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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 450x470, stock-photo-housewife-work-time-family-success-woman-pop-art-retro-style-a-woman-plans-the-time-and-manages-to-336654896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9540528 No.9540528 [Reply] [Original]

I know you faggots would have loved to be a housewife during the time of the 1930's to 1950's. That way it allows you to spend more time in the kitchen.

>> No.9540544

wow you have to juggle a baby, your fucking phone, and one or two whole meals a day. Truly the hardest job, like if you cri everytime

>> No.9540548

Try it sometime.

>> No.9540554

nah kids are a pain, so needy, I don't have the patience

>> No.9540558

Just like a man to think I LOVE slaving over a hot stove all day.

>> No.9540572

I am a cute tranny gal who loves to cook for my boyfriend. I sometimes fantasize about cooking dinner for him as my husband.

>> No.9540580
File: 315 KB, 500x475, 1501193127816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no office lady gf to househusband for
>tfw she won't intellectually dominate you over dinner conversation
>tfw she will never make you go to church

>> No.9540584


>> No.9540590

>>tfw she won't intellectually dominate you over dinner conversation
My mom is like that. Trust me, you don't want that. It's annoying as fuck to have somebody tell you that you're wrong and then explain everything to the minute detail when you really don't give that much of a fuck.

>> No.9540602

How do you know what that anon looks like?

>> No.9540625

That's because it's your mom and not a QT that's going to sit on your face for not listening

>> No.9540630

nice LARP

>> No.9540645

ok hon

>> No.9540658

The last time OP pasta’d this thread, we had some househusbands mention that child care and home economics are actually very demanding.

>> No.9540674
File: 260 KB, 970x1400, 1485005000694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no office lady gf to househusband for
I know this feel too stupid frogposter

>> No.9540677
File: 686 KB, 4688x4688, 1487449296413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9540679

>LIVE action role-playing
Never got this meme. If it's posting on 4chan, it's not really live is it?

>> No.9540735

Fuck that noise. I have a wife, and she can do the cleaning and the laundry as well as bake the bread. I'll do the cooking because I like it and am better at it. We're both self-employed, and the kids have been out of the house for years, so we have plenty of time to do what the fuck we want, like playing in rock bands that don't make any money, photography and writing. Neither of us wanted the housewife role, so we just split the chores it involved. I took cooking because it was the only one of those chores I had any interest in and aptitude for doing.

>> No.9540739

What's not to like? If you're with a good(aka childfree) woman it's like being a NEET butyou have money, you actually shower, and you get laid weekly.

>> No.9540760

Well you can't call it electronic role play, ERP is taken

>> No.9540766

No. I could be a house husband today but I'd rather be a brogrammer.

>> No.9540777

i bet it would be if you were truly expected to take care of everything but money at home.
these days the money earner is expected to take an equal share in home shit too even if the wife/whatever doesn't work
otherwise it's antifeminist or whatever, i don't know

>> No.9540781

but if it's someone who thinks she's a cute tranny gal in real life then it is a LARP isn't it?

>> No.9540899

I think it's for added effect

>> No.9540936

post bussy

>> No.9540962

>liking boys

>> No.9540971

>she doesn't want her aching boypussy to be pounded into next year by a cute boy that will hold her and tell her it'll all be okay

>> No.9540977


>> No.9540983

>tfw never going to be in a financially stable enough position to be a full time homemaker
I'd love nothing more. Cooking everything from scratch, tending to a garden and maybe some chickens for eggs, keeping the house neat and tidy, raising kids. Maybe make some extra money here and there by selling some of my preserves and other foods at farmer's markets.

Unironically my dream job.

>> No.9540989

you heard me you dumb cunt

>> No.9541010

That's not out of reach. If you found a partner who made even just OK money and wanted to live in a borderline homestead situation you'd have a lot of work around the home, but could probably raise a family on a single salary. The kids might hate you for it though, because they'd grow up doing chores and not having the money for smartphones.

>> No.9541013

That is why you raise your kids right, dumbass.

>> No.9541015

AGP != faggot, you dumb cissy.

>> No.9541027

>borderline homestead
That describes what I want exactly. I don't want full on homesteading, I want to live in a nice suburb and host tons of cookouts and dinner parties for family, friends, and neighbors and be at the heart of a community. Full on homesteading, it's too isolating and a little bit much in my opinion. I'd miss the basic amenities.

>> No.9541031

It's RPing you nunces.

>> No.9541060


>> No.9541071

I'm awfully suspicious of anyone who claims to know exactly what "raising your kids right" means. Most of the really fucked up people I've met had parents with very firm ideas about what was "right".

>> No.9541093

Finding a place where there's still a sense of community but cheap enough land to have a serious garden and some animals is a challenge. Because most of the places I've seen that fit that bill were so shitty in terms of services (particularly schools) that you wouldn't want to raise kids there unless home schooling was going to be your thing. And that doesn't do much to help the kids with socialization.

>> No.9541110

When I started working I was making right at 50k and my wife didn't have to work. We bought a decent house and were able to afford whatever we needed. It was a bit of a stretch at times but definitely doable.

>> No.9541117

What did women do before the 50s? Raise the children, cook, clean, etc. Housewife shit.

>> No.9541137

That baby looks high as shit.

>> No.9541139

Yeah, I'm hoping I'll find a way to make it work some day. The area I grew up in could accommodate all but animals and has a great school district, a sense of community, everything I could ever want. But the housing costs and even renting are prohibitively expensive.

I'd like to home school early on but not for the later years. And if I do I'd enroll them in boy/girl scouts and other things to make sure they're socializing. Unfortunately where I grew up has really strict home schooling guidelines that require standardized testing, common core, and all the other things I'd be trying to avoid.

I'll figure it out eventually.

>> No.9541151
File: 64 KB, 599x595, Women Logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you want a happy life, do not marry a worthless white woman.

Marry yourself a nice Asian or Latnia who still know how to treat husbands well and raise kids. White women make shitty mothers.

>> No.9541174

>marrying with the intent to reproduce
Fucking gayest thing you can possibly do right there.

>> No.9541175

>it's not an Official diagnosis therefore it doesn't exist

>> No.9541179

Your picture is dumb.



Even if every single woman in a gender studies/ women's studies degree got a STEM degree instead it wouldn't even be a blip on the radar.

I think gender based degrees are stupid as well, but when you post stupid things you only give the other side more ammo.

>> No.9541182

>If you want a happy life, do not marry a worthless white woman.
>White women make shitty mothers.

This. 100% this.

>> No.9541187


I tried that for a bit, seriously, you do not want that. Unless you're super careful you just lose all leverage. I gets really fucky.

>> No.9541188


lol.. fuck white women and their retarded logic.

>> No.9541202

DINK is better, gay DINK is best.

>> No.9541210

>"kids aren't hard!"
>"nah, kids are hard"

>> No.9541217

I like women, they are effeminate and lady-like.

>> No.9541316

Me and my wife are having a hard time finding a place that's rural enough to have me grow food and not have shitty shitty school systems. Kids due in march and well have a few years to find one. I wouldn't be good at homeschooling so we can't just move out into the woods.

>> No.9541325

>It's pretty much official at this point that white women are trash
what went wrong lads? they were fine like 20-30 years ago

>> No.9541337

where do you live? Where can I move to do this

>> No.9541352

You can do that easily in the midwest if you don't behave as if you hate having money.

>> No.9541410

>shitty shitty school systems

Yeah, I would suggest MS for cheap land, 3 growing seasons and cheap cost of living but except for the northernmost county which is just a suburb of Memphis, the school systems are literally the worst in the country. Everyone I know either homeschools or sends them to private schools. My guess is the homeschool standards are pretty relaxed though, because they let the loony fundamentalists teach their spawn that the earth is 6000 years old and evolution is a satanic deception.

>> No.9542383

There are more women on the planet than men. When you say stupid things you give the other side more ammo.

>> No.9542388

That's kind of what it means. Science is improving on itself and psychology is still within that scientific spectrum. Sorry that you're too retarded to understand that, tranny.

>> No.9542396

>1930's to 1950's

You mean during the worst economic collapse in the world, you stupid fucking faggot?

>> No.9542432

No it's not dumb you are. My three daughters bitch and moan about lack of women in stem but have zero interest in it themselves instead going to college for primary education, art history and gender studies. They don't like my solution of forcing them and their friends into stem or to be garbagepeople. All women are disfunctional retards who will never be happy except when they are being raped

>> No.9543123

why do you talk about your daughters in this way

>> No.9543142

I've definitely seen this thread before

>> No.9543170

> All women are disfunctional retards who will never be happy except when they are being raped
Women aren't the only dysfunctional retards around this place and you sound like you're begging for cock.

>> No.9543176

>why do you describe what your daughters do

>> No.9543189

stem fields actually encourage woman to join, to the point where they don't even need better grades or more experience then their male counterparts. they will get the job even if less qualified just because they have a gash, its even better if you are a black woman.

>> No.9543208

Why do women who make up the majority of voters complain that most politicians are men?

>> No.9543233

If my stoner pos sister can raise a child it is not hard. raising the child not be trash is the hard part and both the mom/dad are responsible for that.

>> No.9543328

I purely by chance married a half Russian half Azeri and she is the greatest wife, friend, and mother of our little cuties. I always thought I'd marry a fellow Aussie but now I'm truly glad I didn't. Our women are great people, hard workers but they put motherhood and being a wife on the backburner. I guess they lost part of their feminine charm in a way.

>> No.9543343

Feminine describes appearance and personality not one's work ethnic, you retard.

>> No.9543373

>Work ethnic
Fuckin' lol
When I want a feminine partner I want someone nurturing and fertile, not somebody who can earn a lot of money.

>> No.9543397

You said women lost their feminine charm because they refuse to make you a sandwich when that has nothing to do with their femininity. Femininity refers to personality and appearance.