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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1633829 [View]
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a multi-tool is a very situational piece of equipment. it seems like all the fags hating on them in this thread dont understand what multi-tools' purpose is. my leatherman does not replace my tool box. its augments what i can do with my bare hands. and depending on what im doing that day i will carry a different tool. when i help my friend with his landscaping gig i carry my wave, because i usually need either a knife, pliers, wire cutters, or a saw at every job. it doesnt stay in the case for more than 40 minutes at any time. at my r4eal job (county park) i carry a small SAK. the blade, saw, and screw drivers are the most useful.
its not practical to carry around a tool belt or a tool bag for most people most of the time. if its your profession to fix machines or maintain a location they you should have every dedicated tool you will reasonably need. but for the average person its nice to have a few accessible tools in your pocket. fuck, even the Roman soldiers had a multi-tool. this is not a new concept
what i carry at work, but my model doesnt have the hook

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