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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9731250 No.9731250 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else hate thanksgiving food?
>sweet potatoes
>pumpkin pie
>cranberry sauce

Shit is disgusting
I’d rather just eat some fried or rotisserie chicken.

>> No.9731256

Sucks for u dude lol

>> No.9731334

>tfw mummy won't make tendies and makes me eat this nasty shit

fuck this kike run earth

>> No.9731345

I hate a lot of the commonly made versions of those foods. The overcooked dry turkey. Shitty cranberry "sauce" out of a can. The ubiquitous green bean casserole. Shitty stuffing from some kind of packet. Watery gravy, likewise made from a packet. That kind of shit can go die in a fire.

But those foods made properly with some actual skill and care? That's a different story. Except maybe the green bean casserole; I'm not sure that even good ingredients and care can salvage that shit.

>> No.9731346

Sorry to hear about your terminal case of shit taste.

>> No.9731349

Yeah I hate turkey, the only kind of gravy I like is sausage gravy, and pumpkin pie is okay but I'm not a a huge fan of desserts.

>> No.9731353

So like almost all food then. Got it.
bad food is bad
good food is good

>> No.9731354

W-what the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.9731355

>mom still goes through the trouble of making turkey, stuffing, gravy, potatoes, and cranberry sauce from scratch every year
>asks us to bring a side dish each to contribute
>sister always brings that shitty green bean casserole made with mushy canned green beans, those crunchy onion things, and a can of cream of mushroom soup
Almost seems like an insult to the rest of the food.

>> No.9731359
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Did you really make a thread to complain about food that you did not cook, did not pay for, and dont even have to eat? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9731368

>So like almost all food then. Got it.
>bad food is bad
>good food is good

Exactly. It could be good or it could be shit, it all depends on how it's made. Same as any other food.

>> No.9731376

anon was making fun of you

>> No.9731381

Who said anything about who bought or made the food?

And does food magically change from good to bad (or vice versa) depending on whether or not someone paid for it? I mean, I can see being grateful to someone for cooking for you or buying you food but that doesn't somehow make the food any better or worse.

>> No.9731387

Who cares? He's still correct regardless of the motivations behind the post.

>> No.9731397

i dont love turkey by any means, but my family only eats white meat so we do turkey breasts in various ways from smoked, deep-fried to oven roasted. I hate gravy and sweet potatoes, but I do crave dressing (i never stuff it in the bird) and homemade cranberry sauce for the holiday.

My in-laws are traveling this year and so my household decided to stay home for this Thanksgiving, and I'm totally doing a non-traditional feast.

I'm doing 5lbs of pre-sliced Clifty Farms country ham, biscuits made from scratch, some Long Grain and Wild Rice with dried cranberries, green beans almandine, Pear/walnut dressing. Dessert is a bakery pre-made pecan pie and a frozen French Silk pie. Appetizers are apple/sausage puffs, candied cinnamon nuts, a raw veggie tray with blue cheese dip and a summer sausage with a port wine cheese ball with triscuits. Nothing too fancy, but an easy meal.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving...WITHOUT REMORSE!

>> No.9731400
File: 25 KB, 199x298, B83D98EE-3542-496C-82FE-447B4C1E6398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m an ungrateful cunt.

More news at 5

>> No.9731408

I agree that turkey is highly overrated and a roasted or smoked whole chicken is far superior, but dressing is great, roasted sweet potatoes (not that ungodly marshmallow sugar shit from the south and midwest), roasted butternut squash soup, pecan pie, creamy mashed potatoes are all comfy fall foods. If you don't like turkey roast a fucking chicken or bake a ham, jackass. Or just be one of (((them))) and get chinese., thag sounds more your speed.

>> No.9731429

Jews get Chinese food on Christmas, not Thanksgiving.
>tfw one year I went and got Chinese on Christmas night since all the Christmas stuff already happened
>place is packed full of curly, nasally sounding Jews

>> No.9731435

It's Christmas that Jews get Chinese food, you fucking moron

>> No.9731444

I enjoy making turkey salad sandwiches from the leftover turkey more than the turkey itself tbqh. I pretty much enjoy all the sides though.

>> No.9731466

I think your sister needs a good beating

>> No.9731490

Well made turkey & stuffing is delicious.

Now go home and get your fuckin' shinebox.

>> No.9731503
File: 67 KB, 665x964, hehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get your fuckin' shinebox

>> No.9731504

I wouldnt say I hate it but I'm not a fan. One of the biggest complaints for me is that all the parts of the meal besides desert have a generally mushy texture unless you can get the crispy edges of the stuffing/dressing.

>> No.9731515

fucking... no?
Thanksgiving dinner is so good I'm going to feast myself to death this year

>> No.9731517

Ha. You know, you're a funny guy anon.

>> No.9731623

Funny how? Whats funny about it?