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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 359x449, 1513788384454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9864748 No.9864748 [Reply] [Original]

do you take your hat off at the table?

>> No.9864752

Yes because I’m not a cuck

>> No.9864789

no because I'm not some dainty faggot

>> No.9864798

fuck you and your rules. I am an ape and so are you. This is MY planet. You don't get to say anything or judge anything unless you can take me.

>> No.9864819

Then you can have a seat outside in the tire swing. I'll bring out a bowl of food for you and leave it on the ground.

>> No.9864823

Nobody should wear a hat indoors.

>> No.9864825

fine slave.

>> No.9864840

Yes, my grandma taught me manners. I don't really wear hats, though. I'm not afraid of my receding hairline or need an advertisement on my front head

>> No.9864985


>> No.9864991

Yes, unless it's MN winter and the place is cheap.

>> No.9864994

if you're wearing your hat with your outfit, don't take it off
if you're literally everyone else wearing normal clothes and basic outfits, take your hat off indoors faggots
unless i look at your outfit and know you're at least barely into hobby fashion, you're a fuckhead for wearing a hat indoors
exception: if you're bald or balding you can wear a hat indoors

>> No.9864998

This is the dumbest shit I've read all day

>> No.9865002

no asshole. I can do what I like and if you are offended you can go find a grave for yourself.

>> No.9865004

Nice try, but i kinda disagree. Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks....

And that we should always put off our hat indoors.

>> No.9865006


No if I pay good money I do whatever the fuck I want and so should you.

>> No.9865009

>if you're wearing your hat with your outfit
Black people, everyone

>> No.9865021
File: 166 KB, 755x962, Aron_Marcus_(1800)_1880_by_Ernst_Josephson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we wear our yarmulkes at all times.

>> No.9865023

>implying black people can into fashion
how many niggers you seen downtown not wearing a white T and shorts
this is the objectively best answer
if you don't shit yourself in public and burp into peoples mouths you should take your hat off for the same reason

>> No.9865026

if he did that to me, i'd hook him right in the gabber

>> No.9865031

I never wear hats. I was required to wear a beret back in the army though. If you're in the field, you wear a patrol cap but it's always a part of your uniform and you need to have it. Otherwise you're fucked up and you're situationally unaware. Being unaware can get you killed. Anyway, you always take it off when you walk indoors. Not doing so means you're situationally unaware again, and unbecoming of a soldier in uniform. Seems like lots of people wear hats everyday and that's fine, but it's always something that crosses my mind when I see hats indoors.

>> No.9865036

i don't really wear hats, i never wear anything on my head while indoors because i have some manners.
tl;dr yes

>> No.9865045

Seems to me like everyone caves to the wants of others for no real reason. So, no. If I have a hat on, fuck off.

>> No.9865052
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>> No.9865053

>for no real reason
you'd be right in arguing the etiquette is arbitrary. you'd be unironically autistic to argue that not following etiquette is anything shy of actually degenerate

>> No.9865054

That's fine. Do what you want. It's some old tradition that is still pertinent to the military though. You're not in uniform so don't worry about it. If it's some sort of formal gathering, it should at least cross your mind to do so.

>> No.9865061

Not him, i'm >>9865004

For me you're allowed to wear your hat indoors. But i won't. Is there some courtesey to it, putting it off indoors? Yes. But same applies to eat with chopsticks at the sushi restaurant and i can't say i always do. So do your thing man.

>> No.9865095

>for no real reason.
Except, y'know, looking like a child

>> No.9865101
File: 133 KB, 332x500, 4270606987_eec4141ae4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't try this shit outside of america. even third world countries have a modicum of etiquette

>"Alexis. Do you think my fanny pack is too small? Its not dealing with my girth too good. My feet hurt"

>> No.9865121
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you wear a baseball cap over the age of 16?

>> No.9865126

i don't wear hats inside anywhere that isn't my house, my dad was pretty severe in me manners.

>> No.9865128

i don't wear a hat

>> No.9865131

Yes, to repulse everyone around me with my balding head and become the only person eating

>> No.9865136

because you didn't want to bother getting a haircut until next week, are just running out for smokes... whatever, and NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. If you fixate on what I am wearing, you have a problem, not me

>> No.9865139

I play baseball in Double A

>> No.9865143

If you need to hide your head you should just wear a plastic bag instead.

>> No.9865144

are you any good, Pablo?

>> No.9865145
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>> No.9865153


>Yes, my grandma taught me manners.

Nigger detected.

>> No.9865156

no bitch, i wear a hat. If you don't like it say so, so I can call you a cunt to your cunt face.

>> No.9865158

okay José

get your shit together, manchild

>> No.9865161


>> No.9865171


I do believe you're mistaken, sir.

>> No.9865173

>dumbest shit I've read all day

Was this the first thing you read here today?

>> No.9865176

mind your own fucking business asshole control freak. Look, I am wearing two hats now.

>> No.9865195
File: 11 KB, 819x315, blacked[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just adopting n**ger culture promoted by the joos to denigrate the "white race"

>> No.9865198

No one cared who I was until I put on my hat

>> No.9865200


>> No.9865205

You don't adopt niggers. This is not Diffren't Strokes. You buy them when on sale and ignore them when not.

>> No.9865227

Would you punch his fuckin' lights out, Jamal Ginsburg?

>> No.9865255

at the table?
dumb fucks you're supposed to remove your hat as soon as you get inside

>> No.9865265


>> No.9865268

because it's rude as fuark

>> No.9865269

And complaining about what someone else wears isn't?

How is it rude?

>> No.9865277

it's rude because it's a shady act. there's no fucking sun indoors so there's no point in the hat it's just like wearing sunglasses indoors it's rude and only people up to no good do it

>> No.9865282

This is the attitude that's killing civilization,

>> No.9865291

please read the thread before posting in it
actually you should consider always doing that
maybe reading more could help you, personally, quite a lot

>> No.9865293

No... that s not rude, that is your own personal fear, pre-judgment, and belief.

Fuck off with that. You are wrong. There is nothing wrong with wearing a hat.

>> No.9865302

read it, and you are still wrong. Not rude... harms no one. Some just love to complain and think themselves better than others despite evidence.

>> No.9865309

no it's rude and disrespectful and has been for fucking ever, get over yourself you fucking snowflake

>> No.9865312

all these damn kids with no father figure in their life to teach them how to be respectful

>> No.9865316
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>/ck/ posters forget that people from around the world post here and what is standard etiquette in one place may be neither rude nor taboo in another

>> No.9865317

Take your own advice. I will now where three hats and go into a church.

You are ignorant, and fight for your way like a spoiled baby.

>> No.9865321

We got ourselves a tough frat boy

>> No.9865322

I generally don't wear a hat so it's a non-issue, but if I'm wearing a hat then yes.

>> No.9865328

I do not wear hats either, but there is NO reason not to wear a hat wherever you want. These people were indoctrinated by abusive parents or something.

>> No.9865333

The only people I've ever seen wearing hats at a dining table were niggers and drunk rednecks
Sitting at the bar while wearing a hat is totally acceptable though

>> No.9865335

>people who wear hats inside
kinda fucked up but whatever

>people who wear sunglasses inside
ok buddy you're going down

>> No.9865336

why? because you decided?

I am now wearing 4 hats

>> No.9865341

4 hats, sitting for the pledge, with my elbows on the table.

You wouldn't say a word to me.

>> No.9865344

You take your hat off upon entering a building, however public malls and shopping places this does not apply as it is implied you will not have somewhere to hang your hat and coat.

>> No.9865360

>Go in to write a 3 hour exam
>Instructor says "No baseball caps please"
>"It's a free country I can wear a hat if I want to"
>>"People have used them to cheat before, please just put the hat with your bag"
>Guy chimps out and starts swearing
>>"Please calm down and write the exam or you can leave"
>"Fuck that I ain't leaving"
>>"Sir please calm down or I'll have to call the campus police and have them escort you out of here"
>"I am fucking calm"
>Takes out her phone
>"Don't do that"
>>"Are you going to be calm?"
>"I am fucking calm you fucking bitch"
>Calls the police
>"Fuck you bitch"
>Runs away
>Tells us to start writing and she stands outside and waits for the police

That's the day I learned that people who wear baseball hats are retarded manchildren

>> No.9865367

Uh, no... the asshole accusing them of cheating with no proof and wasting the laws time is in the wrong here.

>> No.9865368

nobody looks cool with a hat on, stop wearing them
unless you explicitly need it to warm your head or to keep the sun out of your eyes don't wear them

fucking balding losers LMAO

>> No.9865375

Your opinion. Save it for yourself and you will seem like a less judgmental retard

>> No.9865379

Exhibit B everyone

>> No.9865385

You asking for backup on your "hats under roofs are evil" argument?

>> No.9865389

Exhibit C

>> No.9865392


Yes because my mama raised me right.

>> No.9865399

I like how your attention span forbids you from reading more than three words.

millennials should be euthanized

>> No.9865414

You really like it, or are you just being contrary?

I bet you don't tell people about things you actually like because they would be horrorfied.

>> No.9865420
File: 78 KB, 736x552, GayWeddingCake5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tax on Yarmulkes is a tax on Jews. Refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding is discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation.

>> No.9865440

Or it is an unwillingness to contribute to something you view as perversion.

>> No.9865449

hats, thick beards, glasses, all of these are signs of insecurity
you are trying to cover your face and hide it from people

oh man my hair looks stupid I better put on a hat!
ah my cheeks are kind of fat or I lack a jaw line, I better grow a beard so nobody notices
I'm very ugly, I should put large glasses on to draw attention away

the human mind automatically assumes features it cant see are attractive, because of course your mind wants to assume an ideal
this is why everybody looks more attractive with sunglasses on. Your mind assumes the hidden features are symmetrical and attractive

that's all this is, whether you realize it or not

the chad choice is to take the time to style your hair properly, keep your facial hair trimmed and well groomed if you choose to have any, and if you actually need glasses, use contacts most of the time and your glasses should be minimalist in design

there's a reason numales are guilty of all the crimes I mentioned

>> No.9865464

If I take that hat off, will /ck/ cry?

>> No.9865466

take a picture of yourself at a restaurant (not kfc etc) wearing four caps....then post it here for victory. You can blur your face out as I guarantee you are an ugly fuck

>> No.9865470

Punch yourself in the face and post a video of it with time stamp and I will

>> No.9865587

Usually yes if it's a relatively respectable place.
If it's a shitty chain pub or a burger place or something it's not worth it because the place is already scummy enough.

>> No.9865595

>To keep the sun out of my eyes.
>Because my hair's a fucking mess and I can't be bothered to cut it.
>Because it really annoys people like you.

>> No.9865596

ask the reason you should take it off... they fucking freak out about respect and tradition and gas out because reason escapes them.

>> No.9865604
File: 40 KB, 400x500, Cristiano-Ronaldo-Workout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 foot tall and built like this is dainty now?

>> No.9865683

come over here and say that internet tough guy, I'll snatch all three hats off your head and give you a righteous beat down

>> No.9865703

If you don't, you're swine and should just go outside to the pig trough.

>> No.9865711

Your mom must be stupid and ugly to have produced you. If not, you were switched at birth or something, so... either your mom is an ignorant whore, or you are not her child.

Good day sir.

>> No.9865727
File: 6 KB, 182x185, 41597_2306433266_4613_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waring hats
Is the "bro" thing still a thing?

>> No.9865730

It's for literal brainlets

>> No.9865735

My mother was of noble blood, you pig sucking whore

>> No.9865736

>hurr it's not rude because I say so
fuck off kid

>> No.9865742

its also not rude because you say so. It is a dumb, stupid tradition held up by relics such as yourself.

>> No.9865748

>hurr spitting in someone's face isn't rude because some old foggy says so
neck yourself

>> No.9865760

How is that in any way like a hat?

Why are you angry about a hat? What logical reason do you have to care what I wear?

>> No.9865763

it's no different than sagging ass pants, disrespectful rude and nig behavior

>> No.9865769

You must hate yourself to put all of your energy into judging others instead of bettering yourself.

Tip my hat to you assholeface

>> No.9865782

If you wear a hat indoors you are a massive faggot. The only excuse is if you run inside to pick something up, like the store.

>> No.9865802

The purpose of a hat is to
>Keep head warm
>Block out sun
Explain why any of that is needed indoors

>> No.9865803

Why are they a faggot?

Just because you like their hat and want to suck them off, that does not make them gay.

>> No.9865817

It's like wearing sneakers to the beach or sunglasses inside. It's completely unnecessary and makes you look like a child

>> No.9865818

Because you are a person and can wear what you want. Because you like your hair covered. Because you do not like your current hair style,or fuck you and mind your own business you judgmental intrusive rude fuckhead.

>> No.9865825

so, you don't like it because your attention is drawn to children?

you don't make sense. how is this rude?

>> No.9865839


>> No.9865856


>> No.9865899

wearing hats for reason other than protecting you from the elements makes you look like a faggot.

>> No.9865905

>someone's balding.

>> No.9865914

do you know what's a dumb tradition? wearing a hat when it's not cold or not sunny.


>> No.9865917

No. I don't even wear hats. It is a stupid, pointless "rule" that is not a rule and makes no logical sense. Politely fuck you and your tradition of being an ass.

>> No.9865918

wah... i no like hats!

WHY? Because you were taught that by other assholes.

>> No.9866888
File: 9 KB, 313x313, 1496695430359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really not know you're supposed to remove it indoors? I'm a burger and I know this. I don't wear hats though.

>> No.9866907

Why are you supposed to remove it? Why is it rude?

>> No.9866940
File: 147 KB, 1280x855, EA7653-001-56a55f6c5f9b58b7d0dc90b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except jews

>> No.9866944

>wearing a hat
Kikes detected.

>> No.9867028

Because society has determined it to be rude. Either respect the values of the society you live in or go die in the fucking woods. Quit promoting values that lead to the decay of the civilized world.

>> No.9867049

You sound stupid and easy to manipulate.

Get off my planet.

>> No.9867122

I enjoy living in a successful civilization and would prefer it to stay successful. I love the easy work and the easy access to any kind of food I want. Why would I want to work hard while constantly being on the verge of starvation?

>> No.9867142
File: 100 KB, 640x640, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of fucking course, and take off your sun glasses while you are at it

>> No.9867145

>successful civilization

Pfffhahahaha, where?

>> No.9867163

If you wear a hat outdoors or indoors I will seek you out and physically attack you on the hands and eyes. NO! HATS!

>> No.9867168

Can you explain what you mean by situationally unaware? Is it a billed hat or something?

>> No.9867193

If it's a beanie, no, since I would only wear a beanie if my hair was unnaceptable. Other hats are shit unless you're indiana jones or it's so sunny that your sunglasses need backup.

>> No.9867216

He means that you’re situationally unaware of whether or not you’re wearing your hat when you’re in uniform, since in the military they drill that shit into you. In basic I got blasted for hats on inside/hats off outside, even if it’s just for a few seconds

>> No.9868063

Well lets see, my civilization has been around for a couple hundred years, I don't worry about where my next meal will come from, I have decent enough access to healthcare, we have agriculture, most people aren't starving in the streets, etc. I'd say that's fairly successful

>> No.9868311


>> No.9868322

I got bitched at for wearing my hat indoors all the time and I still fight that shit. Even got points redacted in school at one point from my Spanish teacher.

At the table? What the fuck does my hat have to do with 'respect' for someone or any other bullshit social construct someone would have built in them that they're thinking about while I'm just here to have a meal. I'm wearing a hat, indoors, during a meal, big fuckin woop.

>> No.9868889

probably since you look like a retard at the table

or are you ashamed of your hair?

>> No.9868900

I never wear a hat inside because I’m not a child nor am I balding.

>> No.9868928

Hat's are for keeping the sun out of your eyes and protecting your head from sun, cold, wind, rain, etc. Yes, they evolved to be sartorial as well, but their purpose remains. Wearing a hat inside isn't just I'll mannered and socially ignorant, it makes you look like the village idiot. You might as well wear sunglasses too, and keep your coat on like a weirdo. And that's not even getting into the social and etiquette aspects of it.

>> No.9868936

ronaldo is literally a higher form of human than anyone that uses this site, he can wear a hat indoors if he wants

>> No.9868947

>do you take your hat off at the table?

Take your hat off when you enter a building.

>> No.9869184

>What the fuck does me shitting on the floor have to do with 'respect' for someone or any other bullshit social construct someone would have built in them that they're thinking about while I'm just here to have a meal
We have rules we follow because instilling a sense of respect for one another is how society functions. If everyone was an edgy teenage like you and just did whatever they wanted, we'd all be starving in the streets. Grow up

>> No.9869349

I always wear a hat indoor and at the table. I also don't take it off for the star spangled banner. Faggots don't like it they can suck muh dick.

>> No.9869409

I take my hat off when inside, displaying my incredible baldness because I just don't fucking care.
People with sunglasses and hats inside have either something to hide or are basic betacucks

>> No.9869413

I would not allow a jew to wear a hat in my house. Just as I would put a hat on in a synagogue

>> No.9869770
File: 19 KB, 382x346, コスタンザ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing a hat
>in the current year

>> No.9869786

We'd be starving in the streets?


You fuckers retarded. Shitting on the floor is nothing like wearing hats. Do you have a head wound? Shoulda wore a hat... a hard one.

>> No.9869788

They teach you in the army to take your hat off indoors. So only if you are a manchild that can't handle military discipline and morals, masculine duties and physical toll like warfare do you wear a hat indoors.

>> No.9869799

They teach you in the world that being in the military is for stupid people that should die.

>> No.9869809


its completely ok to wear a hat(comfy wool toque) indoors during the winter

>> No.9869820

It's funny because I see mostly vets wearing the vet baseball caps inside all the time along with the occasional douchebag. Always wondered why since we're taught to take covers off indoors (unless armed but whatever)

>> No.9869826

good point cool soldier bro. Thank you for your service.

Other guy is a tool. I am surprised he did not catch friendly fire.

>> No.9869838

That's autistic, you can't build general skills by training muscle memory.

>> No.9869931

Of course, what are you, some sort of nigger?

>> No.9869947

I keep my sunglasses on since they are prescription and I'm blind as a bat without them, though I take them off once I get to the table

>> No.9870303

I take my hat off indoors, except for places like train stations or sufficiently "open" public facilities. It still floors me that this rule has been abandoned. Growing up, ladies and religious, medical, or ceremonial headgear were the only exceptions (and indeed, ladies must have their heads covered in church).

Proper hat etiquette signals to everyone that you are aware of your circumstances and that you acknowledge the presence and dignity of everyone there, and for the place you happen to be.

If you are incapable of showing basic respect, you don't belong in civilization. Stay in your mom's basement.

>> No.9870312

Respect is earned, not given freely. You want handouts? Look elsewhere.

I should put that on a hat.

>> No.9870332

>Respect is earned, not given freely.
Yours is worth literally nothing to anyone.

>> No.9870341

Good! Entitled shits can and will die.

>> No.9870345

Ah yes shitting on the floor and wearing a hat are totally comparable things. Such a compelling argument, well done anon.

>> No.9870349

>exception: if you're bald or balding you can wear a hat indoors
thanks, I appreciate it

>> No.9870871

Yes they're absolutely comparable. You want to destroy society's traditions and values. You can't pick and choose which ones you like and which pnes you don't

>> No.9871016

if I wear a hat I always remove it when I'm inside for any period of time other than just shopping or going in and out of a place, because I'm not a child

>> No.9871023

Yes. I want very strongly to improve society and shave off stupid traditions at the same time. My will is also stronger than yours, and I invite you to test that to the best of your ability.

>> No.9871103

No because I'm not a stupid boomer who makes shit fucking up and judges others for not following shit that they were unaware of some retards making up.

>> No.9871107

The reason you should take a hat off when you enter a building is because you're wearing a hat in order to protect your head from the elements. Why would you want to bring the elements in doors, shaking it around as you move you head and getting it all over everything? Do you also eat dinner in an overcoat?

>> No.9871126

I also wear underwear to protect my hog from your lusty eyes. I bet you'd like rules about me taking those off for you too.

No. Mind your business and stop hatshaming. It is pointless and weird.

>> No.9871178
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>> No.9871191

the tradition of removing your hat indoors and as a sign of respect is MUCH older than boomers you fucking dumbass

>> No.9871201

Okay but that is literally what all clothing is for. A huge coat just maybe might be different but a fucking cap? That's literally retarded. What if i have long hair? My hair traps "elements" too and moves around with my fucking head I should just shave it off whenever I go outside so i dont bring in any "elements" inside with me. Idiot.

>> No.9871207

So is the practices of cutting foreskins, killing faggots, and owning niggers. If you can make shitting on the floor comparisons, you must also be able to take it.

>> No.9871212
File: 13 KB, 261x193, 1505996637032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you people also keep your sunglasses on in doors?

>> No.9871227

>durr durr durr

>> No.9871249

Great rebuttal fudge packer
Not the same you doofus.

>> No.9871261

>I'm actually this fucking retarded

>> No.9871287

>He can't tell I'm not the same poster
Ditto. Etc. (You)

>> No.9871293

You wear the hat so it doesn't get in your hair, and the overcoat so it doesn't get on your clothes. Think for 5 seconds, pleb.

>> No.9871299
File: 59 KB, 494x481, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm an adult so i do what i want!
>i'm gonna wear my hat indoors, i dont care what others think!

>> No.9871370

>I'm and old lady so I will bitch to get my way.
>I don't like hats so you can't wear them if I whine.

>> No.9871372

>I'm even more retarded than previously thought possible

>> No.9871559

As you can see ITT, people that wear hats are insecure brainlets with authority issues.

>> No.9871579

People who annoy you.


>> No.9871768

You only wear a hat indoors when it has a purpose. Religious reasons, keeping your hair out of your face while you eat. Otherwise you just looking stupid and being an impolite. Same thing with coats. You shouldn't be wearing a coat indoors unless you just got the the ski lodge and want some hot cocoa before lunch.

>> No.9871783


>> No.9871802

you aren't clever

>> No.9871896

i keep my coat on because i get cold

>> No.9872315

I am inclined to agree with your post, but I've wanted to grow a beard since I was very little because I thought they looked cool, not because it might magically fix my face, up until a few years ago beards were really out of fashion and a lot of people (rightfully) perceive them as very unhygienic. I also don't really think people wear glasses to hide their face, unless you mean sunglasses. I do very much dislike hats and sunglasses but it doesn't bother me to see other people wear them.

>> No.9872325

Yes, unless I'm eating at some fast food place I always take my hat off.

>> No.9872661

It doesn't matter but idiots will judge you for not following an arbitrary rule. I take mine off so I don't have to deal with idiots like this entire thread judging me.

>> No.9872673

It is way better to argue with them and watch them lose their mind. Eventually they cave and admit there is no good goddamn reason they concern themselves with what you are wearing beside some strange internal bitterness.

>> No.9872828

If you do, you're just virtue signaling that you conform to an arbitrary, senseless "rule" and you'll obey anything else your overlords say you "must" do. Iow, you admit to being a lap dog.

As a further example of the absurdity of it, women are expected to keep their hat on! It amounts to discrimination against men and I, for one, refuse to submit.

>> No.9872833

I will fight old church people and the indoctrinated at your side.

>> No.9872919

It's not a stupid tradition, it shows you who can be trusted and who can't. The only real reason to not take off your hat inside is because you're trying to hide your face, it's the same with hoodies. Just take your hat off and show respect to other people, you fucking child.

>> No.9872930


Respect that you have no right or reason to care what is on my head. I refuse your rule. You people are not rulers and I do not care how you think or feel unless you are in my way. Get over your upbringing. It has been flawed.

>> No.9872953

I can't imagine someone i'm with wearing a hat at a restaurant but if someone is, i'll probably make a pretty big fuss over it until he/she takes it off.

>> No.9872962

So you just go around spitting in people's face's? No, you don't because you show other people that live in the same society as you, basic respect. Being respectful to one another is how society works. Be polite, be respectful, and help one another. Stop thinking about what's immediately in front if you, think about how you affect the future. I'm done here, kid

>> No.9872970

Then respect that as an adult, I dress myself and do not need your input. I am not assaulting you, which is what a spit in the face is, child.

>> No.9872976

no but I also don't wear backwards like some retarded teenager

>> No.9873302

I fucking hate wearing hats.

>> No.9873335
File: 510 KB, 200x110, tenor[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread has lasted 3 days and counting

>> No.9873338
File: 1.06 MB, 1500x988, 1_LORRgjX9DCW3_h4RCY6JIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear my hat all the time, nobody's ever brought it up. If I don't wear the hat people think that's weird.

If I took off my hat while indoors then I'd probably lose it. I need it on.

>> No.9873506

>eating at the table

>> No.9873658

nice overreaction, faggot. quit being so offended that people push back when you obsessively enforce arbitrary social rules

>> No.9874068

are those solar panels?

>> No.9874075

No, they're mirrors.

They hilariously cause a lot of bird deaths by instantly frying them

>> No.9874087


>> No.9874164

Shitty traditions being old does not equal old traditions being shitty, asshole.

>> No.9874169

>Not the same you doofus.
What's the difference?

>> No.9874191

Why are you so angry? Rough childhood that still hurts?

>> No.9874201

Tradition might be arbitrary, but that doesn't make it stupid or bad. But of course in today's shitty world where nobody cares about anything and individualism has grown to the degree where everybody genuinely thinks they are the answer to everything, people don't understand the point in having a cultural continuity. Of course, not all traditions should be kept just because they are traditions, but as long as something isn't harmful to anyone, such as beating your kids or the neighborhood homosexual, keeping a set of traditions in a certain culture is good and creates a sense of community and union. But of course, now everybody thinks tradition sucks because of retarded globalism and suppression of any kind of national unity.

>> No.9874217

No... we think it sucks because some humans think they have a right to inflict their opinion on others when they should keep it under their hat, so to speak. Wearing a hat indoors harms no one that is not looking for a reason to bitch anyway.

>> No.9874240

Taking your hat off when you go indoors has been a tradition to show respect for hundreds of years in the west. You're right, it doesn't hurt anyone that you keep it on, but it doesn't hurt you to take it off, and even though the past 20 years have been so obsessed with self help books and misguided individualism that it's made you think are so important that every tradition that doesn't immediately appeal to you is bad, you should still be reflected enough to realize that keeping the small customs of a culture alive is beneficial to both you and those around you.

>> No.9874247


>> No.9874260

I don't feel that way. You do. I feel like wearing a hat. I feel like culture should evolve with greater speed. I am not sentimental.

>> No.9874266

>wearing hats

Not all of us have weak hairlines so not even a problem

>> No.9874273

What do you want culture to evolve to? A dumb nothing where everything you want to do is good, and everything other people want you do to is dumb?

>> No.9874286

There's literally no reason to wear a hat anyways unless it's fucking raining or you're a trucker.

everyone looks like a fag who wears a cap, just like anyone who's over the age of 16 who wears hoodies.

>> No.9874292

An honest society where no primate thinks themselves so far above another primate that they are fit to judge them for things that cause no harm.

And robots.

>> No.9874313

>misguided individualism
>a country literally founded on individualism of varied forms by definition
>b-but you're individualism is out of line, please conform

Do you even hear yourself think? The modern cuckservative everyone!

>> No.9874337

>humans not judging each other
Won't ever, EVER happen. It's human nature to judge others. That's why it's good for a culture to create a set of rules, arbitrary or not, for everybody to follow, so everyone's in the same boat. That's the point.

>> No.9874343

I'm not American.

>> No.9874349

If everyone is in the same boat, they can all drown at once.

Not my way. Not your place to say I am wrong.

>> No.9874355

Yes it is, just like you're saying I'm wrong. I wouldn't force you to do or not do anything, but I'm free to judge you and criticize you for the choices you make.

>> No.9874386

You will try with your judgments, and you will fail. It is all you have... tradition and indoctrination.

I have six hats on now.

>> No.9874444

I walk around with nothing but a loincloth on. I don't get why people get so buttmad, I'm an adult and I'll do what as I please.
I'm not showing my genitals or hurting anyone, so why do old ladies shriek at me?

>> No.9874611

6 extra chromosomes

>> No.9874629

I am wearing a hat indoors right now and there absolutely is nothing any of your autists can do about it

>> No.9874923

>I'm making myself look retarded and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.9874941

Rude westerners don't cover their heads indoors and intentionally remove head coverings while eating.

Fucking barbarians.

>> No.9874957

You don't look retarded when you think people need to dress how you say... you look and act autistic.

>> No.9874972

What's bothering me the most is that pink bottle. Did he bring his own sports drink into this restaurant?

>> No.9874976

Tell them you're gay and you're expressing your pride, quadsboy.

>> No.9875976

Yes i do

>> No.9876040

yep, baldie or edgy 16 year old

>> No.9876049

holy shit, you're so fucking authistic you stayed on this thread for an entire thread showing how much of an imbecile you are.

Seriously expect you are a troll because otherwise you're pathetic. Or 15 years old.