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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9954590 No.9954590 [Reply] [Original]

Hi anons!

I made some yummy chicken soup and dumplings for dinner.

What'd you make for dinner /ck/?

>> No.9954606

That looks like my grandmas cottage cheese ass

>> No.9954619

Why are you look at your grandmas ass?

>> No.9954630

some sprinkled herbs would make it look better

>> No.9954631

Move those shits outta the way and show us the stew.

>> No.9954638

What's her recipe

>> No.9954642
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>> No.9954672

Soon dot TM

Its also really nothing super fancy.

Its got potatoes, carrots, zucchini, celery, beans, chives and diced up chicken breast.

I used boulion as stock, I really should up my stock game but get lazy.

>> No.9954686

Is that all foam? I'd skim it if that's the case.

>> No.9954697

Those are dumplings ya dingus. You cook them over the stew so they get more flavor.

>> No.9954709

No matter how I look at the picture the dumplings still look like foam. I'd probably gobble them up though, is it instead of eating bread with the soup and would you recommend that I try it next time I make some soup?

>> No.9954728

Na it's just a trashy flyover recipe

>> No.9954734
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Yes they're really fluffy and tasty alternative.

Pic is scooped out dumpling and soup underneath

>> No.9954749
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If you says so. Although I've never been anywhere in flyover country.

Pic is played to eat.

Thanks for letting me share anons.

>> No.9954757

do you love stock flavored flour balls?

>> No.9954824


>> No.9954842

Wtf anon you used a pasta bowl for dumpling soup.

>> No.9954849

Looks ok. A lil pale but that can be deceiving. Howd it turn out?

>> No.9954863

Im calling the cops

>> No.9954954

Eh. It works

>> No.9955076

It was fine. idk how to thicken up my soups I dont make much of it.

>> No.9955093

what's your recipe for this anon

>> No.9955119

Brown cut up pieces of chicken breast in pot, season garlic and pepper. after chicken browned, add 4 cups chicken stock, 1 cup water. added diced potatoes and carrots. For spices I added a three bay leaves, parsley, onion powder, and cracked pepper and a pinch of salt. Bring to boil and simmer.

Add chopped up chives and choice of bean, I usually whatever assortment of frozen veggies to the mix but this time I had two zucchini that had to be used so i chopped up and added that.

Then start making the drop dumplings and thats about it.

>> No.9955132
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Coq au Vin and spaghetti aglio e olio.
This image was after I moved the skin away. I don't eat chicken skin. The braise treated the chicken nicely. Tender and delicious. The pasta was not from the movie recipe, but some other thing I found online. It was filling and satisfying.

>> No.9955149
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> t. tastelet liberal faggot

>> No.9955180

have you tried using a fresh mirepoix
great for chicken stews/soups and would thicken it a lot

or, brown the chicken and take from the pot, make a basic roux with onions instead of adding onion powder
just a couple dabs of butter, soften a diced onion and garlic if you like, then add either tomato paste or flour and let it caramelize/cook off the flour for half a min

also, if you like parsnips, they're amazing for stews and help thicken them significantly

>> No.9955201

It wasnt the thickness i was concerned about. It was the flavor.
Making dumplings in the soup helps with thickness. Along with adding potatoes.

>> No.9955205

the frozen veggies are just extra filler, its usually a mix of like peas, carrots lima beans.

The rest is fresh veggie, the carrots, celery, etc.

I like the idea of doing the basic roux as a base first, the way you described, along with parsnips If i remember.

Thanks alot anon!

>> No.9955218
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Vegetable beef stew, roasted brussel sprouts, cucumbers, tomatoes, slice of bread with butter, and some orange slices.

>> No.9955221

i second this.
making a nice stock from a whole chicken using a lightly sauteed mirepoix and then straining and adding fresh veggies and the picked chicken for the actual soup. truly delicious.
i cut the hell out of some corners with my dumplings. i use canned biscuits cut into small pieces and rolled in flour. drop em in a slow simmering chicken soup and it turns into chicken and dumplings by thickening and cooking the biscuits to perfection at the same time. the dough swells and gains all the flavor of the broth/soup. grate on some parm for a little depth of flavor and you're on chicken and dumpling easy street.

>> No.9955228

I made carbonara.

>> No.9955229

that looks healthy and tasty as fuck. nice one. thanks for sharing.

>> No.9955256

The flavor was fine. It wasn't too bland and was good on a cold day.

>> No.9955320

Chicken and dumplings are great. One of the best comfort foods ever. I prefer to make and roll out my dough the old fashioned way but drop dumplings work too. They look really thick and dense. I keep my chicken and dumplings very simple so Ive never had them with vegetables in the Stock. Good on you for making yourself a meal OP

>> No.9955541

i couldnt eat chicken and dumplings without some carrots, celery and onion.

>> No.9955595

that looks delightful

>> No.9955609
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Oatmeal raisin cookies with some dark maple syrup drizzled on top.

>> No.9955612

you didn't seriously grate cheese and just drop it on the table (computer desk maybe) did you

>> No.9955663
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made chef johns greek chicken thighs and potatoes. some of the pieces of garlic are a bit big. before pic

>> No.9955677

if you make dumplings like that then you should bake them instead of boiling them. For boiled Dumplings try to make golf ball sized lumps and drop them into the soup in intervals so they cook a bit to firm up and don't just meld together.

>> No.9955908
File: 390 KB, 2016x1512, saffron and sausage risotto 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saffron and sausage risotto.
the most intresting aspecit of the dish is that i used Vialone nano.

>> No.9955915
File: 445 KB, 2016x1512, saffron and sausage risotto texture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a shot so you can admire the texture

>> No.9955996

admire, i do.
well done.

>> No.9956003

/ck/ has been fun lately, save for the /b/ overflow. great thread OP. good OC.

>> No.9956018
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>What'd you make for dinner /ck/?

Ghetto hot pot. Threw a couple Korean instant noodle spice packets into about six cups of water, added green onions, garlic, and sesame oil, and brought it to a boil. I cooked fish meatballs with roe, some kind of frozen dumpling, and then cabbage, bean sprouts, and bok choy in it.

>> No.9956055

what fish/roe? that sounds less than ghetto.

>> No.9956076

They're just frozen meatballs, the kind you can buy in Asian grocery stores. Probably just surimi, so any number of whitefish. It's...you know, fish paste, mixed with binders to make a meatball.

>> No.9956095


Use bisquick and mix up a batch of biscuit mix from the recipe on the box.

I keep bisquick in the house for pancakes but its good also for dumplings.

Just spoon rounded tablespoons of it on top of your stew. Dont over do it with too many because they plump up alot. Dont make them too big or they swell up into each other.

Lid it and simmer lightly for about 10-12 mins

I make this on my beef stew all the time.

>> No.9956148

still less than ghetto. great pic. thanks.

>> No.9956155
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I made this last night.
>Hard Dumplings
>Boiled in beef broth

I will probably make it again around 4am. I will use more potatoes and i will flaten the pasta out rather than form them into balls. To bad im all out of onions.

>> No.9956188
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haven't laughed like that in a long time
thank you anon

>> No.9956256

this is the reason i use canned biscuits. they plump and soak up that stock and become wonderful dumplings.
i didn't grow up with dumplings because my mom hates them. this is why when i make a chicken soup i save some for her and feed the dumplings and soup to my niglets.

>> No.9956530
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>> No.9956538
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I screwed up cabbage rolls.

>> No.9957161

Fuck off back into your own containment thread please

>> No.9957179
File: 344 KB, 2016x1512, Saffron and Sausage Risotto Pre-shake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9957190

Forgot to take a pic but I marinated a boneless pork shoulder in apple cider, then rubbed with paprika, cayenne, oregano, onion powder, salt and pepper and rolled it in parchment and cooked on low for 8 hours.

I shredded enough for a sandwich with forks, quickly fried it in some of the drippings, and dropped it on a toasted dinner roll with some Carolina style barbecue sauce and pickles, and served it with a quick cabbage/carrot/corn/celery slaw. I actually made a great dressing accidentally too, just garlic aioli, red wine vinegar, and pickle juice mixed up until runny and drizzled over.

>> No.9957198

This is why you get all the hate that you do, you are one of the immature little entitled shits who can't take when things aren't going your way. The fact you make nothing but risotto makes me suspect you have autism of some kind. I bet you have anger issues as well as is so common with people who have these issues, even if you probably don't accept those facts about yourself.

I feel a bit sorry for you but you really need to shut the fuck up and remove the trip for your own sake and ours.

>> No.9957201
File: 392 KB, 2016x1512, saffron and sausage risotto after the shake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've given u the own ability to filter me. be happy.
that is my gift.
Risotto is my specialty, i've focused so much time and money on it. all to achieve something stunning.

Yet I am still mocked, despite perfectly cooking and seasoning it, as well as having good plating. Why?

>> No.9957203

>I don't eat chicken skin

>> No.9957487

It's honestly not about your risotto but the way you act about your risotto. It's because you care so much that you go into a super defensive mode where you start dismissing everyone and acting all stuck up about it.

The riotto may or may not be nice and all, and I understand it's kinda like your baby, but you need to chill out. And by being hung up on that one dish you are not developing as much in other areas. You should accept that you are at a decent level for cooking risotto and move on with the knowledge that you can make a risotto any time it's suitable.

>> No.9957640

Looks like risotto fag is a euro, no surprise.

>> No.9957691
File: 485 KB, 2016x1512, saffron and sausage risotto 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in california

>> No.9957715

Nice dumplings.

>> No.9957724

cock sucking faggot

>> No.9957771

This is the thing you chose to comment on? The grater and the cheese sitting on top of it on my dinner table? You sad about something, or just hateful?

>> No.9957773

Bad for me. I already smoke cigarettes and drink. It can't get crispy or delicious enough for it the be worth it to me to eat skin. Unless it's from a pig.

>> No.9957808

not so bad.

>> No.9957810

Is skin even really that bad for you. I mean its still tasty to me and my tastebuds are getting shot to shit because of the drinking and smoking.

>> No.9957827

i'm sorry, did this dish exist in another thread where he was a complete cunt or something? i don't usually look at every single thread unless i can contribute to every single thread. i cant understand the disdain.
please advise.

>> No.9957835

i don't know. i've heard it's basically the worst thing on the chicken to eat. it's never appetizing to me even if it's southern fried. i eat the crispy little nubbins off and throw the actual skin away.
always have since i was a kid. i just dont like it, desu.

>> No.9957867

i didn't type "desu" btw. i was using my phone and i typed "never have". this phone is a loaner and it's irritating the shit out of me.

>> No.9958001

come on guys. help me understand this so i can move on too. what's with risotto anon?

>> No.9958013

His face makes me want to punch a baby.

>> No.9958016

>risotto fag is a euro
>WRONG I live in california
So ur a euro wannabe, close enough

>> No.9958029

>commenting on a few shreds of cheese is hateful
don't be so touchy, nancy

>> No.9958118
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he doesn't know how to cook anything besides risotto and gets butthurt as fuck about it.

>> No.9958226
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house about braised fucking lamb faggoli

>> No.9958236

is that shitty mac and cheese?

>> No.9958239
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okay, so i should stop asking.
thanks for replying. here's pork for your efforts.

>> No.9958243
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google risotto buddy. educate yourself.
macaroni noodles can't be that small moron

>> No.9958244

would it be possible to shove that whole thing under the broiler for a bit to brown those fuckers on top?
just wondering. it looks great as is and i would definitely eat it

>> No.9958266

how often do you want to post these?

>> No.9958279

rice crispies look soggy.

>> No.9958292
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yes he posts it in every thread because he's an autist

>> No.9958299

All dat starch.

>> No.9958315
File: 464 KB, 2016x1512, Arancini 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autism is my driving force. it is the reason why my risotto prowess has expanded to another level.
I'm probably the only person on here who has used
>Vialone Nano
in my risottos.

That's experience

>> No.9958328
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>j-join my risotto discord

>> No.9958352

What kind of pork is this? What do i google to find recipe...this looks divine

>> No.9958401

this was me. no google. i was in the pork thread a week or so ago. if you didnt get my recipe for rub, im sorry.

>> No.9958430
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I taught this girl to make risotto for the first time and her parents were amazed by the meal, they absolutely loved it.

>> No.9958633

The third time around she'll start wonderibg why you can't cook shit except risotto. You need to fucking broaden your horisons, people desire variation not just in recipes but in ingredients. Do you even know how to boil a potato?

>> No.9958647

Was that the first time a girl talked to you willingly?

>> No.9959051

Risotto fag is the worst.

>> No.9959525

are you still holding them captive?

>> No.9960067

Gonna make some pork chops

>> No.9960075

How to do dumpling?

>> No.9960134
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Chicken, shells and cheese, beans, spinach

>> No.9960273

You're a weird guy, but that picture looks delicious

>> No.9961331

yeah they are not great, they are just water and flour. Based on a 18th century recipe.

but if you make them small they are a decent filler when you dont have meat or enough meat.

>> No.9961425

make a pat a choux and pipe it into the boiling pot is how I make it, looks like op just made med-large balls

>> No.9961451

My mom and nana used to make chicken and dumplings and I hated it. I fucking hate those flour lump kinds of dumplings but good if you enjoyed it.

I had leftover curry with brown rice, because I'm out of other kinds, and it was good. Except the the store I went to only had this organic brown rice and it's okay but it has this weird fucking smell and taste to it. Instead of that nutty flavor it usually has.

>> No.9961473

lol I had curry and brown rice tonight as well.

>> No.9961520

Small world huh

The curry was fine but what I really wanted is a nice burger, fries, and milkshake.

>> No.9961667

i put three slices of cheddar cheese between two slices of bread and ran it in the microwave for about 1:30

>> No.9962331

dang man you still posting here i remember you way back getting btfo by some anons berating your risotto consistency as well as the amount and you acted like an autist showing lots of pics pre and post shaking jesus christ what a child

>> No.9962434
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there comments were subjective anyways.
they believed risotto should be dry which is completely frowned upon.

>> No.9963324

Nice blog

>> No.9963366

Why won't you die.

>> No.9963418

you take some shitty dough and boil it in your soup so that it's ruined and turns into a soggy mess of fucking cardboard. Dumplings are fucking disgusting slimy bullshit.

>> No.9963513

>there comments

>> No.9963518

For some reason I believe risotto fag is a dumb pajeet.

>> No.9964769

thanks. i do it for my fans.

>> No.9964775

They're supposed to be fluffy baka cook them covered longer.