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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.2807309 [View]
File: 546 KB, 526x662, comc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2807308 [View]
File: 66 KB, 900x482, 1717313365928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poors don't think that far ahead. They see high IQ people do things that don't make sense to them, and think they have to do the opposite of what makes sense.

>> No.2807307 [View]

>Anyone not retarded comes up with a ladder instead of an incomplete staircase
You can fall off a ladder.

Also, for all you know there's some local ordinance that says all bedrooms on 3rd floors or above must have external stair access to lower floors in case of fire and this is just malicious compliance.

>> No.2807306 [View]

A casket is the more common design these days, while the "Toe Pincher" is a coffin, which was narrower near the head and feet was often just a plain wooden box with a lid that was nailed on because the design was cheaper and used less material. It's a bit jarring to have the design contrast between the more expensive casket elements with the shape that was only made to use less wood.

A bookshelf is fine, but I was thinking of sleeping in it. I could have a heating pad on the bottom, built-in AC, soundproofing, an artificial sunrise, etc. which would be great if I have to work nights again. And it could lock from the inside if I ever have kids.

>> No.2807305 [View]

It takes 70W to spin the 20" mulcher blade on my not especially efficient custom mower, uses about 600-800W constant in somewhat tall grass.
I'm not defending the shitty battery life, especially not the degradation, I made the posts recommending people to convert the mower to a custom large battery pack. If you don't do that, then an electric mower is an expensive luxury. If you do the conversion, it's still expensive, but at least it's only a one-time expense and you get a very usable product out of it.

>> No.2807304 [View]

This is my first printer so I've only ever used pei before. Small prints in the middle tend to do well but anything that uses more than half the bed size usually has one or two spots with bad adhesion. Brims help sometimes.
I'm wondering if the dual zone heating element in the bed is inconsistent. Most failures happen in the outer zone and if there's random cold spots it would explain the inconsistent failure around the bed.

>> No.2807303 [View]

>will hit 850
If you OC it heavily. I have a 4090 and it barely hits 450W peak. If you drive the shitty mowers at a higher voltage and risk melting them, they will hit 1500W, too.

>> No.2807302 [View]


>> No.2807301 [View]

any EMT anons know what happened to nickel steel?
I was looking up tank armor steel and stumbled across Krupp cemented steel, whose closest modern equivalent seems to be SAE 3340, and on an unrelated note found a post saying springfield 1903's had NS (nickel steel) stamped on them and were carburized 3310. I can't find that stuff for sale anywhere, wondering if it still has any applications or if everything under the sun is 4140 these days

>> No.2807300 [View]

meant for

>> No.2807299 [View]

How has the pei bed performed in the past? I have one and get adhesion issues with it, went back to using glue stick.

>> No.2807298 [View]
File: 578 KB, 1100x1100, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just snag enough of the black plastic pallets to use as a base

>> No.2807297 [View]

are you gouging for practice? that doesn't look like an economical repair

>> No.2807296 [View]

give me the onions give it to me now
put it in my tummy make my poo runny, yum-yum-yummy

>> No.2807295 [View]

Since this thread seems fitting: I need a large-ish angle grinder for general /diy/ use and for my coming project, removing a small brick wall, so I need it to make a flush surface with the connecting wall.
Now, battery or not?
It seems like corded is the obvious solution for an angle grinder, but in some dusty, constrained and dark space, having no cable to worry about seems neat too. Plus, I already have like 4 5Ah batteries in CAS 18V system, so I’ll likely never run out of juice in my /diy/ use.
What do, reddit?

>> No.2807294 [View]

>employees ask you if you need help
>don’t have to walk 10 football fields to find something
It’s better than Jew Depot

>> No.2807293 [View]

Wtf am I looking at?

>> No.2807292 [View]

Is that a mail slot at the bottom of the door?

>> No.2807291 [View]
File: 3.78 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20240601_215414_423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wiped it down with isopropyl alcohol and made sure there were no fingerprints anywhere. Ran the print again (all other settings the same) and pic rel was the result.
All the edges look great and even the skirt is straight. Why is it failing at a completely different area now? None of the other internal sections are messed up it's only that one. When I flip the print over I can see a couple other corners not exactly at right angles but it's ok enough, is this a corner speed issue? Extrusion issue? I don't know where to start figuring this out, it's not consistent at all.

>> No.2807290 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20240601_212940_743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting this issue trying to get a good test print, most of it prints perfectly but there's always one section that fails. Usually catastrophically.
First print turned into a plastic mass around the nozzle. Picrel is the second print I did after wiping down my bed with a microfiber cloth, I cancelled it before it got worse.

>> No.2807289 [View]


>> No.2807288 [View]
File: 2.31 MB, 2419x3225, onlyslightlybroken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can reuse that cylinder rod end, it's in good shape
>my wife loves me unconditionally and is absolutely faithful
>those cracks are only on the surface
lies you hear in the repair world. the airarc exposes all sins and flaws

>> No.2807287 [View]

>what do you think it was?

>> No.2807286 [View]

Former electronics repair store manager here.

Repair is easy once you actually do it for a month. Just find a job at ubreakifix or CPR to learn how to. ifixit kits are pretty decent starter kits. wiha tools are even better, but pricey.

you can still fix android phones without a ton of specialized equipment. we used auto disassembler to open samsungs and prevent backglass from breaking. you will need serial number copiers for apple repairs these days because anytime you replace a part and the iphone doesnt recognize the serial number, a message will pop up saying its not an OEM part even though it very well might be!

all in all, phone repair/computer repair gave me the foundations to work in other repair industries. however, i feel like its more worth your time to learn a repair trade than pursue phone repair. appliance repair, HVAC, plumbing are much better paying

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