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>> No.2002217 [View]
File: 79 KB, 895x829, J_113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell is the gate-source cut-off voltage of JFETs so unpredictable? I designed a voltage controlled amplifier using a J113. I'm building a lot of them and about 75% of the time it doesn't work because the transistor's cut off is so far away from the one I used while prototyping. It can be anywhere from -0.5v to -3.0v. I ordered them all at the same time from Digikey.

I've looked at every JFET on Digikey and none of them keep the cut-off voltage to within a narrow range. How does anyone design circuits with these things when they're so unpredictable?

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