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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.711257 [View]
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> All these trufax.
> All dem butthurt namefags.
> Pic related.


> Everyone suggesting buying tools as needed.
Pic also related. Planning a project should always include consideration of tools you'll need. You can pick them up while you're purchasing materials. This is exactly how I built my tool kit, and I have not needed to buy a new tool for over a year. Apparently I now have every tool I need for the hobbies I do, and it happened with no noticeable pain on my wallet or state of mind.

Forget brand names, just go for cost at this point. a $5 tool that you use 5 times over the course of three years is a far better investment than an expensive tool sitting gathering dust. If you find you keep breaking a specific tool, then you can start looking for good names in that particular category. Likewise, if you suddenly find you're using your $5 soldering iron daily instead of monthly, it might be time to invest in a better one before your cheapo fucks out on you when you need it most.

Again, this is how I built my tool kit. After about 9 years I have only needed to replace a power drill (settled on a Milwaukee after witnessing /diy/'s raging boner for them) and have replaced all my drills and other cutting tools for name brands (Frost for drilling, Sandvik for cutting). I also got a new electric screwdriver after I started a job where I needed quality, stepped up to a Panasonic EY7410. I work on the road fixing medical equipment, this driver see's about 4 hours of use a day, the battery lasts a week between charges and it has a good solid clutch and electric stop. Based screwdriver is based.

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