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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9714561 No.9714561 [Reply] [Original]

Dishwasher got canned at the restaurant I work at and created a Yelp account so that he could leave this review. I like the place, but I'm literally in tears cracking up.

I literally never saw him try any of the food, and this was posted the day he got fired.

>> No.9714565

How can I uplike this blog post?

>> No.9714575

What's the point of censoring his user name and the restaurant name, OP.


>> No.9714579
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Yelp was a mistake. For context this is a very relaxed and cheap pizza place near a college campus.

>> No.9714589

did you really feel this thread was worth making, OP?

>> No.9714592

I don't understand how someone could be capable of using the internet to complain on Yelp but not to look up a place's menu before calling.

But it's true that whoever answered the phone fucked up from a business perspective. Upselling isn't fun, but it's also not very hard.

>> No.9714598

That post was made 7 days ago

>> No.9714604

3907 Park Dr, Ste 110, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
(916) 805-5128

>> No.9714623


Do you not know how to copy and paste?

>> No.9714635
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I regularly check Yelp reviews.
I take them with a grain of salt.
I pan over the 5*s and take into consideration the 1-2*s.

>> No.9714678

I hate Yelp. It's so obvious that business owners can pay and shill their shitty food. Meanwhile smaller joints that can't afford that are thrown under the bus by the competition.

>> No.9714701

I don't really think the person was wrong to expect at least some interaction or something

>> No.9714709

Report it as a former employee, so they can remove it.

>> No.9714715

And explain you work there and know the person who left the review.

I have gotten reviews removed for the small business I work for.

>> No.9714769


It was already reported and is suposedly being looked at. I just thought it was funny as fuck.

>> No.9714790

It would have to be pretty good pizza for me to take that treatment. But the guy is still retarded for asking for specials like he's entitled to them

>> No.9714984
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This brings me back to when I worked for a mom and pop pizza shop. The owners made it a point to almost never run specials or coupons. Their prices were actually really good considering the quality of the pizza (e.g. a large [16", compared to the 14" larges most places carried] was $12-$13), so it wasn't like they were just trying to jew people over, they just legitimately didn't want to deal with people claiming to have whatever coupon just to jew us over.

Anyway, phones were always real busy, and since it was a Jew York style pizzeria, and at the time, Exxon had moved a crapload of people down to Houston because oil, so we had a lot of new customers.

Phone rings
>*standard phone greeting*, how can I help you?
>>Well we just moved here and heard you guys are good, do you have any specials?
>Well welcome to <my town>, we don't run any specials, but our pizzas start at <start listing prices for one-toppings and specialty pizzas> and we also have pasta dinners, killer sandwiches, etc....
>>W-w-what if I buy multiple pizzas, can I get a discount?
>Unless you're buying over ten pizzas, I can't offer you a discount, sir/ma'am
>>uhhhhh, I'll call you back

Most specials are bullshit anyway. Unless you're rocking the 30-50% off coupon codes fro the big three online, you're not saving altogether that much money and that's the way they're meant to be.

>> No.9714988
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>be yuropoor
>tripadvisor prevalent
>go to a place
>all decoration, bad service, slow cooks, meh to shit food
>check tripadvisor
>5 stars, praising service and food

>> No.9714991

My method in evaluating reviews for anything is to pay attention to the reviews that range from 4/5-2/5 (or the equivalent on whatever scale).

5/5 reviews are either lazy, fake or unreasonable. 1/5 reviews are people that either have exceedingly high expectations or people that have gotten fucked over and went out of their way to leave a review. I'm not saying they're wrong to leave a 1/5, but generally getting fucked over is a much stronger impetus to go through the process of leaving a review than having an average or decent experience.

>> No.9714997

>American pub
>any higher than 2 stars in the first place

>> No.9715075

Why the fuck would you call up a takeaway place if you didn't have a menu and thus didn't know what they sold?

>> No.9715127

Heh, I live near there. I remember when it opened, thinking it looked mediocre compared to other places nearby. Also, I try to avoid places that intentionally misspell words "Flightz", NO.

>> No.9715137

There are some good ones.
Typically they are the breweries who are blowing up and have tons of cash to throw around, they will set up a restaurant attached to their brewery and hire good chefs.
Stone Brewing down in San Diego served me up the best pork chop I've ever had in my entire life. Can't wait to go back and try one of their steaks.

You just gotta know where to look man.
Small town brewpubs and bar and grills don't make enough dosh to hire quality chefs or by the best ingredients.

>> No.9715153

Who'd have thought the retards on this site would agree with the yelp review? Honestly, the fucking guy calling sounds like a giant pussy that can't just order a god damn pizza.

>> No.9715157

can you imagine being such a faggot that you don't order because you weren't greeted with "thank you for calling dominos sir/madam how may I help you today"

>> No.9715161

American pubs are literally the best in the entire world right now, uncultured yuroswine.

>> No.9715285

Plebbitor swine who have an ingrained fear of muh dox, probably.

>> No.9715301

Funny way of saying Irish pubs.

>> No.9715309

that's not funny

>> No.9715314

it's not

>> No.9715320

when you see a place that has mostly 4, it's good

>> No.9715328

They weren't, but I think the point is that this person's entire experience with the restaurant is a phone call in which they heard 5 words. Not really a strong foundation for a review.

>> No.9715522

I pretty much ignore all 5 and 1 star reviews. Typically 1 star reviews either have people who had unrealistic expectations for a small place, did something wrong themselves, etc. While people who give 5 star reviews are either way too easy to please and thrown out praise for anything or leave no review at all.

>> No.9715533
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Speaking of reviews, how long does /ck/ wait to be served at a restaurant and would you walk out, say, after 20-30 minutes if you didn't even get a glass of water? How many stars would you leave for bad service?

>> No.9715980

Yeah if you wanna drink with a bunch of lepers

>> No.9716301

Glass of water, 5 minutes; food, 35 minutes aprox.

Only if I'm alone.

>> No.9716422

I waited 45 minutes for fucking fish&chips once. I told myself another 5 minutes and I'd leave, but then it came.
No tip.

>> No.9716425

oh no a stoner college kid at a shitty pizza place didn't suck your dick over the phone like a 5 star hotel receptionist, how shocking

>> No.9716450

Guy writing the review sounds like an entitled manchild. Probably a dumb fuck boomer like it always is. I'd say the the guy on the phone was a bit shit at his job, but the type of people to make a review like that have no problem embellishing their story to make it sound worse.
Ive dealt with his type enough times to tell you how the story actually happened
>Hello, Little Italy
[Insert long awkward pause]
>We don't run specials, sir but-

>> No.9716482
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Some people are dumb

>> No.9716605

>Autistic pizza parlor phone operator detected
Learn how to speak on the phone you spazz, it's your fucking job. I get to be the awkward one, not you

>> No.9717831

>the fucking guy calling sounds like a giant pussy that can't just order a god damn pizza.

this. after dealing with people calling and asking for discounts and deals and free shit constantly you can immediately smell when the person is going to start doing that shit to you, and he smelled it as soon as the guy started speaking

>> No.9717977

Do people seriously call a place without knowing what they want to order?

>> No.9718014


What was he expecting? He says the guy on the phone should have asked what he was looking for, but isn't that what he did? If they don't have any specials, then there's not much more the pizza guy can say beyond "no, we don't have any specials."

>> No.9718026

i mean, a "special" has pretty much lost all meaning now, almost all places will just say "special" and it's just.. the price.

>> No.9718033

>not knowing the menu ahead of time
The internet exists. Everyone has a phone with the ability to pull up a fucking menu in the palm of their hand.
If this were a fine dining restaurant it would be different but this is a fucking take out pizza joint.
It's like going to McDonalds and asking what's good and getting mad when the minimum wage worker doesn't give a shit.

>> No.9718037


I once had a lady call back after she placed her order and bitch at our manager for twenty solid minutes because I didn't say "have a nice day" after I told her goodbye.

>> No.9718057
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>having so much time on your hands that you can be this petty
Rich people need to be gassed.

>> No.9718067

>he thinks rich people do this

This is 99% almost exclusively poor person behavior.

>> No.9718074

Yelp is actually pretty ok if you just disregard any of the 5 and 1 star reviews.

>> No.9718117

The only time I left a 1 star review was at this really "fancy" new american place that was a fucking joke.

"We have fresh bread from a local bakery for $3"
>It's literally cold Dave's bread with butter packets

"The pork chop is local with a fresh vegetable medley and pepper chutney"
>It's bone dry with a scattering of lukewarm sweet potato hash and literal green pepper baby food mush smeared over the top of the chop. The entire thing was under salted and the green pepper mush was so bad that I had to scrape it off.

"The snapper comes in a spiced broth with organic warm salad."
>The snapper is watery, it's not "broth." It's almost as if they cooked frozen fish and labeled the water coming off of it as broth to trick people. The "warm salad" was 8 different clashing vegetables all sautéed in olive oil an nothing else. There were 0 spices.

"We offer local fair at reasonable prices."
>The entire dinner minus the bottle of wine was $100.

I was appalled. I didn't tip and I even called the management after leaving a review to ask if it was some kind of joke. The lady on the phone sounded like she was about to cry and said their regular chef was on vacation and the sous chef had taken over. We went back a week later when the "regular" chef was supposedly still there and it was just as bad if not worse. The steak came out almost well done when I asked for the chef's recommended temperature, the pasta wasn't cooked through way past the point of being "al dente", and the shrimp that came with it was cold. I only paid for the wine and we left without ever hearing from them again.

>> No.9718152
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>> No.9718174


poor black women have been brought up sucking on the "proud and strong" tit their entire lives and exist in a universe where breathing entitle them to be treated like superstars and it's the worst to deal with in the morning

>> No.9718180


haha you got applebee'd

>> No.9718187
File: 84 KB, 1100x500, E38C92D2-0D5E-4C7A-9627-A5A5368D1C6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trendy and sheik

>> No.9718226

It's more of a "my husband has a good job and I get to stay home all day and reap the benefits and I've become an entitled twat with all the time in the world to whine, cry, and bitch about everything because my life is so dull and boring that I need to fake having some drama by taking it out on minimum wage workers" thing.

>> No.9718230
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>I went back

>> No.9718337

They comped us a bottle of really expensive wine and told us if we weren't satisfied we didn't have to pay. I figured I had nothing to lose. 2 bottles of wine didn't save that meal and I honestly regretted it but I felt bad because the lady sounded really hurt and I'm not one to be an asshole undeservedly.

>> No.9718623


>> No.9718697


This is sadly often true. I had a coworker who was an ultrasound tech (and they make damn good money, believe me) but who prided herself on eating at restaurants for free by making a huge fuss about any minor thing she could come up with. It was embarrassing enough that most of us just would not go out to lunch with her on our breaks.

>> No.9718731

Oh shit! I've been here, you guys fucking suck. Your selection is trash, the service is subpar, and the whole place had a weird smell to it. I told everyone from work to stay clear too. Better to just go over to Mraz.

>> No.9718732

At least we rich people are generally smart enough to use the English language correctly and to know the difference between the 16th and 19th Centuries, anon.

>> No.9718737

You know there are Yelp reviews for strip clubs?

Comedy gold, man.

>> No.9718802

It's exactly poor people behavior, though it's more poor petty people.
People who never have power before and now they have a perceived power over the employee. This is the reason why customer service is such a shitty job. You're dealing with people who are drunk over this small drop of power.

>> No.9720843

>Yelp gives restaurant 5 rstars
>go to it
>it's shit

>Yelp calls a restaurant overrated
>go to it
>it's great

Fucking hipsters

>> No.9720927
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>someone makes me spend 15 minutes ringing out their catering order, confirming every item, splitting each order to add first names, and reading it back to them
>only at the end asks if we have a "bulk order discount" like that isn't a total bullshit made up concept and gets really salty when i say no

only worse occasion is when some middle aged guy had a childish temper tantrum and told me he wanted everything completely refunded because he ordered four platters of sandwiches and one of them didn't come with any cheese. this was the only question he brought up, was happy with everything else, which suggests he planned it to see if i'd fold. not a very well-planned execution because i didn't give this prick a single thing.

>> No.9721111

>Over $100 bill
>Didn't tip
>Went back
Are you fucking kidding me

>> No.9721183
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>very small mexican food place in my town in Europe
>maybe fits 6 people in side (no seats)
>ingredients are prepped but always freshly made a few hours before opening
>people on trip advisor give it 1-2 stars/likes whatever because food wasn't done to order
>mfw out of towners expect this one person store to cook chicken fresh on the pan everytime someone orders a burrito

Places like yelp and trip advisor are fucking awful

>> No.9721218

Got a call once and they ordered "whatever they got last time"

>> No.9721317
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>fresh graduate data analyst
>office is a few early twenties people like me, a lot of women 30+, some 40s
>go out for company lunch thing, its fucking free and a pretty solid lunch
>waittress is qt barely 20s who is 9/10 easily
>kinda busy so shes polite but brief when taking orders/drinks
>every time she leaves, group of catty 30s/40s women coworkers criticizing everything she at does at our table
>start insulting her looks and job choice, all body and no brain etc (majority of them fat/ugly)

are all old women just vapid two faced witches? fucking hell, it was a paid for lunch and she didnt give bad service.

they must talk shit about me behind my back too.

>> No.9721393

There's a taco bell by my house that's been closed for we'll over a year after a fire, for shits and giggles I looked up reviews for it and saw am old lady yelling about how it's never open. Kinda funny

>> No.9721395

Women hate women more than men hate women. They especially hate attractive women as they are competition for men's resources