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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9845690 No.9845690 [Reply] [Original]

>meanwhile in america

>> No.9845704

Are you jealous that our garbage disposals eat better than you?

>> No.9845710

im intrigued
what happens to them? they simply flush them down together with shit and resell it as fertilizer?

>> No.9845717

>live in 100°F heat
>throw food in trash
>smells like hot ass within an hour

Nah I'll take the garbage disposal.

>> No.9845723

You have a garbage disposal, but not AC?

>> No.9845725

Is that a ravioli in the tube?

>> No.9845731
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Travels down the pipe to the underpeople, or so I was told by a waterworks engineer. After that point nobody knows.

>> No.9845742
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>> No.9845765

When garbage disposals became available they were pretty easily attained and installed if you knew some of the basics of plumbing. But an HVAC system is expensive and you need a guy to install it which adds even more money.

>> No.9845774

I have AC but leave it set pretty high to save money.

I do want to move to a colder area though

>> No.9846964

looks like a sunburnt fat lady bending over

>> No.9846997
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>> No.9847030

I never understood why they toss whole pieces of food in there, what's the point of having a trash can then? Use it for pieces of food you rinse off plates not big fucks you can scrap ffs

>> No.9848772

Can't unsee (even though it's her hand's reflection)

>> No.9848787

Why throw food in the trash can? Gross.

>> No.9848804

I heard they scrape their leftovers down a pipe leading to the subpeople.

>> No.9849040


>I do want to move to a colder area though

But you're still a faggot.

>> No.9849171
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>> No.9849185
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>> No.9849492

I have a garbage disposal (UK). It never gets used. All it does is grind your food into tiny bits and send it down your normal kitchen waste pipe. You know it's just going to cause a fuckton of plumbing issues down the line.

>> No.9849499

People usually don't throw whole lots of shit in there. You can easily use it to get rid of some vegetable offcuts, though. The grinders are there for a reason.

>> No.9849503

Depends on where you live to be honest. But if you use the disposal like in the picture shown. It will get stuck or worse break.

>> No.9849516
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seperate compost waste collection is far superior

>> No.9849537
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Not really, there are much bigger problems that local wastewater utilities have to worry about.
Around here we have literal TV ads with spokespeople for the local utilities BEGGING, literally BEGGING people not to flush "flushable wipes". Pic related happens and we're spending tens of millions extra on maintenance every year now.

>> No.9849541

>live in PacNW
>no reasonably-priced place is going to have an AC unit when outside temperatures rarely go over 80
>inside turns into a 90 degree mess even with all the windows open because lol who needs AC?

>> No.9849547
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>mfw I flush wipes all the time

>> No.9849550

Get better sewers.

>> No.9849557

The fibers catch on the grates. You're not going to have sewers without grates.
mfw I report frogs all the time

>> No.9849584

put flushable wipes down the grinder, and flush your veg. They can't complain

>> No.9849600

>going through the trouble of sorting composting and then giving it away

Ultimate cuck

>> No.9849611

>pay them money for service
>n-no! dont use this how you want, remember to save water (not use it) and dont clog our pipes, we dont want to spend money on improving systems we need new ferari and a new office

>> No.9849626
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I do that, only i dont have a shredder

>> No.9849631

>meanwhile in America
>post pic of veges even being on the plate

Too Lek OP you got me.

>> No.9849658


>> No.9849667

There's literally never any of these issues where I live and I've never caught sight of any kind of psas or anything

>> No.9849668

>operate a very complex and delicate system
>some faggot on 4chan shit talks you for aksing people to take care of it
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

>> No.9850012

I died

>> No.9850063
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>mfw my roommate does this

>> No.9850076

How does the shredder activate?
These are uncommon here.

>> No.9850081
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First post best post

>> No.9850085
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kek'd heartily

>> No.9850099

what an adorable orc/goblin halfbreed baby

>> No.9850114

>have a device whose purpose is to handle food thats THROWN AWAY
truly, these are degenerate times

>> No.9850132

Oh, I get it. This is a weird concept for Europeans because you don't have enough food to afford throwing any of it away in communist countries.

>> No.9850140


>> No.9850159

>throwing food in the trash

>> No.9850167
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do americans really

>> No.9850764
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>> No.9850812
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Excellent post.

>> No.9850825

That little carrot makes me feel genuinely upset. The image as a whole infuriates me but that little carrot... I need to save the carrotbro...

>> No.9850826
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I was going to Yuropost, but now I don't feel like it anymore

>> No.9850831

>down the line
I see. I see what you did there...

>> No.9850833
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>> No.9850840
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It's weekend Ausbong hour. Im certain you're a stealth australian

>> No.9850848


>> No.9850870


And more healthily than the average american it seems.

Here's a tip - try eating the vegetables yourself instead of feeding them to the sink. Maybe you wouldn't have so much heart disease and obesity.

>> No.9850874
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Not bad, kid. Not bad at all.

>> No.9850875

Stay mad, eurocuck

>> No.9850880
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Hold me

>> No.9850919

Not food but semi-related to when I was studying for my phd
>live in a house that's been converted so the top floor and bottom floor are separate flats
>live on top floor alone, 4 undergrad girls live on bottom floor
>they're being loud as shit one Friday night
>3 beers into my night, go downstairs and ask to keep it down a bit
>the one who answers the door just says fuck off and slams the door
>go to shop to buy more beer and happen to walk past feminine products aisle
>decide to buy 3 packs of tampons and some sanitary towels
>get back to the flat and proceed to flush the tampons and sanitary towels down the toilet in bulk
>keep drinking and eventually manage to get to sleep despite the noise
>get woken up at 11am next day by landlord screaming at girls on floor below about how he's going to be billing them for blocking up the plumbing and having to get a plumber in
>he eventually leaves and then it's an hour of the girls screaming at each other

>> No.9850929

I'm with this guy >>9850840
Too coincidential and too quality

>> No.9850940

I do not condone this behaviour. It secretly pleases me, sure, but I do not condone it.

>> No.9850952


>> No.9850981

Your chinese Garbage disposals can't even chop down a boiled carrot.

>> No.9851145


>> No.9851267


>> No.9851282
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Comfy tampon trolling

>> No.9851303
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Don't even try europoor

>> No.9851329
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yuropoors eternally btfo

>> No.9851334

you on the right?

>> No.9851348


>> No.9852914

can't you sue for false advertising if the wipes aren't actually flush-able?

>> No.9852984

Light switch. On/off. Make sure your hands not in it.

>> No.9853050

Anyone here /menstrualcup/ because you can’t flush tampons (septic tank) and it’s gross to throw them in the trash?

>> No.9853105

but they DO flush
It clogs shit up afterwards

>> No.9853357
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>> No.9853373

There's no standards/legal requirement for what "flushable" actually means in the US.

>> No.9853381

We're talking about a municipal wastewater utility.
Those maintenance fees? They come out of taxes. Your taxes. My taxes. I'd tell you "well if you want to be a retard go ahead" but no, fuck you, I don't want to pay extra money because you're too much of a lazy faggot to have a trashcan in your bathroom.

>> No.9853391

why does the reflection look like a naked ass?

>> No.9853394
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>> No.9853397

>actually throwing shit covered baby wipes into the trashcan

Yup, no joke guys, this shit DOES happen in america, but only in female or unisex restrooms. Fucking vile.

>> No.9853404

Accurate depiction of the American way to making a salad.

>> No.9853417

you should have a bag in your freezer for veg bits like this, and the parts you cut off that you normally throw away.
When bag gets full, use it to make vegitable stock.

>> No.9853420

What's the problem with that, exactly? Do you flush bandaids and tampons and stuff like that, too?
Do you not know about aerosolized shit?
Literally EVERYTHING in your bathroom is covered in a very fine layer of shit from when you flush the toilet.

>> No.9853429

>Americans are so fat that they have to feed their house to support them

>> No.9853458

It fucking smells bad, and I don't use tampons.

>> No.9853465
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Include me in the screencap.

>> No.9853469
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>yuropoors desperately trying to undo that roasting

>> No.9853764

I eat my leftovers.

I eat other people's leftovers.

I don't go to buffets anymore because I rage at stupid fucks throwing away piles of food, even when it is mediocre as fuck.

>> No.9853768
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>> No.9853868
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>> No.9853883

Jesus, the joke wasn't funny, the replies are Tumblr tier and you made a screenshot?

The absolute state of ck

>> No.9853890
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>> No.9853899

There has been no roasting, only the most obvious joke that could be made.
Which is why it was in the first post.

Step up your game

>> No.9853902
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>These half-assed attempts to save face

>> No.9853903

>Worldstar hip-hop tier joke


>> No.9853907

I'm glad I wasn't the only one!

>> No.9853912

Save what face, I'm not OP.
I just acknowledged the joke was Shit, and I want higher quality shitposting than this.

>> No.9853923

Chill Europe.

Just run the burn in cold water and walk away.

>> No.9853932
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>t-there's no roasting
>s-s-s-s-step your game up

>> No.9853939
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Stop obsessing over Europe and admit that a literal "u jelly?" joke isn't a roast or burn

>> No.9853944

>europe (white continent)
>currently being fugged by muslims
>America (non-white continent)
>currently has immigration? oh noes :(((((((
You're losing yuro

>> No.9853945

Stay mad

>> No.9853949
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Oh it's sad, it's so sad to watch you do this.

>> No.9853956

Stay obsessed, mi boi.
I pointed out a thrash quality post and y'all niggers think the race war has begun

Keep the tears comin

>> No.9853962

>s-s-s-s-stay o-oo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-obsessed Nigel said, as Mohammed railed his wife for the 5th time today
>it would be a long day, thought Nigel`

>> No.9853969

Do you understand that I'm not even european? It really makes your posts extra cringey

>> No.9853983

>Listens for bongs
>Saves the queen
>advocates for liberal immigration laws
>kills own culture

>> No.9853991

>Tell 56% it's attacking wrong culture
>immediately makes same mistake

I was wrong to expect better

>> No.9853999

>muh 56%
Not a white nation Yuro, try again :)

>> No.9854008
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Can you at least make your black fingers type coherent sentences?

>> No.9854020

>yuros can't understand basic concepts
No wonder the concept of your differential crime rate over the last 7 years has not alarmed you lol.

>> No.9854033

I'm sorry, somehow I assumed you were a white shitposter, but it seems you are literally a nigger. Which, relatively, makes your posts great.
Good job, shaniqua

>> No.9854116

That's under the assumptions most of america has garbage disposals

>> No.9855284 [DELETED] 

>0.99 cent gmo-veggy mix from walmart
>hurrr even our garbage disposals eat better than yuropoors xD

This "burn" doesn't make sense.

>> No.9855291 [DELETED] 

>99 cents gmo-veggy mix from walmart
>hurrr even our garbage disposals eat better than yuropoors xD

Ohh come on, this "burn" doesn't make sense.

>> No.9855297

>99 cents gmo-veggy mix from walmart
>hurrr even our garbage disposals eat better than yuropoors xD

Oh come on, this "burn" doesn't even make sense.

>> No.9855305
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>> No.9855308

>bathrooms smell bad
ay nigga dis is harvard you want a scholarship?

>> No.9855336

As a American i hate other americans who do b this so much. Such spoiled fucking useless trash probably kill themselves if mommy took away their phone and tv for 2 months.

Seriously send these scumbags to Iraq or afgjanistan to die for Israel again. And specifically pick the ppl who do this.

>> No.9855339

Go home, Achmed. You lost

>> No.9855345
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>gmo is bad

>> No.9855853

Shut up, retard.

>> No.9856728

I thought Americans were supposed to be fat. They wouldn't have leftovers in that case

>> No.9856737

Fuckin savage mate, well done.

>> No.9858033

just had a garbage disposal argument with girls down stairs
> i saw on pintrest you can put eggshells and rinds and...
no, generally there aren't "blades" to sharpen so don't just put a bunch of trash down there.