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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.45189 [View]
File: 56 KB, 360x240, monkey arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>who knows what has been done since?
Answer: science journals. And I forgot to mention some of the difficulties of neural interfaces. Generally they suck. It's hard to get a good signal from individual neurons and the neural interface degrades over time, from neurons dying at the interface. Though apparently they are good enough to replace a monkey's arm, pic related.

Needless to say, don't go out and buy that home trepaning kit just yet.

So back to wearables. For the most part, you already have one, it's called a cellphone. Most cellphones these days are cramful' of processin' power and sensors. They have high-res screens too and can support what amounts to a virtually continuous internet connection.

TL;DR you're probably already cyberpunk

Now of course if we could only add other sensors and outputs to our phones to augment our augmentations...

BEAM gynoid, how's that gonna work out? BEAM circuits really aren't all that advanced. You gonna use em' for balance control or something?

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