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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.1167868 [View]
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Thank you anon for being cool and not being a faggot cuckboss that gives half a ham for a christmas bonus.

Keep them motivated.

Surprise them at the give away with a date for a steak dinner.

Doesnt seem like a ton of work. Get several people manning the grill and set up a buffet line. Steak for 100 people isnt cheap but then neither is a paid day off and yeti cooler.

I might could talk my buddy into painting you some cups if u like.

Dude charges like $60 or $80 plus cost of cup but might be cool for a door prize or random give away for jokes like most recent fuck up or most days clocked in on time in a row or something.

Little shit like that makes work 10 times better imo.

Random pic of his work.

Swear im not trying to shill for him. He makes a livibg doing it already. We been friends for 30 years and im proud of him.

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