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>> No.2408161 [View]
File: 85 KB, 1302x1044, HPGL viewer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my oscilloscope shitting out properly formatted HPGL into some software CERN wrote like a decade ago and somehow it just works. Mostly. That bottom line is supposed to say:
>P_10x 5V
Where the _10x means it's in subscript (all done as a pair of user characters).
Also there's meant to be a ∆ before the V1 at the top, which is also a custom character.

I initially wanted to write an HPGL reading python script from scratch to get around those issues, but that was a massive waste of time, so instead I'll just try to mess about with this software to figure out what kind of text I can actually feed it. Hopefully I can get the custom characters to work as a general case with some small modifications, else I'll need to just hunt through the filestring and replace all excerpts of user characters with something good enough from ASCII or possible alternative character sets. Hope there's a greek one.

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