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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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106687 No.106687 [Reply] [Original]

I need to kill my cat painlessly. I don't want to take him back to be killed by strangers. How do I do this?

>> No.106688

wtf are you talking about? y u no kill strangers instead?

>> No.106690

By strangers I mean vets.

>> No.106691
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With a smile.

>> No.106692
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get a gun and shoot it in the face

>> No.106694

at the vets office theyd probably let you give him the final injection if you ask them to, taking him to the vet is the most humane way

>> No.106696

You have to either shoot him in the head, knock him out with sleeping pills, then overdose him on some thing lethal (for fags without guns), or take him somewhere no one can see you and smash his head with a big rock/ use a knife (for fags without guns but have balls).

You can't let people see you do it though, if you get caught you're fucked. I've had to put a few animals down, it's never fun.

>> No.106700

put him in a sealed children's tent and pump that bitch full of helium.

>> No.106701

Euthanize your cat? FUCK THAT
I'd rather toss my cat into the fucking woods to survive. Atleast then it has a chance.

>> No.106703
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>Sealed childrens tent
When I hear anons say things like this, mfw.

>> No.106702

What said is the best

DO NOT use knife, if you do not know what you are doing it will end horrible.

>> No.106705

def agree with anon, they will let you hold your cat throughout the whole thing if you ask. the vet is a professional and will do what's best for your cat, unlike your hashed attempt

>> No.106707

OP, most vets make house calls as an exception for exactly this reason. Mine was put to sleep on our kitchen table painlessly as we petted her. I can't think of any other way.

>> No.106710

Build a large guillotine, then knock the cat out with sleeping pills before use.

Also, to those saying take it to the vet. . . those fuckers charge like 125 bucks.

>> No.106711

oo that would be cooler. Forget about my helium suggestion, OP. Do this and take a video.

>> No.106712


OP should look for an animal shelter near him, they will probably do it for free

>> No.106726

NO NO NO FUCK NO. Feral cats are hands down the WORST invasive species in the fucking world. Fuck you for suggesting this. cats kill for FUN. Feral cats fuck the world.

>> No.106728

.22 in the back of the head. If it doesn't scramble the brain, it'll sever the spinal cord.

>> No.106737

>Let's take an animal that may be terminally ill and suffering and throw it into the woods! It'll survive!

>> No.106742

Shotguns work better.

>> No.106744

Vet tech here. No, they won't. But, if you don't let a veterinary professional painlessly put down your sick cat, you're a horrible person and I hope someone puts you down just as violently.

>> No.106745

Yeah, how dare they exclude your parasitic industry.

>> No.106761
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> Doesn't want cat to suffer
> Prefers to use extremely limited knowledge of feline biology, medical skills, home-made materials and kitchen/storage-room tools, to try and kill said cat, instead of taking it to people who do this on a daily basis with the best equipment and medical data on a variety of animals.

Troll detected. Go back to /b/.
If not troll, FFS take the poor guy to the vet to be humanely euthanized, also asking him to castrate you while he's at it so you don't breed.

>> No.106768


Son of a vet here.

It's expensive because it's precise and humane. The stuff we use on cats and dogs is less damaging than the stuff we use for Capital punishment.

You will be allowed to stay in the room and hold him if you can keep enough control not to screw up the procedure.

I've had two cats and a dog, each needed euthanized due to age related malaise. They died peacefully and comfortably with all the love and attention they could want.

If you need to be a idiot and do it yourself, shoot it in the head from the back. Any weapon should do, but make sure you do it right the first time.

You owe it to your pet to do it right. That's all I got to say.


Are you one of those idiot 99%'ers? since when is providing medical care to non-humans a "Parasitic" practice? Or are you complaining about us carefully and cleanly putting down pets instead of going for the buckshot?

>> No.106775

Looking back, if I were my cat, after my gf had run over it, smashed from the belly button down, with no way to survive a trip to the hospital, I wouldn't mind getting shot in the face. I'd be more pissed if you insisted on waiting on an ambulance or trying to put me into your car.

Your opinion is invalid.

>> No.106777

It's all about circumstance man, it's all about circumstance.

>> No.106779

OP is a dumbass. You can look up vets who are willing to drive out to your place and put your cat to sleep in your home for you.

It's called fucking house calls.

Do your god damn research first.

>> No.106785


>> No.106787


>Vet tech here. No, they won't

Wrong, maybe if you have a really douchebag vet but all the vets ive known would gladly let you deliver the Coup de grâce on your animal. Vets arent heartless fucks.

>> No.106793

inb4 op an heroes

>> No.106798

.22 through the skull, OP. It won't feel a thing.

>> No.106804

Just throw it in a river, you fuck.

>> No.106805

Apirin will do the job OP, just make sure it's acetaminophen and not ibuprofen.

Hope this helps.

>> No.106810

Fuck I can't spell


>> No.106812

>It's expensive because it's precise and humane. The stuff we use on cats and dogs is less damaging than the stuff we use for Capital punishment.

>since when is providing medical care to non-humans a "Parasitic" practice? Or are you complaining about us carefully and cleanly putting down pets instead of going for the buckshot?
Not that same guy, but I agree with him that veterinary euthanasia is a parasitic practice because you prey on people in their moment of grief so that you can charge them exorbitant fees to do a minimum of actual work. Your procedure is no more humane than a shot to the cranium, it's just less messy.

>> No.106815

Aspirin is neither acetaminophen nor ibuprofen, it's aspirin. Learn it if you're going to suggest it.

All three would work, but all of them would be VERY painful to the cat.

>> No.106824

Hey fuck you, I got the important part right. Those chemicals will indeed kill the cat quickly.

>> No.106828

APAP ASA IBP are all horrible ways to od. Very painful and more likely to just horribly damage kidneys and liver.

>> No.106833
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I want to die peacefully

>> No.106835
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>> No.106839
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Then get taken to the vet. As an untrained person your owner is going to kill you in an inhumane and horrific manner.

>> No.106843

Good thing it's not a human, then.

People shouldn't have pets they can't take care of in the first place. OP has three options: cheap bullets, cheap aspirin, or a hammer.

>> No.106844

Hammer and screwdriver is how my grandfather did it 50 years ago. Didn't want to waste his ammo so he sent the kids to a movie and took care of the litter of kittens he found that way.

>> No.106847
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forgot my picture

>> No.106848
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I can do it for you. Cat wont feel a thing & i give proper burial.

>> No.106856


Yeah except that there have been multiple instances where people have survived a gunshot to the head, and from high powered rifles as well. There hasnt been one case where an animal has survived a controlled overdose of barbituate.

>> No.106864

What about that movie Thomacina? I think I spelled it right, Thomas-cina is how it sounds.

>> No.106869

found it.

>> No.106870

What a fucking joke. As if it takes an assload of training to inject barbituates. I know some smackheads that couldn't get past the third grade that somehow are managing the feat on a regular basis.

Also, it doesn't take a ton of training to pull a trigger either. Ask any 6 year old black kid to show you how.

>> No.106877
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pic related.

>> No.106883

not if you aim at the back of the head where the spine meets the skull (trying to make sure to angle the bullet into the brain pan as well). Destroy the atlas, as close to instantaneous death as possible. Hell, give the animal a drink fo beer/whiskey/whatever and let it go to sleep first. Never know a thing. I've dropped animals from kittens to full grown beefmaster bulls and never had any sort of issues.

Now compare that to being held down so some stranger can come up and stick things in it, stressing the hell out of the animal.

>> No.106881

No need to ask an expert.
Just ask a two year old black kid.

Captcha: artery albleedr

>> No.106966
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> mfw I come back 3 hours later
> troll thread still running


>> No.106967

don't do it OP no matter how bad it is take him for treatment and care for the cat I`ll personally pay for this. i love cats

>> No.107008

Euthasol is an extremely controlled substance. Why would any vet hand over a shot of it to someone who is already in a heightened emotional state and could do anything with it?
The fees are nowhere near as exorbitant as your average hospital fee, and they won't even put you out of your misery at the hospital. Plus it covers disposing of the remains, at least here in Arizona. But go ahead, keep on killing your pets in inhumane and brutal ways like smashing their heads with a rock. Because that was so painless and quick for 3guys1hammer, right?

>> No.107045

Whitey noooooo


>> No.107058

I like how people treat anyone with a medical degree like they're some sort of wizard. This isn't neurosurgery, and I'll bet his cat would rather go to sleep in a bit of helium than get stuffed into a box and dragged to the vets for an injection. Or you could put him in a bag with some ethylene and he'll go right to sleep and won't feel shit, then do whatever you want to kill him. This is no less humane whatsoever as the cat feels nothing at all either way, except you save a hundred bucks and the cat doesn't have as traumatic an experience in his last moments.

>> No.107063

Its not like its going to come back and haunt you if it doesn't have some bullshit peaceful Disney ending.

>> No.107064
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Sorry that's diethyl ether, not ethylene. This stuff anyway.

>> No.107076

>>The stuff we use on cats and dogs is less damaging than the stuff we use for Capital punishment.


>> No.107132

on instructables, there is a instructable (duh) on how to kill rabbits without pain, is a gas chamber, you need co2, you can get it at paintball shops, let me try to find it.

>> No.107137


>> No.107142




>> No.107163

>implying that any animal in true nature would die humanely at all

c'mon people, ffs, if humans didn't exist and have domesticated cats, this thing would be eventually hunted and eaten alive (aka, having it's flesh and meat torn from it's body as it was ripped apart and eaten right then and there) or it would die eventually from being too old and tired to hunt and would starve, both miserable deaths,

hell op, killing it nearly anyway other than carving it up with a knife is more "humane" than nature even would intend...

>> No.107288

Wow, suddenly the image of a tent floating away with a sick/dead cat comes to mind.

>> No.107410

It's like that pixar movie.

>> No.108066

>keep on killing your pets in inhumane and brutal ways like smashing their heads with a rock.

I would never bring my pets to a vet too retarded to understand the difference between a pistol and a rock. Not even if I were in Europe.