus I have first mover advantage.

>the fuck?
Good feedback.

>he just likes to troll people
Like you, I just enjoy educating people.

Unlike you, this is a business. I'm not giving them away. Your time might be worth nothing. After insurance, licencing fee's & tax's A person needs to make a profit. This is ART. It's not for poor people. AKA, fuck ups like you would never have the money to afford my art.

Plus You're all so lonly for attention, you love to poop on my party. I offer the party, you bring the poop.

>why would I want to do it under a tarp on dirt?
You would not dumb ass. This was a temporary exparement. To raise funds to do another project. Working on dirt is a nightmare.

I'm not restoring the cars either. I'm flipping them.

Big difference.

>Porsche 944
? who owns those?

>No one is gonna buy that shit, sorry man.
I have already proved you wrong. Sorry m8.>>1084759
>Why the hell would I build this monstrosity
You would never buy it. Because I can't make a Turkey an Egale.

I'm not here to sell you anything. I'm here to brag about my ZonoHedron.

My bragging has done what it always does, upset losers.

>So you're a racist too?
Dude or Dingo? We're all racist. If you say you're not racist you're a liar.

>Why triangulated??????????
It was collapsing during erection. See this photo of the mini zonohedron that I built as a test. It looked like a witch hat, and even with the base installed. I had to strech it out. By triangulating it, forced it to take shape instantly.

>> No.1084875
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OK, students listen up. This is where I discovered something. When nothing is tightened, it looks like this. A big ugly lump. as I tightened the screws it started to take shape.

In building the 17' large zonohedron, I did not want to go through this process 17' in the air. So I triangulated it.

>> No.1084876
File: 2.75 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_9474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is starting to take more shape.

>> No.1084878
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Still not finished tightening the bolts at the top and you can see it's not fully a point.

>> No.1084881 [DELETED] 
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_9486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final product.
>We can decide if the guy is mentally ill
Unless you're a trained psychologist, Which we know you're not. You're just an ass blasted teenage nobody.

I love trolling you with my Genius. I show you stuff you have never seen, you're dismissive yet you can't even make this with toothpicks or popsicle sticks. This is so much further than your reach, it's my goal to provide leadership to the youth of do nothings.

It goes like this.

ME: Look what amazing something I have made!
YOU: Any faggot could make that.
ME: I'm selling them for $3000
YOU: Any faggot could do that.

ME. You can't build it. Or you would.
YOU: privately thinking.. I can build that. You try and fail
YOU: I could build it but I don't want too....

ME: See I told you you're a lazy loser in mom's basement.
YOU: So angry now, leave mom's basement to grab the smartest kid in town, to show him what I wrote and together you team up to prove me wrong.
YOU: You and Local Genius build something.

ME: See I tricked you into putting down the video games and participating with real life. I gave you skills and helped you build your self confidence.

:-).... That's called Leadership!

>> No.1084882
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Here is the top, do you have a better idea on how to join them?

>> No.1084884
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He's totally right.

Here is a table / work bench I made from a pallet that had a plywood surface. Free lumber from homedepot are the legs.

>> No.1084889
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DUDE... this is not a Porsche 928 restoration thread. Calm down.

>> No.1084891

If that was actually your picture I'd be impressed.

>> No.1084895

Butthurt lib detected

>> No.1084901
File: 2.55 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_9831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not here to impress you. Your negative scum. This is why I'm not posting a thread about fucking cars. I could give a fuck about cars.

Porsche's are for big egos and big wallets. I'm trolling rich guys egos and taking their money. I worked for Porsche, you didn't. I have sold 700 + cars you haven't.

I'm having fun building wooden cone's. Who gives a fuck. Life is about having fun.

If you don't like my thread about zonohedrons. Leave.

>Butthurt lib detected

>> No.1084902
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Before the triangulation.

>> No.1084905

Does you state get tornads and currcanes?

Does your octahedron double as a powerkite?

Are finns white?

>> No.1084924
File: 242 KB, 700x504, 1426372921369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not here to impress you.
>I worked for Porsche, you didn't
>I have sold 700 + cars you haven't.

>> No.1084938
File: 2.61 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is California, we don't get much wind. Sure it's the earth and all. We're in a mountain area. Hills stop all that.

Love that photo of the pope.

>> No.1084957

>ripping wood on a table saw
>drilling and bolting the pieces together
>using a calculator you found on the internet on how to do it

>a genius and insurmountable feat that only you have taken on.

Im starting to think you believe half of the retarded shit you say.

>> No.1085004
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don't give away the secrets to the neet's.

>> No.1085037

Why in God's name did you put your phone number on that website that you KNEW would be found by people on 4chan?
I understand putting a throwaway email there so maybe some madman with actual interest in your zorothing could contact you, but a phone number? What the fuck man

>> No.1085038

When you draw in sketchup you shouldn't draw your wood pieces just as lines. You get better results if you draw it properly.

>> No.1085041
File: 482 KB, 798x735, Screen Shot 2016-10-27 at 2.46.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who cares.
I get death threats once a week.

No big deal.

Your implication that my results are not good is you being an asshole. The results are identical. You're clearly mentally deficient. Don't kill yourself crossing the street. Get a guild.

Have you ever build anything? I doubt you could cut wood in half. Lets see what you made faggot?

>> No.1085047

I'll feed the troll, I have 5 different companies grossing nearly 2.37 million in profits this year (combined), and I'm whole owner. I could definitely grab a couple of my civil/structural engineers from my custom steel structure buildings business and give them a week and have a product better than yours. HOWEVER, there isn't a market for memdomes.

>> No.1085052

Post your business license faggot

>> No.1085054
File: 269 KB, 818x460, Hubs-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those connections are awful, you've clearly spent a lot of effort building this but have been lazy here.

Next time you build a dome do something like the pic. Doesnt need to be fancy and 3d. just cut some circular pieces of ply and drill 6 holes in each. Will look and perform better.

>> No.1085058

Haha no. I don't want trolls calling and wasting my employee's time and my money.

>> No.1085060

>"I'm too lazy to even shoop a fake one"

>> No.1085080

The whole point of the project is to be as cheap as possible.
He has cut literally every single corner. Its not about having a good product. Its about convincing himself he can get huge margins and become rich.

You can google it and find a ton of other people who have already done it, just with proper connections.

>> No.1085100

next thing you know, this fucking guy builds a house, coz after 1000 times he realizes that its better for his needs.

also /AutismGeneral/

>> No.1085106

He doesnt have the money for that

>> No.1085151

found this in under 30 secconds faggot
simplydifferently org /Zome

>> No.1085157
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I would like to build a dome-shaped house some day, or maybe a dome atop a cylindrical house. So long as it's not tiny and there are no load-bearing interior walls, I'll be happy.

>> No.1085228
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My way is best.

Your way is wood and six nuts and bolts

My way is one nut and bolt.

Mine is about simplicity. You're's is about stupidity.

>I have 5 different companies grossing nearly 2.37 million
No you don't. You're a delusional faggot shitting on my efforts. What's the name of your faggot enterprise? Let me guess. "Scared faggot shipping".

>Post your business license faggot

You dont have a business, so delusional. Any business owner is proud to talk about his business.

Yep your a faggot.
THey don't sell zonohedrons you moron.

>> No.1085243

>Mine is about simplicity.

Your way is about poorfaggorty over structural integrity

>> No.1085248
File: 3.14 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_9526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your wrong.

It's elegant and simple.

Your just jealous of my genius.

If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.

What's your name in real life? Don't be a coward, tell me.

>> No.1085249

My name is Hugh Janus and I live in Texas, find me and fight me irl 1v1

>> No.1085250

All of your things are broken, have bent wood pieces, are cutting too long or short, etc etc

What are you talking about your way is best? It has very obvious problems shown in many of the pics you have posted. The best way to do it would be to weld it out of aluminum.

>> No.1085268

I'm too lazy to read this shit so is this just a reinforced yurt frame? Pls repsond

>> No.1085269
File: 26 KB, 637x708, 13879327_1400591386635961_8296179233684744879_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dome-porsche guy represent

>> No.1085275

dome part is excellent, but center post needs a plan. at this point you can see encouragement and hate are equal sources, it is the perspective that counts and you are enlightened.

dome-porsche guy ftw needs gif

>> No.1085285

your bolts are too big. inefficient.

>> No.1085324

Texas is one be huge anus. You all look the same.

>> No.1085328

Wayne is a gay autistic retard.

>> No.1085329
File: 120 KB, 640x640, 0LgyJ93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't see why, can you explain? also, high-quality bolts should be used which may be pricey bc so much humidity inside.

and in general, first ground layer will moist up and rot making beautiful dome tumble. need metal stakes for bottom layer.

also think practical, where can I mount me LED lamps! Give some extra mount points up top.

pic is where OP will be eating dinner this time next year

>> No.1085331

My name is Nick, and I live in Pataluma California. You can call me lazy, but I am head manager at an office supply store. I worked my way up and make a decent enough living.

Its more honest than faking an injury to collect welfare and unemployment like you are. Leech off the government and then try to sell shitty dome projects.

Hell if you want to get real technical I live on east washington street.

What are you gonna do, come fly al the way from florida to beat me up you huge fucking faggot?

>> No.1085339

You know you could have built a proper car port for like $400-600.

>> No.1085340

Hey that pool is good enough to host the olympics in

>> No.1085343

Nick. Really What office store? I live in Guerneville.

Fake injury, what are you talking about. Tell me more.

>> No.1085345

Nobody lives in Petaluma, that's a shithole. Truck photo is from Petaluma. Did you want to fight or something?

>> No.1085361

>G&G getting sold to Safeway

Feels bad man

>> No.1085374

Oh look, it's this retard again.

Getting angry in 3...2...1...

>> No.1085376

PLay king of the hill on top of your dome

>> No.1085377

>While you're busting your nuts, I'm building amazing stuff and sure I love to bragg about it
Lol, you build stupid fucking domes out of wood and plastic. Newsflash - They're wank and we don't care.

>> No.1085380

say what genius?

>> No.1085381

when did you last see your toes without the aid of a mirror or a camera?

>> No.1085446
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>> No.1085477

>my mommy bought 4 of my domes. Stop bullying me u guise.

>> No.1085483

>complaining about spelling and grammar

Thats low hanging fruit with this guy.

>> No.1085499

This is my first time on /diy/. I am most impressed.

>> No.1085508
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>when did you last see your toes

>say what genius?

The heading of my post is not who cares.

My heading is ask me any questions.

You're not the sharpest tool in the shed are you?

>most impressed.

These straight strong young men waste their life playing the video jew. I'm just trying to inspire them not to waste their life.

My next thread. Building a 50' snake.

>> No.1085511

Huffing those zinc fumes eh?

>> No.1085514

>wew lad

>> No.1085515
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No, I used a fan and a respirator.

>> No.1085543

I love how this guy occasuonally gets real constructive critisism and he still goes into an autistic fit.

>> No.1085544

That's because he doesn't want criticism, he wants fawning.

>> No.1085546

Its what makes his threads such a shitshow

At least the gasoline powered hybrid drone guy would try to reason and talk

>> No.1085547
File: 276 KB, 796x934, 1474269685800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because he is VERY......VERY clearly mentally ill mate. I have already reported him to the FBI for domestic terroristic threats.

>> No.1085550
File: 192 KB, 1366x728, 5H0m4t8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the idea. Just reported him.

>> No.1085553

>Internet Explorer
>those tabs


>> No.1085557
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you point out that Constructive Criticisms?

>domestic terroristic threats.
Such as? any proof? Let me guess. You think my zonohedron is a nuclear biological white house bomb for Sunday?

>Thanks for the idea. Just reported him.
Report me all you like. It's you that's going to get looked at.

My butt hurt level is zero out of ten. LOL.

Who am I? Say my name.

>> No.1085564

>implying it's not immediately obvious

>> No.1085565

I dont think you have to report him. He has close to extremist ranting videos on youtube. He is already on the radar

>> No.1085576

You were literally on /k asking how to build bombs

>> No.1085625
