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/diy/ - Do It Yourself


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>> No.2807373 [View]

You do know you can just buy nice looking project cases, right?

>> No.2807372 [View]

like for reference I got my tech license in 2017 and never made a contact until I got my general and got on HF 2 weeks ago.

>> No.2807371 [View]

Not sure if I get your question but check "shift left" operator which is << and how to do binary manipulation. It allows you to shift bits of a number. (1 << 3) is "1 is shifted to left in binary by 3" so it becomes 8. Because if you get binary number 0b00000001 and shift every bit to left 3 and pad 0 at right, you get 0b00001000 which is 8.

This gives shiftLed4 as you can see (if you counted from 0 and named first led shiftLed0 then it would be more convenient shiftLed3 = (1<<3)). You can use it to dynamically calculate led bits you want and use that value to set that bit

Also check other bit operations. I imagine you would want to set multiple bits at once, they you can use or | operator to combine both bits

>> No.2807370 [View]

I would see if there is any activity on vhf/uhf in your area
I feel like HF is the real ham radio in reality and vhf/uhf is a beginners trap

>> No.2807369 [View]

Not sure if I get yiur question but check "shift left" operator which is << and how to do binary manipulation. (1 << 3) is "1 is shifted to left in binary by 3" so it becomes 8. Because if you get binary number 0b00000001 and shift every bit to left 3 and pad 0 at right, you get 0b00001000 which is 8.

This gives shiftLed4 as you can see (if you counted from 0 and start . Similarly you can calculate other led with naming first led shiftLed0 then it would be more convenient shiftLed3 = (1<<3)) to dynamically and use that value to set that bit

Also check other bit operations. I imagine you would want to set multiple bits at once, they you can use or | operator to combine both bits

>> No.2807368 [View]

Not that anon, but I have the can in the OP and use it to fill a garden variety B&S push mower. It's quite easy to use and never spills. Perhaps the issue is the Indian and not the arrow.

>> No.2807367 [View]

Has anyone tried converting Ender 3 V3's CoreXZ gantry into CoreXY? I see these shits on Ali for 150 bucks and for that price they seem like perfect part donors for cool projects.

>> No.2807366 [View]

Hi guys, I have a question. Have you ever encountered propaganda on the air? People recommending websites to visit or books to read?

>> No.2807365 [View]

Is valuable life lesson Ivan, no one give monies for radiotekniky if case ugly.

>> No.2807364 [View]

I can see drill bits and workpieces sag on my mini lathe when they're longer than a couple of inches, how the fuck could that setup possibly bore a concentric hole?

>> No.2807363 [View]
File: 914 KB, 1536x2048, 442413522_7996971577014350_228322255468977709_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2807362 [View]


>> No.2807361 [View]
File: 798 KB, 2560x1437, CdYOShc7w7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teacher gives an assignment to create an electronic device
>get hyped about this
>going to make a lab power supply
>suffer while making it, but wanna get high grade
>thinking about the circuitry for 20 hours
>spend 30$ on components
>10 hours of coding later
>create really cool 3d model for case in 10 hours
>3d printer messed up my print
>5 hours until deadline
>create simple boxy case so 3d printer will print it as fast as it can
>suffer while assembling electrics
>cool electronics, cool code, shitty case because of 3d printer
>tell teacher about that
>"u have shitty case, it's a shameful work"
>didn't even look inside case
>"pathetic case for a "designer and technologist of radio-electronic equipment" (my major in uni)
>get minimum grade for this

Bro, who the fuck am I? My future work is to create an electronic devices, not a fucking cases for them

>> No.2807360 [View]

break your bones in a certain angle and they will refuse longer, be careful because its possible to make one longer then the other

>> No.2807358 [View]
File: 131 KB, 1264x717, it&#039;s amazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where can i find a good source?


>> No.2807357 [View]

None in my city :c

>> No.2807356 [View]
File: 69 KB, 640x640, wera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel is the only thing i would buy from wera, perfect edc as instrumentation technican, throw out the second handle and put in a small knipex sidecutter and smal knipex cobra. is lightweight and fits in a poket.

>> No.2807355 [View]
File: 904 KB, 2048x1536, wera2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screwdrivers are the only thing wera makes good and this is what they started making in the 60s, i whish they still made acetate handles.

i dont like the new handles with oil they degrade quickly and the soft patches stuff comes out of the hard handle

>> No.2807354 [View]
File: 25 KB, 650x650, tbs-fox-folding-lock-knife-black-micarta-(5)-3137-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CAN'T own a self defense knife because my country is cvcked
Okay but how likely is it that the police will find you and check all your possessions? The risk is very low that a person or animal will try and kill you but it's a much smaller risk that some cops will show up and frisk you.

>> No.2807353 [View]

I'd love to but there's someone else's balcony and a patio below it.

>> No.2807352 [View]

we do not even have that here in germany.

if a house is newly build the only thing checked is the energy provider will require a form filled out by a licenced electrican then they come and put teir seal into the meter. they wont check anything if it does not look outright butched.
(to be licenced you need to prove you have bought the vde standards and subscribed them)

>> No.2807351 [View]

Just pour a jug of used motor oil on it and then brush it in.

>> No.2807350 [View]

All that fan needed was a drop of oil lmao.

>> No.2807349 [View]

You couldnt even survive yourself on such a small amount of food produced.

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