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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1124703 [View]
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Yes the diy community has a lot of options. Its mostly based around sending signal from switches to arduin then from arduino to transmitter packs. A lot of times an xbee but you can use the same parts from hobby products (just find the right right code for the output signal needed).
Which opens the door for any kind of switch system that has been hacked into an arduino. Any switch you can find, game controllers, even your brain waves if you got crazy. Any way. The point is a lot of work has been put into feeding those things input.
Also arduino can talk back and forth with R-pie. R-pie can talk to smartphone for programming input and transmitter menu display. This can be a shiny interface on your phone instead of a dingy LCD on the controller making more room for buttons or more compact controller.
With the main parts being plug and play, plus the nature of open source coding communities, Im surprised this isnt a bigger thing. Seems custom "riced out" transmitters would be more hip plus a great market for manufacturers. Cut out the assembly line and sell the parts.

...too soon?

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