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File: 31 KB, 800x500, Drinking-Problem-492456096_1600x1000-800x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9534856 No.9534856 [Reply] [Original]

went to the bar and/or pub and/or another pub and drank too much on a weeknight edition

Also, come on in if you're drunk and wanna chat with other drunks


learn how to make a brass monkey if you can't stomach that last 40


>> No.9534873
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For me it's Pumping spice beer. The best alcoholic beverage.

>> No.9534876

>come home drunk
>log into irc
>bore the hell out of the cool kids
>pass out with my dick in my hands
atleast im alive

>> No.9534887
File: 3 KB, 113x42, firefox_2017-10-10_20-55-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost lads

>> No.9534951

that shit sucks

>> No.9534952

congratulations. what's the image from, is there some sobriety app or something?

>> No.9534955

>doing good
>only had a few beers last night
>woman coming over
>drink a fifth in a few hours because I'm so nervous
>make an ass out of myself
>she gave me like 10 chances
>still fuck it up

Another day on the pain train

>> No.9534965

>Wake up
>Go to the store and get snacks and booze
>Wake up
>There's no snacks nor booze
>Get pissed off
>Go to the store again
>Get more snacks and booze
>Wake up
>This continues for like 5 or 6 dreams straight in a row

At some point I actually wrote a long rant here in my dream, I think it was by the 4th one.
I am still extremely pissed off because I remain snackless and boozeless
Fuck you brain

>> No.9534983

I always dream about things like glass bottles of Evian in silver ice buckets in meadows in the Alps when I have been boozing it up that night and am dehydrated. The booze dreams only start for me when I sober up.

>> No.9534988


Have any of you ever made it through the holiday season sober? That's where I fear relapse the most, I don't really tolerate people sober.

>> No.9534994
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went to the doctors last week with a pain in the lower left side, got a blood test and ultrasound. Results came back as everything was okay, but my liver enzymes were elevated, doctor knew it was alcohol related because they were elevated during a bloodtest last year. I never quit drinking, he told me to last year to bring them down. So he phones me and tells me to come back in so "we can bring the levels down." I never phoned back, I know he is going to tell me to stop drinking. Am I just fucking myself bad at this point or what?

>> No.9534998

isn't the liver on the right side?

>> No.9535010

the pain had nothing to do with the liver, turned out to be muscular. nothing to do with booze i was told.

>> No.9535029

why wouldn't you stop drinking?

it's not like it's fun at this point, or is it?

>> No.9535034

it still is very much fun, ya.

>> No.9535050


>> No.9535052

Are these threads to embrace your alcoholism, circle jerk about being unable to control your drinking, attempt at bullshit frauds like AA for help, or all of the above?

>> No.9535056

I just had nightmare mode withdrawals and am still going through the thick of it.
I'm seriously thinking of just completely quitting but I don't know if I can or still want to get rekt by the withdrawals longer.
It felt like I was going literally insane earlier.

Wish me luck and thanks for reading my blogpost.

>> No.9535061

all of the above to be honest

>> No.9535064

all of the above

>> No.9535073

I turned 21 just recently, never drank much before then, but now all I really ever have are margaritas or other fruity faggy drinks when I go out.

What's a good beer for someone who's had beer like twice in their life and hasn't really liked any so far? I really like the idea of a savory drink in theory but haven't find any I like yet

>> No.9535077

Well, my mother died of alcoholism, cirrilosis of the liver, age 59. Her mother lived to be 88.

Feminists and no-fun allowed cunts will classify any drinking as alcoholism but if your drinking doesn't affect your life or others in a negative way then tell them all to go fuck themselves and enjoy your life

>> No.9535079

take B vitamins and a multivitamin. Get a hold of xanax from a doc

>> No.9535082

i was close to calling an ambulance for my racing heart a few days ago, i hope i can hold onto that memory for long enough to stay off the booze.

>> No.9535090

Alcoholism isn't fun, only babby mode honeymoon phase is fun.

People generally aren't riddled with addiction because they have thought long and hard about it and rationally decided the best way to spend their lives was be sick for half of it and not remembering the other half.

>> No.9535105

Maybe a bock, if you like savory. Malty beers are closer to savory than stuff like IPAs

>> No.9535110


how can you snack when your entire system is rife with metabolites? When I drink hard all I can do is drink water, and I even hate that. If you can eat, you're not an alcoholic.

>> No.9535111

I've been through it 3 times, but only went to the hospital once and never again. The bills are one thing, but I was also forced to go into detox. They wanted to keep me for longer, but I only stayed one day because I sweet talked them and promised them I was a gud boi, and I'd never drink again. Nearly a year later, I went through another hard withdrawal but didn't go back because I knew they'd keep me for up to a week and charge me for it. Fuck that. The bills alone made me want to drink even more.

>> No.9535153

that is why I like living in a country with a proper health care system. You probably would do well with detox, but the bills are too much for you. Fucking criminal healthcare system you have.

>> No.9535162

We used four lokos instead of OJ

RIP my liver

>> No.9535175

>doing good
>having beers
not really

>> No.9535189

dumbest shit i've ever read; aside from the fact that i barely eat sober and eat tons of bullshit smashed, most of the very severe alcoholics i met in rehab were quite overweight
pls quit acting like your personal experience MUST apply to everyone else

>> No.9535191

have a job interview tomorrow and another the day after lads, will be the first time i'm employed since like june/july if all goes as planned

>> No.9535200

please fuck off with this gatekeeping of alcoholism bullshit. i eat just fine while i'm drinking, it's when i'm dry the next morning that i can't stomach food. at my bad points, i need at least a couple drinks before i can even think of eating.

>> No.9535210

yeah it's from reddit's /r/stopdrinking, i don't use the forum i just use the sobriety tracker

>> No.9535213

you should GO BACK to your doctor. He might want to do more tests? I dunno

>> No.9535221

>please fuck off with this gatekeeping of alcoholism bullshit
LOL imagine being proud of being an alcoholic
what a fucking loser

>> No.9535233

me or him?

>> No.9535247

I even have health insurance, so the bills were still affordable.
>expecting others to pay for your fuckups
Top kek, there's simply too many people taking and not enough contributing. I guarantee, If I don't speak english, have a social security number, and/or looked foreign, I wouldn't pay a dime, insured or not. That's one reason why healthcare costs so much in murriland, Hospitals birth illegal babbys by the thousands and call it "charity expense".

>> No.9535258

>get a bad cold
>didn't drink due to feeling shit with fever
>fever gone today but still shitty sore throat and runny nose

Debating whether to drink or if this a great opportunity for a break

>> No.9535264
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>blaming foreigners again

fuck off faggot. Stop defending your failure cunt-tree. Back to food talk now.

>> No.9535275

>Feminists and no-fun allowed cunts will classify any drinking as alcoholism but if your drinking doesn't affect your life or others in a negative way then tell them all to go fuck themselves and enjoy your life

The thing is, it's pretty reasonable to expect that if someone uses an addictive substance on the regular they're going to get addicted to it. We don't expect people to just use heroin occasionally and never want more. We warn people who are smoking occasionally that it can hook them.

But it's perfectly normal in society to have some form of alcoholism. Like caffeine addiction, but far more dangerous.

>> No.9535283

Day 1

Wish me luck

>> No.9535285



I'm off the wagon

>> No.9535321

almost had it
maybe next time

>> No.9535329

What you got?

>> No.9535356

I don't know I don't care. I hate (love) all you faggots regardless of political/hockey/sexual orientation

>> No.9535366


A warm can of Budweiser Light that went flat.

>> No.9535381

>about to be done with day 1
>felt like the day took forever and don't feel like I can sleep

this is going to really suck, isn't it?

>> No.9535397

Do you mean 24 hours clean? By that point it’s usually at the height of misery for me or just past it.

>> No.9535413

I've done this with Steel Reserve 211 and also Natty Light

you're fine

>> No.9535431
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>half a sixer of IPA left
>have wake up for work in 5 hours

>> No.9535452

I put away 400ml of vodka for tomorrow. gotta be up early and then have a thing to go to. rule is you can show up drunk/high as long as you don't cause an issue and aren't blatant. I usually just xanax and weed but think ill need a pick me up tmrw

>> No.9535471

I have to be, like, somewhat outwardly functional for my job because I usually have to explain shit to patients. Being on the admin side of healthcare is fucking miserable, I should have been a fucking chef or a carpenter

>> No.9535480

Yes, it's pretty embarrassing that it was so difficult.

>> No.9535497

eh this isn't for a job, mandated I go but they believe in harm reduction and the guy is pretty chill. he knows I got terrible issues and long as I don't fall down, can speak and am not argumentitive or anything stupid he doesn't give a fuck. I was nodding out the first day infront of all the staff. pretty bad desu

>> No.9535531

>Disability application finally came through
I am disabled again!
2 hours until I can get drunk and celebrate while buying the alcohol with gubmint bux

>> No.9535549

Why does my leg twitch on the night I don't drink? It only happens when I try to sleep and it usually startles me. I can't explain it, I guess I'd consider myself a heavy drinker, I go through a 30 pack every weekend.

>> No.9535553

What enzymes were elevated and what were the numbers? DON'T ignore it. You might be scarring up your liver and there is still time. Because one day you'll wake up and your completely yellow. I had a billirubin count over 700 and was basically dead this time last year. For reference your billirubin should only be at 8. lmao

>> No.9535556

You're a pathetic excuse of a human being

>> No.9535560

Well that's really rude

>> No.9535616

Fuck you dude

>> No.9535888

>Have friends over
>We drink, smoke, have fun
>We go to bed
>I wake up next to them fucking in the bed
>It was a dream, I wake up for real
>They're fucking next to me
>It was a dream again, I wake up for real real this time
>They're still fucking, dammit
>I was still a dream
>I wake up, I'm pissed now, I turn to them
>They're having sex in a different position, in real life
I miss the time when my alcoholism was still in control enough to have 3somes instead of being a solitary clusterfuck. Years of only talking to a cashier when buying a 1.5L bottles every other day has fucked with my ability to communicate easily with other humans.

>> No.9535910

>Am I just fucking myself bad at this point or what?
It's likely, yes.

All of the above.
They help me keep sober. Without a regular reminder of what horrors I lived, my brain would trick me into having "just one beer or a pint of vodka"

You should try outpatient rehab, it should be way cheaper.

Withdrawals and flu aren't a fun experience, but you might as well go though them at once and get over with it.

>> No.9535938
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hmm, really makes you think

>> No.9535945

Is it normal to get sleep paralysis and lucid dreams after drinking alcohol all day?

>> No.9535985


>> No.9535991

I remember repeat false awakenings when I was a daily drinker. It was creepy as fuck, and kept you second-guessing reality by the time you woke up for real.

>> No.9535997

Quit drinking heavily after I finished university because I figured it would interfere with work life. Started drinking a month into job interviews to cope with the stress and anxiety. I should probably get a prescription for xanax or something

>> No.9536005

Have you drank this or know of anyone that has? Bunnings warehouse in Australia sells this stuff very cheap (that's actually where that picture is from as far as I can tell).

>The company that manufactures the product called back and I can confirm that there are NO TOXIC DENATURANTS (i.e. Methanol)

>With that said, there are still denaturants in the product, mainly in the form of bittering agents. In other words, Diggers Methlyated Spirits is safe to use as a polar solvent, although you'd be hard pressed to consume it, since the taste would be quite nasty.


I'd imagine it would be hell trying to drink it, unless you're mixing very tiny amounts in orange juice.

>> No.9536012

currently tipsey at overnight job. who here is /responsible/ drunk during the week and gets obliterated on the weekend?

whats wrong with us?
also, who else here had a gf who steered them away from al/ck/ and then messed it up?

>> No.9536049

>drink because I have nothing meaningful to do
>have nothing meaningful to do because I drink

Someone just give me a decent job.

>> No.9536053

they can tell if it is alcohol related because your AST will be at least twice your ALT, other conditions don't do that

besides, you should go back because doctors don't care if you are an alcohol, they just want to help but even if you can't stop they will still help you not die and can provide resources if you need them. Don't be embarrassed, 10% of people are alcoholics. They see this shit all the time

>> No.9536055

>drank too much last night
>applied to like 80 jobs for some reason, don't even need the money
H-how do I undo this?

>> No.9536057

how about you don't drag feminism into this, it makes you look like a butthurt MRA

>> No.9536060

shut up

>> No.9536061

Haha my god this happened to me last weekend except it wasn't a dream it was an actual discussion between me and my drunk mates, some of which were on mdma also. Imagining a crystal bottle of water with fresh condensation glistening on the sides

>> No.9536074

I have drunk liters upon liters of diggers metho and coles strore brand metho. It's not really difficult at all to drink, just dilute it with enough water and

>> No.9536166

Tfw the more I drink the more I remember all the shit I did and all the mistakes I made.

Why the fuck doesn't it do what you people claim it does?

>> No.9536182

Fuck that, not worth risking blindness and all sorts of other shit. That is on the same level as drinking mouthwash and hand sanitizer

>> No.9536241

>have a nice handle of jim beam
>2L of pepsi
>DVR full of unsolved mysteries

Time to get fucking comfy lads

>> No.9536264


Thanks for this, my man. Can't wait to try it. I drink 40's still (im broke) so hopefully I can stomach them better making them like this.

>> No.9536376
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How do I stop reocurring headaches? When I tried to sleep last night I my head hurt till I poured myself two shots of vodka, then it stopped. Last time I drank too much was Saturday, this was the only occasion ever since where I even touched alcohol. And right now it's hurting again. When will this shit stop?

>> No.9536385

Drink a lot of water.

Here's what I do

>mix only vodka and water and drink that to get drunk
>in between every 3 or 4 drinks, drink a 20oz of gatorade
>no headache in the morning

>> No.9536396

I doubt you'd be able to keep that down even if you took it through a feeding tube.
Artificial bitterants are incredibly powerful.

Maybe try homebrewing and even home distilling instead. You can make a decent still with a stockpot with a heat resistant bowl in it. Cover the bowl with tin foil or a lid and make a hole in the middle, pour your homemade sugarwine into the pot, outside the bowl, put a lid on the pot. You may have to either make a lid from more tin foil or turn the real lid upside down. You want the condensation to collect on the inside of the lid and run towards the centre of it before dripping into the bow. You have a lid with a hole on the bowl so it doesn't all evaporate back out again.
Extremely crude setup and I'm not convinced all that aluminium is good for you, but if you're posting here you probably have bigger worries.

I've made distilled alcohol that was somewhere between 40 and 50% vol. this way. It was horrid and kind of a bother and I only did it to see if I could.
I'd take that over take that over the stuff you posted but I'd take a cheap vodka from the store over both.

>> No.9536491

>Artificial bitterants are incredibly powerful.
One drop in a Olympic swimming pool is enough to make it bitter. (100x50x3m iirc, 15000 cubic metre, about 450000 cubic feet.)
1% bittering agent make it just impossible to drink, unless you suffer from ageusia or something similar, like some animals (insecticides and similar have bittering agents too).

>> No.9536501

Complete noob to drinking, so I have a question:

Drinking on an empty stomach gets you drunk faster - does that mean you also drink less to get to that state of inebriation?

Want to save money on alcohol.

>> No.9536511

>Complete noob to drinking
Quit now then

>> No.9536550

well technically, but not by any considerable amount

>> No.9536581

Decided I just won't go to that program today. Got woken up at 8 am by my brother calling me asking for 1 cigarette. I tried to keep my cool, and he called me an asshole for saying no. I had a half pack but waking me up for a fucking smoke is no bueno. got a bottle and finding movies type of day.

>> No.9536589

You get drunk faster because boose goes through the stomach faster. If there is solid food in it, it has to be reduced to a liquid by acid.
It doesn't mean you have to drink less per se, but if you drink glass after glass at a party until you are drunk : in the case your stomach is full and slows down alcohol getting into your bloodstream, you'll have more time to drink before realising you had enough (it also means you probably had too much.)

>> No.9536640

Wagie ragie

>> No.9536652
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anyone else here into anime?

>> No.9536658

Gave me a good laugh desu.

>> No.9536662

Hooker last night was great. Did blow together.

>> No.9536677

Does anime help with sober anhedonia?

I’ve only watched Welcome to the NHK (2close2home4me) and Girls und Panzer (fun). Didn’t watch them sober though.

>> No.9536685

>tfw had to google anhedonia

for me it does, i watch about 15 episodes a day
if you dont want to get into full series of anime there are plenty of amazing movies

>> No.9536687
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We've had /nightsweats/ edition, but does anyone get day sweats? It's not armpits too bad but at 72 degrees I have BEADS of sweat just running down my fucking face, my hair gets soaked, and it has been driving me insane.

>> No.9536689

my type of night. I rawdogged a bar whore the other night. probably need to get tested

>> No.9536697

Went on a bender, got home, ordered UberEats, lost my wallet in my drunken state, scrawled "Go Fuck Yourself" on my hallway wall in sharpie.
Eventually woke up, pieced stuff together, then decided that day wasn't worth it, so got a hooker, did blow, drank a bottle of ouzo, and had a decent night of Netflix with hooker.
Was a pretty good recovery, but not something I should do often.

>> No.9536726

Guys, am I alone in this?

>> No.9536733
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Don't have a shot glass - how much do you reckon this is? (London gin)
I'm trying to gauge how much I'm drinking

>> No.9536743

I farted in my room and the pungency was so perilous that I had to go outside. My eyes are stinging more from the sunlight than they were the weapon of ass destruction. I'm trapped. This is real suffering.

>> No.9536745

Based body pouring out toxins while you keep punishing the poor thing.

>> No.9536753

Sod all

>> No.9536756

Do you have a kitchen scale? In that case you can put it on there, press tare, and fill it up with water. 1ml of water is a gram.

>> No.9536761
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Fuck your shit, I have vodka, weed, lorazepam, a 50inch monitor for movies, a cosy bed, curtains closed, and a motherfucking toblerone.
You heard.

>> No.9536762

Me too.

>> No.9536769

If I had a blow connect, I'd def get a hooker, maybe after trying to fuck a bar girl. Doing blow almost feels wasteful if you're not doing something that's already fun, like sex, playing an instrument/video game.

>> No.9536773

1.3-1.5 "drinks"

>> No.9536781

I have three days of sobriety, almost non-existant withdrawals anymore, a good nights sleep and a glass of fresh orange juice.

Step it up lads

>> No.9536819

thats one ugly nail polish, even for a faggot

>> No.9536820

Fug, okay. I'm gonna do some research.

>> No.9536822

But my freedom units

>> No.9536830
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I know :( all that effort for a shit colour

>> No.9536856

how much did you have to pay for her to stay and watch netfix with you? I simply got too drunk, went to bar, met a caramel coloured girl, we fucked. both passed out.. she got her period that morning had no panties? idk maybe in my house somewhere. I walked her to her house a few blocks down. she said some mean stuff about if people find out. honestly the girl was a 8/10 said she had a good job. i think she got the morning after jitters. meh

>> No.9536866

>she said some mean stuff about if people find out.

Getting WHITED is a major sin in the ghetto. She probably going to go into hiding.

>> No.9536886

congrats mate, also go on the /stopdrinking to keep a counter

>> No.9536887

I need to inscribe 'the drunk's commandments' into stone. I cannot keep taking insane risks, getting arrested, almost dying and waking up with turbocharged cringe due to the life-ruining shit I said and did the night prior.
What should they be? I'm thinking...
1: Thou shalt not into social media
2: Thou shalt not wipe your ass on a hooker's face, and laugh when she complains
3: Thou cannot dance
4: Thou shalt double check her age
5: Thou shalt drink water
6: Thou shalt not trust that fart
7: ?

>> No.9536896

Well she's my usual hooker, and I think we've kind of developed a weird sort of friendship. It's $350 for the hour of fucking etc. but she only charged me an extra $200 for the next 6 hours of just Netflix and hanging out. She even supplied the coke.

>> No.9536923

>and I think we've kind of developed a weird sort of friendship
yea anon, i think she likes you. she's probably going to ask you to be her boyfriend pretty soon

>> No.9536925

Christ no. I'm not delusional either. We both know what we're there for. I think maybe she just has a soft spot for me, a spot I imagine is due more to pity than anything else.

>> No.9536928

it's unbecoming of a girl (male) to drink that much. behave!

>> No.9536948
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Boys, I may never buy beer for the house ever again.

>> No.9536949

naw she is texting me all night/day

I am a known dealer and it doesn't look good for her job. hard to explain or maybe I am reading more into it

>> No.9536955

the fact she does coke and fucks is a red flag unless you are ok with it.. personally it is easier to cruise to a bar with some white and the bar floozies flock. I wrap up normally but this ass was too good

>> No.9536958

I've never seen the appeal of lorazepam, I had it prescribed for my panic attacks but ended up just switching to klonopin because the lorazepam did nothing

>> No.9536980

yes, you're a delusional drunk/druggie

>> No.9536982


Just curious... if one interested in trying coke but don't have a dealer (cali weed is legal)... how would one go about finding themselves a "dealer"?

>> No.9536983

She's a hooker, who gives a shit? I don't want to deal with all the shit associated with club sluts. I have in the past, and I feel way more comfortable and happier doing a couple of lines and fucking a hooker.

>> No.9537082

>tfw clumsy as fuck when im drunk
>banged my head tiwce
>hit my hand against a door
>hit my leg against a wall
>burned my finger
>burned my mouth trying to eat my dinner

that last one in particular i can tell is going to hurt like fuck when i sober up a little

>> No.9537088

Best of luck anon. Im in the same boat. Hopefully getting a job will get me to stop drinking as much

>> No.9537110

>tfw took a brown shit today rather than a pale one

Thank you based liver, was starting to feel the fear of death.

>> No.9537134

autism hands


>> No.9537290

Whenever I used to work at this store, I would sweat bullets all day long just from being a produce clerk because I was drinking a shit ton of liquor back then. Was crazy.

>> No.9537316

>Wake up 20 minutes before alcohol sale ends
>I am become Forrest Gump
>Throw up twice on my way to the store
>Small things like that never mattered to Forrest Gump
>Walk out the store 2 minutes before alcohol sale closes with snacks and booze

>> No.9537338

Anyone else get mood swings?

I'm always short tempered when I'm not drinking

>> No.9537345
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I POUR sweat when I'm not drinking, Even on benzos.

>tfw 57F
>look like I just ran a marathon
>shave my head so beads of sweat are even more noticeable

>> No.9537355

>sweating and skin feels really hot
>muscles and spine feel chills
>can't decide if I'm hot or cold

>> No.9537389
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>keep your headache
>get even more nauseous

pick one

>> No.9537507

How early is too early?

>> No.9537511

if you're self conscious about it, it's too early

otherwise go for it

>> No.9537539

Consider it just very late the day prior

>> No.9537549
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Anyone else /economy/ here?

>> No.9537552

RIP head

>> No.9537555

I'm pretty sure I've lost memories from only a couple of years ago.

>> No.9537556

1.75L cheap vodka is the most cost effective alcohol content per volume.

>> No.9537567

I'm not quite sure about that. That box you see there is 41 standard drinks, and it cost me a mere 14.99AUD.

I'm quite certain that's unbeatable.

>> No.9537649

The perfect edition for me. At least I didn't make a fool of myselfz

>> No.9537651

You're both.

Before waking up.

Depends where. Some places have higher taxes on spirit, making wine/beer/cider the best option.
Wine lobby is strong in France for example, it's less taxed than premix that has similar %.

>> No.9537683

It's never too early.
It's always too late.

>> No.9537768
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>standard drinks
Means nothing. How many units? (10ml ethanol (why doesn't everyone use the 'unit' measurement standard? https://youtube.com/watch?v=jIyGsiKeS7k))))
I either drink vodka, fifteen quid for 28 units, so about 55p/unit, or cider if I'm trying to stop drinking, 90p for 4 units, 23p/litre.
If I didn't have to swallow gallons of the (acidic as fuck, disgusting, corrosive, stomach-destroying) cider to feel anything I'd drink it all the time.

>> No.9537770

depends on the country your in. some tax liquor a lot more than wine and beer so you see people drinking boxwine or slurping on cans of extra strong lager.

>> No.9537779

alcks need to learn aboot stool inspection desu

could save lives

>> No.9537780

>23p per litre
*per unit

>> No.9537783


heart's racing bad enough as it is desu. being a drunk put me off cawfee

>> No.9537784

I only shit out black goo that smells really sugary for some reason

>> No.9537797

>the internal bleeding special


>> No.9537799
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>> No.9537807

That is literally upper gastric bleeding. You should probably see a doctor about it. Might be something you can fix with some Nexium or antibiotics. Might... not.

>> No.9537812

Could be.


>> No.9537823
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It's been happening for years. Shouldn't I be dead by now if that was the case?

>> No.9537831

No, people are pretty sturdy, for a while. But fucking up your body is like what they say about going broke: First gradually and then suddenly.

>> No.9537832

thaks doc

>> No.9537846

try harder faygo

>> No.9537850

after a night of drinking beer, i am talking 15-20 beers, the shit i have the next morning smells very much like blue berries.

>> No.9537857

my area you just have to walk to the beer store and as you walk out people ask "you good" mostly they sell crack. my types show up to bars later at night and shoot pool till I a roatie comes along

>> No.9537874

go to a real doc senpai

shitting like that isn't normal

>> No.9537917

Same boat mate. I am gonna drink some tea after work, get a shower and watch some movie before falling asleep not worrying if I did something retarded. I just can't drink anymore, was dying...I just woke up one night, looked at my surroundings and I said to myself i just want a cup of tea forever please. The alcohol ride lasted from ages 13-23, I'm done for now.

>> No.9537924

That's digested blood mate. Ya need to get to the local medical facility asap

>> No.9537934

The ones who come to this thread and say they got sober are usuallly the ones who have never faced withdrawal. at day 3 you are starting to get dts bad / but guys I drank till excess when I didn't have school. moms said i was an alcohol

>> No.9537960

Have a beer and chill out faggot

>> No.9537962

Withdrawals hit people differently, someone could drink the same as you and not feel any withdrawals other than brain fog. Just because your genetics make you a quivering, pathetic mess when you try and stop doesn't mean it's not hard for others to also quit. The addiction is still there, you just have a more extreme reaction to it. Faggots like you ruin this general, trying to shame people and one upping others. There's always someone worse than you.

t. Someone who only last month decided to quit after drinking at least 1 liter + 4 strong ciders a day for 8 years whose only withdrawals were anxiety, slight shaking and night sweats

>> No.9537972



You can't drink cider like a woman and think you are an alcoholic, When you are drinking 3+ handles of vodka a week come talk.

Do you drink smirnoff ice's too you fucking queer lol

>> No.9537977

I got bottle of vodka 45% and am bretty chill. don't get ur panties knotted

>> No.9537986



I got a hardy laff

>> No.9537990

oh man, just shut the fuck up already

>> No.9538006

1 liter of vodka + 4 ciders (8.5 percent) isn't a joke, you cancerous faggot.

>> No.9538008

Depends on how much you drink and how dumb you are with your quitting tactics. If you're at the point that you get full DTs you shouldn't be quitting by yourself, but medicated to such a degree that it doesn't happen.

Being a dumb drunk doesn't make you more real, just makes you more dumb.

>> No.9538012

I'm pretty sure 1ltr vodka + 4 strong ciders is more than 3 handles of vodka by a petty big margin friend

>> No.9538013

>newfag kid who thinks wrecking his life is a badge of honor

pls go back to /b/

>> No.9538015

When did they start making cider 100 proof?

>> No.9538016

As in 1ltr + 4 strong ciders a day vs your 3 handles.

>> No.9538030

1 liter of vodka every day is 7 liters

4 8.5 ciders is enough to get a normal person pretty hammered

Your 3 handles at 1.75 liters each is around 6liters (this is being generous, as you said +)

He wins this big boi

>> No.9538041

Are you mentally challenged? The kid literally said he quit drinking after a year and had "no withdrawal"

>> No.9538042

Yeah, we get it, you're the best alkie there is big boy. With YUGE withdrawals, nobody understand.

You sound underage.

3 handles is 5.25L.
7L is over 7.25L. Even if cider was water, it'd be more.
You didn't even went through elementary school boy. Leave and don't come back before you when you can drink 4 pints of hard cider without puking.

>> No.9538056

Hey guys quit drinking like I did. not withdrawals for me and I have be an hero for so wong. seee my whisky dick

>> No.9538063

ugh, ya that is totally what I was going for. samefagging to prove your point? little kid

>> No.9538068

>4 pints of hard cider
>cider rarely goes over 7%
come back when you can drink a 1.75 l of vodka for 3 days straight, still make enough money to support yourself and no live in momma basement. keep it up with that hard as a san quentin cider. yurofag

>> No.9538070

>he thinks alkies are particular about what they drink
bruh, so long as it has alcohol content then down the hatch it goes

>> No.9538073

>The kid

I was responding to a post that was not referring any other post. There was no particular case.

>> No.9538074

seems like the place to ask
any of y'all tried your luck making ice wine? how'd it turn out?

>> No.9538075

Oh he's baiting. Nvm then. Just make a new general tbqhwyf, this one is ruined.

>> No.9538085

He'll grow tired after a while.
Same kid was there yesterday, or before I can't be arsed to know what day it is.

>> No.9538088

This was ruined the moment the " b but I quit drinking with no ill effect, how are you even an alcohol" people

crack another cider m8 the store closes soon, bettter get more? fucking kek

>> No.9538111

I am in here on a daily basis. I will never grow tired or treating you brainlets like shit. your view on the world is just amuse

>> No.9538123

You realise the same can be said against you, right?
Did you go through withdrawals many times?

>> No.9538155

I never claimed to have not gone through withdrawal but you like to make it a thing. You drink cider too m8? fucking kekles hurt

>> No.9538161
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>> No.9538174

What I was saying is that you're a "brainlet and your view on the world is just amuse".
And that you might have brain damage from withdrawing too much.

Scales are not supposed to be rusty... Also I think all the crap of the sides on the pan might prevent it from moving freely.
There are good cheap ones on Amazon.

>> No.9538224

>implying that is my only scale

tell me more about rust on a scale. you are proving to be a brainlet

>> No.9538253

fell face first onto pavement and smashed my teeth 3 months ago because i was so drunk. the pain is fucking indescribable. it's only getting worse everyday i've never felt pain even 1% as bad as this. getting drunk af doesn't even dull it. gonna start shooting up heroin or blow my brains out.

>> No.9538269
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I don't know about 100 proof, but calvados is close.

>arguing over who is more worthy of being called an alcoholic

>> No.9538286
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Have you considered using your designated heroin money to see a dentist?

>> No.9538299

yes and it didn't help. she gave me root canals and it hurts more now wtf

>> No.9538313

She butchered her job. It's supposed to be impossible to hurt if you remove all the nerves, if it's painful it means she left some.
Go back and complain. There should be some kind of assurance after these jobs.

Bad dentists are the worst.

>> No.9538316

13 days off booze. Have had an intense craving for crack for the last 3. Why can't I just fuck off and leave me alone?

>> No.9538318

dumb drugposter

>> No.9538328

>alcohol is not a drug
keep it up, you are amazinlgy smrt

>> No.9538343

i didn't say that

>> No.9538346

I've been to the dentist three times in 25 years. I hate them so much that I brush my teeth like 6 times a day. If I try to go sober I throw up all over everything and panic. If I go drunk, they won't treat me.
There has to be some DIY guide for dentistry online. I hear for example that injecting your gum with cocaine will completely numb half your face for long enough that you can pull a tooth. There must be the appropriate tools for sale online.
Teeth are retarded. Why the fuck do we need feeling in our teeth at all ffs, let alone so many nerves that people are suicidal if 1 tooth is broken.

>> No.9538348

i saw two different dentist and it still fucking kills. i've known both for a while they are good i trust them. i think i just fucked them up to bad might have fucked my gums or something don't know why else it would still hurt. i fell 5 feet and landed teeth first.

>> No.9538356

>i fell 5 feet and landed teeth first
The mystery of why your teeth hurt may never be solved

>> No.9538367

The fuck are you doing, go to the dentist and tell em they fucked your shit up. That's no way to live

>> No.9538380

Had a dream that every time I opened my eyes, my eyelashes would hit the top if a grainy roof which would then brush dust and sand into my eyes. It hurt so much to keep them closed so I had to keep trying to keep them open for my tears to drain it all away but I could never keep them open long enough. Felt like the cycle continued for 10 minutes until there was too much shit in my eyes to even close them. Felt real as fuck. Need a drink

>> No.9538381

Crack is delicious, I put it on my happy meals

>> No.9538392
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Tips on reducing red face?

>> No.9538396

Wear foundation

>> No.9538415

The reason you can't do DIY care for tooth issues is because if it becomes infected as a result, you are constantly swallowing that saliva which came in contact with the infection, and you will most certainly die a slow and agonizing death.

Don't be stupid, just find a low cost dentist that accepts payment plans. Mine even lets me pay as low as $5 a month.

>> No.9538426

>might have fucked my gums or something
See a periodontist then. Even if it's not the periodontium he might be able to tell what's wrong, you clearly need someone else's medical point of view.

And I felt bad after being hyperrealistically mauled alive during a WD nightmare... Yours are quite torturous.

>> No.9538433

Wouldnt that make the problems worse? Im a guy. All moisturizers fuck with my skin. I can play it of as allergies and shit if its for an occasion id use foundation for.

>> No.9538435

Anyone seen the webm of the dude who gets held down by two dudes, one of whom is one-by-one, snapping each of his teeth in half using pliers? I imagine that sucked, and it sounded like a third world country, so presumably no dentists and no painkillers.
The fuck would someone realistically do in that situation? Is it a suicide sentence?

>> No.9538452

Splash your face with very cold water. Tends to do the trick.

>> No.9538456

>drug poster
> I didnt say that
choose one

>> No.9538475

Foundation / Concealer

Their whole job is to hide everything except your flawless complexion

Let them do their job

>> No.9538482

>The reason you can't do DIY care for tooth issues is because if it becomes infected as a result, you are constantly swallowing that saliva which came in contact with the infection, and you will most certainly die a slow and agonizing death.
Nerve roots are innervated from the brain, and communication is two ways along the trigeminal nerve. No one who understands trigeminal neuralgia would mess with delayed or improper dental procedures. That anon that has the phobia needs to see a normal doctor and get meds, not alcohol. Some dentists knock out patients with anesthesia routinely. How do you think insane people, dementia older people, autistic people get their teeth cleaned? Anesthesia, that's how. Twilight is all he'll need.
But, the real problem isn't saliva, but the blood supply is straight back to the heart. People with heart conditions used to take prophylactic antibiotics when having dental procedures for this reason. There are multiple studies on dental disease related to cardiac disease. Cardiac muscle infection is deadly, and inflammation orally is bad news.

>> No.9538490

Well you are a drug poster.

>> No.9538503

>you are a drug poster
find my other posts. I have drugs and love to talk about them but am not some hippo calling others drug poster while posting in a thread about a depressant

>> No.9538510

Hospitals and emergency (or whatever you call it) have dentistry units. Living in a place with health care helps...

>> No.9538516

Do you guys think expensive booze laws work?

I can't imagine being an alcoholic in Scandinavia.

>> No.9538545

Partially. Prevention and available health care is more effective.

>> No.9538592


>> No.9538600

Are you calling me a cartoon dog?

>> No.9538605

I that so? Thank you.

>> No.9538680

I know that when I was in Toronto I didn't dare step foot in the state run liquor store. As much as I love drinking, I did not like the idea of giving money directly to the government.

>> No.9538737

if by work you mean "generate more tax revenue" then yes, they work

>> No.9538754

A litre of Smirnoff costs €43.504 (=$51.61) in Norway at their government alcohol monopoly.

I'd be broke halfway through a bender.

>> No.9538865

Do you understand how it works?

you can spend you money at a liqour store or a local convience and the TAXES go to the government.

live in yur wold tone

>> No.9538870

woof oof
ur moms a whore.touch my nose

>> No.9538910

What the fuck dude I pay $19.99 for 1.75L, I would be FUCKED.

>> No.9538935

That would be $90.32, sir. Oh and the stores are government owned and open between 10 in the morning and 6 in the evening and closed on sunday

>> No.9538948

and people say norway has one of the best "qualities of life" yeah nah

At least I know how to distill my own booze now. Is that legal there?

>> No.9538954
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No, but I imagine it happens a lot.

>> No.9538978

I can't imagine that map's much good. The laws vary by state in the US and I know that distilling is full on illegal in the UK without a license, but I guess that's not what it's portraying.

Some fun historic trivia

>> No.9538983

>Not red lambrusco
Lmaoing @ ur life m8ey

>> No.9539005

That's a general prohibition map, not home distilling. I just attached it because it's semi-related, it shows how some of the Nordic countries already pretty extreme anti-alcohol laws in the past.

>> No.9539106

Yeah I figured. I've got nothing better desu

>> No.9539116

Because he's Australian and alcohol content is measured in standard drinks here. A standard drink is equal to 10g of pure alcohol, as opposed to the "unit" which bongs use which is 8g of alcohol.
So it doesn't mean nothing at all, the conversion on a box of Dolce Rosso would be 51.25 units for $15. Or $0.29/unit.
Compare this to a 700mL bottle of the cheapest vodka you can find in this country which will run you about $27 for 21 standard drinks (26.25 units).
Or the cheapest beer/cider which will run you about $40 for a case of 24.
The only economical way to drink alcohol in Australia is cask wine because wine is the only alcohol not taxed beyond belief because the wine lobbies are powerful here.
I'd recommend switching to the Rose, it's the same price, and same alcohol content, but easier to drink and doesn't give me the shits nearly as bad the next day.

>> No.9539196
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11 days sober still. buddha was right when he said life is suffering. everything is boring and sad and there is nothing.

>> No.9539210

you know the LCBO can get cheap deals on booze, then with taxes makes literally $3billion/yr that goes directly to hospitals, schools, roads, etc. I'd rather that then the money goes to fucking Diageo or inbev or some other european or japanese holding compan

>> No.9539297

The good news is he had a cure as well

>> No.9539449

3 days no drinking

back to my neurotic depersonalized self. ugh this is why i drink. i sleep like shit when i dont drink.

>> No.9539459

basically the exact situation I'm in but I'm a day behind

>> No.9539465

>know I will feel like shit tomorrow
>considering another shot or beer
>maybe I should text my ex's gf and suggest a fuck session
>can I just die already?
>meme arrows

>> No.9539473

how you hanging out? i got a new job thats gonna require me to dry out and for the last 6 months ive really started to feel the shit effects.

hard weekend binges turned into minor WD on monday so i would taper and then ramp back up on thursday. trying to get a good chunk of sobriety, but the anxiety and depersonalization is so bad i just shitpost and vidya till i cant keep my open when it comes time to sleep

>> No.9539476

>ex's gf
Does this mean what I think it do

>> No.9539482

I don't know what you think it do so I dunno.

>> No.9539488

Are you
>a fgt texting your ex's gf
>a grill is texting your ex's gf

>> No.9539496

I'm a faggot
My ex is a girl
My ex's gf is a girl
I've fucked them both
My ex is going out of town
I want to fuck my ex's gf again
She's probably not down and in fact probably hates me
I'm drunk enough to not care

>> No.9539498

Did I mention I'm a faggot?

>> No.9539503

Why are so many people in al/ck/ either unfaithful, massive sluts, or 13 year olds in 18+ year old (or not) bodies?

>> No.9539509

30, drinking long into the night, hoping I had someone in my life that would make the drinking unnecessary.

Sounds pitiful, but it's the truth.

>> No.9539512

I was never unfaithful
I'm not a slut
I can't really argue the last point since I'm a drunk 29 year old idiot who fucked up his life and is now trying to kill himself with alcohol. I'm sorry if that bothers you but not really. Mostly I just hope you fuck yourself in the ass with a piece of hot metal.

>> No.9539515

>My ex is a girl
>My ex's gf is a girl
>I've fucked them both
Ergo, slut.

>> No.9539519
File: 118 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171011-232929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me some money, $NAK. I'm tired of being a poor and lonely faggot.

>> No.9539520

>drink 6days out of every week
>have anxiety so it helps
>never been an angry drunk
>never been a crying drunk

>>the last week every time I drink I start feeling sensitive, feel like I want to cry over misunderstandings etc

What's happening to me? This is the only thing that makes me feel okay and now that's not working

>> No.9539522

Honestly I was the original response and was just genuinely confused by what you meant.
Good luck being a gay dude that fucks lesbians, it seems like everybody is a little confused.

>> No.9539527

what app is that?

>> No.9539528

>fucking 2 people in the space of 8 years is considered slutty
I may be a pathetic loser but I'm no slut.

>> No.9539530

honeymoon phase is over, bud

>> No.9539532

Well the way you said it made it seem like you either fucked them both at the same time (threesome or unfaithful), or went after the other very soon after.

>> No.9539533


Robinhood. Free trading app. Jump on $NAK and just sit back. Expected partnership within Q4 that can see high returns.

>> No.9539536


>> No.9539537

poorfag rn but starting a job soon that will give me some dispensable income. thanks for the tip anon

>> No.9539541

Yah I suppose some context is lost in translation but that pretty much sums it up (the threesome part)
It's funny how everything can just blow the fuck apart and it be entirely your fault.
I really hope a bus runs me over one of these days.

>> No.9539544

Anyway, I'm going to take one more shot, deal with the shakes tomorrow and wish you all a good night. Even the sober and shitposting anons.

>> No.9539547

goodnight anon. Hope tmrw goes welll

>> No.9539550

got fucked up cause i wanna die

gonna miss class again tomorrow

>> No.9539552
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good news (You) and al/ck/ senpai, i got the job! i start friday. the interview lasted 10 minutes tops, and thank god because i am sweating like fuck in this florida weather

bought the last sixer i'll be able to afford for a while to celebrate. pic related. not my favorite, but it's the best i can do at a gas station around these parts. drinking to my heart's content (as far as this sixer goes) tonight

i feel awful for you, man. i know what nerve pain feels like if that's where you're at. please seek medical help as necessary, it sounds awful

>> No.9539556


Here's some DD to get you started.
Consortium partnership is expected for 50% of the company between $1.5b-$3.5b, giving a PPS of between $5-$11.6 from current price of $2.04, or returns of 245%-568%... or a estimated buyout price of $18.5,a return of 906%.

At those levels, if you invest $1000 you can see a return of

245% - $3450
568% - $6680
906% - $10,060

>> No.9539559

i was there at one point. i didn't do well for myself, i'm not gonna try to egg you on to go to class anxious and with the shakes. drink happy, put on some music or videos/shows you like, and get some gatorade in the morning

>> No.9539560

thanks anon!

>> No.9539736

14 days, no booze. I FUCKING LOVE weed.
Do I continue down this path and risk prison because the UKs drug policies are written by an ADHD 6yo who's throwing a tantrum, or do I warn good boy points for kicking this satanic herb, and instead go to prison for drunk/disorderly/rapey?
God dammit, fuck the UK. I'd be cured, today, if I could just grow weed. I'd never drink again. This is my life ffs. I'm starting to think I should make national news by putting this issue right in politicians' faces in a way they can't ignore.

>> No.9539756

I have bad news : alcohol doesn't help with anxiety. Alcoholism worsen it a lot.

I hope you quit and have more fun in the bedroom.

>putting this issue right in politicians' faces in a way they can't ignore
You have to stay able to give interviews. If you do the suicide-terrorism route or similar, nobody will get the message, and/or will hate it along with you.

>> No.9539759

It's over for me guys. Last night after a binge I laid down for sleep when I felt a pop in my head. It was so severe that I actually heard it as well as felt it. I laid there waiting for something serious to happen but I was fucked up and just felt warm from the alcohol. The pop was on the right side of my head near the back, felt like something burst suddenly in my brain(though I guess if it was that bad I wouldn't be typing right now(

TOday I can feul a burning sensation in the inside of my stuff where I felt the pop. I have suffered headaches ever since I started drinking heavily (2 years ago) and had two MRIscans since then, both came back ok. Anyone experience something like this before or heard it happening to someone else who was a heavy drinker? thanks for hearing me ramble shit is fucked and not feeling so good.

>> No.9539783
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I'd guess it's nothing desu. Audible brain explosions sound rather hardcore. Maybe it was one of your ears popping?
I have, uh, I forget how many, but numerous irreparable lesions (holes) in my brain because of booze. Losing my eyesight n' stuff. Never heard my head detonate.

>> No.9539845

My finer brehs. I've got a bottle of Blue Label opened in my room, and it's got a cork seal. Is this an effective way of keeping it? Or is the cork not good for storing?

>> No.9539994

so long as the cork doesn't dry out you're probably good

>> No.9540083

how do i drink Tsipouro like a patrician? got gifted two bottles of it and ive tried taking straight shots at room temperature and chilled but to be honest its not that amazing and doesnt even get me drunk properly either. am i supposed to mix this with something? water? help me out here.

>> No.9540095

It might be a mild ulcer that will never get worse. It might be one that does get worse.
Or, since you're a heavy drinker, it might be varices on the inside of your esophagus. Those will get worse and dying from them is neither pleasant nor pretty.
I've had the displeasure of watching someone die for a large one bursting. It's basically the pea soup scene from the Exorcist except with blood.
Please see a doctor about it. He sees drinkers every day and he has long since stopped judging if that worried you.

>> No.9540110

>half a bottle of rum deep
>work called
>required to go in today, in the next hour
What do I do

>> No.9540115

I have this comic called 'Paying For It' by Chester Brown about his experiences seeing prostitutes. At a certain point he starts seeing this one woman almost exclusively, and he talks about there being a connection, and it almost seeming like a relationship (which it is. a professional relationshiop but still a relationship). I'm sure it's common for johns and prostitutes to get comfortable with each other and form a sort of bond when they see eachother often.

towards the end of the book Chester's been seeing this one woman for a few years, it's kinda of sweet actually.

>> No.9540135

Cheap cask shiraz every night checking in

>> No.9540149

Not that anon but I have those varices. I'm 95 percent sure one burst in january. I was sick as fuck and then proceeded to projectile vomit what looked like blood a few times. I'm going in for an endoscopy to see if I have any again next month so they can band them up.

>> No.9540174

I'm on day 3 as well.

The Fear almost gone and the Great Boredom is coming.

>> No.9540399

boredom is the worst part and is the main reason why I always return to drinking

>> No.9540484

Same. I try to keep myself at a steady bottle of wine / 4-6 beers a night but occasionally fall off the wagon and that turns into a bottle of whiskey a night. Then once it starts effecting my day to day life and making me feel like shit all the time I stop completely for a couple of weeks. Then it is back to the usual beers / wine and everything is ok.

>> No.9540489

If it was your day off then tell them you are at a family thing and have had a few drinks, no can do.

>> No.9540497

my dad does the same system and it works pretty well for him, especially because he typically cleans up his life during the sober weeks. he has a liver like a non-alcoholic as well.

>> No.9540635

About to leave, may get kicked out of program for not calling in yesterday. Already got a doc appointment booked or tomorrow so parole can't say shit. wish me luck or wish I go back to prison. im not picky

>> No.9540692

Stayed 3 weeks sober today for the first time in 2 years, but also started drinking again today. Why

>> No.9540700
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Not very accurate due to regional differences, but this chart is pretty interesting

Personally the cheapest alcohol I could get near me is the 42oz 8.1% ABV Steel Reserves for $1.99 each

>> No.9540764
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Almost 4 days sober and just had my first solid shit . In healing up boys. Think I got the last of the fear last night.

>> No.9540767

man that fear is unreal
there is literally no way to explain it to someone who hasn't gone through it

>> No.9540771

What is your favorite binge food to accompany your drinking?

I personally love the simple mcdouble. Ill eat like 4 of them at a time while getting shitted on rum.

>> No.9540784

It really is impossible to explain. It feels like I could just drop dead at any given moment. plus sometimes it just gets insane.

I remember after one particularly rough weekend I was recovering with some lunch beers and i was freaking out ofause I realized I dodnt recognize some of the creases on my hands. It was so stupid and irrational .

Now I can't even drink 4 or 5 beers because ill get an inkling of the fear the next day. I guess that's alcoholism.


>> No.9540850
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Day 14 here. I'm not used to eating so much. Last few days I've been eating tonnes of nuts, seeds sand hot chilles. This morning I gave birth to a 4-day turd buildup. 15 inches wide, 30 feet long, heavily studded with broken seed/nut shards and about 2 million on the Scoville scale.

>> No.9540939

I lost my job after the company got bought. I've been sitting on my ass doing absolutely nothing but drinking and sleeping for almost 4 weeks now. It's even gotten to the point where my roommates, who are also alcoholics had an intervention for me. Even the roomie who smokes about 6 bowls of weed and takes 6 dabs after that told me I need to slow down.

Fuck, I just want to go back to working with the people I liked and drinking after work and playing video games. Hell, I haven't played a vidya game since April and that used to be almost all I did for fun.

>> No.9540947

>15 inches wide
That's bigger than a fucking baby. The length i can believe, but not that diameter.

>> No.9540948

Doctor's truly do not give a shit if you are alcoholic. They will attempt to help you, it's just what they do.

>> No.9540976

I drank really cheaply and heavily in college and now anything except hard liquor and basic light beer makes my innards churn. Is this normal?

>> No.9541008

No reason to be this gay in here.
Fuck off.

>> No.9541154

alcohole have alot of calories.
Bottle of whiskey is like 1500 Kcal as an example
Drink kcal
1 Beer (5,6% ) 40 cl 186
1 glass, Red Wine (12% ) 15 cl 108
1 glass, White wine (12% ) 15 cl 101
1 glass, gin & tonic (40% ) 4 cl 150
1 glass, cosmopolitan (40% ) 4 cl 120
1 glass, punsch (26% ) 4 cl 98
1 glass, whisky (40% ) 4 cl 89

>> No.9541163

2 weeks then it will be easier

>> No.9541178

Sweden here.
I do not agree with you. ILLEGALS are a problem for any country.
What I agree with is to keep it to "food" talk

>> No.9541208


>> No.9541221

Hardly. You have to be alert, concentrating and worrying all the time nowadays unless you want to starve to death on the street. I can't say I have much faith that what worked for a prince thousands of years ago, when it was normal to have fuck all to do and to just live off the land, would work in 2017 England.

>> No.9541296

>life in contemporary England is harder than in ancient India

Kek. There are plenty of Buddhist monasteries you can join even in England itself and in the meanwhile you can go on the dole and have more enough money for food and shelter.

By the time Gautama came up with his system he wasn’t royalty, he was a homeless beggar living on peasant scraps and wearing the rags of the dead.

>> No.9541351

>monasteries in U.K.
Bunch of middle class poofters, whose routine seems to be to sit on the floor for 3 days, then pretend that the experience has changed their lives, before losing their shit the moment they're back home. If I could just exist, take only what few resources I need and live off a food-rich, unspoiled environment like that of Tibet thousands of years ago, never have to work, not have a trillion bills and debts then I'd be pretty chilled too. In the UK I'd be on cctv/drone-cam 24/7, I'd be shot by land owners for picking an apple, then arrested for putting up so much as tent without permission, put on the sex offender's register for taking a piss, and murdered by /pol/ for not being aggressive enough. It's massively harder to be a penniless dropout in the uk now, than it was when siddhartha was mooching around. Nowadays he'd be drinking frosty jacks, sat outside a job centre crying.

>> No.9541407
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I did the same for alnoat 2 months but it was mostly by myself and when the gf came home she normally couldn't tell I was drunk. I know that feeling man. Reapplying for jobs is the ducking worse. Try and taper if you can. Job loss turned my slight over drinking issue into alcoholism pretty quick.

>> No.9541441

Then become a monastic in Asia for life and have your food and shelter taken care of if you can’t be around middle class Westeners because of your pretentious hangups.

You’re just making excuses. Buddhism doesn’t require some back to nature pristine vacation.

>> No.9541504

How bad is abdominal pain after a week of daily drinken? (just beer no hard stuff) It goes away after one or two days of not drinking so it can't be that bad right?

I don't want to end up like that guy >>9537784

>> No.9541677

In the country where I live (Norway), the state has a monopoly on alchohol witch makes it pretty expensive.

One liter of the cheapest vodka costs 50 dollars, so if you were to drink a liter a day it would cost you 18250 dollars every year. Keep in mind that the avrage annual salary in 2016 in Norway was 66384 dollars.

What do you think about this system? Do you think it is a good thing? would it help you?

>> No.9541691

how do you know this isen't a dream

>> No.9541747

If a 30 foot turd seems doable to you then I wanna party with you, no homo

>> No.9541760

Bought some blackberry brandy. Seemed interesting. Nearly got some cooking sherry because it was so dirt cheap.

>> No.9541786



>> No.9541816

oh man it's cosy to be sober. Or, well, not drunk, at least. Heartburn is finally gone, what relief. I was already practically dissolving from heartburn just before I quit, but for the last few days of drinking, omg. It was absolute torture. The shop had run out of plain vodka and only had citrus flavoured left. The second that citric acid and vodka hit my body and combined with the 900 gallons of stomach acid, I knew I was in for a fun ride.

>> No.9541980
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>add someone from /v/ on steam
>this happens

>> No.9542459
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