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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9555473 No.9555473 [Reply] [Original]

Has a bad food experience ever ruined a particular food for you? I got food poisoning from sketchy Chinese buffet sushi and can't think about the stuff without wretching.

>> No.9555493

>My mother was making shrimp when I was little.
>About 4-5 years old.
>She gave me a bite.
>Taste something gross.
>Spit it out.
>All this green shit in my mouth.
>Hate fish and all seafood after that.

>> No.9555517
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Without going into a lot of personal detail, I once had to eat nothing but Maruchan chicken ramen, besides school lunches for months. Whenever I see the chicken flavor packet, my mind is taken back to the early 2000s and I can see that filthy counter top with roaches running among bits of broken noodles, empty flavoring packets, other dead roaches, and their feces.

>> No.9556157

I ate some hash brownies at a party, got hungry and didn't feel the effects so I decided to eat some more.
Ended up getting really fucking high, greened out, and then never touched brownies again

>> No.9556177

Grilled shrimps from the barbie.
I think I ate about 30 of them in one go because it was so good. But soon after I had enough of it. It has been 10 years now, and I still can't stand the smell of grilled shrimps.

>> No.9556192

I ate american food for about three weeks and felt like my stomach was being cleaned with bleach and had diarrhoea for 5 months afterwards.

>> No.9556203

Drank chunky milk once. I can't drink milk without making absolutely certain it's still good anymore.

>> No.9556221

Ate a poptart before I got a stomach virus and puked my guts out for two days straight. Now the mere thought of it disgusts me

>> No.9556227

Ate a rancid brazil nut once.

Can't trust those niggertoes anymore.

>> No.9556663

My mom once grabbed the wrong bag of wings and got one with rosemary seasoning.

I am normally not a fag who dislikes over seasoned food but this stuff was so grossly over seasoned with rosemary that it made my head spin. Now I detest rosemary.

>> No.9556710
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Wait why is every post in this thread so fucking gay?

>> No.9556719

Posting this three times today but let's go:
>travelling through Europe
>Barcelona, leaving the morning after
>no place to eat open nearby, only a McDonald's
>fuck it
>have a Big Mac, some nuggets and a Coke
>everything seems fine
>wake up an hour and a half before I left to catch the flight
>feeling awful
>drink water
>go to airport
>check in
>buy a few Gatorades to try and keep myself from dehydration
>12 hour flight
>puke throughout
>get home
>puke one last time

I can't eat at McDonald's after that.

>> No.9556766

green potatoes are toxic, you shouldn't eat them

>> No.9556789

How did you accidentally eat a bad Brazil nut? Those things smell like a soiled diaper.

>> No.9556796

in 5th grade i got food poisoning from candy apples at the fair. i threw up while shooting diarrhea for 2 days. now in my 30s ive yet to touch a candy apple since.

>> No.9557082

I once drank four roses whiskey and I basically puked pure whiskey, so now that stuff reminds me of puking.

>> No.9557379
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>sketchy Chinese buffet sushi

>> No.9557507

My bitch of a step-mom went on every meme of the month diet since Atkins (including steak+eggs, keto, paleo, raw vegan, etc.) On the paleo meme, she would eat grapefruits like crazy. One day dinner for the family was literally grapefruits. Half of the ones had gone bad, and the first one I tried tasted like rat poison. I can't eat grapefruits to this day.

>> No.9557535

Your mom literally served grapefruits to her family for dinner?

What a fucking cunt, not even memeing. If I ever married a woman that did that shit I would murder my life.

>> No.9557566

When I was about 14 I liked making this spicy noodle dish. One time after eating some I violently vomited for a minute straight. Never made those noodles again, the association with getting sick was too strong.

>> No.9557573

>being this poor

>> No.9557578

Dry sticky ramen and onions fuck with me, not sure why. Literally can't eat either of them without puking or convulsion

>> No.9557599
File: 64 KB, 728x508, v4-728px-Make-Bacon-Wrapped-Hot-Dogs-Step-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be like 11 or 12
>come back from supermarket with bacon wraped sausage (or whatever see pic)
>hyped because is the first time we get them
>can wait my mother to prepare them so I do it
>young me has never prepared bacon so just wait until I like the colour of the sausage and proceed as normal
>30 minutes later terrible headache
>30 after I vomit like never before in my life
>mother tells me I fucked up the bacon and I should have waited
>stop eating sausage for like 5 or 6 years
yeap I fucked up but that's how I learned not to undercook

>> No.9557899


>> No.9557933

>be a young buck 6 or so years old
>have a get together with family friends
>they bring over grandma's secret recipe spaghetti
>they won't shut up about how every member is in love with it
>have untainted love of pasta myself
>demand a sample
>"here anon i'll scoop it right from the bowl for you to try"
>take a bite
>wtf there's mushy zucchini?
>gag reflex kicking in
>urgently try to swallow and get away
>throat is dry, the hatch is closed
>everyone looking expectantly at me
>make eye contact with the person holding the bowl
>she knows
>it's too late
>spew into the bowl
>muffled horror everywhere
>never let zucchini near me again

cucumbers are cool though

>> No.9557943
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I used to love polish cream fudge. then I ate too many and threw up.

>> No.9557991

I ate some hot dogs as a kid that game me severe stomach pain all night. still eat hot dogs.

>> No.9558123
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>be me
>10 yo
>started feeling sick at school
>go down to office and call mummy to pick me up early
>she says if I tough out the rest of the day she'll make my favourite meatloaf
>ffw to later that night
>Mom makes meatloaf along with peppercorn sauce and mushrooms
>eat a shit load
>ffw to going to bed
>throw up so much bile that the back of my front teeth are burnt from the acid
>continues all night

To this day I haven't ate anything that resembles meatloaf or peppercorn sauce, mushrooms are fine tho

>> No.9558786

Had a hotdog at some hotdog place when i was like 8. Bit into it and felt a small ball of grissle in my mouth. cannot eat hotdogs from that day forward

>> No.9558800
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Just tequila. I've eaten some shitty food but never anything that gave me food PTSD.

>> No.9558808
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I had some of these steak hoagies at a neighbor's house once and they made me sick
Couldn't handle steak hoagie patties ever since

>> No.9558843

Had spinach soup in daycare a quarter of century ago, threw up, cried, never touched that shit again. Spinach pancakes are god tier thoug.

>> No.9558856

Oh dude I feel for you. As soon as I smell milk even a little off I throw it. One time was enough.

>> No.9558872

>puke from undercooked meat
you dont deserve to live

>> No.9558932


>> No.9560210

> found a jar of peach moonshine
> got seeing doubles drunk
>puke a lot
> dear god that peach shit is terrible.

I also cant eat turkey sandwiches anymore. Well I just choose not too because for about a year at work id just eat turkey sandwiches for lunch. And a lot of the time id be in opiate withdrawals so now they just remind me of sittjng in a work truck and feeling disgusting.

>> No.9560224

Ah yea got a mouth full of fish skeleton from tuna. And that just put me off tuna for a while. Just getting scales and the poop sack shit occasionally will put me off for a couple weeks

>> No.9560879

Eat a turkey club at Denny's. A couple hours later start feeling sick. Spend the next several hours puking. Never eat a turkey club again.

>> No.9561094
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>went fishing
>Step dad made deep fried fish with catch
>shitty job cleaning
>every other piece had a bone in it
>russian roulette with my food

I can't eat seafood without being nervous.

>> No.9561283

threw up when I was 10 after eating a lot of green olives. Had a virus or something, fever later, but I couldn't eat olives for many years.
It's called the béarnaise sauce syndrome.

>> No.9561295

Nigga that's some bleak shit

>> No.9561305

Definitely “authentic” Mexican food. It is so formless and looks like shit that it repulses me. Perfect for a gringo.

>> No.9561328

>every other piece had a bone in it
bones are the reason I hate seafood to this day. That, along with the smell. Shrimps and octopus are ok though.

>> No.9561333

story plz

>> No.9561342
File: 15 KB, 320x320, 3974066-5936451698-char_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made Golden Curry with chicken chunk and stir fry type vegetables
>ate an Annie's yogurt cup when they first came out with it that I didn't know was bad
>got food poisoning and threw up "Very Hot" chicken curry which was one of my favourite things
>never eat any curry or Annie's yogurt ever again

The feeling of repeatedly hurling vaguely spicy must with chunks of carrot and pepper that got overzealously underchewed is something that randomly makes me queasy when I come home to eat dinner. I worked in a place that made soup at the time and it triggered the first heave with the gross smell of something that was being made. I threw up on my shoes and myself before I got to a bathroom.

>> No.9561371

I had the same deal with poutine my first year of uni. There was like a make your own poutine buffet, got sick as a dog the night after I tried it.