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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9539570 No.9539570 [Reply] [Original]

>British food is ba-

>> No.9539572


>> No.9539574

They don't cook bong fodder obviously.

Baked beef, larded potatoes and the full grease platter aren't on the menu?

Bongs eat shit.

>> No.9539575

Inb4 404 british “““““““““““““food““““““““““““““““ threads are not allowed on /ck/, because it doesn't pass as food.

Watch the Nigels sperg in this thread.

Jeremy Kyle, kays good cooking

>> No.9539579
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>british cuisin...

>> No.9539581

British food is unedible garbage. Euro here btw. Fucking Nigels calling everyone a shart in the mart for some retarded reason lol

>> No.9539590

It's like I'm really on /his/. Why do people sperg out about Britain so much?

>> No.9539592

I thought it was German food that was known for being overly plain and simple?

It's not that Bong food is bad, it's that nobody knows how to cook it. Almost the whole lower class is food illiterate, apart from knowing a select few take-away menu names.

London is foreign-istan, everywhere else is now one big Ohio.

>> No.9539593

>Let me tell you about your country

>> No.9539609

German food of course is nothing comparrd to french or italian or spanish, but it's still a million times better than the slop british “““““““““““people““““““““““ eat.

T. German

>> No.9539621

The good ones dont serve British food

>> No.9539625

I've lived in Germany for four years.

I'll take a good British pub over any number of German places. The best things you do is street food.

>> No.9539626

British food is easy working food. Roasted meat and vege for dinner. Bacon and eggs for breakfast

People who turn their nose up at something weird, by and large. My dad eats 3 veg and meat every night for dinner and he has done it for 70 years.

But British has also been a worldwide empire like no other and you wouldn't be surprised to see some old nigel building a tandoori oven in his backyard out of pots and cooking some fantastic spicy curry. And you will of course know of some world class british chefs who can cook anything

Scottish is perhaps the worst diet in the world where you fry everything you have for dinner and then re fry it all for breakfast

>> No.9539633

You still shouldn't eat in englsh restaurants because of their slimy BSE meat......

>> No.9539638

nomafags btfo

>> No.9539661

1. The Black Swan, Oldstead, North Yorkshire, UK

2. Belmond Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons, Great Milton, Oxfordshire, UK

3. Maison Lameloise, Chagny, France

4. L'Auberge de l'Ill, Illhaeusern, France

5. Martin Berasategui, Lasarte, Spain

6. Daniel, New York City, United States

7. La Colombe, Constantia, South Africa

8. David's Kitchen, Chiang Mai, Thailand

9. Maido, Lima, Peru

10. El Celler de Can Roca, Girona, Spain




>> No.9539662

Noma is closed.

>> No.9539666
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Putting pasta in tomato sauce on toast for breakfast is a bit weird when you think about it

>> No.9539683
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>British Cuisine

>> No.9539684

Any german brauhaus serves better traditional german food than anything that has ever been served in bongland.

t. Eyetalian

>> No.9539691
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>Jeremy Kyle, that well known chef

>> No.9539955

Honestly pretty keen to try Brit food when I'm over there. I'm in two minds; naturally suspicious, but on the other hand I also fucking hate the /int/posting that infects all the boards I like. Might even blogpost.

>> No.9540163


>> No.9540234


Define "simple". The classic German food consists of either very simple sausage related dishes (we love our Wurst) or the good old Hausmannskost, not haute cuisine but filling and tasty dishes which range from simple Eintopf (cut everything of veggies that isn't on the trees fast enough, but mostly carrots and leek, celery etc and meat and throw it in boiling water and let simmer) over things like Eisbein with the beloved Sauerkraut to things that needs some more time and preperation, a Rinderroulade isn't done just like that in 30 Minutes, start the day before eaitng with that.

>> No.9540264

I have to ask but what do non-UK people think brits eat?

I just wanna know why we have this stereotype?

>> No.9540266

Who keeps making these threads?

>> No.9540302


I'd assume most would say

-FIsh and Chips
-Baked Beans on toast
-Basically everything in the classic "English breakfast"
A big push the stereotype here got through the delicacy that is
-Bread sandwich

>> No.9540305

Fish and Chips with a lager. Blood pudding. Shephard's pie.

>> No.9540309

Where's the best McDondald's though>

>> No.9540310


>> No.9540313

>Define "simple".
I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I think the "simple and bland" description isn't too far off.

German food doesn't use much in the way of complicated cooking methods, sauces and complex preparations are few. Like most northern European countries the climate is pretty bad for growing things so the cuisine lacks many of the herbs and spices you'd find in cuisine from countries closer to the equator. Of course there are exceptions--I'm not saying that all German food is bland--but generally speaking it's of simple prep and has minimal seasoning.

Compare a standard veggie dish between German and French, for example. The Germans will boil the veggie in salted water, and that's it. The French will boil the veggie in stock or court bullion and then will serve it with a separately prepared sauce. The sauce will likely be a more complex preparation than the veggie itself. It's entirely possible the dish will also be gratineed, finished under the salamander, or otherwise have some kind of finishing touch put on it.

>> No.9540320

Slave State detected.

>> No.9540329


most of those are meals that are typically rarely had, beans on toast is essentially the ramen of quick brit food (although ham and sharp cheddar usually grated onto it)

Bread sandwich is a meme, literally noone eats it, and fish and chips is drunk food (in which the typical brit drinks quite a bit on weekends) as fish shops are quite sparse.

blood pudding is typically only in traditional english breakfasts (i.e. the north), shepherds pie is pretty good when it's done right.

But yeah, brits typically have a varied diet, salmon/chicken/red meat alongside stir fries/jacket potatoes/stews/soups.

That being said, there is a general trend among the lower/working class to subsist on frozen meals/ready meals which taste pretty abhorrent if you're used to fresh food.

>> No.9540340

>ITT: A retard who hasn’t got a fucking clue what he’s talking about.

>> No.9540346

>fish shops are quite sparse

>> No.9540348

Hook, line, and sinker

It makes sense, considering the area that the UK is. Coastal leads to fishing. Inland areas lead to farming. There's quite a bit of variety to be had. It's all very hearty food too because of the weather.

>That being said, there is a general trend among the lower/working class to subsist on frozen meals/ready meals which taste pretty abhorrent if you're used to fresh food.
That's the case here in America too. It's just easier for them to pop some cheap shit in the microwave than to learn to cook it. I'm glad that they have cheap food readily available, even if it's better to buy chicken breasts and cook them up in an oven with some simple rub.

>> No.9540350


With Sauces that is true. The Sauce known as Bechamel is known here too, called a simple Mehlschwitze, but other than that the sauce is mostly made out of the meat fond that gets cooked, after frying the meat in the pan the fond gets cooked classic way with wine but often just water, and then reduced and some spices added and that is the sauce. Serving sauces extra is not some strong point of our classic kitchen.
Spices are mostly salt and pepper, some clove and maybe some laurel, also of course the flavour given by the onions if you count that.
Extravagant things like gratinating etc are not classic methods.

>> No.9540352

>hook, line and sinker
I was only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.9540354


go back to eating bread sandwiches you brit fuck.

>> No.9540363


outside of london, they can be pretty hard to find, theres only one in my town.

so you retard, you think everyone eats beans on toast or bread sandwiches? are you retarded or just some working class bum i see when I go to greggs for a cheeky steak bake?

>> No.9540367

Nice spacing.
You’ve got to go back though.

>> No.9540368
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>North Yorkshire

>> No.9540370


As is the thing with stereotypes, that's what makes it one. Just like the sterotypical Brit with horrible teeth.

>> No.9540371
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You focking wot m8?

>> No.9540372

You can't save face, chump

>> No.9540375

>sharp cheddar
You mean mature, amerishart.
Nice try but your ignorance has foiled your weak attempt at trolling.

>> No.9540395
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>watch shitty British reality tv show
>Everyone dresses like low rent Kartrashians (and that's pretty fucking bad)
>highly uneducated (can't name their own politicians and have trouble using large vocabulary words)
>every eats shit like pie and mash, fast food, and takeaways.
>mfw they think they're posh

>> No.9540398


t. reddit

>> No.9540402


He was talking about YOU, he just forgot the >

While imho fapping over a simple typo is always stupid the order is clear and it doesn't make you look good

>Haha, you said Shephard's!

>> No.9540427

There's wights on the moors, nice try fuckers

>> No.9540474

The north isn't Britain.

>> No.9540483
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spottted a Britard

>> No.9540486
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>Fish shops are hard to find outside of London

>> No.9540490

>being this retarded

>> No.9540491

t. triggered shart

>> No.9540493


>> No.9540498


>> No.9540504

he always turns up in these threads.
eternally butt blasted.
it's amusing.

>> No.9540505

I'm only so fat because I ate British """""cuisine""""" for a decade

>> No.9540507

how exactly does tripadvisor choose these best restaurants?

>> No.9540511
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t. Nigel

>> No.9540517

Gotta love watching the butthurt flow.
I'm not even a bong.

>> No.9540530

Do Brits really do this?

>> No.9540535

morbid curiosity is not the same as obsession, anon.

>> No.9540547

Personally, I liked the food in Berlin (at actual German restaurants) better than Spanish or French (but not Italian).

Spanish and French is all focused on beautiful presentation but the actual food is kind of dull. German food didn't look good, but it tasted wonderful.

>> No.9540593


daily reminder americans have twice as many cavities per person than brits.

>> No.9540601

Only because we eat so much sugary shit, not because we have bad genetics like you do lololol

>> No.9540619

We're gonna ignore that this was based on reviews from the most plebeian of all review websites?

>> No.9540631

>bad genetics
You're literally inbred with blacks and beaners, dude,

>> No.9540651

the real question is how many of those are french cuisine

Daniel is.
I think both the UK restaurants are English food though, unless I'm mistaken

>> No.9540666


German over French? That's surprising.

>> No.9540669

>with other races
You don't even understand your own language, retard

>> No.9540682

>I think both the UK restaurants are English food though, unless I'm mistaken
>Belmond Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons
I believe you may be mistaken.
Call it a hunch.

>> No.9540693

>mixed race families don't exist
>Americans aren't the result of incest within these families

>> No.9540704

that one I looked up specifically, because of the name

I think the name is more historic than it is indicative of their current menu

>> No.9540859

>Spanish and French is all focused on beautiful presentation but the actual food is kind of dull

Taco bell and french toast don't count.

>> No.9541263

Reported cavities, we actually go to the dentist.

>> No.9541271
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>North York Moors

Why are you claiming Portuguese food as British, Nigel?

>> No.9541290

must be bait

>> No.9541692

Not every joke is bait you mong. It's a worn out shit meme kicked off by historically illiterate and politicised /v/niggers, but a meme nonetheless.

>> No.9541739

>outside of london, they can be pretty hard to find

that's not at all my experience having lived in Lincolnshire, Nottingham, Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Greater Manchester. Always a chippy about.

But yes you're right about the diet in general. Most people I've known eat really varied fresh food. Not like we're short on influences, we have a rich history. Apart from the basic bitch underclass who can't cook and eat processed garbage.

There are brash morons who revel in being common as muck. Everywhere has their own chav/ned/bogan/guido/redneck. Even the mainland western europeans have those lads into jumpstyle that wear too much hair gel. If there's a word for them?

No idea, sounds like a load of bollocks 2 b honest.

>> No.9541743

>germanicbro insulting the most successful germanic people
Jealous? :^)

>> No.9541748
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>1 shitty restaurant award makes up for centuries of this

>> No.9541838
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Who do you think reports cavities? It's a revelation, but it turns out it's those who diagnose them - dentists. And the reason amerilards have more is they're already up to their ears in debt, have no dental insurance because the premiums only pay for a yearly checkup and you have to pay $400.00 or more for a cavity filling and simply wait until the pain becomes unbearable or pull the fucker themselves like I do. I don't do sugar so I haven't had an issue (only had to pull one tooth myself) but I know people who are in thousands of dollars debt for dental work. And guess what? They had dental "insurance," lol.

>> No.9541848

>Why do people sperg out about Britain so much?
A tiny island nation managed to cuck everyone at some stage, penis envy perhaps?

>> No.9543419



Read a history textbook about Anglo-French history>>9541263

>> No.9543424

british "food"? you mean murca tier slop with funny names?

>> No.9543522

Takeaway curry and ready-meals from Marks and Sparks, mostly.

>> No.9543615

I've never heard of anyone doing that. But beans on toast can be amazing if done right.

>> No.9543646
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you take that back bastard

>> No.9543721
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Doesn't actually look bad.

>> No.9543733

>How does a website whose entire purpose is to let people rate places they have visited, such as restaurants, know which places people consider the best?

It's a mystery we will never solve, anon.

>> No.9543741

Not bad. A bit heavy on the seafood for my taste personally, but I wouldn't turn it down.

>> No.9543755


Like everything in the UK, there is a significant gap between "rich" and "poor".

If you have money you will eat like a king, if not then your experience won't be as brilliant. It's really that simple. The UK is a country of monetary extremes.

>> No.9543801

>t. totally not an american

>> No.9543802

Very debatable

>> No.9543837

What is sour butter? Do they let it ferment or just mix it with vinegar or something?

>> No.9543841

At a guess, butter made from a soured cream?

>> No.9543902

That's a pretty comfy looking meal

>> No.9543906


>> No.9543962

Mashed potatos, dill sauce, mushrooms (maybe?, and something I can't identify.

>> No.9543970

Looks like a flat pie, looks a little ugly to me, but I'm fussy and hate savoury stuff to be creamy.

>> No.9544036

how much of a sperg do you need to be to state the obvious and consensus fact that america has shit food

>> No.9544232
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>> No.9544257

>t. Nigel

Still stuck in the 1990's are we?

> t.Nigel.Muhammad.El.Abin.

There... much more updated.

>> No.9544269
File: 3.03 MB, 480x369, My sides have become one.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>t. Nigel
>Still stuck in the 1990's are we?
>> t.Nigel.Muhammad.El.Abin.
>There... much more updated.

Dis nigga knows whats up

>> No.9544317
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>british food is go-

>> No.9544348

>The French will boil the veggie in stock or court bullion
we only do that to sell it at foreigners at 5 time the price. we otherwise appreciate the genuine taste of real food.

>> No.9544358

based on what authority? the (((michelin)))?

>> No.9544380

Clearly not the michelin since they don't rate or rank the "best restaurant". All they do is issue stars.

These "best restaurant" things are always from some magazine, and there are dozens if not hundreds of lists which never agree.

>> No.9544383

*according to Trip Advisor

>> No.9544384

Yes but for lunch not breakfast

Source: am bong

>> No.9544391


>But in an annual tally of millions of customer reviews on the travel website TripAdvisor, the Black Swan came out with the best average rating, making it the first British restaurant to top the list.

>Best Average rating

>> No.9544394

Do literally none of you understand what Trip Advisor is and how it works?

>> No.9544395

Are you for real? There are about 3 chippies within a 4 mile radius and I live in Wales. Not exactly built up around here.

>> No.9544400

9544380 here.

No, I don't know anything about trip advisor. I don't care either. But I don't need to in order to recognize that this has nothing to do with Michelin. That was the extent of my post. No, it wasn't a Michelin rating. It's just one of many "top lists" cranked out by magazines, websites, blogs, etc.

>> No.9544405
File: 56 KB, 382x661, WorldsBestRestaraunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's aggregate based off customer reviews.

>> No.9544412

If it helps, The Black Swan also has a single Michelin star and 4 AA Rosettes. So it's not a total fluke.

Having said that, it seems likely that people who go to 2 & 3 star restaurants probably don't then go rate it on TripAdvisor, so I suspect the data tends towards the lower end of the market.

>> No.9544425

>So it's not a total fluke.
I didn't say it was. I simply was replying to the other guy's question about it being a michelin rating by pointing out that no, it isn't.

It's not uncommon for some of the "best ranked" restaurants to be less than 3 star. It happens often. After all, this is all subjective.

>> No.9544444

I think one reason the uk has a bad reputation for food is that in general we lack enough food snobs when compared to other countries. French and Italian people seem much more happy to ridicule someone's cooking.
Also Americans, with their 'the customer is always right' thing and their tipping, love to complain about anything. For that reason a Brit may go to America and have reasonably positive things to say about the food even though the food they had wasn't amazing. Where as an American who goes to Britain will be shocked that the waiters and waitresses do not take their complaints seriously and if they are disappointed by one meal that will just confirm their prejudices.

>> No.9544461

It's not dill I think. Probably Parsley.

>> No.9544687


>> No.9544689

Ah yes it's EVERYONE ELSE who is the problem. That neatly explains everything.

>> No.9544751

No it is the uk's problem because it lacks food snobs

>> No.9544756

>No it is the uk's problem because it lacks people with basic awareness of taste, texture, and dietary health

>> No.9544774


>> No.9544829
File: 749 KB, 1249x605, USAno1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wut m8?

America has the best restaurant in the world... this is the official list everyone knows is the best.. not freaking trip advisor hahahahaha wow


>> No.9546623
File: 258 KB, 1224x752, Traditional-British-Carvery-1224x752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with british people going to buffets on Sundays to get their roast meats?

They act like it's totally normal to go eat meat that's been sitting under a heat lamp and have another person carve it.

While going to an Old Country Buffet and getting a slice of a roast is the lowest class thing an American can do.

>> No.9546697

The bait is real. Possibly by a bong actually, I can't see a yank mistakenly baiting with one of the most unbong things I can think of.

>> No.9546707
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Oh...I'm all American bb

>> No.9546709

People like to shit on British food because there's lots of British posters here. Same with American food.

Scandinavian and East Europe cuisines are just as bad if not worse but its not as meme-y to hate on them.

FTR I'm neither British nor American

>> No.9546723

it's not a meme to make fun of surströmming?

>> No.9546725


mhmm. lez talk aboud da burgurz

>> No.9546744

>no black and bleu cheese burger
"fine" dining huh?

>> No.9546763

>battery at 81%
>checks own phone
You win this round yank.

>> No.9546777

one outlier does not a food culture make.

>> No.9546789

>not counted as 'dining' unless it involves cheeseburgers

'american' huh?

>> No.9546815

People don't equate sustromming with all Swedish food and talk about how all Swedish food is bad every day.

>> No.9546826

all swedish food is gross tho

>> No.9546889

>ZERO Jap restaurants
>fucking peru in the top 10
weebs eternally btfo

>> No.9547074
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the longer you look at this, the worse is gets

>> No.9547084

Carverys are trash tier food. It's basically a way for the lower classes of society to take their 19 children for a meal that costs £2 a head. Then they'll pile the plate up with more sides than you can imagine, and attempt to eat it all because it's dirt cheap.

Self respecting bongs do not into carveries.

>> No.9547156

Have you ever had pie and peas though? It's a tasty dish. Especially if the pie is game and the peas minted. Hell, eel pie is fucking beautiful.

>> No.9547163

slit your fucking throat, autismo

>> No.9547181

Just your regular banana, peanut, chicken, pineapple, mushroom and curry powder 'za

>> No.9547197

thats jellied eels mate

>> No.9547223

OP posts a recent journalists opinion about some farm to table hotel/restaurant in the countryside as best restaurant in the world.
I guess you/that reviewer haven't heard about The Inn at Little Washington. That chef Patrick OConnell has been doing best food in the world for decades and has gotten every award there is, except this *cough* craptastic Michelin reviewer thing people idolize above actual reviews the rest of the world operates around. The masses of rich, powerful, royal, wealthy people and globe trotting foodies who considerate it the best meals of their life.
Nice try OP. LOL England! See if you can get someone doing top of the best for their whole careers not just just one moment in media history.

>> No.9547230

>a recent journalists opinion

You're wrong straight away. Go back and start again.

>> No.9547240

Doing something well for 5 years isn't recent fame? Oh course it is little kiddo.

>> No.9547267

Just had a chipped tooth fixed the other day with no copayment. People are in debt because they work shitty dead-end jobs with no dental plan and suck at scouting out or negotiating their own insurance plan.
The average retard in the US is paying huge premiums for shit coverage on almost every form of insurance.

>> No.9547282

>a...journalists opinion

I mean you're so dim you can't even read a few words or recognise a quote.

>> No.9548708
