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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9786768 No.9786768 [Reply] [Original]

All you feel is a physical mass whenever you consume.

How long before you kill yourself?

>> No.9786777

Whatever, food is just fuel.

>> No.9786780

I had pine mouth once and it was pretty shit.

That could simplify things in a way. Put everything in a blender with no concern about taste, so a bundle of raw mustard greens wouldn't be too harsh.

>> No.9786805

Well, considering that's basically been my experience with food on and off for at least the past year, I'd say maybe a year and a half.

I don't think I can take much more.

Depression isn't kind.

>> No.9786807

>implying this wouldnt be the best thing ever

You could eat the grossest, healthiest shit every day

>> No.9786817

Instead of blending everything i'd probably go for the texture on food if i couldn't taste anything.

Like crunchy stuff, no flavor from anything so carrots will do just fine for food instead of bacon or meat so more healthier diet to get the most out of the feeling of food.

>> No.9786854

Kinda of a blessing. Finally I could eat healthy stuff and drop fatty shit. I should start smoking. That sounds very counter-intuitive.

>> No.9786862

Healthy stuff tastes better though.

>> No.9786987
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>> No.9787002

Start consuming 4-5 onions a day and become the ubermensch

>> No.9787004

That did happen once following a work accident with some chems.
I was unironically pretty close to doing myself in by day ten, but then it started coming back.
I could still feel temp. and texture but all taste and smell was gone. Sure made me appreciate good food more after I got it back.

>> No.9787010

This applies to drinks roo right? So I can get hammered faster?

>> No.9787021

Tastebuds or no tastebuds, your insides would be on fire.

>> No.9787025

Finally I can stop eating and no longer be fat! I'm free! Free from this addiction to food that has plagued me all my life! Thank you god!

>> No.9787045

3 days 4 at the most.

>> No.9787087

Accelerate my alcohol consumption, and die earlier.

>> No.9787144

I would probably become healthier I've ever been and actually attain the figure I want.

so it would probably actually end up delaying my suicide if anything

>> No.9787158

I've spent weeks living on toast, protein shakes and multivitamins, you get used to it real fast.

>> No.9787167

i wouldn't, i could enjoy the texture and effects of the food's nourishment.

>> No.9787234

You might actually be on to something. Instead of a gastric bypass you can just snip a nerve that deactivates taste.

>> No.9787238

Time to go to the doctor. I knew someone that happened to because of mini-strokes. He didn't eat much after that and became super skinny. Everything was about texture, temperature, and burn for him.


It'd still burn.

>> No.9787263


(i don't think i've ever had the chance to tell anyone this before)

>get a massive URI caused by mold in the ductwork and a mix of cold/flu whatever...i was sick all winter. after i finally recovered i had no sense of smell or taste. doctor said wait a month and see - nothing. i was suicidal completely. every morning i ran into the kitchen and opened the coffee to take a whiff, nada. same thing after work. . i was utterly defeated after weeks had went past. then one day totally out of the blue i got up and sniffed the coffee and it was back, i had full sense of smell and taste

>> No.9787271

If I had to sacrifice a sense, taste would be it. Honestly, I doubt I'd care after a short while.

I already don't like sweet stuff, so I doubt I'd lose much wight.

>> No.9787346

Once I used mouthwash and it rendered me unable to taste anything for a few days.
Made eating healthier a lot easier because there was no flavor incentive to distract me from a proper diet.

>> No.9787443
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actually happened to me when I ate a whole box of these shits right here, couldnt taste anything for a few days. I was nervous it might never come back but luckily it did

>> No.9787786

While losing out on eating good tasting shit, youd be the healthiest, shredded motherfucker around so long as you eat a perfect diet. Hungry? Already ate too much calories? Just drink a kale and spinach shake!

>> No.9787789

Maybe. I would probably say smell before taste.

>> No.9787799

If you want to consider them separately, smell is a much richer sense. You can only taste like 5 or whatever different things, but your sense of smell is hugely varried. When people say their sense of taste is gone, I think they usually technically mean their sense of smell.

>> No.9787806

Part of the pleasure of food is the texture, so I'm still not missing out on everything.

>> No.9787813

Yeah, I see what you mean. My nose is stuffy a lot and I might be a mouthbreather so it wouldnt matter much to me.

>> No.9787828

There are other pleasant sensory experiences to make up for food. It would suck, but wouldn't merit committing santoku

>> No.9787909

I will live longer. No more overeating because something is tasty, no more eating fat because it is just as crap as carrots, no more drinking, because i drink beer for its taste.

So less calories, no alcochol, drinking just pure water. Mucho healthy.

>> No.9788756

Not being able to taste would be dogshit for other reasons but I can't really think of any. You'd have to still cook and shit but it'd become a literal chore without taste. You'd never know if something was too salty or if it was "off" and about to give you the shits. I imagine capsaicin would be the way to go.

>> No.9788765

Sure you would live longer, but would that life be worth living?

>> No.9788774

i'd rather kill myself if i lost my penis

>> No.9788795

Many times I eat just to get rid of the nagging stomach, so I probably wouldn't even mind. I could eat a lot more healthy without all the hassle to make it tasty too.

>> No.9789070

So what? just transition, you're already a fag.

>> No.9789113

I would still crave carbs and sugar because my body is used to getting energy that way
So I would still be fat, I would probably get fatter since not being able to taste food would send me into a depressive spiral and I would just keep eating more and more even when I can't taste it and I would feel worse and worse about it

>> No.9789260

Would be pretty depressing but at least its gonna be super easy to eat healthy. Just eat grilled chicken and asorted greens every day. No need to bother with variety or seasoning since u cant taste it anyway. Would be cheap too.

>> No.9789307

>a work accident with some chems
aww, that's a lame superpower

>> No.9789398

the /fit/ crossboarder of the hour ladies and gentlemen

>> No.9789974
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I would heavily spice all of my foods and use hot sauce. You wouldn't be able to taste it but you would still feel the spice.

>> No.9790011

I can now try things out without being disgusted by the taste, the texture might get to me still though.

>> No.9790111

i could spend my time eating disgusting shit in bars or on yt for money and keks

>> No.9791369

>cant, taste, food
-this sounds like a job for weed.

>> No.9791538

The rick and morty writer wrote some tweets about depression. Check em out and take care of yourself anon <3

>> No.9791546
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I have ibs. I already avoid delicious food. Losing the ability to taste the shit I can actually stand would be a gift.

>> No.9791818

this is literally what those soylent nutjobs claim

>> No.9791833

if eating raw onions indeed raises testosterone, then Iranians are the manliest men ever. Had an Iranian dormmate, guy chewed raw onions as you would bread.

>> No.9793802

One time I went crazy ended up doing drugs and wound up in a mental hospital. Everything tasted like cardboard. They fed three meals a day and it all tasted like cardboard. I got MacDonald's delivered to the hospital and the nuggets tasted like cardboard. It was like this for 2 months.
Worst thing honestly is that I could remember how it should taste, like I knew what a chicken nugget should taste like but when I are it it tasted like cardboard, that was fucked.

>> No.9794004
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I'd just replace taste with various sources of heat. Chillies, raw garlic, mustard, radish etc.

>> No.9794016

Reminds me of that movie where that fat kid fell out of a tree or something and lost sense of taste, then he became addicted to eating apples because of the crunch/texture.

>> No.9794051
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lost my taste 4 years ago and i'm still alive and still lurking /ck/

>> No.9794064

Nigga what? Do you have the big ks (canskers)?

>> No.9794076
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>> No.9794115
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your image seems..lacking

>> No.9794119
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>> No.9794514

The last thing he probably wants to hear right now is that he's some kind of tortured genius.

>> No.9794534

Fucking great, I'll never be a weak bitch and have a cheat day again.

Can we cut the amount of necessary sleep to an hour too?

>> No.9794573
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>> No.9796001

Undefined. I feel like kms everyday, but I wont.

>> No.9796276


You should watch this movie then. They lose sense of taste etc, very food-kino.

>> No.9796289

there are people with no sense of smell, which means they can only "taste" five things (sweet/sour/bitter/salty/umami). what a sad way to live

>> No.9796317

I knew someone who got a nose cancer, forgot exactly where in the nose. He got it cured but he lost his sense of taste.
It's what this anon >>9786807 said. He was obese and now he's fit as fuck because everything is tasteless.

>> No.9796324

You should try doing more MDMA and psychedelics.

>> No.9796340
File: 95 KB, 600x479, 1446854622244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeling full is still nice.
Also what causes loss of taste?

>> No.9796343

posting on /tv/

>> No.9796360

I would eat gross things for money

>> No.9796426

That is up to the liquor that I'll now be able to throw back at an even heavier rate

>> No.9796444


>> No.9796920

My father has gone through chemo and radio because of lymph node cancer and he has difficulty eating anything because the cancer is pushing on his throat and he lost taste due to some medication. He used to love eating, now he fucking hates eating. That’s how it’s is for people that can’t taste or eat properly, he finds food abhorrent now

>> No.9796926

I haven't heard of anyone killing themselves from drinking nothing but soylent yet.

>> No.9796991

Due to nasal polyps, I went 6 months with absoltuely no smell or taste. It sucked

>> No.9796999

Wait until my cold is over and move on with my life.

>> No.9797040

Can confirm. Went to a few Persian restaurants a while back and they served us raw onions and butter instead of bread. Or maybe they were just having a laugh at us white folk.

>> No.9797061

I’ll pray for you anon

>> No.9797081

I'd probably just drink more alcohol