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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.2755634 [View]
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>You can get away with even the pi zero for klipper if you don't intend to run a webcam

Probably only with the newer zero2, and probably only on something simple like an i3, ie: not a coreXY... i'm sure it would work, but you might be pushing its limits, especially after you start exploring all the cool shit klipper can do.
That said, there are low spec clone-pis now, some integrated to the board. I have a MKS Skipr which is like that, seems like quite a good solution compared to when i was running a separate pi years ago. Cheap, all in one... theres OS drawbacks that may become more relevant in the future as MKS stops giving a shit, which they do the moment it hits the e-store, but for now its a sleek, cheap option that I would choose again with little hesitation if i were to accidentally fry mine right now.

Seems useable. I wonder why knipper would lose the plot though?

This isnt any probe im using right now, but just the first one i tested and made a note of. The digits it gives are suspiciously samey, probably more due to the probe's threshold circuitry than anything erroneous.. and the multitude of <$5 (threaded metal cylinder types) inductive probes I have bought recently all produce similar repeatability, they less suspiciously) show more variation in the numbers ...after the 4th or 5th decimal. So they are all insanely precise.
// probe accuracy results: maximum 0.900000, minimum 0.897500, range 0.002500, average 0.899500, median 0.900000, standard deviation 0.001000
I love these fucking things :)

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