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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1224070 [View]
File: 44 KB, 633x457, white-gloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Depends on how glossy it is - if we're talking pic related then it's mandatory. From personal experience with your average glossy skirting and such, get the sandpaper out if you don't want to have to redo everything because you were a lazy motherfucker from the get-go.

I suppose that the only absolute requirement for any paint job is a clean, dust/particle-free surface, but if you do a shitty job of prepping the surface you'll get a shitty result if it sticks at all. You could try a damn good primer and whatever cheap top coat is available in the colour you want. If you're really determined to do the bare minimum, the chalk paint that's all the rage for DIY kitchen and furniture renovations these days is popular because it does a pretty good job of adhering without any sort of initial priming. Different brands give different coverage, some are more likely to show brush strokes and it's just expensive in general. It's not particularly durable so don't seal with wax if you do use it, use a poly clearcoat or something.

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