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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9658518 No.9658518 [Reply] [Original]

Why are americans so gastronomically inferior to their european fathers?

>> No.9658536

America is much more diverse and accepting of other cultures than Europeans are, so we were never able to develop our own canon cuisine. We’re just kind of a mix of everything

>> No.9658547
File: 919 KB, 3125x3062, north-american-nations-4-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's at least 11 different kinds of Americans. Which ones do you even think you're hating?

>> No.9658555


>Which ones do you even think you're hating?

All of them. It's not fair that Americans eat better than any other country in the world because they stole all the recipes and food

>> No.9658563

They only eat cheese, beef, pork and chicken.

>> No.9658580

Oklahoma, Arizona, Wyoming, Delaware, and Vermont are all completely in the right.

Utah needs to be turned into a giant crater.

>> No.9658583

I can't actually refute this. Add in some organ meats and it sums up most Americans.

Though you do need to account for a lot of different diet fads that sweep the nation, vegetarians, paleo, and other such shit which account for maybe 70% of people under the age of 30 and 15% above.

>> No.9658588

>Add in some organ meats

No. I'd say canned tuna before that.

>> No.9658589

How is a state filled with ranches so shit at cooking steaks?

>> No.9658596

Really? I figured more people ate liver. It is cheap and readily available. $1 for a pound or two. Canned tuna makes sense though.

>> No.9658613

Literally no one eats liver

>> No.9658624
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Saint Lucia just doesn't give a fuck, I guess

>> No.9658637

This. It's poverty tier and I have never seen it at a grocery store. Poor people in the USA get food stamps so they can afford burgers and steaks

>> No.9658639

>poverty tier
Clearly you've never enjoyed good liver and onions. It's my go-to comfort food, and I am far from poor.

>> No.9658643

>Gas station wine
What the fuck?

>> No.9658673

Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, Delaware, New York, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Hawaii are absolute correct
if you like any of these things, you belong in a concentration camp

>> No.9658698

>population: <180k
gee i wonder

>> No.9658705

>the last bite of a hot dog
>foraged food
>dabbing pizza grease with a napkin
>the corner piece of a brownie
>gas station wine
>canned food
>expensive cocktails
The person who made this lives on the west coast I'm betting.

>> No.9658715

>commiefornias most hated food is chic-fil-a because the owner disapproves of gay marriage
Top keg. Based Florida though, liquorice is fucking vile

>> No.9658720
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>All of them. It's not fair that Americans eat better than any other country in the world because they stole all the recipes and food

>> No.9658724

Hater is truly cancer. An app made by buzzfeed freaks, masquerading as a dating service, but really it's just a datamining service so they can profit off of outrage and division

>> No.9658725

I was wondering the same thing.

>> No.9658733


>> No.9658739

No I haven't and I'm almost 50 years old. If it was any good Americans would eat it. Americans used to eat that crap along with shit like sardines but now we can afford better food. Europoors have to eat this shit because it's all they have. Look at the poverty in this chart among the subhumans who eat organ meat


>> No.9658758

>If it was any good Americans would eat it

>> No.9658760

Oh my goddd the moment I finished reading this I shoveled the last bite of a perfectly crisp grilled cheese into my mouth. It was made with Dave's Killer Bread (200 calories, 12g protein) and 5 slices of havarti. I grilled the bread in Crisco (nice flavorless oil), then applied the cheese, salt, pepper, and a little bit of crushed red pepper. I finished it up with a little EVOO and oh my god it was so tasty. I was born in the Deep South (Roll Tide), now live in Yankeeland. I eat good, I hit the gym at 6am, please, PLEASE tell me why you always hating.

>> No.9658843


Why are you supporting that criminal?


>> No.9658852

>someone does something bad so everything they ever did ever becomes bad
This is exactly why no one respects your kind.

>> No.9658854

>At Dave's Killer Bread headquarters, Dahl reportedly punched a life-size cutout display of himself and verbally intimidated employees.

>> No.9659376

>liquorice is fucking vile
tastelet detected

>> No.9659380

Why must I live in a state that is so massively gay?

>> No.9659384

based nevada

>> No.9659385 [DELETED] 

>corner price of brownie
Yeah that one true.

>> No.9659386

>California picks Chic-Fil-A because its ran by Christians.

Kim can't build an ICBM fast enough.

>> No.9659388

The story on the back of the bag is fake. Dave has mental health issues and his older brother runs the company. Dave repeat offended and is currently in jail.
Lol that was b4 he went on a high speed chase and crashed his SUV.

>> No.9659390

His bread is criminally good

>> No.9659394

>Part of Appalachia
You fucking what?

>> No.9659395

>Be from delaware
>most hated = Hawaiian pizza

What the fuck.

Can you faggots stop memeing this "anti-pineapple pizza" bullshit?

>> No.9659399

I hate it because it's a shitty deal.

>> No.9659405

He sounds crazy all right.

>> No.9659413

I think he attacked the cut out because he despises that the company mascot is something he couldn't become.

>> No.9659417

You're paying up a bit to have actual people take your order and serve you. Instead of having the niggers, mongoloids, and methheads that other fast food restaurants hire because they have no standards.

>> No.9659419

>t. Chic-Fil-A employee

>> No.9659434

Dude it's a piece of chicken on a shitty bun. For what they charge I should get three chicken strips. It's literally the cheapest meat. They hide behind Christianity and "values" so they can upcharge the customer. I'm Christian and run a business and that's unethical as fuck. You shouldn't be making a show off your faith in an attempt to turn a dime off it. Money changers in the temple and such.

>> No.9659444

sardines at least taste good
fuck liver

>> No.9659447

>Greater Appalachia
>includes parts of states that the Appalachian Mountains don’t even touch like Northern Texas

>> No.9659467

>Someone bothered making a picture of it
>It must be true

How many trillions of times has that "boobs vs butts" infograph been posted with people taking it completely at face value?

>> No.9659735
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>the last bite of a hotdog

>> No.9659787

It's a positive negative kind of thing.

>> No.9659789

>Gas station wine is the most hated food in a state where wine can only be purchased in liquor stores

I'd say it's a garbage infograph but that'd be redundant

>> No.9659794

>Chick Fil A
Is that why there's giant lines at every chick fil a at any given time in the day? They hate it so much they can't help buying their products? We must really hate In N Out then.

>> No.9659802

Niggers weren't polled for this graph.

>> No.9659814

Niggers can't afford chick fil a

>> No.9659821

What the fuck is hawaiis problem?

>> No.9659888

in commiefornia they can, you guys give niggers and every beanperson free money and rights

>> No.9659903

>Georgia hates tuna salad
Finally! People who understand!

>> No.9659926

>Hating Voss water
>Hating a free reusable bottle that doesn't leech plastic into your water or smell like mildew like steel
Alaskans are retards

>> No.9659932

Why haven't you guys just fucking seceded already, everyone would be happier. No one would come back for you, and we went back for the fucking south.

>> No.9659936

>free reusable bottle
>water costs money
>water costs a dollar fifty per bottle

>> No.9659943

Appalachia is IN the South fucktard.

>> No.9659952

Yes Voss costs the same as other upper market plastic contained waters.

>> No.9659955

Some gas stations sell alcohol, which might include wine. They're basically saying they hate cheap wine, the kind you'd find being sold at gas stations

>> No.9659986

His confusion probably comes from differing state alcohol laws. Some states forbid the sale of alcohol except in dedicated liquor stores. My own state, NC, doesn't allow hard liquor to be sold anywhere except a liquor store, so gas stations and grocery stores can only sell beer and wine. Likewise, liquor stores only sell hard liquor, so no beer or wine is sold there.

>> No.9660002

Water doesn't cost money but pumping, purifying, bottling, marketing, etc costs money

>> No.9660006

are you implying that well done steak is anything but a piece of leather?

>> No.9660026

>Oil doesn't cost any money, pumping, refining and transportation does.
Like wtf is your point? The product costs money, enough said

>> No.9660030

This. In many states there is an ABV% limit for what can be sold at gas stations too. That results in a lot of extra-shitty products being made with the goal of having the highest possible alcohol that can still be legally sold at such a place. It's awful-tasting shit whose only purpose is to appease alcoholics.

>> No.9660045
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>data provided by data app

>> No.9660089

The chart as described is definitely wrong, it can't possibly be "the most hated food in every state" because then there would be tons of duplicates (as opposed to none). So it's the most uniquely hated food in each state instead. Still interesting though.

Most of these are right on, but a few states are hilariously fucked.
High tier
>Motherfucking TEXAS
>New York

Seriously, fuck you tier
>New Mexico
>Rhode Island
>Both Dakotas
Fucking flyovers the lot of them.

>> No.9660099

Yeah, they are probably referring to "fortified wine" like MD2020 which is basically a wine-like substance with artificial flavor and distilled alcohol added in. Most people I know call it "hobo wine" but gas stations are definitely where it is sold. The ABV cutoff that separates hard liquor from beer/wine is usually around 20%.

>> No.9660114

It's cheap because almost no one buys it.

>> No.9660117

Or just pour grappa in not quite dry wine. It's not that hard or expensive.

>> No.9660181
File: 31 KB, 250x251, laughing nip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CA fags hate kick-ass chicken sandwiches because the owner hates gay people

Every other state seems pretty based. Props to Montana and Texas in particular.

>> No.9660192

>Kick ass
>Not even better than Popeyes
Yes I'd like the plain mayo sandwich pls
Fucking tastelets I swear.

>> No.9660200

Their purpose isn't to make a nice drink, it's to sell the highest legally allowed alcohol content at the cheapest price possible. Some of them are just "premium malt beverage" (i.e. grain alcohol) mixed with artificially flavored juice.
That's why they are favored by underage high school kids (who mostly just steal them-good luck stealing from a state-run liquor store with a cop by the door, gas station is a much better target) and alcoholic homeless people.

>> No.9660203

Never had Popeyes, there aren't any around where I live (north of Philly) but there's plenty of Chick-Fil-A's.

Though, I don't eat all that much fast food, either. I just like Chick-Fil-A. What's so much better about Popeye's?

>> No.9660206

A gay friend of mine worked at "chick filler" for years. Nobody cares about that. The food there just sucks.

>> No.9660216

Popeyes has Cajun seasoning so it tastes like more than just salt and a limp dill pickle slice.
My point is that a lot of fortified wine is simpler than you make it out to be

>> No.9660230

The "gas station wine" being discussed is not a high quality or authentic product. It's definitely not made with grappa. It's just alcohol and artificial flavoring. I bet some of it doesn't even contain any "wine" at all.

>> No.9660250

Nah you're making it out to be worse than it is. I buy bulk juice from the Gallo plant and it's not the best juice in the world but it's real wine and to distill grappa is incredibly cheap when you have tons and tons of lees around. The biggest place they cut corners is on not barrel aging the hobo wine which is why the flavors are all harsh and shit.

>> No.9660455

Bumping the shitposting thread <3

>> No.9660526

>Iowans hate quinoa

Is that why it's so fucking expensive and we have a small variety of choices? It's good stuff, maybe the others didn't rinse it before cooking.

>> No.9660613

iowa has literally no economic importance other than corn. of course they will worry if another crop becomes popular, even if most of their corn is used for fuel.

>> No.9660681

We also do a lot of manufacturing, which is the field I'm in. Some small machine parts I make, smaller than my hand, can be worth $2,000 a piece.

>> No.9660715

why do you hate quinoa?

>> No.9660721

If you had a functioning brain, you'd know that I'm >>9660526 and said it's good.

>> No.9660755

We also produce the most pork, and maybe soybeans. From an international business perspective, John Deere is a big deal. Xi Jin Ping really fucking likes us, which is why our former governor is now the US Ambassador.

Of course none of this matters, since we mostly produce corn for animal feed and ethanol, so Quinoa's popularity literally doesn't affect us. Most of the sweet corn I eat is shipped up from the south.

>> No.9660791

Chik-fil-a is extremely popular in california. most places in la/oc county have a 15-20 minute drive thru wait. i can't see this map as being very accurate.

>> No.9660822

only really like that because california is densely populated with human trash, coincidentally the same people who eat chick-fil-a. other states have fewer people going to chick-fil-a simply because there is lower population density, it's just the people in other states aren't huge fucking california faggots who get all worked up over homo-hating chicken peddlers

>> No.9660834

Again, the whole homo thing is way overblown. Maybe the president of the company hates them, but the individual stores definitely do not give a fuck.

>> No.9660865

Pretty much. I'm gay, my friends and I will all eat there. Even the activists pretty much realized they lost and were just giving them more business with the added attention.

>> No.9660891

It's still shitty food though. Soggy tasteless chicken, not satisfying at all.

>> No.9660895

Assblasted fag detected

>> No.9660898

Just ate Chick-fil-a for the first time on Friday. The Spicy Deluxe sandwich was good, but it was very difficult to eat cleanly. I think they should wrap them halfway like Hardee's does so the sandwich doesn't slip apart. It wasn't just my sandwich that had the problem, my dad ordered the same thing and had this issue as well.

Their honey mustard is the best I've ever had besides the mix I do at home, it made the undercooked waffle fries much better.

>> No.9660910

I just said nobody cares about the homo shit. My friend who was gay worked there for four years and was never "discriminated against" or whatever.

>> No.9660918

All fags are ass blasted. But usually it does not upset them.

>> No.9660933

Totally agree. I mostly like the sauces paired with the fries tbqh. The chicken is just okay.

>> No.9660987

This. It's factory farmed, chemically injected, sawdust textured, bland flavored greasy crap. It's popularity stems from their reverse publicity campaign that attracted mouthbreathing homophobes in droves. It's literally like all other fast food - shit.

>> No.9660997

>It's popularity stems from their reverse publicity campaign that attracted mouthbreathing homophobes in droves
It was popular way before the gay shit.

And go ahead and try to name a better chicken sandwich in a fast-food setting. You can't do it.

>> No.9661022

The person who made this has never been to America.

>> No.9661076


All fast food is a ripoff these days. I couldn't believe it the other day when I found out the Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich is fucking $4.99 now. Chickfila is a deal compared to that.

>> No.9661085
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>spanish carribean

>> No.9661101

We aren’t. Some yuros are just arrogant in their ignorance.

>> No.9661130

Chicken sandwiches are lazy food and you will probably just call say any examples I come up with "don't count" as fast food. How about the chicken sandwiches at Smash Burger? A million times better than that shit.

>> No.9661144

Judging by all the colonial possessions I think it's supposed to be an alt-history map, not a culture map of America in the present day.
Of course, whoever drew that also knows nothing about history or geopolitics. Countries would never have such retarded borders over such a large area. It's all these penises sticking out everywhere, like this is a perfect example of what "border gore" means.

>> No.9661149

Not the guy you're arguing with, but I think it's hilarious that you call Chik-fil-a's food bland, and then prop up Smash Burger's chicken as better

>> No.9661156

Jesus. Why is /ck/ so bad at regular jokes and memes but so amazing at pasta?

>> No.9661167
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>> No.9661191

/ck/ is terrible at all of that because it’s all reddit tier shit

>> No.9661193

Like I said a chicken sandwich is pretty much the laziest thing you can make (it usually means your chicken isn't good enough to stand on its own), but Smash Burger is definitely way better than "chicken filler." Of course it's not really a fair comparison because it also costs about three times as much, so I was baiting a little for somebody to open the "fast casual" can of worms.
At the same price point, I would say even McDonalds chicken is better. I've actually never had a McChicken, but Chicken McNuggets are heavenly compared to chik's dried up shitwads they call "nuggets."

I know a lot of people like that place, but I have never understood why (and a lot of people agree with me, the food is just incredibly mediocre). I remember years ago when people were really hyping it up and for a while there it seemed like the most "trendy" fast food place. When I tried it I was so disappointed by the false hype that I guess I became a hater. So it doesn't surprise me that it would be one of the "most hated" foods according to some bullshit survey app, because a lot of people think it is extremely overrated. People tend to hate overrated things more than they hate things that nobody ever thought were good in the first place.

>> No.9661219

>being this mad that Chick Fil A is anti gay

>> No.9661228


Jesus Christ this guy is a lunatic. I bought a loaf a year or so ago. It was pretty stale and dry so I ended up tossing it

>> No.9661258


>> No.9661284

>He likes well done steak

>> No.9661302

No you idiot, I'm saying Texas is based for hating well done steak.

>> No.9661314
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>hates dim sum

>> No.9661337


Ah yes, the Americans have clearly rejected their European heritage of Asian Fusion, chicken nuggets, flaming hot cheetos, and cold pizza.

>> No.9662266

Texas is completely wrong. If you said we're obsessed with Whataburger then you would have a point.

>> No.9662274
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Oh shit I'm retarded.

>> No.9663212

I always forget that gays have the power to do whatever in California.

>> No.9663235


I'm not so sure. A lot of hot dogs I've had end up with too much bun and not enough meat at the end.

>> No.9663246


Idaho is a very strange state. I've been there numerous times and the Napoleon Dynamite was dead-on accurate in regard to the rural areas of it.

>> No.9663252
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>Once under arrest, Dahl said "OK, OK, OK, I'm done fighting," then asked, "have you guys seen the movie Groundhog Day?"

>> No.9663385

Who the fuck doesn't like a corner piece of a brownie?

>> No.9663674

Are you a retard or a Southerner?

>> No.9663677

We PAY more for macarons and shit. It's there, we just have to spend the month's worth of food on it.

>> No.9663773

>no repeats
yeah i'm sure this is based on actual data and not just made up by some marketing nerd

>> No.9663790

I say this every time this abomination gets posted. that's the worst balkanized us map I've ever had the displeasure of viewing in my entire life.

>> No.9664026

But I'm asian. I'm sorry you get diarrhea from looking at food that isn't boiled refined potato flour, but please stop confusing "american" with "pink faced hamplanet of generally most likely european descent who eats mac donalds and arby's"

>> No.9664029

t. inbred texappalachian

>> No.9664697

I've never even had chipotle

>> No.9665601


lgbt please go

>> No.9665621

See >>9661258

>> No.9667412

>to their European fathers
That would require Murifats to be European in the first place