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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.2024246 [View]
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>Be Robert E. Murray
>Work as miner starting at 16, back in the 1950s
>Work your way up the ladder and become an executive
>Eventually found your own coal mining company
>Spend decades claiming that 'unions are the enemy' while operating mines unsafely to save money
>Have one of your mines collapse and kill 9 people due to unsafe techniques and ignored warning signs
>Pay the largest single fine for safety violations in US mining history
>Spend decades fighting against black lung benefits for miners because it cuts into your profits
>Close a mine for a day and 'encourage' your miners to attend a local political rally for a candidate you like, without pay
>Spend decades denying climate change because it threatens your business model
>Sue multiple journalists and newspapers for defamation for reporting on your dirty deeds and lose every single case
>Claim multiple times to multiple sources that your failing lungs are due to "idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis" and not black lung
>Spend hundreds of thousands of dollars of company money backing political candidates using SuperPACs
>Beg Donald Trump to force coal plants to reopen even though they are unprofitable to try and prop up coal
>Have your business file for bankruptcy because coal is over but you couldn't read the writing on the wall
>Step down from your business because you ran it into the ground but claim BLACK LUNG is the reason
>File for black lung benefits shortly thereafter because your company no longer has to pay for it
>Die later that month because even the Devil is tired of your shit at this point

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