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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 165 KB, 758x331, school-lunch-worldwide-758x331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9989857 No.9989857 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really what school lunches are like in other countries compared to the US?

>> No.9989882

>that representation of us school lunches

Wtf kind of school has lunches like that? My school lunches were never that good. No potatoes, no cookies, no peas or fruit cups, and the chicken nuggets were a hellish abomination.

>> No.9989897

Yes and you can thank Obama and niggers. Not even joking.

>food has to be affordable
>food has to be healthy
>pizza is now a vegetable
>need to lower costs for dem programs

Seriously my highschool had a average lunch line which was like <2 dollars for a meal of shit, and then a "Custom deli" which served actual food for more and was almost 100% white.

>> No.9989917

Kek you're so full of shit. I work in a school and the lunches have only gotten better since Obamas thing. Trust me what the kids eat now is much better than what I got as a kid

>> No.9989923

I don't know about other schools, but in my "special kids" school (the place where all the problematic, probably pregnant gangbanging cholos and white trash got sent) we had some good food. I asked to help out in the kitchen and once a month they made chinese food, which was essentially putting frozen half-cooked chinese into a giant kettle and stirring the fuck out of it while adding in the sauces.
I've never seen anybody actually use a tray like those pictures show. Always paper containers or the stuff they make ramen cup noodle out of that I can't remember right now.

>> No.9989926

Kids should bring food from home, who the fuck is so poor that they can't give their kids a fucking sandwich? Why is there food being prepared at schools at all? What can you learn by eating there?

>> No.9989927

No, those photos are deliberately staged. US School lunches are shit, but pretending that european countries are serving all these fresh fruits, veggies, pasta, breads on beds of greens is fucking retarded

>> No.9989929

>the stuff they make ramen cup noodle out of

>> No.9989932

>He thinks the President makes laws
If Obama had his way they wouldn't even serve pizza at schools, it's the republicans that passed that bill

>> No.9989936

>pizza is now a vegetable
Only New York state did that because they're actually that stupid.

>> No.9989937

> I work in a school and the lunches have only gotten better since Obamas thing

This is not a real post

>> No.9989938

Yeah that.
I don't know why it slipped my mind.

>> No.9989946

They shouldn't be letting kids inside the kitchen at all it's dangerous as fuck and none of the staff is qualified to look after a kid

>> No.9989947

they're actually worse (graduated high school in 2011 so maybe it improved?)

they were shit for as long as I can remember, and I started going to public school in 2002, well before obama

>> No.9989951

>This is not a real post

This is not a real post

>> No.9989957

I had a food handler's card so it was fine. Plus I was 18 at the time so it wasn't like I was going to suddenly deep fry myself.

>> No.9989959

The USA pic looks better than what my school served us 20 years ago

>> No.9989960

i feel bad for you if you didn't go home for lunch or at least take a bag lunch that was made with love

>> No.9989964

>who the fuck is so poor that they can't give their kids a fucking sandwich?
You have no idea, some of the kids in inner city schools only get to eat at school because of free lunch programs.

>> No.9989966

It's literally the entire thing Michelle Obama did as First Lady, what are you on about?

>> No.9989971

Haha, no.

>> No.9989974

Michelle Obama did not advocate for pizza to be a vegetable

>> No.9989977

My food was worse than what was in the pic and I went to school before Obama

>> No.9989985

>make food to bring with me to school
>unrefridged for hours
>constantly knocked around when moving from class to class
>end up with a mess pile

>> No.9989989

Is Michelle Obama personally damage controlling this post? There was literally a hashtag and other normie social media movements and complaints and shit over how fucking horrible it made things. Pictures of trashcans full of untouched food, the nasty 'meals', etc.

>> No.9989991

The parents are getting money from the government so they can feed them right?
Obama abolished drug testing as a requirement to get on wellfare and I will always remember him as the drug money president for that

>> No.9989995

That is, again, just New York State. Michelle Obama was behind the main push of MAKE IT ALL HEALTHY OOOO

>> No.9990000

>his mother didn't love him enough to make him a bento box every day

>> No.9990001

People used to get on ships and sail across the world not setting foot on ground for months without any refrigerated food and they did just fine

>> No.9990008

ok, and? Children should be eating healthy food and not tater tots.

Have you seen how fucking fat kids are these days?

>> No.9990013

That's because they aren't allowed to run and play during recess

>> No.9990015

any people also lived to the ripe old age of 30 what is your point.

>> No.9990016


Drug testing has never been required for "welfare" which I assume you're using to stand in for programs you don't actually know the names of.

A few states have gone off on their own to drug test, but only a few have maintained their programs.

Open a fucking book, faggot

>> No.9990017

my experience from the early 2000s in euroland, or what I can remember anyways

mac & cheese & sausage
boiled potatoes & pork patty
rice & tendies
split pea soup
frikadellen soup

bread and salad on the side
yogurt or jello for dessert

>> No.9990021

It was shit even before the Obama administration. I believe those tweets were in response to Michelle saying something to the effect of her making school lunches better, which I will agree was bullshit. But that doesn't mean >the absolute state of American school lunch was directly her fault.

>> No.9990022

>Be conservative
>Bitch that markets should be free
>Bitch that corporations have turned school food into cheap trash
>Blame Obama

>> No.9990024

>Have you seen how fucking fat kids are these days?
I'm pretty sure it wasnt the crappy school lunches making kids fat. I'm pretty sure it's the complete abandonment of physical education and parents letting them drink 2L of soda every day.

>> No.9990028

Except its directly his fault for enforcing the standards, and it's not about MUH FREE MARKET, it's about MUH BIG GOVERNMENT. This kind of shit should be determined at the state level at the absolute highest, not the federal level.

>> No.9990033

That's on average because the high numbers of child mortality because modern medicine wasn't a thing yet

>> No.9990040
File: 47 KB, 500x374, 011I33630-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

us school lunches are pretty shitty. many corners are cut to maximize profits.

>> No.9990043


School food is unhealthy crap and our kids are fat!

>Here are some healthy school lunch standards

Obama is infringing on my kid's right to eat Sodexo trash!

>> No.9990046

That didn't happen, but the rules were relaxed when it came to unemployment insurance.

Get rid of welfare sure but when Tyrone and Bubbas family's get hungry expect more crime to happen. Welfare are the bread and games keeping people from becoming truly desperate.

>> No.9990054
File: 69 KB, 507x684, 1515283965326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a large smack of corn
how is that not child abuse?

>> No.9990056
File: 955 KB, 600x580, 1515166605772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cookies for lunch
seriously amerifats?

>> No.9990057

I looked it up, it was for unemployment not wellfare
Still the drug money president tho

>> No.9990060

No. Those photos are obviously staged. Lots of these countries don't even have school meals. The children are forced to go home at lunchtime, or to bring their own food.

>> No.9990069

I'm the one arguing that there shouldn't be school lunch at all, next time keep better track newfag

>> No.9990073

How ignorant are you? Lots of children come from poor homes. For some the meal at school is their only large meal of the day.

>> No.9990078

>The children are forced to go home at lunchtime, or to bring their own food.
that's how it should be
god forbid parents feed their children

>> No.9990081

Maybe they get desperate enough to get a job, have you considered that?

>> No.9990086

>parents letting them drink 2L of soda every day
So we should let schools sell soda to them?

I went to one of the best high schools in the country in one of the richest counties in the US and I remember my school had both soda vending machines and a "school store" that sold bottles of Pepsi.

>> No.9990088
File: 240 KB, 2000x1000, 1515087583802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck high school.

>> No.9990091

Yea how things should be and things are are often two different things in case you weren't aware dipshit.

>> No.9990094

This seems like complete propaganda, I dobut there is a single kid out there in the entire country who only eats the food they serve at the school

>> No.9990098


Not that guy but I've worked for a fairly long time with low-income families where this is exactly the case. It's super depressing.

>> No.9990100
File: 41 KB, 522x396, 0c6e3b8c-def0-4335-933b-daa947124840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying into right wing psyops

>> No.9990104

Not every person on welfare is unemployed. You're aware unemployment insurance and things like food stamps are two different things right?

>> No.9990106

Why do Americans consider corn to be a vegetable when it is obviously a grain?

>> No.9990113

then don't use language like "children are forced" that makes feeding your own children seem like a negative thing, dipshit

>> No.9990115
File: 3.81 MB, 459x258, ca58d9d0fcb192cb88358f5f8be427b3b566d5223e12bdb405b29088b28b2784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfft, it's true you fucking mongoloid waste of pretentious shit. It's not propaganda. I came from a city school were kids would came school with black eyes and drug problems since elementary. Shit is fucking crazy fucked up and no one really gives enough of a shit to make a change so we just complain about nothing.

Kids are treated like garbage and parents never take the blame, let alone the pampered school attendants. Some kids are kicked out before they're fucking 18 and parents just disown them and kids are too self-conscious or scared of the legal system to even bother telling anyone, so they end up couch crashing with abusive friends, family, or boyfriends.

>> No.9990119

Because parents could be sending the kids to school with a healthy meal they could microwave for a minute but Latisha is raising 3 kids by herself because she didn't know any of the parents and she is way too fat and oldto fuck for money anymore and she is tired and she is high half the time and she would rather not feed them than make a massive pot of stew in less than two hours that would be enough to feed them for a week

>> No.9990122

>feed kids over processed shit for decades
>be surprised when kids dont want to eat actually decent food

>> No.9990125

Do some research then, instead of talking out of your ass. Plenty of children come from poor or bad homes, due to no fault of their own. They shouldn't be denied food that they depend upon.

>> No.9990126

>tfw country doesnt offer school lunches

We did have nice free breakfast though

Like maple porridge and toasted bagels with butter or jam or cheese and fruit cups all free

>> No.9990128

I never said that you dumb nigger.

>> No.9990132

Why would poor people lie to their social workers?
If they aren't unemployed then why would they get desperate? You are making 0 sense

>> No.9990133

My wife works at a Catholic charter school that is fed from the Cleveland Public School system and nearly all of the students get free lunch because their families can barely afford food. Some of them definitely only get to eat at school, or very little at home. A bunch of them have drug addicts for parents and have to live with grandparents who are too old to work.

You can say that parents should be able to provide for their children but if they don't or can't that isn't the child's fault.

>> No.9990134

You think these stoner, delinquent, neckbeards are stupid?
Try someone who never learned how to read or write well into their adulthood because not once in their lives were they ever taught the value and importance of education. All it's ever about is money, drugs, and sex.

>> No.9990143

That isn't because their parents can't afford to feed them tho
And I still stand by it, there is no way they eat only school cafeteria food, other wise they would get really sick, have an accident and someone in school would report it and a social worker would have a look at it, what do kids eat at school? 400 calories of potatoes? Try to survive on that for a month

>> No.9990147

Wait a minute,
>let alone the pampered school attendants
Fuck you I'm paid shit compared to literally doing anything else with my degree. The last thing the majority of school employees are is pampered

>> No.9990151

How old are you? Do you think being employed just fixes everyone's problems and that money isn't an issue anymore? It's painfully obvious you still live at home with your parents if you can't wrap your head around this.

I'm not saying that welfare doesn't need work or anything by the way.

>> No.9990155
File: 3.47 MB, 495x250, e3cf459589eddce457d8b7c4fce4b2a2fed03de38ce35a4eaa321ee9ee4bb957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live next to one, and she's cute as a button.
I grew up with the strongest crush in the world over a girl who could draw anime like a Japanese born animator; and she lived with her rich ass grandparents, drove a mustang convertible, and her father was in prison or some shit when her mother died of drug abuse.
>now she's engaged to some fat, who gives a shit and works in who cares

>> No.9990158

You seem to not understand how food works

>> No.9990167

It fixes the nofoods problem at the very least

>> No.9990168

>If they aren't unemployed then why would they get desperate?
Have you ever tried to live on minimum wage? Then try to support yourself and a child on that.

>> No.9990177

A lot of schools also provide free breakfasts for these students.

>> No.9990178

then butt out, i wasnt talking to you, fag

>> No.9990180

Non-ironically this. They started serving Integral rice, which was fucking awful. Best timeline was 2006-2010.

>> No.9990185

You're trying to piss us off, and it's working. This isn't random, and we're not nihilists.
Kids are living in squalor, and parents have no idea how to take proper care of kids. Then assholes like Michelle Obama, and the upperclass kids who live nearby and are stuck in the school's districts; their parents, end up making all the fucking rules thinking they know what's best for every child on Earth. As if fixing the school lunches is the solution to malnutrition, and metal detectors and drug dogs are the solution to guns and drugs.

Fuck off if you don't want to relate or bother understanding the real social problems people are facing, rather than that bullshit, trans gender women rights bullshit.

>> No.9990188

>Can barely afford food
Food can be really cheap, I make soup for ten meals with just potatoes, peas chicken stock, some spices and a little bit of bacon for flavor, it's so inexpensive it's funny, I make a massive pot in under one hour and I can freeze it and reheat it no problem. I eat it with a couple rolls of bread, why can't parents do the same?

>> No.9990191

You're clueless. Millions of children go hungry and are starving in the US. They do get sick, and suffer with malnutrition. It's widespread. Do some research.

>> No.9990198

>first world problems

>> No.9990205

You mean two minimun wages right?

>> No.9990207

>Food can be really cheap
>what are food deserts

And you're not taking into account things like paying for rent.

>> No.9990210
File: 141 KB, 1200x900, DB-qrkOWAAAJYzV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-Americans of /ck/, post your typical school lunch.

>> No.9990218

Sweet child, you have no clue how the world really functions.
Here is a simplified as fuck version, when you have to pay rent, utilities and food, but only have enough money for 2, barely. Which do you think is the one most people skimp on?

>> No.9990220

You should check the integrity of whoever is feeding you this false information, people are only that poor in third world countries and j mean the low end
Homeless people eat so much they develop diabetes and you want me to think there are kids out there dragging themselves to school for some tatter tots

>> No.9990221

If I alone was only making twice minimum wage I'd barely be able to afford my own expenses (and I'm frugal as fuck) where I'm at now much less throwing a kid into the mix.

>> No.9990223
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Drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and abuse and neglect. What is so fucking difficult for you to understand? These parents have no idea how easy it is for the law to come in and intervene, and neither do the children. but it's the children who are afraid of tales about how terrible some foster parents are, or they're scared of losing their biological families and it's fucking terrifying to imagine that. To imagine, that your parents want nothing to do with you, and will hurt and starve you because they just don't fucking care and no one can touch them because even THEY come from dysfunctional, abusive, non-existent families...

>> No.9990224

a lot of times these kids only have one parent. One of my wife's students had a mother in jail because she tried to murder her husband by running him over with a car. Another just had a dad OD because opioids are ravaging the country especially among lower income whites.

Sometimes the kids get taken away from the parents and have to live with the grandparent(s) and survive on social security.

>> No.9990227

>Bagged milk

>> No.9990230

From school lunches to niggers in two posts.

/pol/ really has ruined this place.

>> No.9990232

I started high school in 2008, and the food only got better during those 4 years. The shit they served in elementary and middle school was absolute trash.

>> No.9990233

We didn't even have school launches.

>Slices of mango on top left
Has to be from some Desi or Pakistan school.

>> No.9990235

Lots of these parents are uneducated, have issues, or simply don't care. The world isn't as simple as you make it out to be.

Obviously the ideal is that children come from good homes, and are adequately fed and looked after. But life isn't a Disney movie.

The idea that school meals should be removed is insane, and would lead to the suffering and potential deaths of millions of children.

>> No.9990236

Nobody starves to death in the us unless it's a girl trying to get a thousand likes on a Facebook picture

>> No.9990237

Again, this comes right back to the parents. The school isn't handing out bottles of coke at lunch, if the kids have the money to buy soda then they got it from their parents, who are once again to blame.
Stop expecting public institutions to be the ones to raise kids, and start holding shitty parents accountable.

>> No.9990238
File: 53 KB, 360x450, mom-packing-school-lunch-for-daughter_ddlg9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9990239

Those are peaches, you fucking retard.

>> No.9990240

Those aren't mango tard. They're sliced peaches stored and served in high fructose corn syrup

>> No.9990241

No one is saying that anyone in the US is starving to death but hunger is still an issue. Malnourishment has big effects on kids as they get older.

Is it hard to believe that some people grew up under different circumstances other than your own?

>> No.9990242

4chan has always been this racist, fucktard.

>> No.9990244

> carbs
No wonder why people are so fat.
I eat only oatmeal in the morning.
Most of my diet - fat and protein.

>> No.9990245
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>> No.9990247

Shit my bad.

>> No.9990252

Carbs are inexpensive calories, and when you're trying to feed 1200 kids lunch every single day for less than $1.50 a head, you end up using a lot of carbs.

>> No.9990253

If you can't afford all 3 it means you are living beyond your means and that's your fault either move somewhere cheaper or get roommates

>> No.9990254

Making racist jokes for fun is not the same as making boring racial posts because you think you're fighting for some kind of cause, newfag.

>> No.9990256

"Pizza is a vegetable" dates back to Reagan you fucking underage faggot, and it's the tomato sauce being counted as a vegetable.

>> No.9990257

The children cannot control the actions or money of the parents. What aren't you understanding? Children shouldn't be punished for the choices of their parents.

My high school is nothing like the ones from poor inner cities, it's just an example of how schools make it easy for kids to make choices that are terrible for their health to make money.

>> No.9990261

Puerto Rican

Those are peaches in heavy syrup (almíbar).

>> No.9990264

Fats are much better fuel.
I personally eat twice a day.

>> No.9990265

Stop living in a massive city then
The mentally retarded shouldn't be allowed to care for children

>> No.9990266

No way Italy looks that good. Are there any actual school lunches that weren't shit?

>> No.9990270

How's any of that the kids fault?

Yea in a perfect world parents would all be dads and moms of the year award recepients but that's not the world we live in. Also things do happen that even the best prepared parents can still fall on hard times.

>> No.9990272

Have you ever heard about mediterranean diet?

>> No.9990273

>only mentally retarded people get addicted to drugs

kay. That still doesn't solve the problem of children going hungry

>> No.9990276

>Every racist post is some kekistan retard

>The children cannot control the actions or money of the parents.
Right, which is why it's /the parents fault/.
I'm not blaming the kids, I'm blaming the parents, and you should too.

I said they were cheap, not good.

>> No.9990278

>hat still doesn't solve the problem of children going hungry
Feed them properly.

>> No.9990282

>move somewhere cheaper

>can't afford basic necessities
>you should spend more money to move somewhere that you don't have a job with a child

Do you even see how retarded this is?

>> No.9990286

>Don't care
That's my point, school lunch isnt a necessity, it's a commodity for parents who don't care
>Have issues
If your issues prevent you from making ten meals in under one hour twice a month then you should be hospitalized
There is no excuse for being uneducated as a parent, it's your responsibility to know better so you mean lazy

>> No.9990287

No. I make good money here and can afford everything I need, I was just using it as an example dipshit.

>> No.9990298

Dude, what the fuck are you on right now? Stop buying into this American red pill hate-propaganda and listen to someone who was actually there.
You're making me make this out to seem like some epidemic. The simple problem is that students aren't receiving the proper nutritional values in their meals; from their free breakfasts to their free lunches, and a lot of time, no dinners.

The American taxpayers and the school's cannot find a viable solution to feeding kids a nutritional meal because processing, packaging, distribution, and preparation is so fucking expensive compared to how much the federal government, state, and local governments actually contribute. Because people like you think every student should be able to solve their personal problems, especially when cooking cheap meals. Well let me tell you something, you fucking waste of space and time, it's not only high schoolers who are being fed garbage.

Plenty of children suffer from these problems as well. It starts in elementary. It's easy to feed a kid that only needs about 1000 calories a day. It's another thing entirely to assume every kid on Earth from ages whatever to whatever should possess the abilities to change the impossible around them. It's not so easy dude, stop being so fucking pessimistic and pretentious. It's school, and we ALL hate school, right? And this world does suck, right? Well, it's nothing like the 2000 calories diet of a grown ass criminal or soldier. It's kids, and people hate kids on the regular...

>> No.9990300

Wait a second malnourishment is neither hunger nor it will be fixed by free potatoes and apple slices

>> No.9990305
File: 647 KB, 674x464, 1508992011093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw grew up with a stay-at-home mom
>rarely talked to me unless it was to bitch at me
>didn't spend time with me
>mocked me and talked shit about me behind my back
>never made lunches for school
>forced to fend for myself for breakfast and dinner as well
>complained about how much work she had to do and how she wishes she never had kids

I hated her and am jealous of everyone who grew up in a loving and supportive family.

>> No.9990307

>Because people like you think every student should be able to solve their personal problems, especially when cooking cheap meals.
And they should be able to. 99% of students don't need schools to provide them with food. The remaining 1% I'd be more than happy to pay for, but until the other 99% fuck off and start bringing their own meals there will never be enough money to feed everybody well.

>> No.9990310

>There is no excuse for being uneducated as a parent, it's your responsibility to know better so you mean lazy

This is so myopic. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law are also teachers, except it's in a very rural (nearly 100% white) community (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer,_Ohio). Education or going to college never did anything for the people in this area at least in their minds so they don't emphasize it to their kids. This leads to the kids not taking education seriously and being assholes in school.

>> No.9990312

So you are telling me that the kids problem is having drug addict parents who beat them up and abuse them in ways I can't even imagine and your solution to that is free lunch?

>> No.9990317

Oatmeal - cheap
Kale - cheap
Eggs - cheap
Whole Chicken - cheap
Canned wild salmon - cheap
Olive oil - cheap
Cabbage - cheap
Potatoes - cheap.
Whey protein - cheap.
Twice a weak you can afford some berries.

>> No.9990321

The mentally retarded and drug addicts shouldn't be allowed to care for children

>> No.9990326

If your job already can't feed you then that shouldn't be a concern

>> No.9990327

And when you take them away from their parents who gives the children food?

>> No.9990330

Nigger what are you even talking about? No one said anything about school lunches fixing societies ills other than helping kids get through school without being hungry all day, which I'm sure you could understand that being hungry and actively learning aren't a great pair.

>> No.9990331

>Mom wanted to abort me
>The law didn't allowed it
Fuck you bitch, in a few promotions I will make more in a year than you have ever done in a decade. If you ever co.e beg me again I will call the cops.

>> No.9990332

It's not always the parents fault either. There's countless reasons why a parent might struggle. You're just being ignorant.

There's single parents, who have been left on their own to raise multiple children. Where the other parent has either left, or died. People who have no support at all, who lack parents, and extended family themselves.

Again, you're just being ignorant. You no doubt come from a cushy life, with a decent family, and so automatically think everyone else is the same, or has the exact same opportunity you have/had.

>> No.9990345

Agreed, so it's not the fucking kids problems.
It's the bullshit parents who keep abusing drugs, alcohol, and neglecting their fucking children and manipulating the child with fear. It's those assholes who should be helping the kids, but they don't, because no one can make them. Because these are problems you pretend are of no factor, because to you, it's all black and white, either or, this or that, simple or impossible.

It's also the fucking schools that refuse to pay for these cheap foods and cut corners in prepping and serving, feeding kids garbage. Being forced to waste good money, and tax payer money, and doing the bare minimum. And it's people like you, who don't fucking care about these kinds of things. Real fucking politics.

>> No.9990346

>Stop expecting public institutions to be the ones to raise kids
I can expect them not to sell sugary shit to children though. Schools have no business selling sodas, chips or Hostess cupcake tier deserts.

>> No.9990353

Big Corn has a lot of lobbying power

>> No.9990358

The problem here is obvious, kids need parents no matter how you look at it and you will never be able to fix the problems of parentless kids
You want kids to eat and eat nutritional meals? That's both easy and cheap but you need a parent to do the work otherwise you keep trying to balance a budget that will never make up for the lack of caring and involvement, I think what's needed is less empathy and understanding of these pieces of shit who sit on a couch all day shooting heroin and chugging beer while actual responsible adults manage to work 12 hours a day and still keep their kids healthy

>> No.9990365

They were put there by a man

>> No.9990364

>You're just being ignorant.
I'm assigning blame where blame is due.
Having a hard time as a parent doesn't mean it's acceptable for them to let their kid eat 60lb of sugar and HFCS every single day. It's their fucking fault, flat out, end of story. I don't care if they're homeless, or addicted to heroin, it's still 100% their fault.

...yes, it's very literally those parents faults. I'm not blaming the kids. What has your panties in such a knot, you're putting so many words in my mouth it's ridiculous.

Fair enough, I wouldn't be opposed to removing those vending machines either.

>> No.9990367
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How are you going to deny the people what they want and can afford?


>> No.9990370

in a factory downtown?

>> No.9990373

>How are you going to deny the people what they want and can afford?

By simply not having them available? How do you buy a soda at school if the school doesn't sell soda?

>> No.9990374

No one is empathizing with the type of parents you describe you fuckwit.

At what point is it ok for you for public institutions to step in and assure a kid is getting fed enough?

>> No.9990384

Then you should be angry at boomers, the right wing, and anyone else that keeps trying to defund out public schools. They literally do what they have to to get money, including whoring out to junk food companies for sponsorship.

>> No.9990385

ok cool. Do you know how difficult it is to learn when you've not had enough to eat? Try eating about 500 calories a day for a few weeks and see how good you are at learning something new

>> No.9990390

Yeah right. I'm well within my rights to sell my perfectly legal sugary products to anyone who can afford them, and wants them. Who are you to deny me my profits?

>> No.9990395

you aren't a school.

>> No.9990398

Easy, you make mandatory health inspections for kids every couple months
If a kid fails twice in a row the state takes the kid and the parents are forced to pay child support to the state, if they miss payments they go to jail

>> No.9990399

you aren't the students and parents.

>> No.9990404

Schools have banned them before so apparently yea they have that right.

>> No.9990407

>Who are you to deny me my profits?
I'm the one paying the taxes to house the public building your vending machines reside in, so I can vote to not allow them.
You don't actually have rights to sell things willy nilly anywhere at all, it's all very strictly controlled and regulated.

>> No.9990409

Oh I am. I know why those machines are there in public schools. I also know why they are there in charter schools as well.

>> No.9990417

Why don't you Google single moms and tell me nobody empathizes with it?

>> No.9990418

>dude thank god for trump, school lunches are now a sick combo of sponsored energy drinks and trump branded borscht #maga

>> No.9990419

Right. Because this is going to cost less. You're moronic. I hope you're a troll, because I don't want to believe people as stupid as you exist.

>> No.9990423

>state now has to employ people to test children's fitness (wages + benefits) or foot the bill for them to see doctors several times a year
>miss payments means the state isn't getting money
>send them to jail meaning they can no longer earn income to pay the state and the jail probably gets the profits from their forced labor or pays them pennies on the dollar

okay, so now how does the child get food and where does the money for these new employees come from?

>> No.9990426

>the right wing
Can we all please stop using the "non-progressive" political leanings with some kind of evil boogeyman?

>> No.9990430

Of course it's going to cost less because the parent is paying it with the child support money they are supposed to give to the state

>> No.9990443

Not forgetting you now have to house and clothe the children. Provide someone to look after them. Oh, and also now feed and look after the parents in jail.

>> No.9990446

All you need is a couple nurses to send to schools, it's not like a daily thing, it could be every two months meaning you only need one nurse every 60 schools
Trust me, as soon as they set foot in jail for the first time they will find a way to pay child support not to end up there again

>> No.9990449

So every single mom chugs beer and shoots heroin all day?

None of what you described is a solution to the problems of bad parenting and bad parents by the way. Just saying that something should be a certain way doesn't magically fix the issue. You do understand that right?

>> No.9990450

and when the parent goes to jail? how are you paying for these health inspections, even if you only test a subset of children and not every child in the US?

>> No.9990457

>Who are you to deny me my profits?
Society. When we have deemed that your products have caused and will continue to cause harm to our children. You do know that school districts have banned the sales of sugary drinks on these exact grounds correct? You also are aware of the growing movement to tax the shit out said same sugary beverages right?

There exists nowhere within the law a right to profits.

>> No.9990462

Most poor kids live in single mom households so apparently yes, also they probably shoot heroin with their boyfriend's who rape the kids because according to statistics most child molestation also happens to kids living with single moms

>> No.9990466

Absolutely true. When I was in elementary we got 30 minutes for lunch and 20 minutes for recess. Middle and high school were 30 minutes lunch and a 7 minute "snack break" in the morning. The rest of the time you're sitting still in a classroom. Add in the baseline shitty American diet and you end up with a lot of fat kids.

>> No.9990467

>being this brainwashed
The Recuntlicant's are the scum who made it okay to count pizza as a vegetable. And, there's nothing wrong or difficult about making food both healthy and affordable. Maybe if the government would give the contracts to real food companies instead of kissing the asses of the lobbyists for the shitbag corporations that supply food to prisons, the kids in this country would get better food, instead of slop.

>> No.9990470

>as soon as they set foot in jail
Do they have to pay even if they don't have a job? How long are the jail sentences? Is this a strict liability crime? Do they get a trial and public defender (costs state money)?

You know a big problem for low-income people who go to jail is that they often lose their job, right? So now you have someone who was delinquent on payments and doesn't have a job to make the payments even if they wanted to.

>> No.9990471

Here in Norway we dont get any school lunches. But middle school had a little shop where we could buy food. The most advanced food they sold was grilled cheese sandwiches on Fridays.

In high school we could buy food in a cafeteria. They had one warm meal everyday, and otherwise they sold beverages, salads, baguettes, cakes, cookies, yoghurts and other regular stuff. It's was just normal things you could get in a kiosk or grocery store, but slightly cheaper since the employees there was hired by the school.

>> No.9990473

You use the school lunch budget, you would only need a fraction of it anyways

>> No.9990474

>burger kids only get fed one govt sponsored meal a day
Literally Africa tier. Where can I sponsor a poor amerifat kid?

>> No.9990481

You didn't have to take PE? In the Illinois public school system, you legally have to take a PE class every semester unless you have a medical or sports exemption.

>> No.9990483

>30 minutes for lunch and 20 minutes for recess. Middle and high school were 30 minutes lunch and a 7 minute "snack break" in the morning.

Older children cannot be trusted with free time. They will inevitably cause mischief.

>> No.9990486
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I know what you're saying. And yeah, I agree.
But hey, they're still American citizens, either way and either ones. Whatever we can do to help the bad, and learn from the good. That's what it takes; not casting selfish blame.
No, the school decides. You also pay for the agricultural practices put into play at making those products, down to the processes required to make the vending machines themselves, as well as the buildings they reside. It's not your product or say until you actually own rights to the products and services. You don't get a say in how that tax money is spent, despite what you may think. Who says we have to do what you say? Did you actually vote for me?
It's also said that not feeding kids the right amount of nutritional food is unhealthy.

>> No.9990487

They have to pay regardless of circumstances
The jail time can be accumulative like first time is a week, second time two weeks, third time a month, fourth time two months, fifth time four months and so on, also we can repossessed and sell their shit while they are in jail

>> No.9990489

lol you say this like school lunch budgets are a lot of money.

>Where can I sponsor a poor amerifat kid?
Check Alabama

>> No.9990495

>Trust me, as soon as they set foot in jail for the first time they will find a way to pay child support not to end up there again
Are you actually retarded?
You just taken a person with low or no income and turned them in to a convict who has served jail time. Who the fuck is going to hire them when they get out? At best they are looking a minimum wage, if they can find a job. And the cycle begins anew.
That's the problem with you "simple solution" types, the world isn't that damn simple.

>> No.9990499

You say that as if it would cost more to hire a couple nurses for one inspection a month than having a fully staffed kitchen in every school

>> No.9990504

when left whole and cooked until soft, it is a "culinary vegetable" in the same way that a tomato is a vegetable

that said, when trying to create lunches for children that have the proper macros, i completely agree with you

>> No.9990505

the lunches in the usa are for poor niggers. white parents pack a good lunch for their children

>> No.9990512

But you're still feeding the children Anon. Only this time, its three meals a day. Plus you're providing them with housing, clothing, toiletries, and other necessities. As well as full time care.

You've also still got to pay for all the parents you've jailed, as well as their food and care costs.

You also better start budgeting for the extra staff needed, as well as potential new prisons, since you're cramming in potentially millions of new inmates.

>> No.9990516

lol you are so retarded. If you send someone who works minimum wage to jail for a week they will lose their job.

So here's how your system will work
>Delinquent parent goes to jail for a week (without a trial?) (tax payers now paying to house and feed this person)
>fired from their job
>can't make payments because no job
>go to jail for two weeks (thanks again taxpayers!)
>still no job, can't make payments
>go to jail for three weeks
>reposess car so now they can't get to a job even if they could get one
>still no job, can't make payments
>go to jail for 4 weeks

repeat until they die in jail, the state gets no money from them and in fact pays to house and feed them the rest of their life.

>> No.9990517

I would be extremely pleased with that and happily eat it once a week or even once a day if necessary.

>> No.9990520

Ok, let's find some middle ground
We can have a program for repeat offenders where we offer them the possibility to serve their sentence in the army if it exceeds two years and they get paid minimum and the money they owe in child support gets deducted from that

>> No.9990522
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You haven't deemed shit nigga. Scientists and health journals have told you what is and isn't healthy. You just saw that video on Jewbook about what happens if you melt a soda in a pot.

Taxing sugary beverages and snacks would not be the main solution on the people's agendas to the problem of anything short of either cuts to transportation costs and energy use, or, fighting obesity. And neither of which is going to happen so long as people are selling oil, and enjoying being fat.
You really think these products will take a loss to being restricted from being sold in school when right outside the school across the street are the same vending machines and gas stations? Nahaha mate, nu uh. It's not that simple, and it's not for the benefit of the children I can tell you that.
>tfw are sugary products are sold across the planet

>> No.9990526

>one inspection a month
how thorough are the inspections? Do you have any idea how many schools and students there are in the US?

>> No.9990530

Why is someone with a job who earns money going to jail for not paying child support?

>> No.9990532

>also we can repossessed and sell their shit while they are in jail
So now you have just set up an incentive system for the government to arrest citizens so they can sell their property for profit. They do that already, with drug forfeitures, and it went as wrong as any sensible person would expect it to.

Also what is going to happen to these people when they are released and have exactly nothing?

>> No.9990537

Anon the military is one of the biggest public assistance programs in the nation. If you're whole schtick is tax payer money shouldn't be funding school lunches then your solution is going about in the dumbest ways possible.

>> No.9990540

>serve their sentence in the army
The Army already is turning people away, they don't need or want people that are only there because a court forced them to enlist.

>> No.9990542
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Search Results
>Child neglect. Child neglect is a form of child abuse, and is a deficit in meeting a child's basic needs, including the failure to provide adequate health care, supervision, clothing, nutrition, housing as well as their physical, emotional, social, educational and safety needs. - Wikipedia

>> No.9990543

If they aren't even feeding the kids then it shouldn't be that hard at all to Nottice

>> No.9990547

If they don't pay they go to jail right? Well, how many bosses are going to be cool with their employee missing a week because he's in jail? This is already a problem in the legal system where poor people who are arrested (even if they're innocent) lose their jobs because they can't post bail and miss an extended period of work.

And furthermore, there are almost no crimes in this country that have jail time as a penalty without a trial.

>> No.9990548

>For profit
No profit here, to collect debt money only

>> No.9990554

>How's any of that the kids fault?
This is the part everybody ignores. Poor adults made bad decisions, but the kids have no fault in the matter. Nobody chooses to be born into the bottom rung of society.

I support providing good, nutritious foods to children so they can survive, thrive and grow up to not be a future drain on public funds.

I honestly wish there was a better way to do this, but there isnt.

>> No.9990560

It's not hard to notice how retarded you are.

>> No.9990569

nigger faggot

>> No.9990573

If this person is such a piece of shit that they did drugs in front of their kids instead of feeding them and had their kids taken away and consistently failed to pay child support for years or get any kind of job then I think serving in the army for the extent of their sentence would be a good thing, maybe it can straighten them up a bit and they wouldn't get out as a convict but as a person who worked for the last couple years
Also let's be honest, how many people are we talking about here?

>> No.9990576

Someone has to clean the shit in the toilets

>> No.9990577

>You just saw that video on Jewbook about what happens if you melt a soda in a pot.
Seems like you spend a lot more time there than I do.

>You really think these products will take a loss to being restricted from being sold in school
It isn't about the companies that produce this crap taking a hit because schools don't sell it anymore. It's about not having our schools selling garbage to our kids.
The companies will take a hit when enough municipalities enact sugary drink taxes. But that is a side issue.

>> No.9990579

Ah I forgot, PE was 2 days/week in elementary, about 45 minutes of dicking around with soccer or dodgeball or something. Middle school was an hour every day, high school was an hour every day for 2 years. Middle and high school was often just wandering around the track with little direction or motivation.

>> No.9990584

So what happens when the person is a drug addict in their 40s? That's who you want serving in the army?

>> No.9990593

It's only a week of jail for first offenders, you don't get a trial for spending a night in jail if they catch you doing something

>> No.9990596

I don't understand why more schools don't do something like this.

All the equipment they would need is a large gas rice cooker like this one: https://www.amazon.com/Rinnai-Cup-Rice-Cooker-Natural/dp/B00D034OWY

And then a couple of large stock pots for beans/curries, a flat-top griddle to sear some meat (the pork chop looks fried, but this would be easier for a school), and can openers.

My school had way more equipment than that and our lunches sucked.

>> No.9990597

He could be a janitor

>> No.9990598

Ok so it's too much to ask for tax payer to feed hungry kids at school but it's ok for the government to force citizens into the military (outside of wartime) thus paying them with taxpayer money in the hopes it will straighten them out?

Yea I want people to be better parents. Why not start at an early age and teach kids safe sex, proper budgeting, and the severity of having a kid too early in life when one isn't emotionally or financially ready?

Seems like a more cost effective approach to prevent fires instead of waiting to fight them when they happen.

>> No.9990605

The Army already has people that do these jobs. They don't want your dead beats, they don't need your dead beats.

>> No.9990606

>Trust me, as soon as they set foot in jail for the first time they will find a way to pay child support not to end up
So send them to jail which will cause them to lose their job. They get out with a misdemeanor on their records which will prevent them from getting a decent job and then they end up going back to jail because they, again, cant pay the child support.

You are hands down the most dumbassingist person Ive listened to all day and I'm on a fucking chan.

>> No.9990607

>Hey boss I have to miss work for a week is that cool with you?

sounds like a recipe for a lot of people being fired.

>> No.9990608


Dude, wait until you're in college. They have stores on site, campus stores.
They sell soda, candy, chocolate, overpriced clothes, Apple computers, fast food, every last piece of overpriced garbage you wanted kept away from your kids is thrown right in their faces at terrible prices like it was nothing all along.

And besides, some of that stuff really is okay in moderation. And the majority of parents who think they know what's best for every student had those machines and bagged juices taken out of schools with the cooperation of schools because they were all afraid that kids would stop spending their lunch money on actual food and start spending it on extra, addictive sugary products. The school and parents were just afraid of getting in trouble, nothing else.
Because schools already sell shit food that kids commonly hate, and those perfect parents can't control their kids at every moment in the child's life. It was an agreement.

>> No.9990609

You realize the Army isn't just a work camp right? They have physical and mental requirements for potential soldiers? Your entire proposition here is very shortsighted. It does nothing to solve the underlying problem.

>how many people are we talking about here?
Literally millions

>> No.9990615

I didn't say force, we give them the option of either serving their time in jail or working for the army
>Teach kids safe sex
You can't teach kids anything when their parents are doit heroin each day when they get home

>> No.9990619

Too bad
They get government money they follow government rules

>> No.9990621

>Seems like a more cost effective approach to prevent fires instead of waiting to fight them when they happen.
Hahahaha. You think our society (or really any society on this planet) is that far sighted? Human beings by their nature or short term thinkers, we love to slap bandaids on problems rather than taking the time and effort to fix the root cause.

>> No.9990624

Millions is an exaggeration
Maybe one million, maybe, this is the bottom of the barrel

>> No.9990637

If they get fired that only means that another better deadbeat is getting that job and his kid won't need school lunches

>> No.9990638
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And those mental and physical requirements are based on what you tell your recruiter. If you tell them nothing happened, nothing happened, until you relive a past injury, act on your hallucinations, or you go ballistic on your team and a background check pull sup everything you lied about. Then you're brought up on federal charges, prosecuted, possibly demoted, and most likely discharged.

Those 'requirements' are much stricter for the Marines, Navy, and Air Force compared to the Army. In fact, the age limit cut off for the first three is like, 27, while the Army's is 32.

>> No.9990640

And then the Army (US taxpayers) will have to pay to house and feed a million extra people. That would nearly double the number of active members in the US Army. Your bottom of the barrel number is huge

>> No.9990644

US school lunches are bullshit. Everything has to.be whole grain of the lowest quality. Pizza crust? Whole grain. Chicken nugget breading? Whole grain.

There is zero actual cooking anymore. It's all precooked processed shit or comes in a can. Dump and reheat.

They used to let the kitchen workers actually make food. Fresh baked breads. Fresh salads. Fresh cooked meats. No longer. Packaged and processed shit.

Kids spend the same, or more, on the chips and sweets available by the register now.

I'm.not blaming Obama. It's everyone's fault.

We feed them shit food and minimize recess and PE.

>> No.9990651

It is a real blessing that the people that make these sort of decisions are not a stupid as you seem to be.

The Army is not, and should not be a dumping ground for criminals, or for people you wish to pretend are criminals.

Your idea was idiotic from the start, and your fixation with the Army is odd.

>> No.9990652

Over 30 million kids currently get free or reduced lunches in the US. To qualify, you have to demonstrate lack of income via tax forms and the like.

My dad got prostate cancer when I was a kid and my parents were barely making ends meet to pay off the medical bills. I was on reduced lunches for a few years, should my parents have been sent to jail?

>> No.9990659
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Kids in Greece usually ate this disgusting mix of cheese pastry and chocolate milk, because you could buy lunch from the canteen and choose your own stuff so they chose the worst as usual.

>> No.9990660
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To be fair? Bad genes shouldn't even exist.

>> No.9990667

I literally ate shitty, flat cheeseburgers and soggy fries for lunch every day at high school. Maybe I got the chicken sandwich one day. Or maybe one day the fries were super overcooked crispy

>> No.9990679
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>We feed them shit food and minimize recess and PE
A semester to one year's worth of PE for their entire four years of high school. Absolute bullshit.

>Kids spend the same, or more, on the chips and sweets available by the register now.
I actually used to do this. I paid full price for lunches up until senior year. All throughout freshman and junior year I spent my last quarters on cookies and extra food and always helped my friends out while we all sat at the table discussing politics and staring at girls asses left and right. We were boss dogs in a city school.

>> No.9990695

Everything possible is way better outside of the USA.

Have you not even read these Euros running at the mouth?

>> No.9990697

I bet you have a mustache that you're really proud of.

>> No.9990702

Not a million
Again we are talking about the ones who couldn't fix their shit after years of getting stuck in that loop, maybe 100k
Sure thing, let's attack the only person offer I some kind of solution
Did your mom feed you at all during this time?

>> No.9990706

Nah I'd definitely start murdering people before I got a job.

They feed you in prison.

>> No.9990707
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If I'm remembering right, a massive chocolate chip cookie like this was $0.75 in middle school (2005).

>> No.9990709
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Some countries are over doing it a bit.

>> No.9990721

We had ones that big for a quarter. They were pretty thin, though.

>> No.9990722

Psht not in KY. The only good prices we get round here is our whisky

>> No.9990727

How is smoking weed going to help you get another job so you are back on your feet anon?

>> No.9990743

Not really, no. Putting their kids on reduced lunches was a humbling experience but they knew they had to do it because it was best for us. My dad was working when he wasn't in the hospital or bed-bound, and my mom worked two jobs and got home late at night. My sister and I were old enough to cook things like spaghetti + butter for dinner. We also ate free breakfast at school.

In this situation, the fucked up medical insurance system is what pushed my family into temporary poverty. Other people need these programs for a wide variety of reasons, you're making this problem out to be way simpler than it is.

>> No.9990748

This thread is a perfect example of how conservatives dont understand how government or money works.

Every "conservative" attempt in this thread at solving this issue would end up costing the government more money than simply providing school lunches to underprivileged kids.

>> No.9990753

Which of the attempts are you referring to?

>> No.9990790

So there was food in your home, I don't see the problem then
I mean it's shitty that it was spaghetti but you could have easily made other things for pretty much the same or only a little more, it's a shame people don't know anything about cooking in bulk, hell if you Google it you get bombarded with /fit/shit
There are also food banks who give you everything you need for free so there is no excuse and time isn't an excuse as I said, if I can make 10 servings of soup for next to nothing in one hour Wich I can freeze for months and defrost overnight anyone can do it
People take too much shit for granted, there was poor people around before wellfare and they managed fine but since there is welfare now they never bother learning anything useful, if you could take anyone poor from the past into modern times they would do better

>> No.9990801

Just read through the thread. Almost every suggestion up till about 10 minutes ago becomes more expensive in the long run.

I wont say about after 10 minutes ago, I got bored and stopped reading new replies that arnt directed at me.

>> No.9990808

Of course your solution is cheaper because your solution doesn't involve any solution, only giving money to the people complaining so they shut up for a while
If these people live their lives like this until they die and their children live their lives like this until they die and they have children who live their lives like this until they die
What the fuck did you solve?

>> No.9990852

but the labour to prepare it. labour is always the most expensive component. These shit school lunches are made in factories, opened and warmed.

>> No.9990891

This. Before Obama we had this for lunch:
>Medium rare skirt steak
>Maine lobster tail
>Baked potato with broccoli
>Asparagus roasted in olive oil
>Lobster bisque or clam chowder
>Sparking grape juice cocktail
>Crème Brûlée for dessert

After Obama:
>Fried chicken drumstick (dark meat only)
>Slice of bologna on whole wheat bread
>Choice of halal chitterlings or pigs feet
>Choice of Original or Flamin' Hot Cheetos
>Dog meat stew
>Choice of canned peas or corn
>Choice of grape drink or King Cobra malt liquor to drink
>For dessert, a Fun size skittles

>> No.9990920

There are already more than enough people working in those kitchens to feed every single kid, problem is the unions who work directly opposed to the interests of the kids, the parents and the taxpayers, of course the fat ugly cunt in the kitchen doesn't want to really cook

>> No.9990923
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>"special kids"

>> No.9990931

But you're calling for the abolishment of school lunches, which would have great effects on the families who truly need that specific program.

I think everyone in here agrees that the welfare system is ridiculous. It's certainly not fair to let kids starve because of their parent's shitty decisions, and good luck getting a system greenlit that just takes the kids away and sends their parents to jail. Again, we're talking about millions of people. As it is, free/reduced school lunches are the best way to help these kids.

>> No.9990951

I'd probably be taller if they fed us in school
I didn't eat the pizza which was very acidic, didn't taste good. usually it was a french bread pizza but when it was pizza bagels it was fine
on nugget day we got 4, FOUR four nuggets

I ate the tacos, I ate the waffles, I think I used to eat the hotdogs but they were boiled and not very good and always came with dish water soup

the last week of school was always the best because they would just give us regular old sandwiches

>> No.9990971

Yes my solution isnt the best by far, but almost every conservative solution to the problem creates more waste.

For example the guy who suggested the state take and raise children from poor homes and jail parents who wont/cant pay the state child support. Sounds like a good way to force parents to provide for their children until you realize that it's just cheaper to provide food for children at school.

Another example is people suggesting that welfare/food stamps erase the need for providing affordable food to children. Those same people forget that those parents are the ones who control that money and buy shitty, less cost effective foods or otherwise waste the money.

Our current social programs are not great, they are pretty much just throwing money at the problem, but that doesnt mean they need to be eliminated or that we need some crazy new approach. We just need to better manage the programs and put more restrictions on where our tax dollars go so that we can help our children better.

The best example of a positive change in welfare is WIC. It heavily restricts what parents can use that money for so that underprivileged children have a chance for balanced nutrition.

We dont need to design a new mousetrap, we just need to tweek what we have to be more efficient.

>> No.9990974
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Yuru_Yuri_10_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[1314E28D].mkv_snapshot_10.41_[2016.09.06_13.11.31].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe they get desperate enough to get a job, have you considered that?

>> No.9990976
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My Shithole country's school lunch

>> No.9990978

Nobody needs those programs, it's only a way to brine the lazy people in society, there is also a metric ton of bullshit around it, I also grew up hearing that kids need it because their families can't afford any food but then when you look at poor people more of them are fat than starving, sure they are far because they eat shit and it affects them badly but nobody is going to starve that's just propaganda
I want to see all these starving children instead of having yet another cunt demanding free shit and showing me numbers that say anything she wants, school lunches are a convenience for parents who don't want to bother making something for the kids to eat at school and nothing more
You should question things more, use your common sense,when they tell you there are millions of people who can't afford to live with minimum wage ask them, ok but how do they live with minimum wage because if they really couldn't that would mean they are homeless and they arent or that they don't have any electricity or clothes or any other basic necessities Wich they have and of course they have food because otherwise they would be dead so how exactly is it impossible for them to live and yet they still do it?

>> No.9990989

they even bussed in blacks and we had shootings every day
they even banged my girlfriend

>> No.9990997

Hilary lost faggot and every thing obummer did is getting over turned

>> No.9990998

Did you ever wonder how the Soviets managed to fix all these? Because I assure you they did, capitalism does sound a shit ton more compassionate when you put everything else to test I tell you
The first step to solving the problem is addressing it and I think it's obvious what the problem is, poor families managed better before wellfare because they where that, families. Nowdays a poor woman can get more money from the state than from the father of her kid so he better not stick around

>> No.9991003

Is that the whitest kid in Brazil?

>> No.9991009

Schools don't cook their own shit anymore
My dad went to a shitty school in the city and they cooked all their own food there.
When I went to school it was just reheated bullshit.
Chicken sandwiches were godly though.

>> No.9991029

>deadbeat already lost his job for not paying and cant get another

>> No.9991037

Shits cheap and it saves money
Theres a reason why no one is reversing obamas shitty decision

>> No.9991055

>how exactly is it impossible for them to live and yet they still do it?

Welfare. Section 8 housing. Government money. The system is fucked and frankly it stays fucked because it's in the (liberal) politicians' best interest to keep these people poor and uneducated. Keep them voting for you, keep giving them money and the cycle continues. There is no quick fix to this problem.

>just take the welfare away!
No, because now you have a huge surge of 3rd-world poverty and crime because of a huge amount of people with no skills, education or money. If you take Tyrone's monthly check, do you think she's more likely to get a job at McDonalds or just start breaking into people's cars and stealing shit to pawn? Removing the welfare is also removing money from a local economy- if nobody has money for goods anymore, what happens to the honest shopkeepers in the area? They're forced to close down, and now anyone who does have money has nowhere to spend it, and no goods to buy.

>> No.9991065

So why is this forced on the entire school system, let alone an entire school? Oh, right. Because it was easier to do it that way than to work it into current welfare despite wasting billions annually.

>> No.9991070

I specifically searched for "whitest kid holding school lunch" in pt-br

>> No.9991095

>poor families managed better before wellfare because they where that, families
No way to fix that unfortunately unless you intend to return us to an age where only men work and divorce is pretty much illegal.

>> No.9991106

>Be teacher
>Work in a poor school
>The meals look like shit
>Enjoy cooking, go to Costco all the time, and do meal prep to save money.
>Sometimes bring leftovers and give it to the kids because freezer is full, and don't want shit to go bad
>Kids never complain, the shit is healthy since I'm a health nut, and I make that shit taste good
>Parents with low income have come in and said they appreciate it
>School gets mad though because something about how you can't give them food or else the company that provides school food will see it as competition or some shit.
A picky eater will change their fucking tune when they could either eat nasty ass school pizza or lamb shanks with zucchini cakes, chicken tikka masala, braised short ribs and asparagus, or schnitzel with potato knish among other things. That was just the past few weeks. I'm still trying to figure out how to scale meals properly.

>> No.9991108

Name your state and public school district.

>> No.9991109

In other words it isn't impossible
This is not a threath, there is a solution to crime already, threatening to commit crime if welfare is taken away is terrorism

I have a better solution tho and it involves giving them more welfare if you can believe it
What you do is you bump the amount of money they get all at once so they can afford more beer and more McDonald's and more shit but then you keep giving them the same amount for a long time
That way it's great at first but then slowly they stop being able to afford all the thing they like because beer and McDonald's are luxuries, a great homemade meal is a luxury too, everything you don't need but you get because it makes your life better is a luxury
And the luxuries stop coming and when that happens they are going to miss all that beer and pizza and weed and they are going to realize maybe if I have a job I will be able to buy all that nice shit again

Problem is Democrats will promise them more free shit since that's the only way they get elected and that ruins the whole thing

>> No.9991112

By providing food at school we can ensure that the children eat. If we give that money to the parents there isnt the same guerentee.

And plenty of parents suck and either use most welfare money for their own benefit. Wether buying the food they like for themselves or trading it for drugs or gambling it away.

I'd sooner get rid of food stamps than get rid of school lunches. The parents can starve, but I cant do that to children. They dont have a choice in anything.

>> No.9991129

Austerity would fix it in a heartbeat
Problem being austerity fucks with the banks so they would rather keep society in a never ending decline, there are countries who got completely destroyed during world war 2 and in less than a decade they where prosperous again

>> No.9991145

So you want to make it so the money comes from taxes to pay to feed all the kids shitty food in a wasteful environment that only adds to the bureaucratic hell that is the public school system? Who's to say that their parents aren't threatening the kids with death if they don't put that food in their backpacks and bring it home with them?

>> No.9991149

I remember having a group of students come in all the time and I used to feed them. One time, one of the girls told me that her dad would just spend money on beer, but wouldn't get her things she needed like new glasses. Parents thought the school was supposed to provide that shit.

>> No.9991153

And so we do provide it, to support the parent's beer consumption.

>> No.9991158

Let's drug test everyone on welfare then, nothing, not even alcohol allowed

>> No.9991160

>Democrats will promise them more free shit since that's the only way they get elected and that ruins the whole thing
Statistically speaking the poor dont vote and have almost no impact on election results

>> No.9991167

>Claiming this after Obama
Come on, how stupid do you think I am?

>> No.9991174
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You 'mericans are all fat sacks of shit. Especially your niggers.

>> No.9991177

It isn't my fault
Blame liberals old people and the black power groups they wanted obama not us
He barely is black

>> No.9991179

You're right on your first point

>there are countries who got completely destroyed during world war 2 and in less than a decade they where prosperous again
Keep in mind that those countries were rebuilt with what was basically welfare. America threw money at our european allies so they could rebuild themselves and help us fight the russians. It would have taken several decades otherwise.

>> No.9991188
File: 22 KB, 500x459, Obama Welfare State.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Democrats will promise them more free shit since that's the only way they get elected

You are not wrong.

>> No.9991196

Florida tried that.
They were sued by the NAACP and SPLC because niggers are more likely to be drunken druggies on welfare. A federal judge ruled in their favor and declared the law racist.

>> No.9991201

We both agree that Dems are the real antagonist here. I'm not saying they'd threaten crime, more like if welfare was taken away then entire cities like Detroit, St. Louis, Oakland etc would become no-go zones.

These people do not know how to make money legally and responsibly, that's a completely abstract concept to them. They never learned from their parents, friends or classmates- everyone in these welfare bubbles is on welfare. They do know how to make money criminally though, and when they suddenly need to make money to survive their first thought won't be "I should get a productive, honest job," it'll be "I've gotta rob that convenience store to feed myself, it's the only way."

>> No.9991204
File: 107 KB, 842x496, Obama the Great Divider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Americans. Stay focused hating trump. Divide your nation. Communism is a great alternative to your failed democarcy.

~ Russian & Chinese Media

>> No.9991212

I'd rather spend the money trying to help kids than pay for them later in life. Id rather give them the chance to be healthy functioning adults than pay for their crimes later on.

Alcohol metabolizes out of the body to fast. We would have to test people everyday. That would waste way more government money than it would save in the long term.

Lots of other harder drugs metabolize at a similar rate. Cocaine is out of your system in just a couple days for example.

>> No.9991216

You mean loans but that still doesn't explain the industry boom in Japan
Hell look at modern examples like China Wich has the biggest and fastest growth in history
Anyways, it's simple, for things to start going well first they have to stop declining and there has been a decline for several decades now, that trend has to stop and it better stop fast than drag it for 30 years more because those would be 30 years of everything being worse every single day and that's torture

>> No.9991218

in australia everyone brings a lunchbox, first mum sets them until whatever age you're old enough to do your own

generally a snack, like a muffin, and fruit for recess and then a sandwich for lunch, school tuck shops sell stuff but if you're getting that a few times a week you're burning unnecessary cash

4 years into uni and i still usually just take a roll i made the night before and an apple

>> No.9991228

Pretty stupid if you think Obama did anything at all to improve voter turnout. Most of the poor still dont vote because nothing ever gets done.

>> No.9991237

We are talking about alcoholics who are likely drinking all day and can't stand a single morning without it
Justice them an appointment to solicit welfare and then keep them waiting for the drug test for 6 hours, they won't be able to resist

>> No.9991250

>Obama didn't get massive support from poor black people
I'm sorry, I live in reality I'm not sure what you are talking about

>> No.9991257

Italian here, we dont even have lunchboxes, wtf
We had a canteen that served stale pasta, lame meat/pizza and old vegetables.
American honestly looks much better of what i had as a kid

>> No.9991262

Yes, but they were loans granted at a fairly low rate with a rather long time to be paid back. Still helped save them decades of rebuilding.

China was already set to become an economic powerhouse. It doesnt hurt that their biggist trading partner is the USA.

Again, I'm not arguing with you. I believe we see different methods for fixing these problems, but we both agree that our current solutions need to be rethought.

>> No.9991263

Sounds nice

>> No.9991272

>it's in the (liberal) politicians' best interest to keep these people poor and uneducated.
Its in the rights best interest as well.

>> No.9991275

civil rights were a mistake

>> No.9991280

He really didnt. The media over sensationalized Obama's election. A lot of that was just white college kids jerking themselves off on social media for being progressive.

There was a small increase in poor black voters, but not as much as people think.

I stand by my statement that poors dont vote. If they really voted with their wallets Trump never would have won.

>> No.9991289

>>it's in the (liberal) politicians' best interest to keep these people poor and uneducated.

When was the last time that 'Merican niggers didn't automatically vote democrat?

lol. Your niggers are so fucking easy to manipulate and control.

>> No.9991291

>And plenty of parents suck and either use most welfare money for their own benefit. Wether buying the food they like for themselves or trading it for drugs or gambling it away.

So true. My wife's father died when she was 5, and her mother and stepfather kept all her social security she was getting from "death of parent", and used it to buy pot instead of taking care of her basic needs. They never even bought her new clothes. Her grandparents would visit once a year And buy her clothes. And she is bitter as fuck about it. When her mom died a few years ago, she didn't even go to the funeral. But she still managed to put herself through college and has a good career now, and is an amazing mom. Kids deserve help.

>> No.9991292

If you think there is no ulterior motives for a country lending money to another you should take a good look at Germany right now
>Different methods
I haven't heard yours yet

>> No.9991293

Am I the only one that says let them get desperate and chimp out so that they can be dealt with properly? Not everyone deserves to live and the harsh reality is that includes their whole family. Survival of the fittest, in nature they would not survive.

>> No.9991297

When people are not poor they tend to vote for protectionists policies and think long term

>> No.9991300

>When was the last time that 'Merican niggers didn't automatically vote democrat?


When democrats say jump, Niggers ask "How High?"

>> No.9991303

The white of the milk box blends in with the light on the tray and for a second I thought that was a carton of cigarettes.

>> No.9991305

I hate this image so goddamn much. These are recreated lunches and not the lunches themselves. They're based off of menus and that's it.

>> No.9991308

> no ulterior motives
Not what I said, nor is it related to the discussion. I think you may have come into my argument a few posts late or you might be misunderstanding my point.

>I haven't heard yours yet
You probably have, but I'm not using a trip[code so you probably dont know it is me. Basically I think we should continue to provide benefits to the poor, but we need to better regulate how that money is used. Let them buy good food, not junk food.

>> No.9991314

Also they only let us have a 12 oz can of King Cobra to drink in the cafeteria. No forties. You could buy another can for 75 cents if you wanted.

>> No.9991315

I'm 22 and the food served at every school I've seen or attended has been a pile of beige fried shit and potato meal with a cookie-themed dough pile along with a sealed cup of mystery plant slop that literally everyone would throw out. No part of any meal resembled actual food.

It was as nutritious as the curriculum was educational.

>> No.9991317

I have a great idea. The bible belt should distribute the welfare population evenly to states that are not graced by their present. Soon the United States will have a greater understanding of Darwinism.

>> No.9991320

That's because they live in a bubble
That's how the democrap party makes politics they create bubbles for people to live inside and they keep telling them that everyone outside is dangerous and evil and hates them so when something bad happens they feel outraged, furious, confused and desperate and they don't know why

>> No.9991321
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>When people are not poor they tend to vote for protectionists policies and think long term

>> No.9991330

At my Catholic primary school we literally weren't allowed to run during recess. I think they were afraid we'd fall down and 'get hurt'

>> No.9991331

You seem like a pretty nice dude

>> No.9991340

for the love of god please tell me you are just being sarcastic

>> No.9991348

Only niggers run.

>> No.9991353

Like I give a fuck I just at pussy during lunch in high school cause i'm fucking awesome

>> No.9991357

That's what both parties do, dumbass.

>> No.9991380 [DELETED] 

fuck you libshit nigger

>> No.9991388

He's a failure that had a normal supportive family, but doesn't like the fact that there are people who started worse off than him and actually have a job now

>> No.9991416
File: 32 KB, 500x310, 0230ea3923ce5f6dc1a3a898e80aeb00bda3a8eec388785101a663afa8c58624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad the yoga pants and large sweaters came back in style.

>> No.9991419

Actually, you probably do pay more attention while hungry instead of while being satiated by processed carbs.

>> No.9991446

The point is to limit the kids exposure to addictive, unhealthy foods while their young. For example, kids that start smoking in their teens are much more likely to be lifelong smokers. Kids with shitty diets as kids also tend to have shitty diets as adults.

>> No.9991451

Stay mad, partisanfag.

>> No.9991484
File: 842 KB, 228x171, 3c434cc73c7aefbc846c8d436da9e69875015ecfd29e2bd67fd1bd056e906f5d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, if that's what you convince them of without showing them the errors of their ways, and helping them to understand the benefits of change rather than using century old scare tactics and losing hope in them rather than blaming sugary products like guns killing people. That kind of thinking is the same reason less kids are having as much sex as they were in the 60's through 90's. ''''''''''''''''''''''rape culture'''''''''''''''''''''' and STD's! AAAAAAHHH!!!!!!! Not to mention screens and a generational gap of crippled socialites.

>> No.9991671
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>Slices of mango on top left

>> No.9991701

You were a mistake. Your mum should have swallowed.

>> No.9991717

>in nature they would not survive
Neither would you, billyboy.

>> No.9991727

lmao be glad it was illegal for your mother to abort you queer.

>> No.9991740

He thinks that as soon as a garboon crosses his field of vision he'd turn into the punisher and snipe him from 300 yards away with a nail gun and not cross the street and keep his head down.

>> No.9991983

keep projecting pussies, i have nothing to prove here

>> No.9992178

The effort of EVERY CHILD or EVERY HOUSEHOLD etc turns things to shit in America because a standard is set at the Federal level that arbitrarily takes effect everywhere differently instead of every community paying for its own shit at different levels of effectiveness. Without these programs, productive people have nice things and niggers have nigger things.

>> No.9992190

You are fucking clueless. My school district is still in debt because it, year after year, decided turning down children who's parents could not otherwise provide breakfast and lunch, would be provided it. These cost the school .79 each and the account alone ran negative about $60k yearly.
White or black (mostly black) people aren't feeding their kids because welfare teaches them to cut and run, not to take responsibility for their kids.