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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1743463 [View]
File: 238 KB, 1018x530, multipsk[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VOACAP was a USGOV ionospheric model for Voice of America. The website I linked is actually the best implementation- There's a few very old desktop versions floating around the net.
There's a serious problem when it comes to software development in ham radio. Most of the old ham developers were hardware guys, and only learned software later on. So what you get is a hot mess of spaghetti code and programs that "mostly" work, with shit UI's even by 90s standards. Making matters worse, a lot of these engineers literally had zero knowledge of design practice, aesthetics, or other things that factor into making the program "easier to use". Figuring out how the software worked was almost a rite of passage, a litmus test of if you had what it takes to join the ranks of fellow autists.
Me, I like to make programs as easy to use as possible. On the other end of the spectrum you have MULTIPSK, which is up there with OrCad in terms of clunky menus and layout. It's 2020, and well designed UX doesn't just look pretty- people actually get more done when they're not fighting with software.

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