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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 176 KB, 960x640, clementines-318210_960_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9637337 No.9637337 [Reply] [Original]

Best fruit coming through. Clemetines should be considered candy they are so good.

Bananas are trash and anyone who says banana is a dumb monkey.

>> No.9637365
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1486570202473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clementines of all fucking fruits are to be considered "patrician"
>bananas are somehow worse
fucking fight me OP

>> No.9637383

if you don't say mango you haven't had a good mango

>> No.9637415


>> No.9637494

Pears whenever they're super ripe. Also nectarines. But when not perfectly ripe these fruits suck so tread carefully friend

>> No.9637497

bananas are the fucking necco wafers of fruits

>> No.9637513
File: 314 KB, 1598x900, reeeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nectarines suck dick, the real best fruit is pomegranates, nothing else is better.

>> No.9637526

came to post this. the only fruit that's worth the prep time

>> No.9637569

Shut up. Nectarines are great fuck your pomegranates they leave a weird feeling in the throat

>> No.9637577

fucking this

>> No.9637583

Fuck you. Nectarines are the retarded step-child of oranges and should go extinct

>> No.9637692

Fool! Fucking oranges what. Nectarines aren't citrus if anything they're peach brethren. Lrn2fruit

>> No.9637717


>> No.9637731

Everything involving nectarines should be fired into my mouth and pomegranates up your ass

>> No.9637735

Bananas are nothing special by themselves, but go great with other things, like chocolate, oatmeal, strawberries.

Though I've noticed lately unless I buy the bananas when they're green, they taste like trash. I only buy green bananas now and let them ripen at home.

>> No.9637736
File: 145 KB, 1200x684, Peanut Butter Banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bananas are trash and anyone who says banana is a dumb monkey.
Elvis disagreed. As do I.

Banana's can be anything from fried, burger topping, sandwich filling, or even a dessert.

>> No.9637761

What a bunch of plebs in this thread.

>Sumo orange
>Fuji apple
>why would you need any other fruits?

Bananas aren't the greatest, but only a clementine loving tard would denigrate them so. Honorable mention to the pomegranate, which would be godly if not so inconvenient to eat. Honorable mention to the pineapple.

>> No.9637808
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>> No.9637846

Those are tangerines

>> No.9637861

Pretty much all berries are god tier

>> No.9638479

Is the yellow edible?

>> No.9638481


>> No.9638482

Only the yellow is edible. The seeds within the yellow have a starchy bit that can be eaten after cooking.

>> No.9638483

you mean mandarin, you absolute faggot?

>> No.9638502

I honestly have no idea if these are good or if everyone is memeing it up or trying to get you to buy horrible smell in a shell.

>> No.9638517

p l u m s
you plebs

>> No.9638535
File: 22 KB, 332x443, images (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They made it into a goddamn ice cream flavour so I doubt it tastes like trash

>> No.9638543

The shell is smelly, and some people can't deal with the chive flavor.

>> No.9638548

>in charge of things not tasting like trash

I also doubt it even has any real fruit in it.

>> No.9638687
File: 28 KB, 680x453, Peach-Hand-Pies-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally can't stop eating them

>> No.9639270

I had a diet more or less solely composed of plantains fried in lard at one point.

>> No.9639324
File: 57 KB, 625x350, watermelon_625x350_61432813776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, McDonald's in general is crap, but their Oreo McFlurries are a guilty pleasure

This is a fruit thread though so have some best fruit

>> No.9639341

Satsumas are better.

>> No.9639356

Durians are the fine wine of fruits, don't eat low quality durian

>> No.9640151

Grapefruit and Jackfruit you pussies

>> No.9640319
File: 92 KB, 500x333, fuyuPersimmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related and concord grapes

>> No.9640341

I don't suppose anyone saved a screenshot of Borneo's thread about drying those?

>> No.9640565

Am I the only one who thinks those taste like cum?

No homo.

>> No.9640753

Fuyus are great- it's the other teardrop shaped ones that taste like cum. They are super astringent and coat your mouth like you just ate a spoonful of cornstarch.

>> No.9640784

Absolutely agree

>> No.9640795

Whatever happened to mandarines?

>> No.9641065

They’re fucking meme food.
It’s like eating poorly made custard in a public bathroom and are the strongest evidence of why reddit needs to leave

>> No.9641188

It's not wretch-worthy, but definitely not great.

>> No.9641461

Apples, Pears, Apricots, Grapes, Cherries, Figs and Pomegranate.

These are actually patrician fruit.

>> No.9641471

Satsuma are the best citrus fruit.

>> No.9641473

Yeah, gotta agree.

>> No.9641479

Mangos are great and all but any fruit you can't peel with your hands are automatically B-tier and lower.

>> No.9641608

banana strawberries and some ice cream make the best smoothies though

>> No.9641648


thats your AIDS acting up

>> No.9641656

it tastes like sweet custard slurped up off the gas station bathroom floor

>> No.9641963
File: 51 KB, 600x365, kumquat-slices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the juice is bitter but the skin and flesh is sweet

>> No.9641978
File: 51 KB, 600x365, kumquat-slices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the juice is sour but the skin and flesh is sweet

>> No.9642020

>having a favorite fruit when every kind is delicious when it's in season

>> No.9643510

>patrician fruit thread
>not a single mention of avocado

I'll go to the REAL patrician thread then.

>> No.9643575


I too was in your camp until I found the joy of cripps pink. The texture of fuji with the same slight sweetness but with a green apple kind of sour

>> No.9643582

I fucking love pomegranate, but they're a dick to prepare, so I rarely have them

>> No.9643586

banana is literally a clone monstruosity that needs a continual treatment against everything to avoid extintion
something that isn't a little less shitty is platano (not platain, that's a jungle monstrosity)

>> No.9643591

Fuck I hate degraining pommegranates. I don't eat it solely because that

>> No.9643616

definitely mango, summer is shitty in qld but mangoes, nectarines and cherries make up for it

why does kensington pride season have to be so short

>> No.9643622



>> No.9643630

They have to be so crisp and hard that they have no give when i squeeze them. I HATE mushy fruit.

>> No.9643636
File: 3.54 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20170910_145253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ma nigga ma nigga( MY MAFUCKIN NIGGA!)

>> No.9643744

What kind of weak ass child sized deformed hands are you using that can't peel a mango?

>> No.9643788

Why would you want to peel it when it's much more efficient to scoop out the flesh from the inside? Peeling is a hassle, takes a while, and is wasteful because the skin sticks to the flesh so well. It's not like a citrus fruit or banana where the skin comes off readily.

>> No.9643908

White peaches