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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 312 KB, 1500x1000, Avocado-Toast-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9528959 No.9528959 [Reply] [Original]

It's actually really good you know

>> No.9528964

I'm an insecure 12 year old so I can't be seen with anything popular. Sorry

>> No.9529009

Haha you forgot the sriracha and bacon upvoted anyway :)

>> No.9529015

Will avocado prices fall in the next two years?

>> No.9529017

It's fine, but doesn't have much of a flavor. Avocados are too pricey for where I live anyways. I feel like people only like avocados because they're fatty but somehow 'healthy'.

>> No.9529040

Avocados are great, but amerilards overrate them.
t. chilean and avocado expert

>> No.9529085

They are healthy, though. Lots of fiber and vitamins, while low in saturated fat

>> No.9529089

i haven't come to /ck/ in a long time but like 4 years ago people liked sriracha. this /jp/ user called ticks claimed she made it popular. what happened

>> No.9529102

Nah, not toothsome enough

>> No.9529112

I tried the "avocado mush" style once and it was pretty lame honestly? I've grown up with having thing slices of avocado instead on bread and it's much tastier desu

>> No.9529257

You shouldn't eat that much wasabi, Anon.

>> No.9529262

Yeah no point in investing

>> No.9529263

Probably not that far, even if they stop being really popular they still take a long time to grow and have a short selling window.

>> No.9529273

I feel the same way. Unless you're making guac there's no need to mash

>> No.9529330

4 years?

>> No.9529393

Same. I prefer sliced avocado on toast or on sandwiches. Unless I'm making guacamole or some other avocado based dip or spread.

>> No.9529398

>tfw have been doing this for almost two decades now
god damn hipsters ruining my favorite breakfast

>> No.9529407

How does someone else, entirely separate and unknown to you, ruin your breakfast? Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.9529430


>> No.9529459

he's tripping on ck, you already know the answer

>> No.9529663

i had them in spain with tomato and its really good, i eat them like that every now and then. i imagine avocado only would be kinda bland.
to be specific they would just throw a tomato in the food blender and use the tomato pulp, olive oil, avocado, pepper and salt to make the toast

>> No.9529703
File: 13 KB, 271x271, 1478092140838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salt and rosemary bagel from jewish bakery
>one half baba ghanoush or hummus from lebanese guy
>other half ripe 'do thickly sliced with dusting of togarashi and black pepper
this shit is orgasmic
thanks immigrants

>> No.9529709

>thanks immigrants
Wtf I love immigrants now.
They can have my country

>> No.9529717

nah nigga let them do your dirty work and steal their food

>> No.9529768

they can have food shops in the shitty new haven suburbs

>> No.9529879

How do I do avocado toast, I've never even heard of it outside of /ck/
Just slap avocado on toast and that's it?

>> No.9529898
File: 66 KB, 720x960, IMG_1158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ewwwww why would you spread peas on toast blegh

>> No.9529909

Yes, some salt too if you want it

>> No.9529911

why is this a meme

>> No.9529919

normies are surprised it tastes good so /ck/ must hate it

>> No.9530635

good toast. mash avocado up but leave some textutre, add black pepper and maybe a squeeze of lemon.

should really be topped with eggs tbqh tho

>> No.9530713

don't forget to be a milllenial and ruin the economy with it

>> No.9530732
File: 335 KB, 760x995, Vilhelm_Pedersen,_Kejserens_nye_klæder,_ubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>prices of avocado in my neck of flyover were 4/$1.00 in 2016
>unexpectedly an emperor with no clothes loses the popular vote but becomes orangeman in chief
>avocados cost $1.88/each today at my flyover walmart

I've sworn off orange juice and orange fools for the rest of my life.

>> No.9530771

Olive oil, salt, pepper. Chop the avo in a bowl with a spoon - you're not making guac, so just get rough chunks. Use good bread, toast it, butter it. Add radish and a poached egg if you feel fancy, top with more olive oil, salt, pepper, and chives/green onion.

>> No.9530778

i had smashed avo on toast this morning and now I can't afford my mortgage

the meme is real

>> No.9532159

>1.88 each
you lucky bastard, they're 2.50 each in the fingerlakes

>> No.9532165

Nobody cares about some /jp/ loser is what happened

>> No.9532173

So is every fruit and vegetable except pizza

>> No.9532221

too much, it's already rich and fatty. doesn't need salt, olive oil or butter

only for americans. soy/corn has had a way worse environmental impact than avocados

>> No.9532261

>Unironically liked avocados on toast way before it became trendy
>In 2006 someone told me I was "pretty weird" for eating it
>Now it's a hipster food, they cost a $1 more than they used to in supermarkets and every cafe has it on the menu but charges $15 for it

It can't become unpopular again soon enough.

>> No.9532271

$6.00 each here in Japan :(

>> No.9532589

Fucking amerifats made the avocado prices get as high as tgey are right now. Also, Palta Hass>Palta fuerte.

>> No.9532601


>> No.9534015


It's divine.