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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 104 KB, 900x416, low carb zone bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9703483 No.9703483 [Reply] [Original]

Let's create the ultimate low carb recipe thread to end all threads. Screen shots from previous threads welcome, bitches.

My morning routine:

>2 eggs scrambled to hell in a bowl
>3 eggs if im hungover
>Some mexican blend taco cheese/or cheddar
>Salt and pepper
>Shit load of Steve & Ed's hot sauce
>Big slab of salted butter into pan over medium heat
>Let cook until slightly runny
>2 pieces of Oscar Mayer bacon
>Dollop of sour cream

Boom that's breakfast. Holds me over for at least 4 hours.

>> No.9703540


>> No.9703557

As if this shit deserves a bump

>> No.9703571

I'm not into the low carb thing myself but the person I'm living with is and we share meals.

You can steam cauliflower in stock and smash it with a small wheel of boursin cheese for a pretty baller mashed potatoes clone.

A Spaghetti squash, split in half, coated in olive oil/salt/pepper and cooked flesh down in the oven at 350F for 30 minutes is really good once you scoop out the sringy bits and eat with marinara sauce and meat balls. It's almost better than the real thing.

>> No.9703577

The topic does

>> No.9703607

>how do i cook with [x arbitrary restriction]
the people who make these threads have brain damage

ignoring the fact that you could just fucking google it,

>use low carb ingredients
>don't use high carb ingredients

there, thread over.

>> No.9703621


I've been meaning to make the spaghetti squash as I've heard great things. A little garlic and olive oil is my thing.

I don't miss bread or pasta at all, but that took about 4 days to get over that hump and the rest was smooth sailing

>> No.9703840

What’s the point of avoiding carbs? I’m ignorant when it comes to health

>> No.9705667

I avoid crabs because of the beetus.

>> No.9705884

carbs make you fat easier

avoiding them makes it harder for your body to store fat since you have to burn it for energy instead of packing it into your torso and thighs

>> No.9705960

It's a legit meme. The biggest killer in the world is heart disease and the two biggest dietary risk factors are cholesterol and saturated fats, which you will probably end up consuming a ton of if you try to do low-carb like OP.

>> No.9706034

>don't lose weight goy! a little less cholesterol will help your heart when you weigh 600 amerifolds

>> No.9706108

Isn't low carb just another meme diet for fatties who can't eat normal portions or exercise? Or as Good Emperor Trump says, I never saw a thin person dringking a diet coke

>> No.9706117

No, science has moved on since the 60s and we now understand the powerful role insulin resistance plays in obesity.

If you’re thin, then you can eat what you like. If you’re fat, then you’re probably somewhat insulin resistant and therefore low carb can help promote insulin sensitivity to help weight loss.

The biggest thing to remember is that what you eat affects you metabolism and how the body works, and that peoples bodies are different

>> No.9706120

It's very simple to lose weight on a low/normal protein diet, don't kid yourself.

>> No.9706191

the people who made this board have brain damage

ignoring the fact that you could just fucking google it,

>use food
>cook food

there, /board

>> No.9706283

>low protein
>eat as many carbs as you want

Go troll somewhere else

>> No.9707409

>people are so afraid of rice, pasta, fruit and bread that this is a real post

>> No.9707453

>carbs are literally hitler

thanks for your unfounded opinion, soccermom

>> No.9709215
File: 38 KB, 528x440, 1503612614369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, the low carb thing works for me and works exceptionally well.

>Far more mentally sharper
>Work ethic has improved tremendously
>Working out often
>No shakiness/low blood sugar symptoms
>Women mirin

I'd be groggy and tired by lunch time, now I have plenty of energy until bed. So again, it works for me, and is probably the way I'll go from now on.

>> No.9709256

I do the low carb thing. I'm not super strict, but I'm enjoying it.
I feel like we've selectively bred so many crops to maximize carb output, since that's what we like, and the effect that has on our blood sugar/our body's insulin systems isn't sustainable.
I've felt pretty good all things considered.

>> No.9709499

monthly reminder to ketofags you're damaging your kidneys on this diet, i know your youtube videos tell you its safe but its not

>> No.9710404
File: 26 KB, 500x254, 13686407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Far more mentally sharper

>> No.9710411

keto is only damaging to the kidneys of people who have fucked up kidneys in the first place