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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9595941 No.9595941 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever fought with a manager or anyone else with a food related matter? This happened today

Coming out of grocery store and there was a girl scout cookie selling table that they setup by the exit. Whatever happened to them selling door to door?
They ask me if I want to buy a box and I ask how much...they replied $5/box. Now I remember back in the day it was like $2/box.

Tell them no thanks. They try to say it is for a good cause etc and try to argue with me.
Now I am mad. I tell them why would I spend $5 on a small box of their dog biscuit trash when I can get a large tray of freshly baked, soft delicious cookies from costco for 50 cents more.

The lady tries to talk over me and I tell her this is a business transaction. I am a potential customer, I am not your friend and this is a bad business deal and I walked off.

>> No.9595943

top kek

>> No.9595959

Autism in action

>> No.9595967

Wanting a good deal is autism?

>> No.9595970

>Now I am mad.
This is the exact spot the autism kicks in

>> No.9595981

>Now I am mad.
Jesus christ they're little girls.

>> No.9595984

oh man, not related but reminiscient of something that happened to me when I was in fifth grade. I was selling candy for a school trip and managed to get my dance teacher to buy one. she didn't like it and made me refund her the dollar. who does that to a child lmao

this lady was a huge bitch and i was subjected to her since i was babby until high school so i might have grown into athletic babe, but ultimately im still a neet that cries when people look at me and gets most of my socialization from 4chan

>> No.9595989

Are you a girl or were you just a faggy child?

>> No.9595998

>why would I spend $5 on a small box of their dog biscuit trash when I can get a large tray of freshly baked, soft delicious cookies from costco for 50 cents more.
maybe because you want to support an organization that is more than simply a cookie making factory whose only goal is to sell the cheapest cookies

I recently bought some popcorn from the boy scouts for like $20

>> No.9596005

I was a Boy Scout.
I was so fucking pissed that we had to sell shitty popcorn and nuts while the girl scouts pretty much didn't even have to try and their fundraisers always sold a shit ton.

>> No.9596006

Uncle money bags

>> No.9596010

I kind of loathe that they block your path in front of grocery stores now, too. I'm already not going to buy any cookies. Sometimes I sit in my car and try to time going in when other people are going in so I can sneak by without getting guilt tripped by little girls. I think the Salvation Army guys at Christmas are worse since they're more sophisticated.

>> No.9596013

last time i got girl scout cookies i spent $200, i really like them.

>> No.9596015

An organization that teaches girls to use their looks to get what they want. What a great cause

>> No.9596017

Larry pls

>> No.9596022

>Whatever happened to them selling door to door?
I'm pretty sure the most girl scout cookie sales these days are just parents taking the forms in to work.

>> No.9596024

That's literally the best thing you can teach a girl early in life.

>> No.9596031

Lmao I do the same thing with trying to time it so I can walk in with a big group

>> No.9596032

Girls can join the boy scouts now, so you can buy popcorn and nuts to support girls instead.

>> No.9596035

I think it's more that it teaches them to be manipulative. The world surely needs more young women learning to be more manipulative to get what they want.

>> No.9596049

This right here. I worked so hard trying to sell popcorn, and the damn girl scouts only had to sneeze and people would line up to get their candy. Our popcorn was fucking awesome, until they started changing it. It was amazing when I was little, then when I dropped out of the scouts due my scout leader being a prick they changed the provider and it started to suck.

Now the girl scouts are bitching because they do shit with their money and make the girls do crafts instead of the awesome camping trips, hikes, and winter survival camps we did when I was little.

>> No.9596051

That's even worse than ambushing grocery shoppers. You can't get away from the people you work with and their daughters learn to be entitled.

>> No.9596054

Girl scouts come door to door in my neighborhood.

>> No.9596056

Regardless of whether you want to support this particular organization, you have to understand the concept that their cookies are obviously going to be overpriced because they need to fund their activities. Expecting them to sell cookies at a competitive price is autistic.

>> No.9596058

If I pull up to the grocery store and there's a bunch of girl scouts and their moms sitting outside the doors, I just drive someplace else. I don't need that kind of social pressure in my life.

And yes I have aspergers

>> No.9596064

Nah, they usually just set up the order forms in the break room and people fill them out while on break. Not ambushing anyone.

>> No.9596075


>> No.9596083

>Supporting a paramilitary organization with questionable terrorism ties

>> No.9596085

Can't fault you on that. One time I got three little girls in a row as I was walking in.
"No, thank you."
"No, thank you."
"No, thank you."
I do not have the 'tism, but that shit is still difficult.

>> No.9596097

It's not even girl scout cookie season.

>> No.9596114

They were selling some cookies for a cause

>> No.9596116

So a normal person would've just walked away.... Maybe just try that next time?

>> No.9596157

No they weren't.

>> No.9596165

Yea they were they also did some coin drive in the middle of the street

>> No.9596191

>I remember back in the day

I hate when people say this because people like you always fucking complain about the prices of shit. Guess what you fucking dinosaur, nobody cares and you should look up how our economy works. There's a thing called INFLATION and we don't have the purchasing power we did "bAck iN gOoD oL' daYs" because fucknuts like you can't seem to think past "man this seems more expensive than I remembered".

>> No.9596206


>> No.9596240

Okay. Good thing I never suggest they stopped doing so.

>> No.9596251

good thing he never suggested that you suggested that.

>> No.9596252

Maybe pay should increase with inflation also then?

>> No.9596258

Are you are suggesting that I suggested that he suggested that I suggested that?

>> No.9596269
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I'm suggesting that you're a faggot sodomite

>> No.9596276

Only one way to find out.

>> No.9596284

Yeah you take off your diaper and see if flames are shooting out of your butthole

>> No.9596293

That was pretty lame, I expected better.

>> No.9596311

Well that's not coming from me.
That's the word of God.

>> No.9596316

This is what happens when beta males get temporary testosterone injections.

>> No.9596320

wew, I underestimated you. Well posted, friend.

>> No.9596333

>Getting mad at little girls

You're a fucking loser dude.

>> No.9596475

>Have you ever fought with a manager or anyone else with a food related matter
No and if you ever have you're an autistic fuckwad asshole who should feel ashamed.

>> No.9596503

Just shake your head as you walk past them or pretend they don't exist

>> No.9596514

Strangely enough I have no problem with the Salvation Army people, because it's usually just a really really old person sitting there silently and ringing a bell. If you ignore them, they leave you alone, if you put some change in the bucket, they say merry christmas.

>> No.9596521

They're guaranteed to have severe tinnitus :(

>> No.9596529

Hopefully those ear warmers help

>> No.9597073

Its called principles moron

>> No.9597241

You are a tool.
Say, no thank you, and go on about your business.

>> No.9597254

Ate at a chinese buffet with my brother and a friend and I ordered tea but they brought it out late and to the wrong person and it was actually water in a tea cup. so I made sure to set it aside. Dumbass chink tried to charge me for a tea and was not taking no for an answer until I told him how I set is aside because I know chinks try to cheat. I didn't really say that last part but he knew I was thinking it.

>> No.9597256

Hey, it's okay.
It's the modern year now, the boy scouts is going to get eliminated because it teaches the patriarchy.

>> No.9597291


No, going out of your way to interact with people so that they know how displeased you are, and then going on to talk with them as if they care about your uninformed opinion, is stupid.

Autistic is a buzzword. You are just plain old socially retarded.

>> No.9597298
File: 11 KB, 215x153, Woh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be at my store.
>Salvation Army dude is standing in the cart area freezing his ass off because the doors are constantly open and it's blowing snow.
>Meeting of the manager minds decide it can't hurt to let this poor fucker stand five feet INSIDE the store so he doesn't keel over.
>Some sperg threatens to report us to corporate because he doesn't like hearing the bell while shopping.

>> No.9597306

You fags need a new insult

>> No.9597319

Retards need to stop acting the part.

>> No.9597326


Just say something in another language and shake your head as you walk past

>> No.9597375

>Have you ever fought with a manager or anyone else with a food related matter?
Prepubescent little girls are not "manager or other food related people."

>> No.9597381

they are selling food with parents around, its food related

>> No.9597384


>> No.9597388

you showed those fucking cunts maybe next time they wont mouth off

>> No.9597423

who the fuck is gonna buy stale ass popcorn? they should switch and sell better cookies than the girl scouts. if they don't the Boy Scouts are teaching boys to lose

>> No.9597429

They don't block your path you autist, they are there stationed next to the entrance/exit, if they blocked anyone they would get moved by the manager.

Just walk by and say "No thanks" ploitely or in any way you can. You don't owe them anything.

>> No.9597438

gays btfo

>> No.9597443

>but they brought it out late and to the wrong person and it was actually water
why didnt you just say something then??

>> No.9597449

If he wants the heat inside the store, at least he can stop ringing his damn bell during that time, no one wants to hear those bells during their entire shopping experience

>> No.9597451

>Teaching boys to lose.
That's life for kids nowadays. Gotta be equal.

>> No.9597452

it was a buffet with shit service and I was pissed so I didn't want it by then.

>> No.9597462

ah ive been there

>> No.9597471

Maybe workers should become more valuable than third worlders then?

>> No.9597557

What's the best language to use?

>> No.9597567

If your 'tism is too strong invest in cheap earbuds and just look at the ground. You don't even have to look at them. Also works for brown people trying to sell you shit in mall kiosks.
t. socially awkward sperg.

>> No.9597576


>> No.9597583


>> No.9597591

>Anon cannot into basic economics of inflation

>> No.9598001


>> No.9598553

>I didn't really say that last part

>> No.9598561
File: 15 KB, 301x225, th (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rush past bell ringer saying "du ma may, du ma may"
>mfw he's Viet

>> No.9599476

you sit in your car because you are afraid of social interaction with little girls? i wonder how people like you survive, or if you've ever been out of america.

>> No.9599500

>Whatever happened to them selling door to door?
this right here was where you gave the game away

>> No.9599518

>girl scout selling cookies
I thought they only sell cookies near the begining of the year like in Febuaray to April

>> No.9599619

Bruv, charity has value in business transactions to people who aren't unfeeling autists.

>> No.9599629
File: 25 KB, 199x298, 79099C27-EB38-4D51-99F1-ECCC0C4050C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”customer is always right”

Fuck who ever came up with that quote. It’s part of the reason Americans are so entitled. Go anywhere else in the world and act like that and business owners will laugh at you. Go to Mexico and tell the owner of a company “the customer is always right” and watch him mock you.

>> No.9601493

Found the autist.

>> No.9601601


>> No.9601614

It means don't sit there and argue with retard customers, instead spend $2 to keep them happy instead of having them throw a shitfit and tank your reputation

Then again nobody on here knows what the fuck they're talking about

>> No.9601631

I can ignore the salvation army guys and the girl scouts with ease, what really makes me feel like a piece of shit is when kids set up lemonade stands and I don't have cash on me. I used to do that all the time as a kid and my drunk piece of shit father would pocket my lemonade money and spend it on beer and I'll never forget one time a guy noticed him doing it and slipped me a 20$ as he was leaving.

>> No.9601633

It's baby boomer psychopathy 2bh

>> No.9601659

girl scouts have terrorism ties?

>> No.9601670

>spend $2 to keep them happy instead of having them throw a shitfit
I'm not spending 2 cents because some manchild might throw a tantrum. And if said manchild tries to tank my reputation, count myself lucky that I don't have to deal with the rest of their retarded echo chamber.

>> No.9601865

Ever heard of feminism?

>> No.9601909

Damn, I didn't think my comment >>9596010 would get so many replies. I'm a normal guy. >>9596085 actually happens to me. They literally run up and block your path all excited and hopeful, these little 8 year old girls:
"Would you like to buy some cookies!?"
"No, thank you." Her optimism visibly shaken,
"Oh.." Then another one runs up in front of me making me stop,
"Would you like to buy a box of Girl Scout cookies to support our troop?!"
"No, thank you."
"Oh. That's ok..." her sense of self-esteem obviously bruised as she looks down at the cookie box in her hands. And so on. It's weaponized commerce.

>> No.9601942
File: 109 KB, 300x170, thats right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smile at them as I walk past. If they ask me to buy something, I say no and keep smiling and looking at them. They are the ones who look away, feeling uncomfortable.

>> No.9601959

Bruise that self esteem, bitches need to learn how to deal with it.

>> No.9601975

Yes Patrick, cookies ARE food.

>> No.9602006

any actual fights over food? here's mine
>babysitting my little sister at parents house
>we made a pizza from scratch and is in the oven
>druggie brother shows up after days and is just wondering around the house like a lunatic
>we're watching a movie
>pause and take pizza out of oven, put on platter and cut so we can eat it off the coffee table and watch the movie
>anyway, doing that "hey uh can i uh have some of that"
> "ur gonna eat a whole pizza, lol fatass fuck you nigga whatever"
>storms into back yard and slams the door
>comes back in later huffing and puffing and grabs the platter and throws it onto me
>sister starts crying
>i had never hit him up until this point, but i get up and surprise him by laying a full wound back punch through his stupid face
>grab him with a choke hold and drag him outside
>let him go and tell him to fuck off
>tries to hit me and i lay another one into him
that was 5 years ago and my mom only recently disowned that piece of shit

>> No.9602042

Customers can read your fear. Let one of them push you around and you’ll be a punching bag for the rest of your life. Grow a pair. Cunty customers are not worth having as customers

>> No.9602120

i would stab anyone using a bell more than twenty-thirty seconds in my presence that was not in cold water calling for a life boat.

and i totally dont have autism.

>> No.9602128

cops shut these down in my town
not even kidding there are news articles about it
i haven't seen a kid selling lemonade since...i sold it myself 14 years or so ago

>> No.9602138

yeah you sound sane.

>> No.9603641

>and i totally dont have autism.
That's not your call to make, Autismo.

>> No.9603652

No man you're supposed to write your post on the topic of the OP. What's the point of replying just to describe your own reply? Too meta 4 me dog.

>> No.9603748

Not him but are you suggesting that he is suggesting that you suggested that he suggested that you suggested that?

>> No.9604179

S-should I get evaluated?

>> No.9604661

>i was babby
>i might have grown into athletic babe
what did you mean by this?

>> No.9604677

Sorry anon, reminds me of my own brother.

>> No.9604712
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I lold I hope this is real.

>> No.9604749
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Domineering women shouldnt be allowed to raise children, I have an inescapable fetish because domineering women tried controlling me my whole childhood. Being disciplined with wooden spoons and belts, Got spanked over ANYTHING, I remember vividly pissing myself in class and being laughed at by everyone because a female teacher wouldnt allow me a bathroom break. Some people go the other way and become really dominant from being abused but I didnt.

>> No.9604752
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 4chan_DIiukm2XkAAnypS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they go door to door they'll get molested.
So they have to be in a public place surrounded by security. just like all of the famous females they have to look up to these days.

>> No.9604787

I don't carry cash and whenever I get pressured by beggars I just show them my literally empty pockets. Problem solved.

>> No.9604805

Fresh pasta

>> No.9604807
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>> No.9604813

I'm liking your digits

>> No.9604825
File: 134 KB, 1140x641, Tony Atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blah blah blah, and Tony Atlas has a fetish for women stepping on his face with flat-bottomed shoes. He did okay, what's your excuse?

>> No.9604848

Can boys join girlscouts? If so, why not just combine them into the scouts. Adding girl or boy just make them sound like pussies. Scouts sound like badass foresters.

>> No.9604877

Woah, nice digits friend

>> No.9604886

Intense shame with everything that feels good.

>> No.9604898

>Girl scouts wouldnt let boys in
>Boy scouts turns around and starts letting girls join because fuck the girl scouts
>Girl scouts complain boy scouts are stealing girls from girl scouts

You cant make it up

>> No.9604941

It's actually remarkably ancient pasta. Y'all are newfags.

>> No.9604982

That reminds me of the time I saw a citified squirrel who was obviously used to begging scraps from people who were strolling around eating, hop up to a bum and bless his heart, he turned his pockets out and said, "But I don't have anything!" It kind of tugged at the heartstrings for a moment until I remembered nowadays empathy is a sign of weakness.