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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.2807266 [View]

pointless on a gas mower but an 875 briggs & straton tiller has exactly that system mechanically.

>> No.2807265 [View]

Anyone not retarded comes up with a ladder instead of an incomplete staircase. Hell, even just a fucking pole. Easier and cheaper. The stairs are the worst option by literally every metric. And I think you are retarded as well for thinking that that is the why of the image.

>> No.2807264 [View]

who the fuck do you think posted the first link you stupid fucking monkey

>> No.2807263 [View]

It's a code word for dragon dildos, faggot

>> No.2807262 [View]

anon a 4090 is rated for 450w.

>> No.2807261 [View]

Yeah The frequencies it makes doesn't go through walls or windows and doesn't travel very far at all.
And then you don't need earplugs or to crank your music loud to overcome the motor. You could have a conversation if you wanted.

>> No.2807260 [View]

That's an escape way, it's there so you aren't jumping all the way from the third floor in a fire.

The paint job's pretty funny, though.

>> No.2807259 [View]

Lol no

>> No.2807258 [View]

OP here. Thanks for a̶l̶l̶ most of the replies.

For some reason some funny guy decided to impersonate me the past days

I already quit my job a couple years back, I make some money online(youtube and stuff), have a decent savings and I work a couple months in the summer(fruit picking).
Online stuff fluctuates a lot and it would be nice having a consistent income that would prevent me from reaching to my savings at times.

lies. but I do have plenty of hobbies(and ideas for business ventures I want to explore) and waging was indeed tiring as fuck.

>There will be a fence without a gate
that part is true and already in place

>my tenants won't know that I'm living there
false, though they won't know the exact conditions since I'm far enough away they can't even see my living arrangement

>Rent will be paid to a PO box
nope, I intend to split the bills. 1/2 if the tenant is a single person, 1/3 if it's a couple

>I will have my own exit to the road
yeah but we won't even share the same road

I'm really not in a rush and intend to take my time and I will be experimenting with things before committing. Eventually I might even put in the effort to learn some plumbing basics or cave in and hire someone but that's the kind of thing that would happen later down the line if I deemed it necessary.
And I actually already have an outhouse, though it's full(of rubble not poop) but I feel like the whole shitting in a pit would lead to constant smell so I think "proper" composting is the way to go(poop in bucket, add carbon and dump in a compost pile when full) even if it means a bit more work.

for showering I'm leaning towards this >>2806017, I wasn't aware such a simple portable propane heater with constant water flow/pressure existed.

>> No.2807257 [View]

Should I use rigid foam in the joist cavities against the osb on the roof?
and then spray foam the edges or something?

>> No.2807256 [View]

Not the way my property is set up, I'd have to carry it up and down the stairs. There isn't a slope from the back to the front, it's broken up by two 10+ foot retaining walls.

Since the batteries are the expensive part and the mowers themselves are cheap, the best bet for me might actually be to buy two mowers and just carry the battery up and down. I'm selling the house at the end of the month so it's a moot point now though.

>> No.2807255 [View]
File: 514 KB, 720x443, Screenshot_20240601-232135-028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2807254 [View]

Some people go for the USB or otherwise digital microscopes. Can be under $100 and they can look pretty great, the latency isn’t usually a dealbreaker. Though the offset between your hands and you eyes might be an issue. There’s also the option of a head-mounted magnifier, or even just non-prescription spectacles, though the latter will only help you focus, not magnify the image.

The chad method is to hook up an analog video camera to your CRT oscilloscope for zero latency and a green monochromatic image. Optics are left as a challenge to the reader.

>> No.2807253 [View]

Yes, >>2806288 is still right. Op could have solved this thread with a simple google search, which no less than two people found with ease. Eat a bag of dicks you hyperbolic faggot.

>> No.2807252 [View]

Depends on your family. OP is dependent upon them because they failed to raise him correctly, and living with them only makes him increasingly insane. Vicious cycle. He needs to get out. Literal homelessness would be better.

>> No.2807251 [View]

Standard in much of the world including the US (see building code separation distances for areas where pit latrines are legal or grandfathered).

>> No.2807250 [View]

*5.8, derp

>> No.2807249 [View]
File: 349 KB, 1308x724, 20240601_213133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at my walkway again, its probably not a total rightoff, unless I'm being totally naive. Other than the big ass weeds maybe just maybe I could seal the cracks and resurface it. The walkway to the steps though could be replaced. The street my house is on actually got a pretty significant renewal. New road, curb, and sidewalk. Businesses got new approaches if any, and houses got maybe 24" of new walkway. This might be the first diy I might have to call some boys in, but at least I can easily see the first porch riser is higher than the end of the walkway.

I like this guy, he has a methodology than can be applied to multiple jobs. Might paint portland cement on the whole porch like he describes after patching.

Never thought of using sand for finishing. Most people add a brush finish for grip.

>> No.2807248 [View]
File: 341 KB, 420x426, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meth uh... finds a way

>> No.2807247 [View]

Turn wrenches for fun by all means but if you want a career wrenching go USAF and retire instead of slaving away in civil life. There are many good reasons I went AF instead of joining the real military.

I enjoy wrenching but want nothing to do with retail customers. Many techs are quitting because of the flat rate system. The point of working is to retire one day in reasonable comfort.

If you want to move to sales you don't need mechanical experience for that. Sales is about social skills and ability to work with numbers. Sales is cyclic. Accounting is not. You could chat with local dealers and see about a tryout selling cars.

Food for thought: Most small businesses fail because they fail to manage their money and people well. My father made a very nice living as a garment industry management consultant. Your accounting knowledge might give you an edge in financial understanding whatever you choose.

>> No.2807246 [View]


>> No.2807245 [View]

I have a herman miller aeron. I have seen multiple of these given away because the hydraulic shock goes bad, which is a problem with literally all office chairs. Only downside is the crossbar in front can press on your sciatic nerve if the foam padding is worn out. Gets exacerbated if the mesh is saggy.

But I paid $0 for the chair and $12 for the hydraulic assembly for a MSRP $1000 chair. I also replaced the tilt switches/cables for $15.
I was offered another but declined.

>> No.2807244 [View]
File: 99 KB, 1024x665, 1533519807065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fed up of chinese and indians flying drones in national and provincial parks (Canada, we're being flooded with these third worlders). I build and fly my own FPVs and take a lot of care not to be a pain to others. These third worldres just don't care and give a bad name to the rest of the drone community. The ideal point of taking these damn DJIs down is when they're over water, or over a gorge so they're not recoverable.

Realizing that bringing my 12g with me to blast these things out of the sky is going to cause a lot of issues, I'm going to make a drone jammer to selectively take out 2.4 GHz (S band) and 5.4GHz bands (SHF, ugh)). Arduino/Pi attached to a transmitter and amplifier, would like to get range up to 1km (I have no idea if 1km if feasilbe with omni-directional)

I know a lot of these DJI drones have return to home settings. Does this work via GPS? Is there any technical points anyone can think of that would help?

>> No.2807243 [View]

I'm in an apartment, so not much.
I have a walk in attic that I can use, but I guess this would determine what course I take next. Do I maximize my ability to use VHF/UHF, or do I move onto General and do the 9700 next year?

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