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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9927776 No.9927776 [Reply] [Original]

>made a bunch of corndogs
>Felt sick because I had dinner an hour before
>Made myself vomit until I felt better
>Now im having some icecream
What did you eat today?

>> No.9927793

Donut sticks
Cheez itz
An energy drink
I shouldn’t have had the energy drink on an empty stomach. Spent 3 hours at work with my heart beating too fast and my hands kind of trembling. I’m a bitch when it comes to caffeine.

>> No.9927797

can of pumpking and some sauteed cabbage and a can of sardines

>> No.9927813

That happened to me once, me and my friends where so broke we couldn't afford food and we got invited to a party, I was feeling like shit so I downed two red bulls on my way there and I started feeling like really bad while hanging out outside.
I was sitting on some stairs and feeling so bad I couldn't stand and it started raining and my friends ditched me because some douchebag got a new car From his dad so I stayed there alone for the longest time under the rain while e everyone inside was partying and making out and fucking each other

>> No.9927818

why would you make corndogs after dinner, corndogs should have been the dinner

>> No.9927826

nothing yet. i only eat between 1pm and 6pm because i have some self control

>> No.9927829

I bought a lot of ham and cheese that was supposed to be breakfast for a couple days, it was good cheese and I didn't have any mayo but I wanted a sandwich so I had to use mustard instead and I couldn't seal the ham right so I kept making more sandwiches since I figured ill eat all the ham and buy more but then I just ate the cheese too
It was really goodd cheese, now I need to buy more breakfast

>> No.9927842

Some beef and veggie stew with tomatoes. It was tasty.

>> No.9927844


>> No.9927850

why tho

I'm Australian but how does that affect anything?

>> No.9927856

4pm - chicken with wild rice, quinoa, and white rice
6pm - 2 ham sliders with some more ham on the side
8pm - raw sugar snap peas and baby carrots; 4 shrimp with cocktail sauce

That's it for me, fellas. I drink water and take vitamins as well.

>> No.9927864
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4 slices of leftover mushroom, spinach, onion, and grilled chicken on a large thin crust with light sauce and cheese from Pizzahut, and the other half of their meaty marinara pasta.
I just had some rehydrated peanut butter and a blackberry jam sandwich.

I'm finishing the day off with two 24oz. Steel Reserves while watching Terminator.

>> No.9927869

Why what?
>I'm Australian
The video says European even tho there is a chink speaking moon speech

>> No.9927885

>Why what?
why would you waste all of your cheese and ham continuously eating sandwiches until you're sick and have to throw it and the corndogs you made up
>The video says European even tho there is a chink speaking moon speech
its a streaming service

>> No.9927936

Idk, the food was there and I had a plate and a knife so I just kept eating, I don't really think before I eat I just do it

>> No.9927948

You fucking Bruce piece of shit

>> No.9928009

That sucks, I’m sorry man. Too much caffeine makes everything feel off/dirty to me

>> No.9928015
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>> No.9928018

do you shit where you eat too?
stop being literal livestock

Bruceina btw

>> No.9928034

That would save me some time wouldn't it? I already shit like 5 times a day since I got my gastric system working 24/7 to deal with all the shit that goes in

>> No.9928046

>two red bulls
Uhh... red bulls are kind of expensive for what they are. You could have some cheap food and water instead.

>> No.9928051
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I'm fasting, so I'm just drinking berry Powerade Zero, diet Dr. Pepper, and water. Guess I technically ate a couple multivitamin gummies and an additional zinc pill earlier.

>> No.9928055

make sure you sell all your personal information to facebook

>> No.9928061

I could had food once but I would still have been too poor for food the next day
Plus we where able to raid his fridge when everyone was passed out so wathever

>> No.9928083

>high protein Ensure to help keep nutrition and vitamins on point

Snacked on a banana

>goldfish crackers
>chocolate soymilk

>3 scrambled eggs
>slice of toast
>orange juice

I’ve been drinking water all day too. Probably around 1/3 a gallon or so?

>> No.9928099
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makes no fucking difference to me

>> No.9928116


big cums ahead anon

OP you're fat but I guess that's what you wanted to hear
I had two fried eggs and some rice & beans for breakfast. Just ate some homemade chex mix, some sauteed green beans in a cheese sauce I made, and a turkey sandwich. Holiday leftovers are amazing

>> No.9928221

>big cums ahead anon

Yes, that's why I'm taking the maximum RDA of zinc. Also going to add lecithin to the mix soon.

>> No.9928262


Egg and glass of milk.
Mini Ravioli cup
Made a one pot meal of creamy lemon chicken pasta with a salad for dinner.

>> No.9928267

>breakfast: 2 oz of hashbrowns with salt and pepper

>lunch: roasted brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes with a veganaise/dijon/ginger/Worcestershire, sliced tomatoes

>dinner: kale, tomato, avocado, and black bean salad

trying to lose the 3 lbs I gained over the holidays =/

>> No.9928309

switch to almond milk if you're lactose intolerant, if not then just drink normal milk

>> No.9928368
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Scrambled two eggs and had two pieces of toast with some hummus for breakfast at 6 AM. Didn't eat for the rest of the day and made myself oatmeal with a tablespoon of peanut butter and a mash banana mixed in at 10 PM.

>> No.9928392
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>An entire box of this
>8ish saltines
>Handful of pretzel stick

Just had food poisoning and im afraid to eat real food

>> No.9928984

Chicken leftovers, ham leftovers on bread, mixed raw veggies (carrots, broccoli, celery, onion, peas) that I prepped for a future meal, shrimp cocktail, 1 spinach empanada, 1 tamale, more chicken, more ham, and a yogurt. I also had a ginger ale. I'm fucking dying I feel so full. I smoked pot for the first time in a very long time.

>> No.9929039

smoothie with kale, cucumber, red cabbage, raddishes, carrots, garlic, onion, ginger

~3 oz of ground beef

36 oz of light beer

>> No.9929068

Clif bar, two pop tarts, a checkers burger and half a bag of Cheetos popcorn.

>> No.9929071

This is like the social acceptable al/ck/ thread

>> No.9929072

Oh and a hot pocket, forgot about that one.

>> No.9929112

An egg for breakfast, a few slices of ham lunch meat rolled up with Swiss cheese, then two chicken breasts and green beans for dinner. Snacked on a handful of chopped pecans and had 2 little babybel cheese things. How'd I do?

>> No.9929202

One bowl of chicken soup

>> No.9929431

I have lost all control.
I have been in cruise control for about 4 weeks now just burning through junk food and over consumption

I want to die. im so sick of living like this
>hurr just don't do it then
Wow great advice

>> No.9929506
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Breakfast 9am
>2 cups of tea

Lunch 1pm
>Kimchi jjigae
>1 cup of rice
>2 oranges

Dinner 7pm
>1 cup pineapple
>1 pear

>> No.9929528

Is no one going to talk about OP's bulimia?

>> No.9929534

A toasted cheese sandwich with italian salami and gabagool, 4 sushi rolls (1 california, 1 tempura prawn, 1 calamari and one crispy chicken) and about to eat some spaghetti and meatballs.

>> No.9929536

kill yourself you clearly aren't going to get better.

>> No.9929537

>lose weight
>gain weight


>> No.9930157

thats made up bullshit for people who want to claim that obesity is a disease

>> No.9931875

3 boiled eggs for breakfast + cheap caribbean hot sauce

6 small oranges spread out over the day

big pile of microwaved peas/sweetcorn/carrots, 2 smallish sweet potatos cut into wedges and tossed in olive oil, salt, pepper, smoked paprika, and thyme, and a grilled large chicken breast marinaded in soy sauce and mild curry powder

>> No.9931928

You eat like a 3rd world communist

>> No.9931942

I wish you the best in recovering from your eating disorder. I've never had one but I am an alcoholic, so I know it sucks to have a thing that you do that isn't really for the best.

>> No.9931960

Well my dad is an alcoholic and I bet ya when he dies nobody will feel sad at all since he made life worse for everyone who ever knew him especially me
Maybe that's the reason I eat so much, I only started eating because I was alone all the time and my mom kept giving me money and sweets because she felt guilty but didn't want to do anything about it

>> No.9931984

cottage cheese with lean cottage cheese with a sour cherry drink mix for flavor
cabbage soup with some cheese
fragment of chicken breast, green salad, roasted pepper, deli meat, olives
3 shitty greasy meatballs with ljutenica, salad, olives, cheese

Wishing some more cabbage soup. Fucking love that shit.

>> No.9931999

Healthy Request Cream of Mushroom Soup (but I cheated and added salt) & ham and cheese sandwich for lunch, a Quest cookie and coffee for breakfast.

I feel like I’m reporting in to my nutritionist.

>> No.9932003

Can of tuna
1 cup of quinoa
1 frozen banana
2tbsp of crunchy peanut butter
3 scoops
2 cups of almond milk
1oz of sunflower seeds
I can't meet my macros for shit.

>> No.9932022

>I bet ya when he dies nobody will feel sad at all since he made life worse for everyone who ever knew him
Don't make me say it Anon

>> No.9932036

Say what?

>> No.9932040

If you're male soy milk can really fuck you up, I'd do what the anon said and go for almond or regular. While by itself it's not that harmful, almost everything we eat has some formula of soy or female hormones in it. It builds up.

>> No.9932286

> macros
Nice bro science. Keto/paleo is all you need my dude. Clean bulk is patrician.

>> No.9932300

>soy milk can really fuck you up
I'd suggest an intensive detox from infowars and AM loony talk shows. Do you not see a correlation between their spiel and the adverts promoting estrogen antidotes? LMAO!

>> No.9932312

I can't feel the jitters until I take 500 ml of caffeine. It takes two of those pills. How fucked am i

>> No.9932314

fried dumplings
egg roll
char siu pork with rice
crispy pork belly with rice
and two 20 oz of sprite

>> No.9932315

> info wars started the soy meme
Listen chuckle fuck, it's been common knowledge about the soy boy shit for decades now in the fitness world. It's just now normies are finally hearing about it.

>> No.9932403

kys and be done with it.

>> No.9932423

>in the fitness world
Is that what closested gays call being cloested gay

>> No.9932439

>cottage cheese with a sour cherry drink mix for flavor

>> No.9932448

>>in the fitness world
>Is that what closested gays call being cloested gay
Nice argument soyboy. Get off 4chan and go back to playing your Nintendo switch while your bitchy blue haired pig of a gf cucks you cause your micro soy dick can't please her and you're too much of an effeminate twat of a man to try any better for yourself.

>inb4 projecting

>> No.9932504

That applies to you too

>> No.9932695

/fit/fag here and we're primarily assblasted about the fact more gays and trannies are coming into being and increasing competition so we have to blame something. There's reasons are gym showers smell like a neet's cum rag.

>> No.9932710
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>wake up
>make coffee
>start snacking on jerky
>order my morning pizza
>snack on pizza and jerky then get ready to make breakfast
>6 eggs, 6 hash browns, 3 scoops of ice cream and a pack of bacon for breakfast
>wash it down with iced tea and continue snacking on jerky (pizza's finished)
>order more pizza to snack on while l browse the net for lunch ideas
>contempIate mcdonalds for brunch but order chinese instead
>kill delivery man when he arrives
>eat him and the food
>eat the money too
>get in his car and go to mcdonalds for lunch
>start eating the kids in the ball pit and then eat the parents who have a problem with it
>everyone leaves so I start eating all of mcdonalds' food
>interrupted by police and swat teams
>they shoot tear gas into the mcdonalds and storm the place
>start eating the cops and order a pizza to snack on
>go to the chinese man's car and go back home
>eat the car
>go inside and start eating the house
>remember the rest of the jerky and eat it while contemplating dinner
>eat the contemplations and order a pizza to snack on
>pull out Iaptop and start posting on ck

>> No.9932715

An entire jar of Grey Poupon

>> No.9932721

1 5 oz. can of (Water packed) tuna
130 grams carrots
2 5 oz. cans of (water packed) salmon
1 egg
20 g oats
600 calories and like 90 grams of protein
yesterday was just more canned fish

>> No.9934370

Contact Dr. Doug Lisle. Seriously.

>> No.9934380

Ur mums pusy

>> No.9934425

Rigatoni and meatballs

>> No.9936334

Had a bowl of healthy-ass cereal this morning
For lunch I'll have the leftover stew I made + buttered bread
For dinner I'll probably go to a donair place and get 2 donairs (1 lamb and 1 beef)

>> No.9936349

Huevos rancheros with black beans for breakfast
Cigarettes and energy drinks for lunch and dinner

>> No.9937301

A donut with sprinkles, donut with fruity pebbles, 2cheese cake bites

>> No.9937627
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1/2 a kitkat bar (105)
2 slices whole rye bread (240)
1 can sardines (210)
1 chicken thigh (210)
1/4 head lettuce (15)
1/2 portion homemade macaroni and cheese (≈300)
3.5 serving broccoli (125)

2.5 mile run @ 7.5 min mile

I hate being fat more than I hate dieting and running