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9548396 No.9548396 [Reply] [Original]

>Family member becomes vegetarian
>Starts to lecture you when you have anything with meat for dinner
>Says humans are not meant to eat meat because we're herbivores even though that's just wrong
>Also thinks PETA is a good organisation

This feeling is the fucking worst. Is this something that happens more in girls? My sister wasn't like this a couple years ago.

>> No.9548405
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>Family member is vegetarian
>Doesn't like to make it their identity
>Doesn't lecture on eating meat
>Thinks PETA is a scam
>respects people who hunt

Feels good desu

>> No.9548416

Anonymously call them in as a child molester. Call Social Services and claim that you're a neighbor and you suspect s/he is assaulting neighborhood kids. Legally they have to investigate every tip.

>> No.9548419


> t.things that never happened

>> No.9548420

Now tell me. Is this family member a boy or girl.

>> No.9548422

>continue to eat meat

>> No.9548430

Live with 3 brothers and no one is going to stop anytime soon.

I wish I had a encyclopedia amount of information in my head about the benefits of meat but I know fuck all about it.

>> No.9550012

Show them how chimpanzees occassionally hunt and how they take care to feed meat to their young.
Now if chimps are meant to eat meat then why would other apes not be? Humans had been living on hunting in the past. Some societies, even today, would just starve if not for husbandry and fishing. B12 vitamin is a concern for meatless diets too.

>> No.9550031

>I know fuck all about it.
Then how do you know your vegetarian family member is wrong?

>> No.9550387

Having a vegan family member is worse than a coalburning sister

>> No.9550416

There's only one fact you need: the bioavailability of protein in cooked meat is what uplifted naked apes into sapient men

If you want to live an authentic meat-free experience you need to undergo a lobotomy and revert to a mindless feral.

>> No.9550462


Want to know how I know you're lying

>> No.9550482

Just tell them being vegetarian/vegan is going to be absolutely pointless in less than 10 years when lab-grown/cultured meat becomes available. Ask them how can we be herbivores when some groups of people have evolved to be able to digest lactose found in dairy products.

>> No.9550575

>aunt goes to california for a month
>comes back a raw vegan and is very preachy about it
>somehow roped into her making dinner for the whole family
>getting lectured by my mom about how we need to be supportive
>the food just plain sucks
>we are all being subjected to it
>everyone hates it but I'm vocal about it
>somehow I'm the bad guy

know what our dessert was? "raw vegan cobbler"
it was a dish of almonds and blueberries with lemon juice poured all over

how the fuck do you manage to take almond and blueberries and make them taste bad? why would you do something like that?

>> No.9550737

>driving down the 405 on my way back from LA
>stuck in traffic behind some faggot with several vegan bumper stickers
>vanity plates say OCVEGGIES or someyhing like that
>vote bernie!
what is it with these obnoxious fucks? I saw two more on a one hour drive!

>> No.9550743

Lets not get too ahead of ourselves here.

>> No.9550768


I became pescatarian because meat nowadays is pumped full of stuff that turns your penis into a vagina and gives you breasts as well as cancer. Enjoy your fucking AIDS neanderthal. Meanwhile I will be enjoying the most objectively healthy diet one can have.

>> No.9550775

>tfw coalburning vegan sister

>> No.9550795

> ITT obnoxious meat eaters complaining that vegans are obnoxious


>> No.9550875
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>Younger Brother and Sister are both vegans.
>Neither seem to bother the rest of the family eating meat.
>But now we all have to account for their diet choices when we go out, which was already vanishingly rare.
It irks me whenever it comes up, but not frustratingly so.

>> No.9551070

Do raw vegans eat beans? I mean you need to cook em or they might kill you but it seems pretty radical to cut out all legumes out of a vegan diet.

>> No.9551152

That has nothing to do with someone being obnoxious. It's also an increased risk of less than 1% for processed meat, it says nothing about unprocessed meat.

>> No.9551164

All meat is processed.

>> No.9551171

this is a classic example of dumb people thinking they are smart, since they can't even interpret data

good news is those people know what they are talking about with the interpretation
the findings actually show meat eaters to be correct, and vegans to be alarmist.
eating processed meats increase your cancer risk by less than 1%
there isn't any reason to cut them out. It's such a statistically marginal amount it's actually irrelevant

>> No.9551183
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Yes it is becoming more and more popular for a few reasons.

1) There are more and more vegetarian or vegan alternatives in stores and restaurants
2) The negative impact of the animal industry becomes more and more apparent
3) People start thinking about the consequences of their actions

Some people may be preachy about it, but it's mostly a thing with those who just changed their diet. It helps them adjust, thinking that they are doing the right thing.

>> No.9551195

its like I always say

nothing you do matters as long as china exists

>> No.9551206

Talk about dumb people thinking they're smart.
>eating processed meats increase your cancer risk by less than 1%
>there isn't any reason to cut them out. It's such a statistically marginal amount it's actually irrelevant
It's something like 18% per 50g processed meat, or per 100g of unprocessed red meat. Not one percent. You're thinking of the absolute risk. A daily serving of red or processed meat from 5% lifetime risk to just under 6%, which means a 1 in 20 chance of getting colorectal cancer to 1 in 17 chance just from the equivalent of 1 hotdog each day or less than 4 ounces of beef. If you ate a half pound steak regularly, you'd raise your risk of developing colorectal cancer to about 1 in 14. Start the day with a few strips of bacon and it'll be more like 1 in 12.
And that's just colorectal cancer. Other cancers were implicated but not as thoroughly reviewed, and both red and processed meats have long been associated with heart disease, which currently kills 1 in every 2 people.

>> No.9551219

>A daily serving of red or processed meat from 5% lifetime risk to just under 6%
exactly, irrelevant
18% of 5%
its nothing

if you really want to get down and dirty with number and start comparing foods you will see plants, wheat specifically implicated in much higher percentages of cancer
it was a clickbait non-story then, and it's still one today

>> No.9551232

Did you just ignore the whole rest of the post?
There is also no data on wheat as a carcinogen.

>> No.9551233

Enjoy your mercury poisoning faggot

>> No.9551261

>mother was vegetarian until recently (started eating fish)
>Still made meat dinners
>Knows PETA are scum of the earth
>Doesn't like hunting or shooting but allows guns in the house

>> No.9551349

Sprouting maybe?

>> No.9551375

Humans aren't made to eat big meat, take a peek at gorillas, nuts, fruits and bugs. But then again why should i lecture you, enjoy your cancer.

>> No.9551376

That's quite a convenient excuse for anything, isn't it?

>> No.9551379


Nice old wives myth you hormone pumped up lady boy. Has your beef dinners given you breasts yet? Hey on the bright side you no longer have to buy milk for your coffee!

>> No.9551382

Exactly. Not eating big meat is a sign of their inferior intellect.

>> No.9551387

I think chickpeas and lentils can be sprouted and eaten raw. I don't think they're all on the same level of toxicity because I know kidney beans are the worst in that regard.

>> No.9551390

Imagine being this insecure lol

>> No.9551394

I know this is probably a troll post but a lot of vegans actually say this and believe it. They say "look how strong horses and gorillas are and they don't eat meat" while ignoring the fact that they have to spend like 12 hours a day eating 25 pounds of vegetation to get their nutrition.

>> No.9551424

>how the fuck do you manage to take almond and blueberries and make them taste bad? why would you do something like that?
That is the point of being vegan anon, you are evil for eating and you're not allowed to enjoy food. Ever.

>> No.9551437


Meat is not necessary to eat anymore. A long time ago when food sources were more scarce and there was hardly-no industrialization I can definitely understand the need for meat for protein. But today there are so many ways to get the nutrition you need without animals needing to suffer like they do in these mass scale slaughterhouses. We have nuts, beans, eggs, tofu, tons of alternate protein sources. I don't eat meat anymore but I am neither vegan or vegetarian (I eat seafood/fish and have a fucking weakness for crab and scallops especially) but when I see people stuffing their faces with beef burgers or sandwiches stacked with cold cuts I can't help but feel disgusted because of 1) What these animals go through and 2) the tons of shit/hormones the animals are pumped with. Perhaps the exception to this is people who hunt. I would much rather a hunter kill a deer for instance with one single clean shot so the animal doesn't suffer. People who hunt for sport can fucking hang for all I care but people who hunt to eat and use most of the animal I respect them. I hope lab grown meat because a thing but I absolutely GUARANTEE that even if cultured beef becomes available there will still be people who insist on killing millions of cows, chickens and other animals. Humans disgust me.

>> No.9551444



>> No.9551450

your sister just has superior taste in meat.

>> No.9551454

I eat meat about once per week and I agree with you about feeling disgusted seeing people stuff themselves with pounds of it every day. I eat beans, eggs, nuts, etc. but you can't deny that meat provides high quality protein that is utilized by the body more easily than other protein sources.

I have more hope in lab-grown meat than converting everyone to veganism too. My only issue with it currently is that they're altering the nutritional qualities of it by doing things like removing the iron, which could be a bad thing. Too much iron obviously isn't good but if you're eating it once a week then there's no reason to remove it and doing so could even be detrimental. But it'll be a culture war when it's available, trying to convince people to switch. Probably need celebrities to endorse it and for the younger generation to grow up with it being available so it's not such a huge change for them, it'd be something that was always there that they'll feel more comfortable with.

>> No.9551467

>I eat seafood/fish and have a fucking weakness for crab and scallops especially
>I can't help but feel disgusted because of 1) What these animals go through and 2) the tons of shit/hormones the animals are pumped with.
You truly are a first class hypocrite, aren't you. Guess fish aren't cute enough to feel compassion towards them.

>> No.9551481

I wouldn't really say he's being a hypocrite. He says meat isn't necessary which is true, but we shouldn't be striving for the bare minimum if it doesn't provide optimal health. Depending on how much seafood he eats, his point could just be that OVEReating animal products is what bothers him.

>> No.9551487


Fish or scallops don't go through the same things chickens go through for instance and the biology is very different. Industrial slaughterhouses are fucking deplorable and the animals suffer for weeks/months whereas fish die as soon as they are out of the water. Also the pescatarian diet is objectively healthier.

>> No.9551490

The animals deserve it though
Fish are innocent

>> No.9551493

trust me on this one, animals really dont go through much pain at the slaughterhouse. it spoils the meat for them to be in trauma and pain, they are simply stunned and killed. no muss, no fuss.
the place I work, we use a special tool that is aimed directly at the brain to minimise pain,and then once it is on the head is delivers a concentrated force to the head, rendering them completely unconcious, then we slice only main arteries. the only animal I have ever seen personally not get stunned with one blow was a cow with an incredibly thick skull, so we let them go.

the cruel executions you see are simply propaganda pieces made by PETA filmed in third-world slaughterhouses that make grade-f mince for fodder

>> No.9551519

>become vegetarian
>don't tell anyone
>every family get together I get asked why I'm not eating the meat dishes
>tell them why
>they either become a master nutritionist or upset and condescending
People get defensive when it comes to eating meat.

>> No.9551527


PETA are a bunch of faggots. Fuck em. But I disagree with you about all these videos being propaganda pieces. There was a pretty big scandal in my town involving an industrial chicken farm because a bunch of workers would basically torture and pretend to fuck the chickens.


You can definitely argue that it is sensationalized because of the unnecessary music and all. And I know there are ethics/standards the farms need to abide by but stuff like this is bound to happen eventually. Maybe not on all farms but definitely on some. When you have workers that are paid like shit and maybe have a few screws loose in the head to say the least, it's not that surprising.

>> No.9551569


Literally the exact same thing happened to me

>Become vegetarian
>Don't tell anyone
>Mind my own business and don't preach
>Simply avoid meat dishes and order vegetarian food in restaurants or cook myself vegetarian meals
>Friends/family ask me why I'm not eating meat especially the bacon
>Tell them why (avoiding bacon/cured meats due to health and meat in general for ethical reasons).
>Immediately become defensive, condescending and try to justify reasons the fat fuckers put bacon in 50% of what they eat

Why are so many meat eaters the most insecure faggots? I have two people in my family who think the more meat you can eat in one sitting the more manly you are.

>> No.9551622

Sure it did.

>> No.9551632
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>Also thinks PETA is a good organisation
but that is true

>> No.9551655

It's not the pain during slaughter that's the main problem but the poor conditions that they're kept in before being slaughtered. Like chickens crammed into cages so small that they can barely move.

>> No.9551673

What's a good easy veggie dish me and my gf can make together?

>> No.9551678

Yup, people lose their shit when you stop living the exact same way. Reasonable people usually settle down after a couple of months though. I think they're testing your resolve.

>> No.9551693

Nothing 'uplifted' naked apes into sapient men, it was a gradual process
>getting your understanding of evolution from 2001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.9551706

Whenever my vegetarian sister comes to visit we have to plan our meals for her, but she gets livid when you ask her if she's going out or something or staying in

>> No.9551714

Hmm, funny. I've been an almost complete vegetarian (freegan) for 6 years. Have not experienced any loss of mental ability.

>> No.9551718

You sure? You demonstrated some just now via your lack of reading comprehension.

>> No.9551719

The fastest egg laying chicken breeds we use are highly territorial and would peck/claw each other to death in a "cage free" environment. The cage free chickens lay eggs less frequently due to our inability to simulate the prime egg laying lighting conditions and require much more upkeep, making sure they all are adequately fed and watered so the stronger chickens don't kill the weaker ones, chickens are omnivores and opportunistic cannibals, so it's a lot of work. The cage free eggs do of course taste better but at an increased cost.

>> No.9551721

Why did you title your post "vegetarians" when you're just talking about one vegetarian? Most vegetarians I know don't shove it in people's faces. Maybe they should, though. Industrial animal raising really is atrocious.

>> No.9551725

I understand just fine, I'm just pointing out that it's perfectly possible to be a mentally strong vegetarian these days, so who cares what meat eating may have done for us thousands of years ago.

>> No.9551732

You're still doing it.

The contribution of meat to human brain development invalidates the entire "b-but we're not meant to eat meat!" argument.

>> No.9551744

Yet here we are with a strong-brained meat eater defending greed-powered automated animal cruelty in the 21st century when we have harmless alternatives to it.

>> No.9551749

*hardly any
hardly no implies idustrialization was prevalent during the nomadic hunter-gatherer period of humanity

>> No.9551758

>also hardly-no
>hardly to no
*little to no

>> No.9551763

If it isn't broken, don't fix it
(your sensibilities don't count as broken)

>> No.9551801

I never argued that we're not "meant" to eat meat. "Meant" is subjective anyway. We can eat meat. We benefit in certain ways from eating meat (it's a compact protein source, etc.). But we don't need to eat meat to have modern intelligence levels. Arguing that we should eat meat because eating meat may have enabled modern humanity is illogical.

>> No.9551823


You can eat fish instead. Meat is for manbabies

>> No.9551825


Autism. How is first year philosophy going?

>> No.9551834


Omega 3= brain steroids . who needs meat which gives you tits when you can have tasty fish which is a million times better and a comparable protein content?

For me it's wild sockeye salmon, the best fish

>> No.9551847

The meat industry is definitely broken. They're creating super bacteria and wreaking havoc on the environment.
Yes crops have an impact on the environment as well but not nearly to the extent raising livestock does.
I eat and enjoy meat, but I'm not going to try and convince myself that it's not shitty for the world. Hunting and fishing are the best options for responsible meat consumption imo.

>> No.9551852

Lol look at all these babies debating diet choices in a post about being preachy about diet choices.

>> No.9551862
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Pretty much sums me up. Fish do not count tp me though. The pescatarian diet still falls under vegetarian, but the diehard vegetarians won't really accept it.

Fish is healthy, and I am not convinced they feel like mammals or birds do. I am on the rocks about reptiles and amphibians, but that doesn't mean I would eat them (gross).

Aside from that, I am pretty against hunting. For myself, that is. My cousins love to hunt, and I respect that they provide for themselves sustainably. It's large scale hunting for profit that I hate. Poachers and the assholes over in Africa who go after everything that moves and then sells in the markets.

PETA I was already disillusioned with back before I veered away from meat.

Aside from this post, the only reason anyone would know I don't like eating mammals or birds is seeing me eat.

>> No.9551960

>all these limp wristed faggots actually caring about animals

what a bunch of pussies lmao

>> No.9551964

t. Someone who probably kicks dogs

>> No.9551965

I eat meat because I like it.

If you don't want to eat meat, that's fine. No one should make you feel like you have to.

>> No.9551966

if they deserve it

>> No.9551968

Isn't summer over?

>> No.9551998

>tfw live so close to seattle its pitiful
>tfw im sick and fucking tired of salmon

>> No.9552020


Try sole

>> No.9552024

South Korea is nowhere near Seattle

>> No.9552136

The fishing industry wrecks natural populations of fishes (and other species in the area that they are fished from). If you're going to protest meat eating, do seafood instead, since their practices are the unsustainable ones (unless they are completely farm raised).

>> No.9552142


God bless America

>> No.9552172


>third year of uni a year ago
>roommates are vegan girl, chinese kid (never talked to him), like 2-3 chill girls/boys
>chinese guy leaves chicken marinating in some really nice smelling chinese marinade in fridge
>vegan roommate leaves post it note on the fridge about how she doesnt like seeing meat being kept in the fridge and if we could stop that
>chinese roommate just writes on note with a red marker a huge NO

based guy desu.

>> No.9552182

Asians don't give a fuck and it's funny sometimes

>> No.9552237

Oh no, I only eat fish I actually catch. I wouldn't touch frozen fish with a ten foot pole. The stuff at the seafood market I visit is also sustainably sourced.

>> No.9552264

And no one gives a fuck.
Meat tastes good.
That's the only reason anyone needs to eat it.

>> No.9552470

Make her watch Penn & Teller's bullshit episode on PETA. Tell her that you support her views but she should understand who and what she supports. Once you've softened her up, introduce her into free range farming and meat that doesn't contain all the abstract bs. Dan Berber's ted talks on foeie grais, etc, etc. Soften her and then she'll see the light. Meat is meat and a man must eat.

>> No.9552541

If humans didn't eat meat millions of cows and other animals would never be born. Are you vegetarians saying that those animals don't deserve the gift of life? How dare you

>> No.9552555

>born into slavery and to be butchered
How dare you

>> No.9552576

I'm not a vegetarian, but eating fish and saying you're a vegetarian is stupid.

>> No.9552583

>And no one gives a fuck.
Obviously some people do

>> No.9552594

>have housewarming cause bought new house yay
>good bro recently got a new gf
>it's a vegetarian with a moral compass
>only to find out when I offer her a bbq sausage
>more meat for my bros
>eat more meat just to piss her off and make her feel guilty
I don't see the problem.

>> No.9552648

Look up pescatarian. It is clearly defined as a vegetarian who eats fish.

>> No.9552745

It just says a pescatarian is someone who doesn't eat meat. There are more requirements for being a vegetarian. Lard, offal, skin, etc. isn't meat but you aren't a vegetarian if you eat it.

Google says considering fish separate from meat is really only a thing for Catholics during their fasting holidays anyway.

>> No.9552998


Kill yourself you collosal fag

>> No.9553018


You should breed her behind your brothers back. Give her your superior meat eater seed and have your cuckbro raise your off spring

>> No.9553036

Why is PETA a bad organisation?

Asking for a friend

>> No.9553050

PETA kills a lot of animals. They've stolen and euthanized pets. They think animals in the wild live happily and peacefully and that they aren't scared while being chased down by predators who eat them alive or dying slowly to an infection. They're right that there's a problem with the way animals are treated but they deal with it in almost the worst absolute way possible, by just killing every animal under human care.

>> No.9553054

Got some proof?

Sounds fucked up

>> No.9553064

The future is at your finger tips my man

>> No.9553078
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Well maybe if you don't like it then you should stop supporting an industry that has singularly destroyed our ecosystem and is responsible for the deaths of billions not to mention is literally bad for your health and entirely unethical and unnecessary.

>> No.9553099

and maybe you should eat a dick

>> No.9553108

That wouldn't be vegan friendly.

>> No.9553117

Look them in the eye and say "Fuck off"

>> No.9553158

This. Most people I know do it for their health because they are getting older and having trouble with their former high-meat diet.

>> No.9553176

Pescetarianism /ˌpɛskəˈtɛəriənJzm/ (also spelled pescatarianism) or pesco-vegetarianism is the practice of following a diet that includes fish or other seafood, but not the flesh of other animals. Most pescetarians maintain a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet with the addition of fish and shellfish.

>> No.9553183

There's a difference between saying you're a pescatarian who maintains a vegetarian diet that includes fish and saying you're a vegetarian.

>> No.9553205

Fight me irl. I am a ranked competitor in the regional pokemon card games and I will beat you up.

>> No.9553213
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>> No.9553655

Lel literally buying into propaganda.
Look up who made the site.

>> No.9553688

I was a semi-vegetarian for two years for health reasons. For the previous two or three years, I increasingly had diarrhea after eating meats, especially beef. It had gotten to the point that I had a diarrhea six to seven days per week.

The doctors were of no help. A Chinese woman I knew suggested becoming vegetarian. Within a week of becoming a vegetarian, the daily diarrhea vanished completely.

While I never tried to convince anyone else to become a vegetarian, I occasionally found myself having to defend myself on the basis of it being healthier, at least for me.

After two years, I was able to gradually (over several months) start eating meat again without the diarrhea returning. What I remember most about that is that after two years of not eating certain things, they didn't really taste very good for the first couple of months. I had to reacquire a taste for certain meats and meat dishes.

>> No.9553711

Why did you restart? I have the shits from having too much milk but I enjoy the taste and it's easy calories for when I want to bulk, meanwhile you had health issues and you don't care about the taste.
Also it's clearly something wrong with the meat or your system at the time since if you had an allergy of some sort or intolerance you wouldn't have been able to just restart it symptom free.

>> No.9553801

Look at the sources featured you retard

>> No.9554429

This is literally me except for the older part

>> No.9554695

Just tell her you don't give a shit whenever she bitches. Vegetarians like her just wanna argue so don't give her what she wants.

>> No.9554756

Just remind them humans go literally insane as vegans/vegetarians unless they use animal-derived b12 supplements

>> No.9554776

Penn And Teller blew them out years back. One of their higher ups has to use animal derived insulin for her diabetes medication despite it being explicitly against PETA code. Also they euthanize more animals than they successfully adopt. And bankrolled a domestic terrorist

>> No.9554843

Underneath the bridge
The tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from the ceiling
But it's okay to eat fish
'Cause they don't have any feelings

>> No.9554863

i mean eating meat to the extent that we do today isn't at all sustainable so you should lessen your meat consumption. so you can make that acknowledgement to them and additionally you can tell them that you're taking small steps to reduce your meat intake (even if you aren't) but you don't see yourself going 100% vegetarian. i mean this isn't an interaction you should stress out that much about friendo

>> No.9555812

have a (you) for the effort

>> No.9556013


Exactly this man knows what's up

>> No.9556027

My sister has gone between vegan and vegetarian for about 6 years now and says literally nothing about it.
Maybe your family members are just obnoxious/arrogant?

>> No.9556031

>Have gf
>shes a lazy vegetarian
>likes animals and used to own a lot (15+ pets)
>later found out she doesnt like the taste of meat and it gives her the farts
>shell chow down on chicken but wont eat lamb

>> No.9556054

>with a moral compass
This isn't a bad thing
>only to find out when I offer her a bbq sausage
She kept it to herself unless directly asked if she wanted meat.
And despite this
>eat more meat just to piss her off and make her feel guilty
You're a child

>> No.9556056

For all the shit vegetarians in my life I have never once in my entire life had one tell me to stop eating meat, and several of my friends are veg

>> No.9556059

Same here. I don't mind vegans unless they tell me I'm a horrible person for enjoying a good steak.

>> No.9556062

Honestly this and I consume 2-3x amount of meat as normies during all meals due to being fit autist.

>> No.9556082


>> No.9556108

cultural marxism is a hell of a drug OP

>> No.9556135


It wasn't allergies. I don't know what the issue was, but I have wondered whether it might have something to do with the mixture of bacteria in my gut. Perhaps some bacteria died off during the time I was a vegetarian.

I know of one case where someone had the same symptoms and it was due to a cancer. He went fully macrobiotic and lived for more than ten years with a cancer that should have killed him in less than one year. When he strayed from the diet after about ten years, the cancer killed him.

As far as taste, it had plenty of flavor. It was during that period that I really learned to appreciate Indian food.

>> No.9556138


Shut the fuck up you fucking retard. Jesus christ.


>> No.9556756

>animal-derived b12
For starters, B12 is a microbial product. Herbivores get their B12 synthetized by their gut flora. Then, industrial B12 supplements are not extracted from animals but biochemically produced.

Fun fact: about 90% of it is given to cattle as a growth factor. Therefore a substantial part of the meat industry (and its profitability) is as unsustainable as an unsupplemented vegan diet, at least the part that isn't from free-range memed farming.

But again, B12 is the most complex vitamin of the living reign, it has many homologues and not all of them are bioavailable for humans. And some herbivores have to literally eat their shit to get it (rabits, look it up).

>> No.9556821

>giving a shit
Oh man op your sister/cousin is a retard, better make sure to obsess over something an under 21 female is doing instead of ignoring it until she wants a burger more than that cute vegan boy from her history class

>> No.9556829

Stupid vegetarians are the worst and PETA is a grotesque organisation.

>> No.9556834

Lol. Underrated post.

>> No.9556838


>> No.9557790


>> No.9557969

the scientific community does not agree at all about the correct nutrition. nutritional science is basically in its baby shoes, because there are a million environmental effects to take into account. people thinking they hold the singular truth to any subject are annoying and the reason why bad things keep repeating themselves.

>> No.9557983

3 vegans at work, 2/3 are male.

They don't get in my face though, so they can keep grazing. Also, they all hate PETA, so whatever.

I'm sorry for your suffering OP, may I suggest torturing this uneducated fool with knowledge of gelatin in everything and clarifying beers with fish bladders.

>> No.9558008

>the benefits of meat

>calorie dense
>complete proteins
Just off the top of my head.

>> No.9558035

You had a good argument until you went full retard with

>> No.9558080

This. You're a faggot.

>> No.9558112

I eat meat, but know it can cause many health related problems. I may become vegan eventually, due to allergies and poor dietary choices earlier in life.
At no point will I ever be judgmental though. I mean, commercial meat farming techniques are horrid, the entire industry is horrid, and i have no reason to make someone feel worse about being a part of it. Most people don't have much choice, being in poverty.
Eventually we will have cruelty-free vat-grown meat cloning products that are identical to those on shelves now, and vegans will become a thing of the past.
Also PETA is the most retarded organization on the planet. Anyone only need to look into the kills they do at their "animal shelters" to understand just how hypocritical they are. I would spit in the face of a PETA representative.

>> No.9558341
File: 105 KB, 500x437, when-we-kill-animals-to-eat-them-they-end-up-21078600[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atherosclerosis affects only herbivores. Dogs, cats, tigers, and lions can be saturated with fat and cholesterol, and atherosclerotic plaques do not develop (1, 2). The only way to produce atherosclerosis in a carnivore is to take out the thyroid gland; then, for some reason, saturated fat and cholesterol have the same effect as in herbivores.

>> No.9558373

>Not having a sister who enjoys dark meat

>> No.9558382

Cook delicious non vegan food that smeels so good your mouth waters when you are around them

>> No.9558389

>my sister wasn't like this a couple years ago

The internet has corrupted everyone in the span of the past couple of years. You just have to live with it now.

>> No.9558426

You thaught yourself to feel disgusted by eat, your body naturally craves it
The same way we all feel disgusted at homosexual couple's but we teach ourselves to ignore it as best as we can
As far as I care you can feel wathever you want, I'm manly enough to eat what I want and if a chicken has to suffer so be it I don't care

>> No.9558468

Humans have eaten meat for thousands of years and are evolved to do so but it's nowhere near as simple or as straightforward as that.

And while chimps eat meat, they only eat extremely small amounts of it, and it's more of a group bonding activity than an essential part of their diet. Less than 1% of a chimps diet should be meat, and chimps that become obsessed with it notably start to display greater aggression and unsociability to other chimps - one prominent example was a pair of female chimps who became serial baby-eaters, killing and consuming all the newborns in their troop.

Any vegan/vegetarian bleating about humans being herbivores is full of shit, but they do have a point in that humans in the modern age eat far more meat than would be natural. Meat in moderation is natural and healthy but eating a truckload of it every week is not.

>> No.9558474


>> No.9558911

Okay Cletus

>> No.9560602

>be me
>become vegetarian
>feel healthier, slim down, work out
>dumps go from constipated logs to healthy fibrous
>inside changed, outside changed; both positively
>not giving a fuck about the ethics of it
It's not about philosophy; it's about you.

>> No.9561228

I'd rather have her vegan than letting her sucking on bbc

>> No.9561249

What kind of things make you feel full? I would eat more beans and pasta, but they are bit too high in calories.

Leafy greens are good, but they get tiring after a while regardless of what I do with em.

>> No.9561877
File: 106 KB, 500x300, 1307482914909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you all care? I am a vegetarian and I literally never think about eating meat or not eating meat. Let people eat what they want FFS. Where are all these militant vegans and vegetarians the internet always complains about? Do you all live next to art schools or something?

>> No.9561885

Literally everything and anything you eat as long as its not hyper processed like 1 dollar white bread or candy. Also if your feeling hungry all the time then maybe watch your sugar intake more. You may be eating more sugar then you realize which causes you to eat more. food companies are sneaky bastards

>> No.9561896
File: 9 KB, 350x131, Crowbar_world_model_ep2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a vegetarian and your family member sounds like a dumbass. PETA is shit and we're not herbivores. Something makes me think they read one too many of those PETA flyers. Just ignore them OP or else just tell them to shut up. Preaching is fucking annoying for anyone of any diet.

>> No.9562289

obviously a boy. only a girl would bee as irrational as OP's family member

>> No.9562296
File: 20 KB, 250x250, 1296351621640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegetarian? Sounds more like a hairy assed vegan.

>> No.9562305

Just know that if she starts talking about things like digestive tracts, or teeth or claws you tell her that we evolved to use tools and we cook our food. Then call her a stupid bitch.

>> No.9562327
File: 307 KB, 569x651, 1508102635391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9562337

There are sick people out there and you cant account for everything, PETAs whole "tear it all down no one should eat meat" thing is based off of these small cases and then create massive amounts of propaganda around it and act as if thats the whole industry. We have animal cruelty laws, because people do actually do these things so that when theyre found out it can be stopped and punished, but its not reasonable to shutdown an entire industry that feeds millions of people for the few small cases.

>> No.9562469

>Aunt is a vegitarian (minus fish because she lived in Asia for a while)
>Cooks bomb af vegetarian meals that makes me consider switching
>Doesn't force it on anyone

>> No.9562644

>much higher levels of saturated fat
>massive unavoidable environmental impact
>massive almost unavoidable ethical issue for all non-nihilists
>and sometimes it gives you cancer too