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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9528672 No.9528672 [Reply] [Original]

I have Penne noodles, marinara sauce, ground beef, various kinds of cheeses. What's the best way to combine these into a delicious pasta dish? Any good recipes?

>> No.9528676

>penne noodles
what the actual fuck

>> No.9528678

In some olive oil fry up some onions, a fresh chill pepper and some garlic and maybe a leek all of which should be very finely chopped. Then add ground beef and fry until cooked through, add in 100ml of red wine and cook for a minute, then add marinara sauce and cook further then add pasta and top with cheese afterwards.

>> No.9528683


>> No.9528686

> Boil pasta (salt / oil)
> Brown beef (salt / pepper / seasonings)
> Add in sauce, wait for it to boil then reduce heat to low
> Add in noodles (about 2 min under box time). Cook on low heat 1-2 min
> Serve / add cheese

This is some basic ass shit bud

>> No.9528688

are you fucking serious? do you not see what the problem is here?
fucking amerisharts i swear

>> No.9528692

>Penne noodles

I hate flyovers so much.

>> No.9528694

What are they called then, fuck face?

>> No.9528699

What you want me to say pasta?
It's still a fucking noodle, you mong. What's your problem?

>> No.9528708

its called penne, if you want to a sperg you can say "penne pasta"
>mommy can i have spaghetti pasta for dinner pwease!

>> No.9528709

This is good advice, however, if you have a piece of parmesan with the rind on, cut the rind off, leaving a small layer of cheese attached, and add it to your sauce while it simmers.

>> No.9528713

Do you have any idea how big of a pretentious stuck up coastal twat you sound right now?

>> No.9528728

Mong is short for mongoloid, not mongrel.

He's calling you a retard, not an Oriental

>> No.9528739

>Murricans are now divided by coastal people and inland people.

Just FYI, historically, coastal peoples always advance (with a few exceptions ), you dumbass burgers.

>> No.9528742

Yeah I nearly suggested that but I figured it was an american poster and by cheese he meant pre-shredded shit with sawdust in it.

>> No.9528745

Both coasts of the US are fucking cancers that are spreading this BS inward. You have the west coast Commiefornians and the east coast New Yorkers and shit are just as bad.

>> No.9528754

Well, I'm American and I buy real, verified parmesan here at several grocery stores in my neighborhood, so you can't just assume that they don't have real parmesan. However, there is a sizeable chunk of our population that still has complete shit taste in cheese, so.....

>> No.9528760

Get back in your trailer, Cleetus, and be sure to buy more guns that you don't need and that will probably wind up getting you killed at some point.

>> No.9528767

>anyone who doesn't live in an overpriced liberal shithole must be a redneck southerner
This is why the rest of the world fucking hates you

>> No.9528777

>hurr it's not called XY
>it's just called X
You're actually a fucking faggot

>> No.9528785

>the rest of the world
Lol, I have news for you, BFE flyover country isn't the rest of the world. Look at the stats of the places in the US "the rest of the world" visits when they come here. You stupid hick.

>> No.9528787

i know, and i am calling him an inbred mongrel.