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File: 166 KB, 1080x1005, Screenshot_20171021-224432_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9581764 No.9581764 [Reply] [Original]

What are some foods/drinks that instantly make you like a person less when you see them consuming them?

>> No.9581786
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>> No.9581796

On this note, I fucking hate anytime I see someone with an iced coffee, the shitty plastic just completely sweating all over the place. It's so gross.

>> No.9581800
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If you like Jersey Mike's you're a complete piece of shit

>> No.9581807


I second this.

>> No.9581842
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>> No.9581851
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just drink tap water you idiot lol

>> No.9581860

Ice coffee is only coffee I drink. Come at me.

>> No.9581885

Best deal for 99¢ you fucking faggot kys

>> No.9581892

its fucking canned tea. i bet you have pre-ground spices in your cupboard right now you degenerate

>> No.9581902

>being a spice hipster
Suck to be you bro

>> No.9581906
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>> No.9581908

I like the grapefruit flavor :(

>> No.9581917

This. Most places serve coffee scalding hot, hot enough to scar your skin if that shit spilled. Fuck waiting for it to cool off, uncomfy as fuck to drink. I buy it, I wanna drink it down right away and get that caffeine. Iced coffee just works.

>> No.9581920

I love Jersey Mike's

Mike Jersey himself has saved my life on multiple occasions

Thank God for Jersey Mike's whenever I'm blasted on whisky and blunts I get ubereats to deliver it

>> No.9581925

I haven't tried this stuff but was sort of considering it, what's wrong with it?

>> No.9581940

So make it yourself and throw it in an insulated thermos, faggot. Cold brew is retardedly easy to make and tastes a fuckload better than the bitter, hot brewed trash they throw on ice and load with cream and sugar to mask the shit taste at dunkin/starcucks

>> No.9581941

nothing, carbonated water is awesome. op is just easily triggered.

>> No.9581945

i expect the standard "lol kys degenerate" (You)s for this, but la croix has been very beneficial in helping me deal with my alcoholism. having a can of carbonated beverage i can sip on in place of beer is a godsend, especially in scenarios/environments where i'd normally binge. doesn't hurt that it tastes good, too

if you do try it, i recommend starting out with the standard flavors, lemon, cran-raspberry, orange, and/or lime
grapefruit is cool too
tangerine is piss

>> No.9581954

I'll be sure to stick my little pinky finger out just for you, you jaded little fuckboy wannabe critic.
Protip: some people don't care for exquisite quality when they're just looking for a pick me up

>> No.9581956

reminds me of a really annoying vampire

>> No.9581967

I've only had Starbucks in iced cups ins supermarket fridges, the caramel one has a delicious roasted taste the likes of which I've never had in an instant coffee for home before.

>> No.9581969

>not wanting to load up on cream and sugar every morning, save money, and ultimately have a better tasting coffee makes you a snob somehow


>> No.9582001
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Flavored, unsweetened carbonated water is pretty great. La Croix is overpriced vanity bullshit and people that drink "seltzer water" want to let you know how pretentious they are.

>> No.9582015

It's undercarbonated and overpriced. There are better brands.

>> No.9582018

Soda fucks me up too much, should I switch to carbonated flavored water?

>> No.9582023

>$0.59 a can is overpriced

>> No.9582029
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>> No.9582031

>That'll be $16 plus tip
>Thots bring this shit to class every morning then complain about being le broke college student

>> No.9582033


>> No.9582034
File: 41 KB, 800x450, 062BACD5-8C53-45E8-9E0D-155841E6851C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen dude I live in the fucking desert I’m not drinking hot coffee in a swealtering car on a summer day so fuck it I’ll have an iced coffee it’s no biggie.

>> No.9582036

It's flavored. Also what if they live somewhere with lead in the water. Flint Michigan still has that problem.

>> No.9582040

Yes, more than $7 for twelve is overpriced. Of course, La Croix is sold in eight packs for $5 to conceal the cost.

>> No.9582051

The desert heat must be getting to your head because apparently you can't fucking read.

>> No.9582052
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>> No.9582056

I hate that shit. Their diets consist of daily morning Starbucks runs and lunch/dinner at Panera. So much fucking money down the drain.

>> No.9582077

Compare the price to something like >>9582001 which has more carbonation for less than 3 bucks for a 12 pack.

>> No.9582087

Being triggered by things that have ZERO effect on you.

>> No.9582114
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mountain dew


>> No.9582116


Gallon water jugs

>> No.9582142
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The big bottles of Crystal Geyser are my personal favorite, $1 for 42oz at Safeway. I once bought a pack of La Croix on sale and every can was completely flat.

>> No.9582160


>seltzer water helping alcoholism


This method is my liver's savior. It sucks being weak to the point that you have to trick yourself but fucking hell the inconsequential existence of seltzer water can save lives.
I wouldn't be surprised if they started making hop type flavors for the beer drinkers that are fucking sick of ODouls and other bullshit non alc "beer".

>> No.9582260

It helps with giving up soda as well. Shit is just good.

>> No.9582754

This is how I kicked my pepsi addiction. I just buy the cheap 75c Australian soda watershit, fills the void perfectly

>> No.9582936

fucking this
and the light hits it and you see it smeared in fingerprints

>> No.9582962

I regularly buy the 12 packs of La Croix for around $3.75 at Winco.
That being said, I prefer San Pellegrino over most but I'm a cheap ass who won't buy it normally. My cheap standby is Crystal Geyser.
Seltzer water helps me out in the summer, it's the perfect replacement for a cold beer.

>> No.9582970
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It's hot as fuck where I live, iced coffee is great

Jersey Mike's is the best sandwich chain sorry bub

Top chico is amazing

>> No.9583073

It takes honest willpower not to fucking smack the cups of Starbucks water out of people's hands. I know what you faggots are doing and it's not working on me god dammit.

>> No.9583085

>0.99 cents on the can
>1.29 at the register, plus tip I mean tax.

>> No.9583146

>canned tea
what, it's basically a soda. I would probably waste more than a dollar making that much tea with honey and sugar.

>> No.9583160
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Tea. I get that you wanna seem like you have taste but waiting half an hour to drink flavoured water isn't impressing me anytime soon.

>> No.9583384

Tea has countless health benefits depending on the type or blend. I just drink it because it tastes good and is miles healthier than coffee provided you aren't drinking Lipton's or Bigelow. Black teas are more or less equal to coffee. Green, white, rooibos, and herbal teas can do wonders. You just don't get the caffeine, though that isn't an issue provided you aren't trying to drink it for that.

>> No.9583423

why would you have to wait half an hour to get tea? am i making tea wrong? it takes me 7-8 min, 5 min is just getting the water to temp

>> No.9583455


Starbucks costs more than other places cause they give their employees a better benefits than most other places, so I don't mind supporting them.

>> No.9583457

Home Depot literally gives all benefits. What does Starbucks give?

>> No.9583525

Or if the tap water is crap in general. I used to live in a place where the ground water was clean enough to just need a sand filtering, but where I live now the wager is reverse osmosis sea water which is chlorinated.

>> No.9583741

In what world is coffee bad for you? It's one of the healthiest beverage you can have.

>> No.9583747
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Bonus points if it's a fatty drinking """diet""" coke.

>> No.9583752

>0 calories
>quotations around diet
You are a bit of a retard.

>> No.9583757

Fatty detected

>> No.9583762

Fuck you, you're just pissy you're just finding out about this now and aren't cool.

>> No.9583764

Put your trip on Mr Crummy

>> No.9583766

I also struggle with alcoholism and yeah, La Croix is a life saver. I think recovering alcoholics are a massive part of their consumer base.

>> No.9583773

And people who mix them with gin and a splash of juice (me)

>> No.9583797
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I don't even see the point.

>> No.9583804

Calories in, calories out you ketotard.

>> No.9583816

>Nutritional values don't play a role in body comp

>> No.9583824

>calls people fat for taking in 0 calories
Holy shit, have you even graduated high school yet?

>> No.9583827

I get the hate if the fatty are drinking regular coke.
But if diet, perhaps they are trying not to be mentally retarded?

>> No.9583832

I'm not even that other anon but saying calories in calories out is full retard unless skinny fat is the mode you're going for. If you want decent aesthetics you have to eat nutritionally dense food

>> No.9583840

I am not arguing that in the slightest. The thing I am arguing against is that drinking diet coke makes you or means you are fat.

Diet coke with a proper diet is far healthier than diet coke with a weird trailer park diet.

>> No.9583844

But if you're regular fat, isn't skinny fat an improvement?

>> No.9583848

Woooow you really are a piece of shit, kys, its not some hipster shit *ooo it tastes good* when its actually colored water. Monster tastes good cause its a sugary drink with flavorsome ingredients.

>> No.9583851

This desu.

>> No.9583852

Mexican beer with a slice of lime in it in a pub. Not because it's not how you can drink it, but because where I live this particular thing happens to be signaling 'I pretend to understand beer but I've never had anything that isn't a pale lager'.

>> No.9583859

You are aware of the negative side effects of artificial sweeteners tho aren't you? And really when is the last time you saw a skinny person drink diet cola? It's for people who can't drink regular in moderation.

>> No.9583862

Hahahahaha no. A fat person should lift weights and eat healthy so they don't waste their bulk and get maximum noob lifting gainz

>> No.9583865

>le aspartame is bad meme
Are you an 80's housewife? There is literally no consensus.

I've seen skinny people drink diet sodas countless times.

>> No.9583872

Yeah gotta optimise that carbonation/$ ratio. That's what's really important.

>> No.9583873

I'm 61kg at 178cm, and I drink diet soda every day.
I know perfectly well that I should switch to celery and water, but it's what keeps me from eating and drinking sugar.

Also. The only people I see that drink diet are skinny or athletic people. Fatties here drink regular soda. But then, I don't live in America

>> No.9583879
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lmao can't find a quarter in your couch, poor-ass?

>> No.9583880

Artificial sweeteners are proven to increase sugar cravings and fuck up your pancreas

>> No.9583883

aspartame tastes fucking awful

>> No.9583915

Food based cravings are a meme until you get to severe deficiencies. That is when your body starts to complain and hint toward what it needs.

There is a connection to higher blood sugar, but you need to realize that there are 0 calories. Those connections are probably a result of something else.

Well yeah, it is sweeter than sugar. There is a reason you only need a hair of it.

>> No.9583927

>He doesn't know there are mental cravings and physical cravings

You can become addicted to any behavior

>> No.9583948

I know there are different types of cravings. But there is a difference between actual addiction versus some insufferable yoga crazed soccer mom being naughty and cheating on her diet plan.

The only people that could possibly become addicted to sugar are the ones who abuse it to hell and become used to the massive increase in blood sugar. Those people are the same ones who drink liters of regular coke like they are small 250ml cans.

>> No.9583961

Addiction does not just refer to physical dependency

>> No.9583970

I don't believe in psychological cravings. That is placebo as fuck.

Neurological dependency is a totally different matter, and that is what I was thinking when you were saying mental craving. You could argue that a neurological dependency is a physical condition, but eh.

>> No.9583979

Lol I'm not really interested in your unsubstantiated beliefs.

>> No.9583991

Holy shit you're a retard. There is a reason why people do not treat psychological dependency. It is all in your head.

>> No.9583999

I wish they'd tone it down on the salt, but I do enjoy monster.

>> No.9584000

It's absolutely treated you're way out of your depth in this conversation

>> No.9584016

No, you are. Placebos can be used to trick the retards into thinking they are being treated, and you can send them to "rehab" or therapy, but in the end a psychological condition is just a nocebo. It doesn't exist outside of their head, and any detrimental effects brought on therefrom are literally just your own doing.

A physical condition is something that is real, and not just some manufactured fantasy. It can be treated in reality, and not through some psychological trickery.

If you think you can treat a fake condition, you are probably some second year psychology student trying to justify your choices.

Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.9584033

>Treated=pharmaceutical chemicals
So in your opinion talking with therapists is a waste of time unless they gib pills. Retard

>> No.9584039

sounds like someone is salty. Can i see your credentials to speak on this subject sir? fucking 16 year old neet.

>> No.9584041


The only real treatment for psychological dependency would be if it is a symptom of an underlying condition such as depression, stress, etc. You're eating shitty food because it makes you feel better. To fix this you're of course going to be treating the depression itself and not the dependency.

>> No.9584052

Not in the slightest. Therapy can have a tremendous effect on certain conditions. If someone is emotionally afflicted, or simply has trouble making heads or tails of their life, therapy can be useful.

For things like depression, derealization, and true addiction (read as physical), there is literally no way simply talking through things would be any help at all.

Imbalances in the brain can not simply be treated with words. Mind over matter is not as powerful as your high school motivational speakers like to say.

I have no credentials. I have real world experience and have actually done research outside of reading buzzfeed articles.

Have you ever been an alcoholic? Ever been addicted to nicotine? Ever been addicted to other drugs?

Or are you simply spouting shit your therapist told you?

>> No.9584057

>half an hour to make tea

>> No.9584059

Not all people eat junk food because of depression dip shit. Suppose it's stress induced from work etc. You can't expect someone to quit their job. You can give them coping mechanisms and replace their psychological junk food habit with exercise and eating healthy tho

>> No.9584068

You definitely can expect someone to quit their job. You don't treat stress by just learning to deal with it. You make changes. If your job is too stressful, find something more suited to you.

>> No.9584069

name some, i buy the kroger brand and it's pretty gud.

>> No.9584072


>if it is a symptom of an underlying condition such as depression, stress, etc.
I literally mentioned stress you drooling retard.

>> No.9584102

You can expect someone to quit their job after a certain point but up to that breaking point people will be finding ways to cope. Factors such as job availability and your financial situation can severely limit your ability to get a new job.
Of course you will be stressed at times even at your dream job and that doesn't include stress factors outside of the workplace.

>> No.9584111

Ah anecdotes the strongest form of evidence.

Here's an anecdote for you. My dad quit smoking cold turkey because he was able to realize that his addiction was mostly psychological and related to social anxiety and build healthier alternatives like shelling peanuts into his lifestyle as he young enough to have not developed a physical dependency yet.
Yeah but stress can be treated with therapy and not pills. Or
>Psychological trickery
As you call it.

>> No.9584124

I'm not >>9584016 but thanks for trying.

>> No.9584130

Sure bud. Nice screen cap too

>> No.9584132
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>as he young enough to have not developed a physical dependency yet.
You literally just confirmed what I have been saying. Psychological dependency is completely different from physical dependency.

Trying to ignore or cope with stress is how you develop serious problems.

Also wrong guy with that final one.

>> No.9584140

Yeah I know they're different the original anon claimed psychological dependency doesn't exist. Go back and read the thread before jumping in.

>> No.9584144
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I'd say it's a very nice screencap.

>> No.9584150

Different texture?

>> No.9584151
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But I am the anon claiming that.

>> No.9584175

HEB and Kroger brands. Topo Chico is expensive but better as well

>> No.9584487


>> No.9584528

>order coffee
>order free water
>drink water
>dump out inch of coffee
>put ice in the coffee

Wa La!

>> No.9584542

CBT can help someone understand the reasons why they have their psychological addiction.
And if you understand the reasons it becomes less abstract and you can get more control over it. And through that, quit.

>> No.9584680

Like why the fuck would you go there when there is a publix across the street?

>> No.9584710
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For me, it's Jimmy John's
The worst sandwich shop of all fucking time, seriously this place makes Subway look like a 2 Michelin Star restaurant
If you admit to going there it's bad enough
If you admit to liking the food, I'm sorry but there's no way you should be considered human

>> No.9584768

Every time I've gotten tea, the staff have made it so scalding that you have to wait at least half an hour just for it to be cooled down to a drinkable temperature.

>> No.9584803

Lol you think seltzer water is pretentious?

>> No.9584989


Jimmy John's is the only non-pizza food delivery in my city. It's not good, but it'll do in a pinch when I need a sandwich delivered in under 10 minutes.

>> No.9585066


Fuck you guy Jersey Mikes is great.

What, do you like the "Walmart of sandwich chains" Subway or something?

>> No.9585077


Im a fatty and I drink diet coke.

Its not at all really about the taste or calories its more about the idea of drinking 40-50 grams of sugar. I dont know...it makes me visualize my kidneys or something....

Im fat, Im unhealthy, but drinking pure sugar water is a bridge to far for some reason perceptively.

>> No.9585078

>Having staff

>> No.9585086

Penn Station trump's any sub Jersey Mike's puts together
JM's is garbage

>> No.9585087


NO way the sandwiches from jimmy johns are worse than Subway.

I can prove it.

How many sandiwches from Jimmy Johns come dripping with ranch dressing?


>> No.9585096

I don't know because I don't eat at either of those slop shops, and neither should you
>ordering ranch on a sub
disgusting pig

>> No.9585368
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Nothing, really. It's a healthier alternative to soda for mixing my whiskey with, and its milder taste allows me to still taste the liquor without being overpowered by it. It helps that the local discount store sells the damaged ones a dollar for ten.

>> No.9585463

I get irrationally angry whenever I see someone eating sushi. I just see them spend so much money on rice, fish and seaweed, and I don't get it. There are so many foods out there that are cheaper, more filling and taste much better.

>> No.9585586

>Not sticking up at Pharmacies or gas stations when they have sales


>> No.9585590

t. flyover poorfag

>> No.9585674


>"wa la"

>> No.9585677

I saw an X-Files episode recently where Mulder said, "wa la". I couldn't believe it, I thought "wa la" was just some meme.

>> No.9585693

What does this have to do with flyover?
Sushi is common everywhere, and everywhere it is more expensive than pretty much any other common food in its quality tier

>> No.9585697

>its quality tier
such as?

>> No.9585724
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Peanuts are cheap low quality trash food. If I see somebody eating them I know they are poor, or even worse, lack taste.

There are so many better nuts out there. Peanuts are literally the worst.

>> No.9585751
File: 2.54 MB, 390x373, Critical Faggot Leak Lockdown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips fedora

>> No.9586161

all non-alcoholic beverages are flavored water you fucking invalid

>> No.9586180

not him but what about milk? personally i wouldn't count it because its not man made

>> No.9586203


>> No.9586268

They aren't even nuts, they're legumes. You just got btfo.

>> No.9586297

my nigga

>> No.9586324


fat people SHOULD be drinking the diet soda, you idiot.

>> No.9586385
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Idiot brother in law goes to Starbucks literally every day then bitches that he can't afford rent. He also sucks dicks, so it makes sense to a degree

>> No.9586409

morning coffee means you need drugs to start each day.

>> No.9586437

They tried this starbucks bullshit in my city and had to shut down because everyone knows its shit

>> No.9586438
File: 117 KB, 1280x920, tumblr_o148tsol1R1rj4gm2o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a while i was totally baffled with what felt like the sudden popularity of these fizzy waters but then i noticed this.
definitely think that the major part of the consumer base is recovering alcoholics and people trying to quit drinking soda pop, and that the sudden social fluff around it is just some hipsters being loud on Insta n shit. regardless, hope everyone is doing well and having fun, i just wish it was less of a "thing" (or "meme" or whatever), because it's just fucking fizzy water, for fuck's sake

>> No.9586452

my nigga

>> No.9586468
File: 101 KB, 900x900, American-Osetra-White-Sturgeon-Caviar-Gift-Set-1S-3427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the only legitimate answer in this thread.

If i see you eating this it immediately tells me that youre a greedy, soulless WASP cunt who frivolously spends their wealth on meaningless status symbols.

Ive had sturgeon caviar and there reallg just isnt much of a difference between it and any other kind of fish roe. People just like it because its rare and expensive. And the only reason why its rare and expensive is because these dandy faggots are hunting the poor fish to extinction. Some scientists say itll be gone within the next decade.

So yeah if i see

>> No.9586471

Fat people should just drink water like any other normal human being instead of guzzling soda.

>> No.9586485

Really, my only trigger is fat people eating fast food in front of me after they've bitched about their weight. I'm certainly never going to have a problem with someone choosing a zero calorie beverage. So they like a seltzer. How is that any different than liking tea or coffee? Do you live somewhere where someone spending a buck on flavored water is somehow the height of vanity?

>> No.9586505

Fat people eat foods that make them feel terrible.

A carbonated beverage actually helps settle the stomach. This was how things like 7-up were originally marketed.

So yeah, a little seltzer instead of 120 calorie can of Coke is a great thing for a world facing an obesity epidemic. Stop hating on shit that is actually shifting the public towards smarter dietary choices.

>> No.9586512
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>used to have a co-worker that constantly whined about running out of money or feeling like shit
>only food they would ever buy was slim jims, candy, chocolate milk and $10 bags of beef jerky with their EBT card

>> No.9586532

>Stop hating on shit that is actually shifting the public towards smarter dietary choices.
If the public actually cared the population of the US wouldn't be 40% obese like it is now. Drink water, fatass.

>> No.9586544

>30 minutes per glass
>7-8 minutes per glass

Nigga, I make 4 gallons at a time and keep it in a jug with a dispenser in my refrigerator. It takes me 20 minutes on Sunday to make tea for the entire week. Who are these idiots that think tea is some sort of an event? It's 100% casual and I've never seen anyone bragging about being a tea drinker. Then again, I'm from the south.

Hot tea is still easier than coffee. Just run your keurig with no k-cup for a cup of 165f water, drop the teabag in, and it will steep itself while you carry the cup to your car or office.

>> No.9586546

>I think recovering alcoholics are a massive part of their consumer base.
Funny you mention this. My cousin was no alcoholic but he certainly enjoyed alcohol. Now he drinks La Croix. He was a former fatty who got in excellent shape in his 40's.

>> No.9586561

>Starbucks costs more than other places cause they give their employees a better benefits than most other places

You really believe that? So, what about Costco? A gallon of milk there must be $8 given that the warehouse employees make more than most entry-level white collar positions plus benefits. Or, what, it's $2.50? Huh.

That's like supporting Apple because it's a USA company, and ignoring that all their shit is made in China and India.

>> No.9586565

That's complete bullshit

>> No.9586580

Studies have proven that artificial sweeteners induce the same biological effect of hoarding energy that sugar does. Basically, sweet&low tricks the body into thinking its getting sugar, so the body initiates the process of storing it. It converts more energy into fat than it normally would, completely negating any benefit of the food having 0 calories. Google it. I think Truvia is the only one that doesn't cause that effect.

>> No.9586585

>I love my wife and my wife's son

lel what a cuck

>> No.9586589

Stevia and other sugar alcohols don't trick the body into producing insulin

>> No.9586603

If there wasn't a problem already, I wouldn't be arguing in favor of a new beverage meta. And fuck you nigga. I ain't even skinnyfat. You're never going to get fatasses to drink plain water. Giving an addict an alternative is far more effective than making them go cold turkey.

>> No.9586616

I currently weigh 380, am starting Keto and only drink water
Yes I'm a fatass because I let myself get to this point, but I realize what has to be done and it will get done

>> No.9586636

>lots of protein and fiber
>only issue is that you need to control quantity, so just get the 300-cal packs for like, 50 cents if that?
>Good snack, and good for after a workout

Motherfucker peanuts are awesome

>> No.9586657

And you can't see how a calorie free, sweetener free beverage can enhance your journey?

I'll give you some advice, because I've been wwhere... ok, not anywhere near where you are. I maxed out at about 275 at 6 foot. I do however have a good friend who made the journey with me who is 6'3" and got over 400.

What we learned was going as extreme as possible simply caused us to break our diets. We started to succeed when we learned to cook a variety of healthy foods, and found substitutes for the things we loved, like soda. This was the late 2000's and the biggest help other than becoming absolute gym rats, was Crystal Light. Something that provides 0 calorie flavor in between meals while filling the gaping chasm that is your overstretched stomach does wonders for willpower.

(Ephedrine was a great help too)

If you were someone capable of self control, you wouldn't be pushing 400. Don't set yourself up for failure. We yo-yo'd for over a year before we figured it out.

>> No.9586665

But they don't TASTE like water

Anon, it only takes a couple of minutes to make a cup, it takes 30 minutes for the tea to cool to a drinkable temperature

>> No.9586671

more bonus points if they're wearing work out gear and not working out.

>> No.9586685

What? Dude I was saying that I have made the switch, I haven't regularly drank soda since o got fired from my last job in the beginning of July, since then I also gave up sparkling flavored water that was artificially sweetened because I was still gaining weight so I switched to water and honestly love it, other shit was leaving a film in my mouth but I have acquired the taste of just water
The problem with being a keto newbie is trying to figure out what to make yourself, or at least that's what I'm struggling with right now
For the last two days I haven't eaten anything until dinner and its low in carbs and calories but decent in fat, and I haven't felt hungry until I'm about to eat that meal, so it would seem I'm in the middle of the ketoflu or I'm in ketostasis but my stomach doesn't growl like it used to, I'm not hungry like before, and I generally feel better

>> No.9586741

I have 0 experience with Keto. It wasn't part of the scene when I started and simply don't need it now. I'm just saying, 0 calorie beverages are a godsend, and not everyone is going to be happy with water all of the time. I too drink water most of the time, but with a meal, I like a fizzy beverage. It cleanses the palate, and makes the whole experience more enjoyable.

I applaud your efforts and I wish you well on the journey, but as you have pointed out, you're just starting. At some point, you will have cravings. this is completely normal. When that need for something sweet finally hits, having something like Mio or Crystal Light around will help you satisfy it without backsliding. The beginning is always so easy. Your body starts to feel good for the first time in years. You start to notice changes. The number on the scale gets dramatically lower week after week. The struggles come when you start to hit the natural plateaus. If you haven't prepared for how to deal with those discouraging weigh-ins and cravings, it is very easy to fall back into old habits. Set yourself up for success. Have emergency supplies for when you're feeling your lowest.

>> No.9586763

Eww those colours... How can you browse like that

>> No.9586782
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>> No.9586783

I appreciate it anon, but the thing about sweets for me isn't the drinks, well kind of because i'll drink a Starbucks can every once in a while, but it's actual sweets, there are some dank cream cheese recipes that don't require sugar from what I've heard, but I need to focus the 'tism on this area going forward, I go to a gym and I think shocking my body with intake and then fasting while exercising is going to break the monotony and plateauing, or at least I'm hoping so and if not I'll probably start incorporating external ketones like in Omega-3s and other supplements, I've been fat in my early life and now in my family life and I'm sick of it, I'm also sick of feeling like shit

>> No.9586830

I feel you. My bud and I both had to move out of our parents' places and into an apartment so we could control what food we had easy access to. And this was before Keto. We followed the lifting no carb, low fat, massive protein diet, and for a long time, most meals consisted of Chicken with salsa as a condiment, a ton of frozen vegetables, and if we were about to head to the gym, a small portion of carbohydrates. We tended to slip the most at family functions. It was impossible to not have a slice of cake, or whatever calorie bomb was set in front of you.

Keep in mind, that most dietary advice you get, is going to be a gimmick. Things like Keto, Intermittent Fasting, and even supplements have dubious clinical trials to back them up at best. The old adage of consuming less than you burn is the ONLY advice backed by hard science. You will of course burn more with increased muscle mass. So get some resistance training in, and do some cardio.

See you in /fit/, I guess.

>> No.9586865

>it takes 30 minutes for the tea to cool to a drinkable temperature


>> No.9586903

>acceptable reddit-tier "contrary" opinion
Its not great, but a 12oz double-shot anything without bullshit flavorings will work just fine when its convenient.
unironically this, and I say that as someone who drank it like water as a child. its more ginseng than "green-tea"

>> No.9587183



>Benefits-eligible partners (those working 20 or more hours a week) can get a wide range of perks, benefits and assistance. Your Special Blend might include bonuses, 401(k) matching and discounted stock purchase options. We offer adoption assistance and health coverage for you and your dependents, including domestic partners.

>Starbucks College Achievement Plan is an opportunity for all benefits eligible U.S. partners (all brands) to complete a bachelor’s degree with full-tuition coverage for every year of college through Arizona State University’s top-ranked degree programs, delivered online. In addition, to show our gratitude for our partners who are military service members and veterans, they may extend an additional SCAP benefit to their spouse or child. Learn more.

>Partners also appreciate our recognition programs, career sabbaticals and other time-off programs. Plus, you can take advantage of partner perks such as 30% in-store and online discounts, one free pound of coffee, box of K-Cup® Packs or tea a week.

TLDR, The highlights of this for me are that even part-timers working 20 or more hours per week get full benefits including free college and health insurance (for both the employee and dependents including domestic partners).

>> No.9587218

Also here's a longer, more detailed list of benefits you feel like reading through it:


>> No.9587395


>> No.9587400

It just tastes like lettuce with texture and is good for you. vinegaette dressing and its good.

>> No.9587529

You completely missed the point. You don't need to charge $8 for a cup of coffee to pay your employees well. I don't care if there's whores on staff to sexually de-stress employees every 15 minutes, YOU are not the one getting jerked off. YOU are paying $8 for a cup of bad coffee. It's a corporation, not a fucking charity. Less than 2 cents of your purchase goes to helping so nu-male further his gender studies degree. The rest goes towards some suit's private jet insurance.

>> No.9587603

Most milk you buy is mostly water.

>> No.9587610

I love iced coffee but I really fucking wish they'd give it to you in a styrofoam cup instead of plastic, I hate how the moisture bleeds through. Too embarrassing to take with you if you have a long meeting.

>> No.9587618

Is my willingness to buy damaged packaging/products at full price actually an antisocial deed, because I am depriving people of attractive offers?

>> No.9587620

Jersey Mikes is fine if there isn't a better local option around.

I've spent the last six years living in big cities and it always amazes me how many people will still go to chains for everything instead of really good independent shops, which are almost always better. I don't give a shit about corporations or anything but it blows my mind how normies will settle for shit like Dominos when there's usually a much better place with excellent reviews around the corner. If you're gonna eat junk food you might as well go for the junk food that's actually made with craft and style.

>> No.9587622

the place I would get those from in high school always sold them for 99 cents, it's just too disappointing to get them anywhere else now

>> No.9587624

spotted the Loo

>> No.9587628

yes, people like >>9587183 are real cuck

>> No.9587629

>Gallon water jugs

I hate white people too, anon

>> No.9587646

"Psychological cravings" are real dude, it's just your brain recognizing things it likes and releasing dopamine enough times to want to keep doing that thing over and over again.

>> No.9587652

>fucking 16 year old neet

the projection is strong in this post

>> No.9587660

>including free college

did you read your own greentext? the "free college" is just online classes at Arizona State University.

>> No.9587669

Stop being a fat shit you fucking retard. Losing weight isn't hard. Just drink water instead of fucking diet soda. You'll probably lose 20 pounds just by not drinking that shit.

>> No.9587683

Gluten free. Vegan. Kale. Going out of one's way to have avocado. Marshmallows. Seriously, what the fuck are marshmallows? If you like these, you are brain damaged. Nonwhole milk.

>> No.9587850

So? Even if it's a online degree at a shitty university, they're still getting free college for being a a part-time "barista", which is a great deal more than more than any other (especially part-time) retail/food service job will get you.

>muh /pol/ meme words

I stopped reading there.

>> No.9587928
File: 397 KB, 1201x1081, heart-attack-grill-menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating something that has been purposely designed to cause you health problems.

>Eating fries fried in lard and other disgusting "food", not because it tastes better than the normal version of those foods, but because it has more of a chance of clogging your arteries and making you (more) obese.

This restaurant is natural selection at it's finest. It would be funny if other people in the health insurance pool weren't paying for these fat slobs to shovel literal lard into their gaping maws.

>> No.9587946

Those burgers don't even look good, or particularly unhealthy, they just look like plain burgers, aside from the ridiculous size on some of them.

>> No.9587952


I agree with the food but not the reasoning.

I just don't like people who buy into retarded marketing wank like that. In reality one of their normal burgers with fries is probably about the same nutritional value as a quarter pounder meal from any other burger restaurant.

>> No.9587970

>Those burgers don't even look good

That's just it though. These people aren't eating crap because it tastes good, like you might at another burger joint. Their just shoveling shitty, grossly oversized burgers into their gut in the hopes that it'll give them a heart attack.

>> No.9588309

Better run before the /sips/ find out anon

>> No.9588319
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Peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
When I see someone eating one, I assume that their tastes stopped developing at the 3rd grade.

>> No.9588323

Any of the following:
1) soda
2) smoothies / weird juice drinks
3) sweet coffee or tea drinks
4) light beer
5) sports drinks
6) energy drinks
7) milk

>> No.9588493

>being a shill
Fuck off

>> No.9588762

different anon, doesn't change that that shit is piss and I've actually drank piss

>> No.9588791

This might be the most autistic thread around right now.

>> No.9588816
File: 15 KB, 200x188, chatovino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born in a time where when you ordered cheap wine it was served in a "chato"(image related). Now you order cheap ass wine and they give you a big ass glass and it's embarrasing. And I have how people go around flaunting their glasses like they were wine experts. Bunch of faggots.

>> No.9588904

Big ass glass = big ass volume
I'll get drunk on my cheap wine thank you very much faggot

>> No.9590044

thats not how condensation works but sure

>> No.9590235
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i'll bash you fuckin head in m8

>> No.9590593



>> No.9590634

Yes, if you're buying from a large chain, unless it's the only one on the shelf, then just buy it, don't walk away from shit because lmao damaged.

Also if a recipe calls for stale bread you can get it for basically free at most surplus food stores.

>> No.9590650

But any other normal human being is guzzling soda too.

>> No.9590654

I swear they fucking bait and switch or some shit I don't know how it works. When they came here a few years ago I tried it and it was way better than subway, the whole fast thing doesn't really matter but it's nice, and in general I thought it wasn't that bad.

Went back recently because I needed some food late and didn't feel like cooking anything, was total shit. Went back again because I thought it was a one off thing or a new employee, was total shit again. Do you what kind of absolute god tier sub I could make with 6.50 in ingredients? Complete waste of money, 0/10

>> No.9590664

Dasani Blood Orange is the best, peach a close second. Aquafina makes some now and they are actually really really good, but apparently kind of tough to find. LaCroix is ok, but the flavor is very weak compared to the others. That Dasani shit mixes amazing with vodka if so desired, and refreshing as hell on their own.

>> No.9590674

My dad is the cheapest sheistiest bastard around and he has literally stacks of 24 packs of La Croix in his garage...

>> No.9590676

>total shit
Tell them to go easy on the lettuce and mayo, add dijon and hot peppers.

>> No.9590681

Snobfag detected

>> No.9590688

Make your sammich at home. Much much cheaper I bought a bunch of primo pickled toppings and deli mustard today for less than ten bucks.

>> No.9590689

>Make it at home!
No shit fuckstick, but I'm not always at home.

>> No.9590701
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Whoever carries around and drinks pic related deserves to be smothered to death by the contents of a red-neck meth addict’s septic tank.

>> No.9590709

>artisan water

>> No.9590813

It's "Vois la" you stupid fuck

>> No.9590816

It's pronounced violin

>> No.9590826

kale roasted in an oven is fuckin amazing senpai

>> No.9591643

I literally only drink Starbucks when one is connected to the hotel I'm staying at. The coffee is mediocre and it's expensive.

Fuck you, it tastes good

>> No.9591744

Why do alcoholics like La Croix so much? They might as well hand it out at AA meetings.

>> No.9591837


>> No.9591849
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>americans tip their fucking barista

>> No.9591854

Topo Chico is my fav wish I could find outside of Texas.

>> No.9591943

You literally can't plan ahead for a cold sandwich? I mean unless you're living out of hotel rooms there isn't much excuse for not being able to make a sandwich

>> No.9591954

ooo they make blackberries in a can?

>> No.9591959

Water Nation FAg is discovered

>> No.9591971
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>> No.9591974

We're not talking about big violins you retarded fag.

>> No.9591977
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>> No.9592094

As a guy who us a delivery driver and eats there regularly, its very store specfic, some have managers who care and some dont. Im lucky and work at a good one, never been disappointed in the sandwhich

>> No.9592755
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Faggotry is in the genes

>> No.9592946

Artesian, not artisan.

>> No.9592981

I grill my PB&J. It's an unhealthy pile of shit, but goddammit it's good.

>> No.9593029

I drink la croix and i think less of a person if they drink energy drinks, desani or aquafina, soda regularly, macrobrew/cheap beer. Also think less of people who eat fast food/frozen prepared meals/processed gargage more than a couple times a month; so pretty much anyone who doesn't really know how to cook for themselves regularly. I also think quite less of people who claim to not be picky eaters but then get really fucking picky when it's time to make a decision on what they want for that particular meal like their palette runs on some kind of acute clockwork; so i pretty much think less of all women.

>> No.9593053
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fuck ciroc

>> No.9593068

I bet you can't even boil an egg correctly.

>> No.9593075

I'd just say all flavored liquors.

>> No.9593151


>> No.9593238

It's not that hard to understand. People that like to drink associate it with certain things. Cracking open a drink feels good. People will naturally turn to Coke or ginger ale. But those have a decent amount of sugar and calories so that doesn't work in the long run. Naturally flavored carbonated water is the perfect fix. You get the sensation of cracking a drink with none of the bad stuff.

>> No.9593241

get the fuck outta here ya fuckin idiot

i'm sick of this mayo hatred horseshit

>> No.9593258

Kale is an important part of Northern European culture. Our forefathers have been eating it ever since the Middle Ages, or maybe ever since antiquity, and we still eat it today. Unlike those hipster faggots, we eat it boiled, not raw. I don't eat it because it's a meme or anything. I eat it because that's what I've been doing ever since I was a small child, and I plan to do it for the rest of my life.