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9940755 No.9940755 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favourite alcohol? Please I need some recommendations.

>> No.9940776

free alcohol

>> No.9940777

watcha looking for? cheap? brown, clear, flavored, liquor, beer, wine?

>> No.9940781

Red wine with strawberries or white wine with honeydew

>> No.9940790

Are you a fat housewife?

>> No.9940798

th3hound you need to leave

>> No.9940803

Depends on if I am trying to get black out drunk. If just buzzed, a good whiskey/bourbon. Blackout I go for rumpleminz

>> No.9940806

>cheapest gin with tonic water and lime
>cheapest rum, anything with a fucking pirate on it.
>moonshine ,k everything over 45% alc, and preferably made from cereal or fruits
Everything else( except vodka and whiskey, albeit I don't like them in generally) is fucking shit and you should stay away from it.

>> No.9940926

Thats the problem I don't know what I am looking for.

>> No.9940948

Pick a cheap liquor and stick with it. It's cost effective, and it doesn't fuck you up as much as constantly trying to get your body to adapt to new shit.

>> No.9940983

Ok thank for your knowledge.

>> No.9940998

you, I like you

>> No.9941179

Are you trying to get drunk or are you going to drink for the taste?

>> No.9941207
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I'm skinnyfat and own an apartment, does that count?

>> No.9941234

I like amaretto.

>> No.9941247
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>1 shot amaretto
> 2/3rd glass lager
>top off with coke and lime
tastes exactly like Dr.Pepper

>> No.9941465

>favorite alcohol

You're doing it wrong. It's about what's the cheapest that'll get me fucked up the most. I usually just drop $25 on a 2 liter of Amesterdam. It tastes decent enough to where I don't need to mix it with anything but also it has decent enough flavor that you can subtly mix it with something if you did want to plus it's cheap. $25 bottle is enough to get me fucked up for a night or at least a nice wavy buzz for 2-3 days.

>> No.9941475

I am trying to get drunk.

>> No.9941486


A handle is 1.75 liters. I prefer Seagram's, which is only $15 a handle around here. Usually lasts me 2 days.

>> No.9941500

>favourite alcohol
by what measure? I drink plastic jug vodka almost exclusively because of it's cheapness and inoffensive flavor, it's simply the most efficient alcohol to money spent ratio I've found; however, i do like a nice irish or rye whiskey and i would drink them exclusively if i had more money to fund my alcoholism.

>> No.9941545
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I only live a few miles from the brewery here in Pennysylvania. The lager is the standard when ordering at any bar, but I love me some Chesterfield Ale for a change. The black & tan is also delicious.

>> No.9941551

My first time getting litterly fucked up was with bacardi razz. Pretty easy. since it drinks away almost like a soda.

Vodka was my second time to get fucked up.

I've been told though, that a real gentleman drinks whiskey. Never owned my own bottle desu.

>> No.9941558
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>> No.9941560


>> No.9941580

Never tried Seagram's, I'll look into it. Also if money is tight (which most cases it probably will be) I'll go with a cheap shitty beer although I fucking hate beer. I'll buy some bullshit like Coors Light or Natural Light. 3 of those and I'm feeling pretty decent, the problem is that fucking bloated feeling you get after drinking so much liquid, which is why liquor is superior.

Also, just going in and asking for the cheapest fucking vodka they have also works as well.

>> No.9941585

there's no cocaine in dr pepper !

>> No.9941586


>asking for the cheapest fucking vodka they have

I have no problem with plastic handles (used to drink Skol but it's not available where I live now), but most of the cheapest options are just really terrible.

>> No.9941613
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Katyusha's milk

>> No.9941615

>most of the cheapest options are just really terrible

Let's be honest here, anybody drinking hard liquor isn't drinking it for the taste my nigga. I'm just trying to get fucked up for as little money as possible. And while I prefer drinking, weed is better option, as far as money goes if you don't want to be sober.

>> No.9941629

Being a soyboy hipster is a good way of getting beaten half to death in these parts. This isn't NYC or New Jersey.

>> No.9941824

>anybody drinking hard liquor isn't drinking it for the taste
Please don't make such blanket statements.

>> No.9942575

>disrespecting my city like that

Faggots get fucked up in NYC as well. Maybe not in Soyland Central Manhattan, but every other part of NYC mostly don't take too kindly to those types.

If you're drinking any kind of alcohol for it's taste, aside from maybe wine, you're a retard.

>> No.9942675

nyc is the land of soyboyardee. williamsburg and soho to be exact. This is where all this numale shit started to emerge so don't be surprised.

enjoy your rat city friend

>> No.9944241

If I could have a lifetime supply of gnarly head 1924 I'd be in heaven.

>> No.9944355

unironically macro lager (not american ones though)

>> No.9944366

Miller lite can crush like 16 of them and be functional by 11am also it’s very refreshing

Cocktail White Russian

Taste harpoon ipa or Chianti

>> No.9944428

I like slivovitz/rakia

>> No.9945390

For me it's ethanol.

>> No.9945394
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>> No.9946023

Anything that'll make me numb for a while.

>> No.9946061

Talisker 10 year

>> No.9946074

I'm rather fond of this Georgian brandy I stumbled upon one day. I can hardly ever find it, but it's fantastic.

>> No.9946103
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It's okay anon, we can be in pain together. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel, even if it seems like a pinhole sometimes.

If you're looking for something different, try ouzo or kirchwasser. If you want to go the common road get bourbon or scotch If you want to mix, here's my favorite recipe:
2 shots vodka
2 shots bourbon
a handful of muddled blueberries and raspberries
a sprig of muddled rosemary
2 tsp simple syrup
juice of half a lime
shake vigorously and poor through the strainer, garnishing with a rosemary sprig is optional

>> No.9946125

when i get the money and the material, rusty nail. sweetness from drambui kills that liquor taste but it still has a kick. and you dont need much of it. 3 in a night and im comfy enough to crash for the night, but i make them p big.

>> No.9946494
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>> No.9946615

What are some of your guys' wine recommendations? I know there are some good cheap brands and they can have a decent amount of alcohol content.

>> No.9946972

Go for vodka then. You can easily mix it with pop or juice and it doesn't change the taste too much.

>> No.9946997

If you live in North America, Barefoot has a lot of different types of wine for cheap, and so are pretty good.

>> No.9947007
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>trying to make drinks that taste like an established thing
the entire reason to have this expensive hobby is to experience new flavors that you can't taste anywhere else
the patrician choices

>> No.9947042

Civilized Turkey bourbon whiskey

>> No.9947082
File: 46 KB, 600x600, gordons-gin-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd been drinking Beefeater ($34.97) for years. Recently switched to pic related ($18.01). The difference is negligible and I'm saving almost $17 a bottle.

>> No.9947119


>> No.9947317

Gordon's is good. Its what James Bond drank.

>> No.9947580

This anon is literally me

>> No.9947597
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>This anon is literally me
Then why reply to yourself like the total fucking loser you are?

>> No.9947601


Get vodka, ginger beer (found in the Caribbean section of the international food aisle), and lime juice. Mix 4-5 parts ginger beer to 1 part vodka and mix in a bit of lime juice afterwards. Garnish with mint if you're a fag.

>> No.9948216

>16 cans of lite trash in one night
Sweet jesus you must have moons by now

>> No.9948240

Rittenhouse pre alcoholism
Any cheap vodka post alcoholism
Not that I couldn't afford semi cheap rye when I got to the daily drinking point but that I wanted to save money on alcohol.
I spend about 10% less because cheap vodka costs a couple bucks for almost 2 liters here while a decent rye like ritten costs 20$ for a 750

>> No.9948253


>> No.9948817

Wtf is moons

>> No.9948836

I'd imagine it is a fat joke.

>> No.9948957

When I drink whiskey I have a tendency to fight other gentlemen and Play that game where you put loaded guns to your head and pull the trigger.

>> No.9948977
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>> No.9949105
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Whiskey and Guinness.

your retarded, not because of the post but because you thought it would be cool or funny to post such a retarded and ridcuous statement.

The biggest losers ive known talked like this and the most they ever did was drink half a beer and call it a night.

>> No.9949149



>> No.9949194
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>We got a real badass here
Wow Cyrus, you sound hard as fuck.

>> No.9949225

Vons has been giving great deals on stolichnaya for 19 dollars a handle which is much better than both vodkas you guys have mentioned (no offense). Not sure if you guys live near cali

>> No.9949226

I bet you drink two beers and you turn into a queer

>> No.9949231


>> No.9949237

Stoli is decent entry level vodka. Same with Moskovskaya.

>> No.9949268

>entry level

This isn't bourbon nigger vodka is water and ethanol.

>> No.9949288

no i dont think alcohol has much of an effect on me. I might get a little more open about my racism.

>> No.9949290
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>> No.9949379

>t. drinklet

>> No.9949421

>t. Grey goose connoisseur

>> No.9949612

Nah. Finlandia and Absolut are about as expensive as I go. I might start getting Titos in the future since I tried it not long ago and it was pretty good.

>> No.9950355

>entry level

this isn't a fucking job faggot

talk right

>> No.9950466


>> No.9950573

man this is the best deal for gin where i live, pretty good gin for the price too

>> No.9950586


Not him, but thinking about work is the last thing that "entry level" brings to my mind. Can you even into English?

>> No.9950615

you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.9950668

For me it's 1,4 Butanediol

>> No.9950809

What are some good beginners drinks? Shit that's easy to make and doesn't require me to have a fully stocked bar? Right now I'm mostly into Mules because I can make them with pretty much any spirit I've got on hand.

>> No.9950983

make yoself a zombie biatch

>> No.9950996

I prefer tequila

>> No.9951008

liquor, vermouth, bitters for a martini

>> No.9951028

mix gin and mountain dew, then add some lime juice.

Probably the most palatable and simple drink.

you can also do this with moonshine.

>> No.9951059

I've been drinking almost exclusively White Russians, Moscow Mules, and Whiskey Sours lately.

When I don't feel like mixing a drink I'll just drink a beer -- usually some variety of blonde.

>> No.9951061

Jägerbombs are nice and give a nice buzz

>> No.9951080

What's the best kind of vodka for mixed drinks? I'm seeing wheat, potato, rye, grapes, and all sorts of bases.

>> No.9951105

It literally makes fuck all difference

>grape vodka
Not sure where you're finding this. I've never heard of it being made outside of Georgia, and there it's called chacha not vodka.

>> No.9952266

Stolichnaya is a good basic vodka.

>> No.9953141

Apparently it's a think in Australia?

>Stolichnaya is a good basic vodka.
Is Luksusowa good?

>> No.9953496

Luksusoa or bacardi coconut

>> No.9955161

Cupcake Winery Moscato D'asti!

That shits amazing

>> No.9955173
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Whatever's in my hand. At the moment it's pic related

>> No.9955572
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near me they have labatt blue (Canadian pilsener) for $9.99 a 12 pack and Evan Williams black label (competent bottom shelf bourbon) for $8.99 per fifth so those are my staples.

>> No.9956109

Vodka and tonic
Gin and tonic

Literally the two best alcoholic drinks, but some people think they're gay

>> No.9957545

When I want to get hammered, Sambuca, Licor 43, Bacardi Razz + Fanta, Bacardi Limon + Coke, whiskey, cheap whiskey + coke.

When I want to just have a nice glass of wine with food, depends on the food, but for white I'd go with Sauvignon Blanc, reds Pinot Noir or Merlot. Not sure how useful names are since we're not in the same country most likely, but Antonin Rodet is my choice most of the time.

>> No.9957624

vodka for getting hammered (shots if it's decent vodka, mixed with something if it's not)
beer for getting slightly buzzed

>> No.9957660

Jack daniels / jack daniels with honey

>> No.9957706

Nothing about x and tonic is gay. You claiming that they are "literally" the best alcoholic drinks shows highly autistic logic however.

>> No.9958803

I just bought Jack Daniels it burns can you do something against it?

>> No.9958820


I typically find that drinking makes the pain go away.

>> No.9958855
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OP I recommend searching your local grocery stores' ads. See who has a special on booze (I saw stater bros near me had a "buy 4 of any type and get x off" which let me get 4 liquors at almost 40% off.

What I recommend for starters so yo aren't buying super cheap.

1. Svedka Vodka
2. El Jimador 100% agave ( only get tequila that says 100% agave)
3. Jack Daniels (crappy but simple)
4. Bombay Gin (this is the priciest but worth the price

Get a few small quantities. Hell, even get the travel size small containers to to taste them and see what you like, then buy a 750ml bottle and keep going.

Once you've gotten used to your tastes, check out costco or sams club and buy large quantities. Tll be considerably cheaper in the long run

>> No.9958863

Ok thank you

>> No.9958867

So I should just drink more than its taste better?

>> No.9958874

Jack Daniels isn't that good. Mix it with something or use a chaser (water, lemon)

>> No.9958905

I like sweet fortified wines, it doesn't matter if it's alcohol added like porto or fino, or naturally fortified wines

>> No.9958913

I got like, 3 liter jug of a white wine that has been left to oxidize and reduce in bottles left on sunlight for months, it's great but weird

>> No.9959150
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I drink this a lot.

My friends all say it's shit while drinking vodka that tastes the same but costs 2x as much. I used to argue that they're wasting their money but now I just enjoy watching them justify it. Most of them buy whatever alcohol 21 savagechains tells them to buy anyway.

>> No.9959180


There are much worse plastic handles than Popov, but for a couple bucks more you can get something actually palatable.

>> No.9959293


it's funny, you sound just like my friends lol.

>> No.9959658

What the other guy said, if you can't handle the taste then drink it with a chaser or just mix jack with coke, it actually tastes very nice but gets sickly sweet quite fast. That's what I did, then about a week later I finished the bottle without coke or chasers, the taste didn't put me off so much as trying it the first time. Weird.