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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 24 KB, 530x354, geocache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
105132 No.105132 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here do Geocaching? What caches have you created that you're proud of? Pic related, I didn't make it, but I think I will try soon.

>> No.105153

I've done a few good ones in caves around my area.

I want to take a chest and put it in a cave behind a particular waterfall, but I'm not sure if it can be safely reached by many people. Plus, I don't want too many people tramping around there.

>> No.105190

I agree with the last part. I know a few really awesome places to hide a geocache, but they are all really personal to me and I don't want a lot of people going through there. A lot of the geocaching community is a little weird!

>> No.105198

I love the hard-to-reach ones best. When you list it, just say that it's tough to reach.

>> No.106122


>> No.106131
File: 35 KB, 480x308, geo pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stashed one over break in ucb college library that hasnt been found yet. And when someone does find it, it's gonna be a real surprise, let me tell you.

looks like pic but is marked "not real". Has a pink sticker on it that says "FOR TEH LULZ"
Has half a $50 dollar bill in it and coordinates for the other half written on it. I have 4 of the same stashed all over west berkeley as well.

>> No.106136

I seriously hope you are kidding.

>> No.106198

I seriously don't hope you're kidding. That's funny! You might end up in jail if they figure out you do it, though :/

>> No.106208

Go get it the hell out of there. Geocaches have been disposed of by bomb disposal robots in the passed and something like that is just the ticket they need to make it a punishable offence.

Yeah started in 2004 here. >500 found. Kind of retired at present.

>> No.106217

Did it a few times but I didn't have a GPS. It was very difficult trying to find it off of a printed screenshot of Google Maps.

>> No.106251

I know what you mean. I used it as a base measurement and I have an old PALM m515 with a GPS, however, with the battery life of the m515, I get about 2 minutes to verify the location before my search. Work well enough.

>> No.106278


Please go back to /b/.

>> No.106699

OP here. The bomb thing is really stupid- it makes all geocachers look bad.

to the guy without the GPS- you should learn how to paper navigate (in the true /diy/ spirit). I don't know anything about, but it sounds really interesting.

>> No.106724


That's because all geocachers are bad.

>> No.106725


I never understood this. What's the point? Someone hides some stuff and tells you where it is, then you find it, right? Whoop dee doo.

>> No.106730

from what I can tell its like a puzzle for the real life people

>> No.106731

I've done a little myself, brought home some VERY nice loot. Yes I'm one of those people you HATE, I take EVERYTHING from inside and keep it. I even go as far as filling up the empty ones with piss.

>> No.106732


It's a reason to go places you wouldn't normally go and see things you wouldn't normally see.

>> No.106735

One of my favorite places is a water fall in a plunge pool down a canyon I'm thinking of putting a cache here, about 6 feet under the water (water is 60+ feet deep) and ideas on what to use? I was thinking a water proof 5 gal bucket?

>> No.106749

How does one go about finding some sort of group or community that does this?

I am assuming you guys go to some site that lists locations.

>> No.106766

That's the worst geocache design I've ever seen. You've got a bunch of crap on there that will rust the fuck up. Fuck people who's caches rust up and over the clues.

>> No.106796

Aww seems I come back from lunch to find myself banned, no matter it was an easy fix. Did I get a mod butthurt at me?

No matter, I'll make sure to take a shit in the next geocache I find, JUST for this mod.

>> No.106797

i had no idea about geocaching until i was walking through my cemetery, and i looked under the most discreet rock, and found a logbook. (Milford CT) i also found one magnetized to our town submarine by our harbor. pretty cool.

>> No.106825

Someone want to explain what a geocache is? Is it like a dead drop in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.106854

>>106766 Can't read or retarded? pick one.

It is inside a library. Key word "inside"

>> No.106855


Check out geocaching (dawt) com

>> No.106859

Much thanks.

>> No.106866


You put something resembling a bomb in a college library.

Your halved fifties are going to get detonated by a robot, my friend. Might as well retrieve them, they're not going to do anyone any good when that happens.

>> No.107214


Maybe one of these? They are preformed 2-liter bottles. Can't store much swag other than a logbook, though.

>> No.107230

could we see some schematics?

>> No.107675

geocaching.com has a fairly large community. I haven't met many people doing this outside of the internet though.

>> No.107688

I currently am building a Cold War Dead Drop in my Machine shop. I am trying to get it to look authentic as possible, even making it unscrew in the opposite direction. I have no clue what I will use it for when I am done. But, I was thinking maybe a time capsule, or somewhere to store emergency cash, or a house key, if I get locked out. I have been working on it for about 2 months now. It is 6" long at 3/4" Dia. , it is reverse threaded, and pointed at the tip. I made it from a piece of scrap round stock aluminum I had laying around. I also drew up the layout in AutoCAD. I can't show you guys any of it, because I left it at the shop, and I don't have AutoCAD here on my home PC, but maybe when it is finished I will. I still have to make the cap, and reverse thread it.

>> No.107713
File: 7 KB, 342x103, Dead_drop_spike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what my Dead Drop looks like. I got the dimensions off of a website that was selling them for $40.

>> No.107771

that's really cool. I like how you're being as authentic as possible with it! Have you thought about making it into a geocache? That would be fun to find.

>> No.107874

Giving this thread a bump. I joined geocaching.com a little over a year ago but have still yet to purchase a GPS device that I can use to begin. Kind of disappointing that they're all so pricey. Anyone know of any affordable ones that are pretty decent?

>> No.108147

pawn shop garmin etrex. the most basic is all you need for geocaching.

>> No.108367

OP, you can buy a hollow bolt from thisiswhyimbroke.com for $19 if your DIY attempt doesnt work out.

>> No.108743

Might be a good deal compared to what I'd prolly end up spending reconstructing my hand after a shop accident.

>> No.110604
