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9938197 No.9938197 [Reply] [Original]

Ketchup on sesame chicken, yay or nay?

>> No.9938212

What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.9938217

Big fucking nay.

What are you doing? The umami is already in the sauce, it doesn't need any more. You're catering to your obsession over familiar flavors instead of enjoying the best of what's presented. This is an obvious characteristic of a childish palette and should not be tolerated over the age of six.

>> No.9938219

What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.9938286

It's sesame chicken not a $70 steak... grow up guys.
Ketchup enhances the flavor of the umami sauce (it's actually sweet and sour sauce not umami sauce).
The red sauce they use for sesame chicken pairs nicely with Hunt's ketchup, especially if you put it on before microwaving it for 2 1/2 minutes.

>> No.9938300

You are a bad person and you should feel bad. Sambal is the only acceptable condiment for sesame chicken.

>> No.9938306
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>puts ketchup on asian food
>grow up guys

>> No.9938311

I prefer Hunt's ketchup over Sambal's ketchup because it's not too vinegar-y and it's just the right amount of sweetness.

>> No.9938313

>uses child's condiments

>> No.9938316

Based on the specificity of your reply, ketchup on sesame chicken is not a hypothetical for you. You've gone too far to be asking for our opinions, you must enjoy your creation alone.

>> No.9938321

A real mature grown up wouldn't go around and bully people over their condiment choice. I am an adult and yes I love ketchup I put it on most of the food I eat because it makes it taste good and that's all that matters.
If you don't like it then post your reasons why instead of making up words to sound smart.

>> No.9938376

>I am an adult and yes I love ketchup

Age has nothing to do with a child's palette.
You're just an old person with the tongue of a kid.

>> No.9938485

soy sauce/hot sauce/hot mustard only you degenerate faggot

>> No.9938700

Trump puts ketchup on steaks worth more than your car and he is the President of the United States. Your argument is invalid.
The Chinese restaurant I go to doesn't have any of that shit. They only have ketchup, dijon mustard, salt, pepper, sweet n sour sauce, eel sauce, chili oil and soy paste. Ketchup pairs the best with sesame sauce

>> No.9938714

That shit is sweet enough already.

>> No.9938720

>pulls Trump into a /ck/ thread
Try being a little more subtle next time you invest time in a b8 thread. saged

>> No.9938730

Im just saying that the President of the United States enjoys ketchup too, so it's not just for children. I'm sorry this upsets you.
Not if you use Hunt's ketchup which has more vinegar than most other ketchup

>> No.9938762

You know what ketchup tastes like?

The smell of burnt shit and diesel.

>> No.9938784
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>> No.9938815

Is your palete really that far gone? Store bought catsup is for lazy unemployed neckbeards, poor people, and niggers. Heirloom tomatoes, white vinegar, cider vinegar, balsamic, red onion, roasted garlic, a dash of worcester, and smoked cayenne pepper should be simmered down and puréed. Anything else is fast food & welfare-tier garbage. Don't come preaching the merits of catsup when you're such a useless human being that you seem to believe that Hunt's is beneficial to any dish ever. Faggot.

>> No.9938892

>The red sauce they use for sesame chicken pairs nicely with Hunt's ketchup, especially if you put it on before microwaving it for 2 1/2 minutes.
>especially if you put it on before microwaving it for 2 1/2 minutes
>ketchup is especially good if you microwave it
Please be real. I hope you make hot dogs by placing them in a bun, loading it with toppings, slathering it all with Hunt's® and then microwaving the whole mess.

>> No.9939737

Sesame also sucks
I don't like chicken but that's just me
Why do people like saucy wet chicken?
Meat should be torn and ripped not squished.

>> No.9941061

What's wrong with microwaving hotdogs?

>> No.9942310

This is the antichrist becoming Christian

>> No.9942389

do you roast your sesame seeds before putting it onto the chicken?

>> No.9942538

Roasting the sesame seeds destroys all the good flavor.

>> No.9942766
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, neckbeards_and_losers_457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is your palete really that far gone? Store bought catsup is for lazy unemployed neckbeards, poor people, and niggers. Heirloom tomatoes, white vinegar, cider vinegar, balsamic, red onion, roasted garlic, a dash of worcester, and smoked cayenne pepper should be simmered down and puréed. Anything else is fast food & welfare-tier garbage. Don't come preaching the merits of catsup when you're such a useless human being that you seem to believe that Hunt's is beneficial to any dish ever. Faggot.

>> No.9942775

Stop making your ketchup out of shit and diesel.

>> No.9942916

I put ketchup on my orange chicken so yes.

>> No.9943719

Would you put soy sauce/hot sauce/hot mustard on a hotdog? No? Why would you put it on sesame chicken?

>> No.9944441

I don't understand. Sesame chicken is super sweet, ketchup is super sweet. Do you want diabetes or something?

>> No.9944612

Seasame chicken isn't sweet enough to me cus I have a sweet tooth, its to savery and bold flavored it needs some sweet in the mix to kick it up a notch.

>> No.9944644

If the chicken ain't sweet I reach for the Huntz

>> No.9944647

>ketchup IN sesame chicken
It's no longer sesame chicken, but many koreans (including maangachi) put ketchup in their fried chicken sauce. It's not a bad idea. Many thai places put it in their pad thai (that's kind of wrong and quite trashy and i just make it with tamarind, fish sauce and lime, but if i'm being honest it doesn't taste 'bad').
>ketchup ON sesame chicken
that has got to be a troll, if not, well sesame chicken is hardly some bastion of food, it certainly doesn't trigger me like someone eating ketchup on a good steak would, i just don't understand you.

>> No.9944713

Maangachi puts ketchup in most of her dishes. Also most thai places use ketchup in the curry, do yo ueven know where it come from?
And I think sesame chicken is enhanced by ketchup flavor irregardless if its in the sauce or on the sauce. Hunt's ketchup is the only condement I need

>> No.9944725

alright lad you're trying a bit hard now

>> No.9944735

>taking Trump seriously
What is this, 2008?

>> No.9944741
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I didn't mean she puts it in most of her dishes just most of the ones I see her make call for ketchup like her omurice. I'm sorry that you have been brainwashed to hate ketchup and think your an adult for doing it. Grow up...

>> No.9944762

No it's 2018 and that's President Trump to you, sweetie.

>> No.9944775
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>> No.9944925

Reading this thread made me laugh.
I run a Chinese buffet and we mix ketchup in our sweet and sour sauce to save money, Americans love it too it's our most popular dish.

>> No.9945019

Ketchup is also an umami flavour.

>> No.9945032

Its more a sweet flavour.

>> No.9945040

Vinegar is an umami flavour and vinegar is an ingredient in ketchup.

>> No.9945049

I agree, you have changed my opinion on the topic.

>> No.9945111

Is it okay to put ketchup on combination fried rice?

>> No.9945116

>acid is savory
no its acidic - therefore sour. All acids are sour and bases are bitter.

>> No.9945121

Not true.
Lemon juice is acidic so it's tart or bitter but coconut juice is based and it tastes sweet.

>> No.9945132

Umami means "bold flavour" in Japanese, not savory. This is a common misconception.

>> No.9945191

Orange juice is bitter is that a base?

>> No.9945213

Orange juice is actually acidi. it's not supposed to taste bitter, but instead is supposed to taste sour.

>> No.9945237

Yes. The umami flavour of ketchup matches with the savory flavour of fried rice.

>> No.9945246

if you use ketchup on anything that is not fries, maybe a burger, or making another sauce, you should probably kys for the greater good desu

>> No.9945249

If you mix ketchup and sweet and sour sauce it makes a newer, better sauce actually. So you agree it goes with sesame chicken.

>> No.9945254
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>newer sauce
>better sauce
no, kys

>> No.9945261

Have you tried it? No? Then why comment?

>> No.9945264

If you've never tried it then fuck off. Seriously you have zero (0) room to judge me.

>> No.9945365

Is sesame chicken an acid or an base?

>> No.9945384

If it's Heinz I'd say yay but if it's Hunt's I'd say nay. Just my 2 cents

>> No.9945392


>> No.9945412

Mildly acidic because of the ketchup

>> No.9945418
File: 104 KB, 872x685, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commits putrid atrocity with food
>doesn't instantly commit suicide
Bet you fags also have matching "only God can judge me" tattoos.

>> No.9945439

>not knowing about pH
The state of the so called 200 iq. SMFH. Shit was acidic before the ketchup.

>> No.9945442

It makes the sesame chicken taste objectively better. As a chef I keep my pallet clear and instinctive, so I can honestly say that ketchup and sesame chicken go together better than mayo on a hotdog.

>> No.9945449

Chicken is a base, not a acid retard

>> No.9945464

If sesame chicken is acidic how do people way it without getting 3rd degree mouth and stomach burns?

>> No.9945478

>sesame chicken
You are objectively retarded if you believe this.

>> No.9946118

If chicken was acidic it would melt through the plate before you can even eat it.
Ketchup has vinegar in it which is acidic so it acts as a buffer to lower the pH of the chicken to a neutral 7 instead of basic.

>> No.9946584

>if chicken was acidic It would eat through the plate
This is the dumbest post ever made

>> No.9946598

Not as dumb as your post taking it seriously

>> No.9946828

>Murican "cuisine"

>> No.9946830
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Kill yourself faggot

>> No.9946854

There's already ketchup in the sauce

>> No.9946856

Why would you put sauce on something that already has sauce?

>> No.9948063

No such thing as too much sauce

>> No.9949488

Is there really?

>> No.9949500

Yes, the sauce is usually made with some variation on ketchup + vinegar + pineapple juice + soy sauce.

>> No.9949506

Why does it make everyone mad when you add more ketchup if its already in the recipe?

>> No.9949599

Because they have autism

>> No.9950808

I love Heinz ketchup and I love sesame chicken. Yay. This is a no-brainer.

>> No.9951087

Sambal isn't even supposed to be in the sesame sauce. Ketchup is.

>> No.9951274

I put secret aardvark 'vark sauce on my sesame chicken.

>> No.9953106

Is ketchup good on general tso's chicjken?

>> No.9954764

Don't even joke about Secret Aardvark sauce like this.

>> No.9955751

nay, but sriracha is a must

>> No.9955879
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>putting fructose syrup on fructose chicken

>> No.9955886

>muh meme sauce
Hunt's ketchup is actually an ingredient in sesame chicken, retard. Sriracha doesn't fit the flavour profile.

>> No.9955969
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>high fructose corn syrup is bad meme

>> No.9956716
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>Ketchup doesn't belong on sesame chicken

>> No.9957627
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I make myself a simple powdered sugar + vinegar frosting and put it on my sesame seed chicken. Doc said my acid levels were too high so trying to lower it as much as I can by taking out the tomato while still having my umami sweet goodness.

>> No.9958819

Chicken isn't an acid, retard. If it was it would burn through the plastic before you could even cook it. Ketchup is the only umami flavour worth putting on sesame chicken desu.

>> No.9958871

>being this much of a pretentious dipshit

>> No.9958896

Wow, really hostile. I know chicken is a base, okay? It's just that the sweet and sour umami sauce is acid, and then adding Hunt's is like extra acid. My family has had medical problems with tomato acid, had to have tomato seeds removed from stomach etc and I'm just suggesting a simple alternative so you can still get the umami without as much tomato.

>> No.9958975

Awww I'm sorry about your tummy tums :( I didn't know it was that serious, please accept my most sincere apology. If I had known it was a medical condition I would have never said what I did. I'm sorry for calling you the r-word too, that was just mean-spirited and unwarranted. You made a great point, that is a really good idea for people who are possibly allergic to tomato products that want to experience the umami flavor of sesame chicken. Again I'm so sorry, please forgive me.