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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 160 KB, 928x522, spicy-italian-sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9992297 No.9992297 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of sausages do you like? What toppings are your favorite?

>> No.9992307

I've been getting a hardon for pork and apple lately for no reason, with a little bit of lemon dijonaisse butter.

It's deplorable, but it works for me.

>> No.9992412

i like fresh slim jims. i usually test their squishiness in gas stations noone wants any of those dried out ones.

>> No.9992502
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throw on a bun with solo bbq sauce

>> No.9992509

bratwurst with curry ketchup

>> No.9992876

Italian sausage, dipped, with hot giard. Kielbasa with mustard in onion is a close second. Bratwurst with saurkraut and horseradish mustard is a more distant third but still great. Really any sausage.

>> No.9992881
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Also if the sausage comes with Italian beef that's an added bonus.

>> No.9992923

any recommendations that's halal

>> No.9992935
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Who /'nduja/ here?

>> No.9992940

Venison and red wine is pretty up there.

>> No.9992969

my favorite is anything with some heat to it. i use to get some handmade ones from a korean man with his own live-in store. i wish i had a pic but theyre a coarse texture with a somewhat high content of fat pig meat sausage, about the 2 3/4's of a coke can in girth with a slow onsetting mouth heat that ends up in the sinuses

>> No.9992971
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For me it's the bratwurst.

>> No.9992989
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You all having shit tier sausages. Feast on this beast!

>> No.9992998

What is "Italian sausage"?

>> No.9993001
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Been craving a good Cumberland Ring

>> No.9993004

you mean medister?

>> No.9993011

I don't know is what the fuck that is, but my pic was of a Cumberland ring

>> No.9993015

looks like medister

>> No.9993020

It's what amerilards call sausage.

>> No.9993032

you guys ever notice that sausages look kinda like penises

>> No.9993035

Is that expensive?
Importing meat from Italy can’t be cheap.

>> No.9993038

If an American foodstuff has the name of a country in front of it (Italian, German, whatever) it likely has absolutely nothing to do with that country.

>> No.9993040

Never had it, hard to find where i am, how is it?

>> No.9993055

Why is that? Seems a bit odd really.
I mean if I buy French butter it comes from France or spanish ham it’s going to be imported.

>> No.9993091


The problem: the texture and flavor varies wildly from brand to brand.

It's technically a salami. I want to try some authetic Italian salamis.

>> No.9993092

I'm gonna make sausages but not eat them in a bun and instead get a bunch of things to dip them in. Was gonna get grain dijon mustard, ketchup, chutney of some kind but any other ideas?

>> No.9993103

cause naming something after a first world country with good food is a very viable strategy, but actually producing products with the quality of foodstuffs in those countries is not so viable, and they don't have much law against lying outright in marketing

>> No.9993110

Pepperoni is not technically salami.
Salame is a fermented sausage, pepperoni is trailer park fare.

>> No.9993117

White sausage.

>> No.9993125

the "Italian" in Italian sausage refers to the spices used in the sausage. because there are so many kinds available in the US, we do this to differentiate.

>> No.9993161

I think you've covered all your bases there, unless you wanna go the HP sauce route.

I recommend red onion chutney with sausages, as long as the sausages themselves aren't too sweet.

>> No.9993747
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Chori con salsa criolla.

>> No.9994479
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>> No.9994493

but in italy we put no spices in sausage

>> No.9994513

Very doubtful. All good sausage has spices.

"Italian sausage" sold in the US has a gross mix of spices that I assume are not correctly replicating what is made in Italy.

>> No.9994526

Arroz con longaniza or arroz con chorizo is my favorite meal. I don't like eating sausages alone.

>> No.9994539

nigga i know my sausages, there's nothing in them
a good sausage has good meat, what's the point if you cover it in spices
it's probably like the alfredo sauce, something you think is italian but that never existed here to begin with

>> No.9994540
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Bend the knee in front of your superiors, yurotrash.

>> No.9994544

brats with mustard
This is good with saltines while pan fishing.

>> No.9994556

Cumberland. English mustard

>> No.9994574

Well most central European sausages have spices in them and are amazing.

I know of cotechino, which to my knowledge is both Italian and spiced.

>> No.9994610

wouldnt really call it a sausage, but yeah it has a few spices (not many but that is variable depending on the area)
standard fresh sausage is just meat

>> No.9994623
File: 703 KB, 2121x1414, SALSICCIA-DI-VITELLO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go stick a fennel up your asshole you teenage fart-huffer so at least others will be able to enjoy the smell

>> No.9994639

everyone knows you are what you eat, finocchietto mio

>> No.9994656

Again I don't really believe you, can you post a traditional recipe?

>Nella tradizione culinaria dell’Italia settentrionale la salsiccia si consuma fresca e cotta ed è solitamente aromatizzata con pepe, cannella, vino bianco e aglio. Nel Meridione è d’uso insaporirle con ingredienti altrettanto forti come semi di finocchio, aglio, peperoncino, peperone, pomodoro e tocchetti di formaggio. In Toscana e in Umbria si consumano solitamente secche e dunque crude.

>All'impasto così ottenuto viene aggiunto solitamente vino (prevalentemente rosso) e altre spezie, quali possono essere pepe, peperoncino, coriandolo, finocchio, noce moscata, anche zucchero (destrosio, saccarosio).

Are these sites all lying to me?

>> No.9994663
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>> No.9994667

>spicy mustard

>> No.9994669

italians are just retards when it comes to food. they will act superior no matter how many times you prove them wrong

>> No.9994707

you are confusing fresh sausage and sausage
fresh sausage is the one that is supposed to be eaten fast, and has nothing added to it
tipically gets grilled
sausage instead gets added spices and salt that allow it to lose water and get dry
when you say sausage in italy it's implied you talk about fresh sausage, because all the other kinds have their own name, be it salame, culatello, cotechino or whatever it is
if you just google salsiccia you will get answer to the second type
burgers are just retards when it comes to food. they will act superior no matter how many times you prove them wrong

>> No.9994718

british are just retards when it comes to food. they will act superior no matter how many times you prove them wrong

>> No.9994723

they have slags tho

>> No.9994725

i bet you're that fuckwit I was arguing with yesterday, that tried to tell me I was cooking bolognese sauce wrong and linked me to napoletano ragu recipes to prove it. also confused noodle with spaghetti and tried to be condescending by saying I was using the wrong shape, thinking I didn't use tagliatelle and parpedelle already. hey, if you're italian you should really consider banging your head against a concrete wall until you severely damage your parietal and temporal lobes, hopefully then you will finally stop talking about nonna's recipes

>> No.9994728

>italian sausage
>andouille sausage
>breakfast sausage (WTF SO GOOD)

>> No.9994741

what? im not him, i dont link roba napoletana, dont want to catch any illness
indeed would take a lot of hits to the head to lower my level and be able to discuss with you tho

>> No.9994752

You mean something akin to this?

>La concia avviene aggiungendo all'impasto sale marino, vino rosso e spezie. L'impasto viene quindi insaccato utilizzando il budello di ovino detto groppino. Va conservata in luoghi freschi e areati.

Again, not really sure what you are talking about when you say no spices are used as all I see is sources stating the opposite. The Swiss and Austrians at your border use spices, why would Northern Italy be any different?

>> No.9994754

that makes no sense, you pumpkinheaded cunt. if you were smarter then you'd have an easy time discussing with me, only dumber people would have trouble, but banging your head against a wall wouldn't make you smarter. besides, the point was to injure your cognitive function in the fields of language and memory so that you couldn't talk about food anymore, not to lower your iq and make you easier to talk to. in an ideal world, your tongue would be cut out and your ears would be severed, but the only hope right now is a self-afflicted wound

>> No.9994783

evidently you didnt read nor understood
fresh sausage isnt sausage, fresh sausage hasnt spices, will have to be cooked to be eaten (some eat it raw but not that common)
sausage is cured meat, spices are added, will be eaten raw
the confusion is created by english, sausage translates to salsiccia and it only indicates fresh sausage.
y-you do know that i actually need eyes and hands to post? also cutting ears doesnt affect hearing, even if it would be pretty annoying

>> No.9994812

it's the mark of shame that a slave holds. read More's Utopia dumbass

>> No.9994830

oh, i see
in your case, i would get a fire-proof umbrella for your afterlife then

>> No.9994856

>the confusion is created by english
Then then use your Latin keyboard to send me a link to what you mean in Italian. Seems like the problem isn't English but that you're obfuscating the truth. I need a bit more than "Trust me, we have unspiced sausage but Italian is so amazing that we lack the way to properly translate a basic fucking recipe to the International standard language".

>> No.9994866

We're not retards, we have competence in food.

>> No.9994875

here you go
now dont ask for a ncbi certified sausage article

>> No.9994879

ARE YOU FUCKING RETARTED????!?!?! Your shitty language is not our first language, fortunately. They invented google translate, use it and shut the fuck up.

>> No.9994898
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>> No.9994902

I love garlic sausage and onion but can never think of how to incorporate it except in a shitty ketchup sandwich

>> No.9995035

Post the original

And you'll note the link from CeIRSA
> “Salsiccia fresca” definita come una preparazione costituita
da un insaccato ottenuto con carni macinate alle quali siano stati aggiunti eventuali condimenti ed additivi
consentiti senza essere sottoposta ad alcun trattamento di conservazione ad eccezione del freddo
mantenendo al centro le caratteristiche di carne fresca.

I.e. still uses spices. The only thing it doesn't include is preservatives, hardly something the rest of the world is unaware of.

>> No.9995237

lol damn bro umad?

>> No.9995301

>nigga i know my sausages, there's nothing in them
>a good sausage has good meat, what's the point if you cover it in spices
Please, post a sausage recipe that calls for no spices to be added.

>> No.9995497
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>> No.9995563

that would be a pretty short recipe? grind meat, put in budel, wa la
that's legal talk, all labels have to put that kind of blabber on them because if there were spices in the place of preparation they will put it in the label
but all sausages will have the standard flavour of pig meat, unless you specifically buy an aromatized one
if you want to add, every area then will produce their own kind of sausage, but standard sausage is just simple pig

what kind of spices have your italian sausages? anything beyond salt and pepper is meme

>> No.9995625

Can some Americans explain to me why so many of your recipes call for sausage meat? I mean why bother filling that meat in a casing and then remove it? One could easily freeze & sell the filling like ground meat.

>> No.9995639

We have a lot of sausage sold without casings.

>> No.9995644

Why call it a sausage then?

>> No.9995660

>standard sausage is just simple pig
I still have my doubts. I am guessing they are just subtly spiced and you didn't realize. "Italian" sausage in the US is generally hot and includes caraway seed. I'm not entirely sure why it's considered Italian but the US is seriously lacking on sausage skills. Germanys, Poles and Czechs make the best sausages from what I've tasted.

t. Buys meat from a Czech butcher in Germany

>> No.9995678

Because it's the same kind of thing you would get in a sausage rather than just plain ground pork. First you bitch that we are removing casings now you are bitching that there isn't a casing to remove.

>> No.9995686


I really only like cured sausage butIi've been known to eat a good merguez.

>> No.9995695

Not bitching, just confused. No one would call ground/seasoned meat without any casing a sausage here.

>> No.9995699


Many sausages are uncased.

>> No.9995702

surely no caraway in them, there are sometimes the hot ones or the fennel ones but only in very big stores and like 3-4 packs
i eat spices very rarely so im sensible to them, i doubt they would pass unnoticed
also note that i simply said standard italian sausages have no peculiar spices, never implied they are best or better than any
you can come over anytime anyway, will let you eat as many as you can
in my area we have also horse sausage, bit harder compared to pig but i like it a lot

>> No.9995705

Sorry then. It's just normal here to call it sausage despite it not having a casing.

>> No.9995799

Pretty sure fennel and caraway seed are referring to the same thing. In the US the Italian sausage contains whole unground seeds. As I said, US sausages are pretty awful on the whole and the Italian sausages they make are among the worst. I'd stay away from pretty much everything but nürnberger and certain Polish sausages when you are there unless you know you're at a quality butcher. Even then, most of the sausage is subpar to what you'd find at a European butcher.

>> No.9995819

>Pretty sure fennel and caraway seed are referring to the same thing.


>> No.9995820

Uncased sausage, specifically breakfast sausage, is an American tradition that started with the Scottish immigrants who moved to the Southern colonies after the clan system was dissolved in the 1700s. In Scotland, they eat an uncased sausage called "Lorne sausage", which is traditionally made from ground meat, spices, and breadcrumbs, sliced into square pieces, and fried. As time went on and meat became more abundant and affordable, the descendants of these Scottish immigrants stopped adding the breadcrumbs, producing the breakfast sausage that we all know and love here.

>> No.9995832
File: 44 KB, 360x240, 240_F_99638827_Y4V8lLRhy7K51KMm9kVdVHZEN40NwjRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merguez. Goes good with harissa.

>> No.9995863

Some guy at the local farmer's market sells weird Hungarian spicy sausages inna bun with grilled onions and I would follow that man into hell.

>> No.9995897

I have

>> No.9995914
File: 80 KB, 680x1020, 1ab3fd3398641908a1c77c8c47de5fb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncased sausage from the inventor. Cevapcici isn't even sausage, though.

>> No.9996304

With fries and mayo

>> No.9997977

Bullshit. Fresh sausage here is fine, and can be amazing depending on the type of sausage you want from each US region. Your gonna get awesome Italian style sausages both cured and fresh from areas that have a huge population of Italian immigrants and their families, likewise with German/Polish sausages in the Midwest.

If you're comparing Johnsonville sausages to shit in Euro butchers then you might as well compare Kraft singles to English farmhouse Cheddars. Fine to say that you don't prefer it, but to insinuate that all our shit is fucked up in an attempt to appear knowledgeable and worldly to other Europeans, then you are doing yourself a disservice.

>> No.9998012

>Sausage bun
>Hot Italian sausage
>Diced yellow onions and green peppers

Comfy wintertime dinner.

>> No.9998020
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>> No.9998024
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fuck yea cunts, sausage thread!

>> No.9998078

Fuckin split kielbasa between two pieces of toasted sourdough with caraway saurkraut and mustard.

>> No.9998080


None of them compare to European sausage 2BH, although they're still better than the Brit slime tubes.

>> No.9998104

choripan con pebre

>> No.9998121


>> No.9998568

Still... Sooooo good - had it in Macedonia for the first time this summer

>> No.9998572

theres hundreds of bratwurst in germany,.
Its just the name for a sausage that needs a fry or a grill before eating...

>> No.9998587

Homemade pork and fennel, w/roasted garlic and a hint of anchovies. To be paired with pineapple kimchi on an olive tapenade and feta pizza, topped with caramelized onions and crunchy bell pepper. The only way for me to enjoy pineapple on pizza.

Failing that, any of my seafood or gator sausages in which I include bone marrow for extreme richness. The alligator meat is lean enough to forgive the fatty marrow's low melting point. A thing of beauty.

>> No.9998644

actually it doesn't come from the word for frying, which is braten, but Brät, which is just the minced meat for the filling.
Bratwurst is a generic term though. I enjoy Krakauer the most

>> No.9998719

what a fedora post

>> No.9998749

>What kind of sausages do you like?

A new "international market" opened down the street and their selection of sausages is fascinating -- I've never heard of half the food in that market. Amazing stuff.

>> No.9998833

Honestly sounds like you have never tried sausages from anywhere but your local Wal-Mart

>> No.9998979

i make the best sausage better than all of your amerifat and yurocuck sausage

>> No.9999052
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They speak for themselves boys

>> No.9999134

I tried those once. Nearly insta-puked when it touched my tongue. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.9999158

I live in New York, we don't have a Walmart here. I normally grind my own sausage because its way cheaper that way, but the butcheres here are just as good as the stuff I tried in West Germany and Italy, Wife is from northern Ohio and they are also serious about their sausages at butchers, but not at big national grocery stores, most people there are content with generic kielbasa and bratwurst and mettwurst. Keep assuming, though.

Cured sausage is my favorite food anyways, not fresh. Gonna try to learn how to make it this year, but we'll see how that goes as far as space requirements.

>> No.9999164

They remind me of flaccid dick.

>> No.9999167

I took them for snack in Kindergarten because my Grandpa had them in the cabinet constantly, haven't touched them since. Whenever I smell potted meat it makes my stomach flip.

>> No.9999433

>in italy we put no spices in sausage
EVERYBODY that makes sausage uses spices and herbs to season it, including Italians.

>"Italian sausage" sold in the US...
Was popularized by Italian immigrants who brought their native recipes with them when they left Italy. Most "Italian" foods in the U.S. originated from southern Italy, because that's the most ghetto part of Italy, and where most of the immigrants came from back in the day.

"Italian" sausage is called Italian sausage in the U.S. because the Italians that made and popularized it used a distinctive spice profile that separated it from other types of sausages, like kielbasa, andouille, bratwurst, or the home made farm sausage made on farms all over the nation. This shit isn't hard to figure out, people.

>> No.9999441

b-b-but that doesn't make sense what about muh larping and muh jealousy??? Americans j-just want to copy Europeans...

>> No.10001852

Italians are just straight up pants-on-head retarded when it come to food, dude. The ONLY thing you can get Italians to agree on, when it comes to cooking, is that everybody else is doing it wrong.

>> No.10001905
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>> No.10002148
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Conecuh sausage is wonderful. I miss it since I moved away.

>> No.10003577

>eating meat
>in 2018
Hope all of you murderers go to hell you disgusting corpse-munchers.