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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9632729 No.9632729 [Reply] [Original]

>this is something people unironically call a challenge


I could absolutely live on twenty bucks a week. Probably be bored of eating the same food after a while though and get the fuck off welfare though.

>> No.9632754

>be poor and destitute
>live off the good graces of the federal government via taxpayer handouts

Fuck poor people, seriously.

>> No.9632761

Do these people not know about food banks or outreach programs?

>> No.9632766

I honestly cannot fathom living off $20 a week. I spend 10x that on average.

>> No.9632771

you spend 2000 a week on food?

how many big macs is that?

>> No.9632778

A sack of beans, a sack of rice, eggs and some chicken and some veggies.
There's your $20 and enough to feed 2 people for a week, at least, plus you won't suffer malnutrition.
If I only had $20 to my name, I'd be more worried about not having access to a stove or having a roof over my head.

>> No.9632786
File: 3 KB, 220x149, zDpczPd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe this post is bait, but knowing some of the anons who post here I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if you actually believe 20 x 10 is 2000.

>> No.9632809

Check this out. I work 60 hours a week, but because of my injuries and family of five, I qualify for EBT. We get, on average, about 700 a month. That’s about 175 a week for a family of five. Maybe 40 a week per person. We absolutely make it work. Sure, I use cash near the end of the month, but I refuse to eat only bulk food, so it’s a nice trade off.

>> No.9632849

20 has 2 10s in it, so 2x10x10x10 is definitely 2000. Learn the distributive property idiot

>> No.9632861
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>mfw student and regularly live on $20 a week without even giving it a second thought

>> No.9632871
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>> No.9632884

Poor troll. Two sets of Ten by Ten is not Twenty, and thus Multiplied by another Ten is NOT 2,000. If you think otherwise you are damned stupid.

>> No.9632897

What part of the world gives $700 a month in ebt?

>> No.9632903

I already fucking do this and i make about $2k a month.
Do people just not know how to avoid buying $80 in frozen meals every week?

>> No.9633163

What do you buy with 20CAD?

>> No.9633166

i did that and lost 100 lbs in a year lol. ate potatos, pasta, onions and cabbage mostly

>> No.9633518


ramen, rice, beans, eggs, a few chicken thighs, 1 or 2 bags of frozen veg.


>> No.9633532

USA. like I said though, it’s a family of five. They give you a certain amount based on people in the household.

>> No.9633543
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yes you can live on $20 a week but eating the same meal of rice and beans all day every week will absolutely be taxing on your mental health. the point of welfare is not to provide people with "what do you absolutely need for bare minimum survival" but what people need to thrive well enough to hopefully improve their condition to the point they don't need (or need less) welfare.

>> No.9633562
File: 98 KB, 560x420, cateyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah here's the thing; if you don't have any married family or dependents you basically won't get shit for food stamps even in very liberal places. people with children are unfairly favored favored when it comes to food stamps and other welfare programs. on the one hand, yes, it's harder to provide for children and family when you have nothing, but on the other hand, just because you're single and don't have children doesn't mean you don't need genuine help as well

>> No.9633813

lol @ everyone in this thread saying "that's easy, I could do that"
See how you feel after living on ramen and potatoes for a week.

>> No.9633858

got a genuine chuckle out of me

>> No.9633870

Nigger I spend about $200 on food per MONTH. Are you getting fancy steak dinners twice a week or something?

>> No.9633894

There's nothing wrong with that if he can afford it anon. You sound jealous, is it because you're on EBT?

>> No.9633899

a mcgriddle at mcdonalds is $5 after HST how the fuck am i supposed to live eating 4 breakfasts a week and nothing else

>> No.9633929
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I'm British and get $700 in cold hard CASH

>> No.9633933

So that's not EBT it's neetbux then?

>> No.9633941

Isn't EBT just niggerbux but they can only get food

>> No.9633946


1 bag rice
2 chicken breast
1 head cabbage
1 bottle multivitamin

This shit is ez mode

>> No.9633947


>> No.9633952


>> No.9633967

if you're budgeting, you go for thighs

>> No.9633973
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Round Two: Cheapest dollar amount you could survive on for one week.

>> No.9633976

$1. Just ration a mcdouble. Enough calories to get you through your week.

>> No.9633982

okay go do it or else it doesn't count. anyone can just say things.

>> No.9633995


>> No.9634009

To all you naysayers in this thread, I live in BC, where the challenge is being taken. "Just buy x and y! they are super cheap!" Maybe where you live fucko, Where I live everything is marked up to shit. Dozen eggs? 3.25. Chicken Thigh? 8 dollars. 4L of milk? 5 dollars.

>> No.9634058
File: 113 KB, 640x1054, Tongue_Asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has twenty dollars
>spends five on milk

gee whiz why not just get five lottery tickets

>> No.9634069

Maybe move out of a expensive as fuck city

>> No.9634085

>mfw I thought spending $20 a week was splurging
$3, I eat mostly white flour and rice

>> No.9634090
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>I mostly eat white flour

>> No.9634095

senpai it's great and cheap and you can mix it with oil and other things

>> No.9634112

That is way overpriced. Is that from one of those organic rich people market grocery or what?

I can get 4.1 lb pork loin sirloin chops, 3.12 lb chicken leg quarters, 10pc hotdogs,10 lb long grain rice, 12pc AA large eggs, 1/2 lb lettuce, 1/2 lb tomatoes and 1 lb potatoes for less than 20 bucks.

>> No.9634115

So basically bread with oils and meats?

>> No.9634130

Not really, I pretty much eat cookies and pastries as a staple

>> No.9634178

How do you vary cookies and pastries as a stable?
Savory to sweet to other flavors? When you hear cookies and pastry you normally come up with sweets.

>> No.9634271

Canada doesn't have a food subsidy program with farmers so food prices are higher than America

>> No.9634308

theres your problem

not only is BC full of human filth, most of whom are young """adults""" who haven't yet realized that ramen isn't actually that cheap, but it's also bonkers expensive for no good reason anyway and a single carrot costs like 8 bucks just because. I could see it actually being hard to live on 20 bucks a week there.

0$, it takes longer than a week to starve to death

>> No.9634489

Yeah I eat a ton of sweets but stuff like fried dough, puffs, flatbreads, gravy/curry fillings and buttery things as well

>> No.9634631
File: 3.13 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20171101_184058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$3.25CAD = $2.53 USD for a dozen eggs in BC

Nigga that's insane. Just a few hundred miles to the south in Oregon they are 59 cents.

>> No.9634909

I'd need one bag of beans/lentils/chickpeas/green pea (whichever one is the cheapest of the three), one bag of whole wheat flour, onions, carrots, celery, and a cabbage head. Maybe some kale or collards too, if they can fit within my budget (which I would probably end up freezing most of).

>> No.9634919

Common Core trolling. That's funny.

>> No.9635638

>these faggots saying "hurr hurr, hab fun wid rise and bodado :DDDD

1. $20 a week can get you enough good meat for at least half the week, not my fault you're a dumb fuck who shops at snob stores
2. I could plentifully eat rice and potatoes for a whole fucking week because I'm not a weak willed faggot who has a mental breakdown because I haven't gotten my daily kfc

>> No.9635645

It's actually 1002

>> No.9635647
File: 183 KB, 1200x900, Obama's Welfare Legacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a neet living with a disability and relying on the American government, I can honestly say that life is not bad. At all.

When I retire, I'll go back to Canada for the healt care but the EBT and Secion 8 housing support here in the US is 100x better than canada.

>> No.9635651
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>> No.9635655
File: 416 KB, 844x499, Obama's Legacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a neet living with a disability and relying on the American government, I can honestly say that life is not bad. At all.
>When I retire, I'll go back to Canada for the healt care but the EBT and Secion 8 housing support here in the US is 100x better than canada.


>> No.9635659
File: 107 KB, 710x534, Obama Food Stamp Spike - Historical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I believe you mean, THANK YOU 'MERICAN TAX PAYERS!

>> No.9635661

>As a neet living with a disability
>When I retire
When you retire from what exactly?

>> No.9635671

>When you retire from what exactly?

Being a member of American society. You got a problem with that you racist piece of shit?

>> No.9636038

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but I agree wholeheartedly.

>> No.9637639

>Welfare should be enough to thrive
Welfare is supplemental, there are not supposed to be hundreds of thousands of people living off public money. It's supposed to give the working family the extra money they need to feed the kids while the parents are between jobs.
Single mothers and niggers trying to live off the dole for their whole lives is not something we should accept as a society.

>> No.9637726

Welcome to Canada

Though eatting eggs/oats/rice is pretty affordable
Where eggs are overpriced you make up for in the carbs

>> No.9637759

>some chicken
I'll never understand this. Is this an American thing? Meat is so expensive in Canada. That would all cost much more than 20 bucks where I live, even at fucking Walmart.

>> No.9637848

If your budgeting. You buy a whole bird. That stick you make afterwards is a flavor saver.

>> No.9637892

it's a /ck/ meme. i too am canadian but ive never heard of chicken being a poverty food except for here.

even actual third world countries eat goat or pork. chicken is pretty inefficient to raise.

a whole bird is like 40 dollars. a fish twice the size is like 7

>> No.9637899

>Welfare is supplemental,
t. american who literally does not understand the point of welfare or minimum wages

>there are not supposed to be hundreds of thousands of people living off public money.
that's true. perhaps something is wrong with your country if this is the case!!