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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9520012 No.9520012 [Reply] [Original]

Uh... Guys... The Szechwan sauce IS. F****NG. BACK! at McDoland's. Anyone else going to try some?

>> No.9520016


>> No.9520173

What is it? Wait, on second thought I don't care.

>> No.9520178


>> No.9520181

I don't eat at McDonald's very often as it makes my tum-tum rumble. When I do go I usually get some McNuggets and I prefer to put my own hot sauce on those.

>> No.9520195


>> No.9520203

Dad brought me a happy meal with it once, can't remember the taste being anything special, so probably not.

>> No.9520209
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Begone from this board.

>> No.9520217
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>> No.9520219

hi jordan

>> No.9520227
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New sauce at maccas makes people shill this hard for free

>> No.9520228


>> No.9520237

Something so memorable that nobody remembered it until the meme of the month mentions it

>> No.9520256

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand

>> No.9520264
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Szechwan is the correct phonetic spelling. I am a Rick and Morty fan which makes me both correct and also smart.

>> No.9520272

>phonetic spelling

>> No.9520281

None available near me in a convenient distance. Are the buttermilk tendies any good?

>> No.9520289

Since when did McDonalds have szechwan sauce?

>> No.9520295

No, they're pretty bland.

>> No.9520324

Where the fuck did this come from?

>> No.9520337

An Instagram post about how Rick and Morty is really smart (which it is).

>> No.9520342


>> No.9520348

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand upvote memes. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of marxist philosophy most of the jokes will go over a typical memer's head. There's also your average r/me_irl user's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The memers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these memes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who downvote upvote memes truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the existencial catchphrase of a line "Upvote in *x* or never *y* again," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as u/waterguy12's genius unfolds itself on their computer and phone screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a money cat tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.9520351

im in NoVa heading to a location rn, supposedly itll start selling at 2pm right?

>> No.9520359


>> No.9520361

As someone who's studied chinese, the correct pinyin is sichuan (Sìchuān). Any other spelling is outdated and inaccurate.

>> No.9520375

Who the fuck cares about this shit?

>> No.9520389
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I go by the Bertolt Brecht spelling like every good Brechtian should.

>> No.9520421

Nobody gives a fuck chinky.

>> No.9520429

I want a nuggets with shazshawn sauce please

>> No.9520448
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unless it is the Best Szechwan Sauce You'll Ever Taste I am not interested in it

>> No.9520456

Have a (you) for somehow bringing bertolt brecht into the equation

>> No.9520457

I would have if it was easier to get. They made like 100 packets of it for their not really Nationwide release.

Not interested in bullshit like that.

>> No.9520461

UPDATE, my location did not have the sauce and wont have it till midnight.

finna kms

>> No.9520462

>each location only has 20 packets
>must order inside
What a dumb way to alienate people and block sales. If they're out when I get there in 8 minutes I'm going to bk and never switching back.

>> No.9520472

Fights will probably break out between people trying to steal the sauce from each other.

>> No.9520495

I don't care about the sauce but do you guys think the posters will be worth something? Otherwise I don't want to go out of my way to eat at fucking mcdonald's

>> No.9520499

Wait there is a midnight release for a sauce?
Now I want it just because not sure if I can get it

>> No.9520501

>muh szechawn

half the rick and morty loving faggots who won't shut up about this were infants when it came out

>> No.9520508

No because there are already 80 people lined up at the only McDonalds in my County that is getting any

The packets are already going for $150-200 on ebay EACH

>> No.9520515

I'm in one right now and honestly it's getting tense.

>> No.9520517

To be fair....

>> No.9520520

>Limited release fucking dipping sauce

Of all the retarded fucking things Ive heard in my life

>> No.9520523

I feel like this whole thing is going to be a net loss for McDonnies

>> No.9520527

Wait, so each store has 20? Legit?
I'm in the middle of taking a shit and was gonna head over to one. Fuck.
I'm in nyc though so there's a ton of locations.

>> No.9520528

1.) It's only at mcdonald's in big cities and I'm a flyover so now.
2.) I don't really like the nuggets/tenders at Mcdonald's.

>> No.9520531

No, their select stores have 20. Not every store got some.

>> No.9520533

Fuck no. They have hordes of manchildren in the store that otherwise wouldn't be there.

>> No.9520542

Im at a McDonald's right now waiting in line. There's only 40 sauces at specific locations.

>> No.9520543

I have a lot of locations I can go to for the sauce is what I mean. 4 I can go to for the sauce that's close to me.
But since you're saying there's only 20 packets I might not bother.

>> No.9520547

I'm going to run try to get one just to resell it on eBay honestly.

>> No.9520550

Why do you even want the sauce? It's just gonna be sugar colored reddish brown

>> No.9520554

you know that's the great thing about you guys, you just don't get it

>> No.9520558

Get what? It's a generic vaguely-Asian sweet sauce.
Other than the already mentioned resell value, it's not fucking worth it.

>> No.9520562

The closest location that has it is over an hours drive away, I want to try it, but that's just not worth it.

>> No.9520566

That's like saying why would anyone want anything that's not food, water or shelter. Cmon now.

>> No.9520575

I live two doors from one that was listed as a location and they said they never had it at all. Either someone's lying and making bank or someone fucked up. God speed, anons.

>> No.9520578

I just got like 50 packets and already sold 5 of them on ebay for 40 bucks each. I'm gonna go higher now. It does taste ok though. It's an interesting taste, I like it.

>> No.9520591


you paid 40 bucks to taste a reddit memes flavor?

i hope you're dumb or lying

>> No.9520604

Dude, you have no reading comprehension.

>> No.9520612


no no no, i'm a very good reader.

if you've tasted this sauce, that means you've opened a packet of sauce, which means instead of selling that pack for 40 dollars or more, you chose to eat it.

which is patently absurd

>> No.9520614

you forgot to count the time he spent driving to get the sauce which he could have spent working, so add another 5 or 6 bones on that pile

>> No.9520630


it's totally worth it if he even sells one. that's 2000 dollars worth of szechuan sauce he got.

but i still don't understand eating one. you'd have to be wealthy to consider 40 dollars for a low tier sauce to be a good idea, or you'd have to be passionate about rick and morty.

or none of this happened because i mean everyone has a phone and he could just post a picture of his saucepile.

>> No.9520640

Anon didn't spend forty dollars on anything, you mongs.

>> No.9520647

god doesn't exists morty! *burp* hehehe

>> No.9520652

he allocating his resources in such a way that he willingly traded a potential 40 dollar sale for a taste of meme sauce. There is a hyper jewish sickness people get into where they view everything in their life as an opportunity costs, but while annoying and irritating it isn't an inaccurate view.

>> No.9520662

To be quite frank, one does need to have a rather significant amount of intellect to comprehend Richard & Mortimer. Why, just yesterday I attempted to show my cousin (who has just entered his seventh year) the episode where the titular character, Rick, turns himself into a pickled cucumber. He laughed at the mere thought of a man become fermented vegetable, but I sat there watching, lamenting the deeper message: the death of intellectual pursuit, the desensitization to societal filth, muck, and mire, and the shameless abandonment of psychological understanding.

At the end my cousin turned to me and proclaimed, "I am the scientist that was once named Rick, but I have now become a pickled cucumber. Look at me, I am pickled Rick!", and I could not help but smile, not that the line he had just recited was humorous, but at the realization that this, in front of my very eyes, was the sum of what the episode had just warned against.

I cannot blame my cousin just as much as a man cannot blame a dog for consuming its own bile. It merely does not know any better, and what could be said about a man who judges things he does not have merit to judge?

>> No.9520675

Be real, they probably weren’t born yet. Most of the fans are probably 13-14.

>> No.9520683


you are a sub-100 IQ fucking downie idiot if you don't realize that by eating something that you can sell for 40 dollars, you've paid 40 dollars to eat it.

>> No.9520687

>spend $3 buying food and sauce
>eat sauce
>this somehow cost $40
Are you missing a chromosome?

>> No.9520688


> There is a hyper jewish sickness people get into where they view everything in their life as an opportunity costs

yes, there is, however i don't think the consideration that forty dollars is superior to tasting a mcdonalds dipping sauce is either outrageous or jewish.

>> No.9520693


that sauce was equal to two twenty dollar bills. you ate those twenty dollar bills.

your skin isn't white, is it?

>> No.9520694

This is true for anything though. If you cook or make anything it'll be worth more than its material cost. You're not saying anything useful here.

>> No.9520700

This szechwan meme needs to die. It's kind of sad that you've never tried it until rick and morty mcdonalds faggotry.

>> No.9520705

Any item that is sold only has the value of the last transaction. That guy spent some amount not equal to $40 on the sauce therefore he didn’t spent $40.

>> No.9520706

>The website lists all the stores in your area and only updates to show you which have the sauce after 2;00 when they start serving it.


>> No.9520719


>> No.9520721


that's incorrect. an objects value is simply whatever you can get for it from someone else. those sauce packets are going for 40 bucks or more on the market. by eating that packet of sauce, you are reducing the amount of money you will have in your life by forty dollars. you have lost money.

again, i doubt your skin is white. you seem to be incapable of thinking about locations in time outside of the present moment. otherwise you'd realize that destroying something worth money is losing money.

>> No.9520723

I wish McDonald's would just bring it back properly. All the Rick and Morty fans would freak out for an hour or two and then it would be over, the sauce would be a normal thing. Now, there's just going to be more pestering and bitching that they didn't do that and that this release is so limited.

>> No.9520730

This is a prime example of someone with an average intelligence thinking he's somehow exceptional.

>> No.9520737

U are just a pickled cucumber. Hes right.

>> No.9520739

Opportunity cost is Economics 101, my man.

>> No.9520748


i've made no indication as to my own self-estimation of my intelligence.

however, it's very true that it ONLY takes average intelligence to understand the concept i'm presenting.

which indicates that you, who are unable to wrap your head around why you don't eat a fucking mcdonalds sauce packet which is worth 40 dollars, are below average in intelligence.

>> No.9520751

A missed opportunity is not considered a loss.

>> No.9520756
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>100 IQ brainlet's face when he tries talking to me

>> No.9520758


ok now you're just trolling, and this is after you got caught lying, because you don't have any fucking szechuan sauce to begin with

>> No.9520793

Only one near me ran out in 19 minutes

>> No.9520795


>> No.9520802

>Are the buttermilk tendies any good?
let's ask Joey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XP-LDh8TyI

>> No.9520810

Multiple locations only got 20-30 sauce packets, some ran out before the event even started, and several didnt receive any packets at all. Overall a total shit show

>> No.9520812

McD's is doing major damage control right now. Did anybody even get any sauce?

>> No.9520832


>makes my tum-tum rumble

weak ass faggot I hope you die

>> No.9520842

I went to the event, it was in a very bad neighborhood and when I got there there was a line of neckbeards wrapped around the building out into the highway.
the crowd was so big the cops came and were standing by, and there were even undesirables in costumes.

then at 5 to 2 a girl comes walking out and announces WE OUTTA SAUCE

they had broken the street date and were giving the sauce and posters out to regular customers all day, so nobody that was lined up for the event actually got any.
I quickly drove to the other location nearby to try and get some and it turns out they never had any sauce to begin with an only had the promotional posters

they fucked up and I'm complaining to corporate about it

>> No.9520845
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>drive to mcdonalds
>see this
>drive away

This was at 1:15 pm

>> No.9520846

>he's legitimately arguing that a missed opportunity is a loss

>> No.9520848
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>> No.9520855

as shitty as this was, this post isnt true

its literally different, the mcnigger is just wrong

>> No.9520868

It's fucked up but the most you're going to get is maybe some coupons or a gift card if you keep bitching long enough. Nothing is going to change, anon.

>> No.9520869
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I tried it ages ago. It was shitty compared to real szechuan.

Honestly, this meme needs to die. I can't believe so many normies and sheep hold a cartoon to such high regard that a single episode can influence their entire day.

>> No.9520878
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This event has really brought out some characters.

>> No.9520888

You gotta talk to him dude come on

>> No.9520890


>> No.9520897
File: 391 KB, 1322x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the ingredients list is totally different. The sweet and sour sauce's first 3 ingredients are high fructose corn syrup, water, and apricot concentrate.

>> No.9520899

I am definitely not surprised.

>> No.9520903

he looks like a chad wtf

>> No.9520904

>typical Rick and Monty fan

>> No.9520905

Nearest location to me is an two hours away... Highly doubtful I'll sample it.

If it were different I would definitely be trying to get some though just for the novelty.

>> No.9520912

I was actually planning on going to Mcdonalds today but I opted for Subway instead. But if I did go, I'd just regular Bbq sauce and nuggets,

fuck the meme sauce

>> No.9520918

That hat raises more questions than it answers.

>> No.9520931
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not me
it's from some fag on twitter

>> No.9520933

What was it supposed to answer in the first place?

>> No.9520953

i visited the mcdonalds at 2:30. about a hundred people there (college town).

the sauce was gone....and had been gone for hours.......they just stayed in line to buy fucking mcdonalds.

fucking capitalism, man. they know how fucking retarded these people are.

>> No.9520957


>> No.9520965

I live in a city of only around 500-600k people and of the 7 stores listed on their website they only sent sauce to one and they sold out before the event start time

>> No.9520980

>an objects value is simply whatever you can get for it from someone else.

So if I say I would pay $0.002 for this meme sauce, then that would mean that Anon only ate a sauce worth $0.002, not $40 as you have retardedly claimed

>> No.9520981

That's really not how it works anon.

>> No.9520998

this is why mcdonalds has a class action coming their way. Bait and switch if there ever was one.

>> No.9521002

Are you kidding me? This event had *limited quantities, while supplies last* all over it. As long they had some kind of disclaimer like that, they're solid.

>> No.9521011

Im glad , you rick and morty faggot ass.

>> No.9521014

normally yes, but most of the locations that were supposed to have sauce never received any and the promotion wasn't supposed to start until 2pm, and the locations that received the sauce gave it out before the promotion was supposed to start.
so they ended up with a lot of customers under false pretenses today.
it happened nation wide

>> No.9521027

bait and switch requires you prove intent to defraud, this just sounds like bad communication both to individual restaurants and customers.

>> No.9521036

>drive 20 minutes to the only McDonalds in the area selling this shit
>long ass line
>wait 15 to get to the front of the line
>finally get to order
>"can I get the shah-zack-e-wan sauce with chicken tenders?"
>"I'm sorry sir but if you can't even pronounce it correctly we can't give it to you. it's a limited time offer and we only have a select few left."
>end up ordering a big mac and going home

>> No.9521042

>ask mommy to get me mcdonalds tonight
>"not tonight sweetie"
>but it's limited quantities!
>"sorry sweetie, no."

>> No.9521043

I don't know if plausible deniability works when this happened across hundreds of stores
a (((lawyer))) could easily spin this

>> No.9521050

So if I say I would pay $0.002 for a ferrari, then that would mean the dealership only has a car worth $0.002, not $300,000 as they have retardedly claimed.

>> No.9521054

Yeah, that pretty much covers the production cost of those plastic memecars.

>> No.9521055

Is it out in every US McDonald's?

>> No.9521061

thing is, typically with mcdonald's, you get a new item and you start selling it immediately. holding it back is really weird and it's not hard to imagine lots of managers just didn't do their job and didn't tell all the employees not to sell it since it's normally a non-issue.

>> No.9521076

So it releases tonight?

>> No.9521078

No, it's already gone.

>> No.9521080

iirc they are hand assembled from carbon fiber, most of the cost is in the labor of putting it together

>> No.9521103

Top kek

>> No.9521107
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Even if they used terminology like "while supplies last" they obviously misled people in order to draw people to their locations. If a store said "a free diamond with every purchase, while supplies last," and gave out a single diamond, they wouldn't be able to hide behind "oh well we did say supplies were limited." This is an extreme example, but the principle is the same; if people had known the truth (that each participating store only had 20 sauces) people wouldn't have lined up the way they did.

>> No.9521112

The whole "while supplies last" thing makes it not illegal though. Sure, it's still bait and switch, but not something you can actually sue over.

>> No.9521142


But what exactly do they sue for?

>> No.9521153

>If a store said "a free diamond with every purchase, while supplies last," and gave out a single diamond, they wouldn't be able to hide behind "oh well we did say supplies were limited."
Yes they would

>> No.9521155
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>wow I can't believe a business ran a promotion to entice more customers to visit the store! fucking capitalism
I will say some of the managers fucked up, some people got the sauce before 2pm like the website said

>> No.9521169

I didn't realize the law was that retarded.

>> No.9521178

I mean, the diamond thing is an exaggeration, but sales drive Americans crazy and to great extremes. I don't think stores should be punished for simply not being able to get enough stock and promise one for everyone. You'd never see good deals if that was the case.

>> No.9521214

>trump tweets himself eating mcsonalds with szechuan sauce
>biggle riggs get btfo
>can't enjoy their show or meme sauce anymore
Please let this happen

>> No.9521254

>trump tweets
>he is sitting in the oval office
>taco bell on one side of the desk.
>mcdonalds on the other
>a wall made of all the missing szechuan sauce deliveries between them

>> No.9521259


>> No.9521272

It would be glorious. Too bad lefties and carmencitas couldn't handle it and would lose their shit.

>> No.9521275
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Or just shoop it

>> No.9521286
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>yfw he gets TWO PACKETS

>> No.9521290

>revive product that hasnt been sold in almost 20 years
>only make a minute quantity and sell it for a single day

could they not stretch this promo out for a week or two so that customers who arent autistic man children dont have to deal with mobs of one time customers?

>> No.9521306

The only people who give a shit about the sauce are autists

Even the show's creators ate it and said it wasn't that good

>> No.9521317

they make up a whole bunch of charges that are ambiguous and confusing, and mcdonalds would rather settle because its less expensive for them to hand out a million vouchers for free nuggets than it is to go to court and argue it

>> No.9521323
File: 220 KB, 895x1000, 1479515258977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, enjoy an oil painting commissioned from a chinese artist in california
their buttblasting having to paint this was probably legendary

>> No.9521330

I'm sure the sauce will see a wider release later. They just saw an easy way to kick off their new tendies by doing a limited run.

>> No.9521333

>they have Rick portal into line
>he finally tries it again
>spits it out in disgust and portals away

>> No.9521341

desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu

>> No.9521390

thats odd... i always thought the creators were projecting their own (favourable) opinion of the sauce through rick.

still dont see the point in this kind of promotion only lasting for a single day. its not like its an anniversary promotion where they are selling it for below cost (like 67 cent burger day in canada earlier this year).

just seems like it does nothing but burden the staff and regular customers who dont give a shit.

>> No.9521399
File: 311 KB, 1200x1600, honey-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My theory is that they simply didn't realize this many people cared. After all, all the sauces got a limited poster, but no one's posting about them running out of those.

>> No.9521401

What's it like in 2006 anon?

>> No.9521409

Are the new tendies available everywhere? I wasn't gonna go downtown to try some faggy sauce but I would like to try the new tendies.

>> No.9521411

just fucking love Rick and Morty, in the way that I fucking love
science. It's so random and cool - it's like the show was designed for
us Redditors, see? My mom says I have an unhealthy obsession with the
show, but she just doesn't understand how funny it. I wish I could live
in the Rick and Morty world and be their friends. Everything would be
really and cool and funny if I did. Rick and Morty are so funny and I'm
so awesome that it would make perfect sense, but it'd be even better if
Bernie Sanders appeared. It'd be so awesome I'd turn up the TV in the
common room of my dorm up all the way so everyone could hear the
greatness of Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul, bacon, weed, atheism, The
Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Sweden, Bill Nye, 90s cartoons, cats,
and fucking loving science.

I run the Rick and Morty Club at my school - we come together, browse
Reddit, make some Deadpool memes and watch Rick and Morty. We don't
talk to each other but there's a cute girl there I'm gonna try and ask
out. I'm a nice guy and I dress well (fedora + trench coat +
brown-stained underwear + well-trimmed beard lightly seasoned with dust
and corn syrup) so I just know I've got a good chance with her. I've
already messaged her on Facebook, I just haven't got a response yet.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand: Rick and Morty! My favorite
character is Rick because his style of humor perfectly reflects that of
Reddit. I bet if I asked him "When does the narwhal bacon?", he'd know
EXACTLY what I was talking about. Also, did you notice he looks like
Bernie Sanders if you squint a bit and use your imagination? This can't
be a coincidence; MLG Illuminati confirmed. Yeah, that's right, I look
at montage parodies too. What good Redditor doesn't? Lenny face,
Illuminati, and Doge are so funny. If I met Rick and Morty I'd be sure
to show them all those funny and awesome memes and more!

Yours baconly, Atheist92

>> No.9521412


>> No.9521413

mcdonalds is not the type of company to start a promotion based on stuff people dont really care about. if it was an oversight then that is kind of odd.

>> No.9521415

They should be, but it's a new item that hasn't had time to roll out to every single restaurant. It's a bit weird, but there's no harm in calling and asking.

>> No.9521418

i think they are mostly everywhere except for the really small outlets that have limited menus.

>> No.9521422

Why are you posting blogs by autist bloggers?

>> No.9521424

Well, on the actual promotion site, it's about the new tendies and all the sauces, not just the one sauce. I think the oversight was just not realizing no one cares about the tendies or the other sauces, it's all laser-focused on Rick and Morty ebin meme sauce.

>> No.9521460

Better than now of course

>> No.9521465

>Being so fucking new you don’t even know about copypastas

>> No.9521875

Had the sauce, tastes of nothing, I can only assume this is some weird attempt at Yuxiang using american ingredients

This production appears to be an attempt at understanding how much control the people they entertain held over the world. Was interesting when Harmon realized that he could do these things with fandoms.

>> No.9521905

They're doing it weekly until season 4

>> No.9521932


A lot of the employees ended up looting the sauce boxes for resale apparently.

>> No.9521941

need to purge these minimum wage cock suckers
check the cameras and line the fuckers up, I'm Pickle RICK!

>> No.9521962

so every week they are going to sell the sauce for a single day?

>> No.9521963
File: 82 KB, 480x352, 1505044973390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ingredients aren't even remotely sichuan related

I hate the fact reddit and memey idiots think this is how it is now.

>> No.9521971

really effekted my verfremdungs

>> No.9521977

I know we did. Got like 30 and only a dozen or so made it to customers. I scooped up like 5 of the fuckers.

>> No.9521978
File: 113 KB, 780x1040, d3146621-d1aa-40c2-b7ff-f0b92d0fb8e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are americans so obssesed about ricky martin and their meme sauce?

>> No.9521983

this entire exercise seems pointless now bonging with babbles has shown everyone how to make a virtually identical sauce

>> No.9521987


I really can't blame you. I mean it's easy fucking ebay cash right there.

>> No.9522042


>> No.9522083

Lurk moar, newfriend :^)

>> No.9522101

?What's the point of only having 20 packets of the sauce per store

>> No.9522108

they wanted to be sure to irritate their customer base in exchange for an afternoon of increased sales. We'll see how it plays out

>> No.9522132

Woah, I want to get a copy and put it on my wall

>> No.9522148

people who went to mcdonalds for this sauce are not their loyal customers so they can afford to not completely satisfy them and take their 7 dollars or whatever. any sauce they sent to a store that did not get used is waste. desu this is exactly the strategy I would have taken. Even if R&M fans boycott mcdonalds or complain it it doesn't matter. McDicks doesn't give a shit about them. Fans only wanted to try it once and they all bought nuggets today anyways

Well played Mickie D's

>> No.9522154
File: 225 KB, 746x1328, 20171007_141324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romeoville reporting in, I was one of the twenty that a number and got the sauce.

>> No.9522186

Shitty bait marketing for the sauces, went earlier today at like 1 to stand in line for my meme sauce because there was nothing else for me to do today. Apparently the store only had 20 sauces and you had to literally buy a ticket to stand in line in order to get one of the sauces, which were of course sold out because there was 20. "First come first served."

I left after that.

>> No.9522204

Does the sauce actually have sichuan peppercorns in it? Does it have the numbing effect? Otherwise i fail to see how it is sichuan sauce.

>> No.9522217
File: 211 KB, 327x316, 1429263839623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went earlier today at like 1 to stand in line for my meme sauce because there was nothing else for me to do today.

>> No.9522223

power bottom

>> No.9522257


>buy tv for $2000
>go tell friend about your new tv
>how much did it cost?
>2000 dollars

>> No.9522265

its 1 of kind hand made piece

>> No.9522267

no its pretty much a hoisin/bbq sauce mix

>> No.9522386

t. pickle rick

>> No.9522486

Is that a Jack Sims character?

>> No.9522507

The sauces are like 150 now.

>> No.9522516

You can buy multiple sauces you retard.

>> No.9522520

You had to buy a ticket just to stand in line? Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.9522620

What a waste of time.

>> No.9522627

>own a mcdonalds
>be one of the few that got selected to carry the schezwan sauce
>tell customers that we sold out
>sell them later on ebay
feels good man

>> No.9522666


>> No.9522675

is there any doubt this is what all of them did?

>> No.9522690


>> No.9522695
File: 74 KB, 938x365, 1455730308352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ck/ being flooded with McD threads just because of a sauce

All this time I thought you guys were just joking about the chicken sandwich thing

>> No.9522759

Never seen a skinny person drinking Diet Coke.

>> No.9522971

XD I love reddit and memey funny burping athiest adult cartoon man XD

>> No.9522991

10/10 bait

>> No.9523067

>tfw youre not a burger
>tfw you wont be able to snatch up packets and scalp these brain dead meme loving faggots
Feels bad man

>> No.9523094
File: 112 KB, 576x768, SauceFaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on my way to Wendy's, i drove by my local McDonalds that was holding this gay ass rick & morty promotion. fuck the line was so long i thought it was homeless people waiting for handouts. i really have no faith in the survival of this generation.

>> No.9523100

>the correct pinyin is sichuan

have an upvote

>> No.9523169
File: 1.39 MB, 1023x767, Memeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is what Reddit and Memeys look like...

>> No.9523178

lol that's Tempe, Az right by asu campus

>> No.9523183

what's wrong with you Americans?:

>> No.9523188


>> No.9523193

Opportunity cost, anon

>> No.9523218

>Americans literally rioting over sugar sauce
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.9523223

How do you know he didnt try some of someone elses sauce? Fuck off back to redit retard

>> No.9523225

It's an old picture unrelated to the event

>> No.9523231

It should be renamed 'shart sauce

>> No.9523237

you think the type of person who claims to be scalping sauce packets has friends who would let him try theirs?
truly the redditor is you, have an upvote my good sir

>> No.9523347

I'm the anon that had like 50 packets of the sauce. Me and my friend didn't get it from getting nuggets at a store. The stores that didn't get their shipment... Well, yea. They just didn't get there shipment lol.
Gonna hold off for a day or two and sell them before people stop caring about "meme sauce". Need to get boxes for these things.
You'll also see the most ridiculous things posted on eBay about the sauce. This one dude was selling information on the stores that had the sauce. Information that was publicly available!

>> No.9523350

Yeah, I'm leaving this board now. When the top thread is about some sauce you can buy anywhere, but they sell it at mcd's now, it's time to leave for good. There is no coming back.

>> No.9523352

And yes we had about 4 packs of the sauce. Had them with nuggets (from Wendy's) and Popeyes tendies. Last night was a fun day.

>> No.9523353

seeya tomorrow

>> No.9523367

r*ddit alert

>> No.9523372

we got a code reddit boys

repeat that, we have a code reddit

>> No.9523521

this isnt an airport, no need to announce your departure to faggot land.

>> No.9523532

>Limited dipping sauce

Why americans do this?

>> No.9523556

it's how lefties do business

>> No.9523609

>It's retarded to have faith in consumers that they will realize if a promotion says "supplies limited," they might run the risk of not getting one.

Fuck off. Normies who don't own businesses always complain but if businesses had to comply to normie bullshit, there'd be nobody dumb enough to risk doing business at all.

Stop being a retard and you won't be subject to a "bait and switch."

>> No.9523618

>Anyone else going to try some?
Nope. Every other McD's sauce has been among the shittiest versions of that kind of sauce, so I see no reason why this one would be any different.

>> No.9523642

Why don't they just make it?

>> No.9523652

>those gaudy rings
>that nu-male moustache

>> No.9523656

I love faggots that yell bait and switch. Also retailers can have a limited supply and rain checks only apply to places like supermarkets. Also I think most sauces went to people working mcdonalds. Expect them on ebay.

>> No.9523691
File: 62 KB, 512x384, 2017-02-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be dan harmon
>check bank account, its pretty low
>call up mcdonalds
>propose (((viral marketing))) campaign
>harness the power of nostalgia-autists and a rabid fan base to shell over thousands of dollars to mcds
>mcdonalds gives harmon a blank check and a dry handjob
>call it """limited release"""
>just a plot to whip redditards into a frenzy
>laugh heartily when they all know theyre going to re-release it in a few months and print money off the sichuanfags

pic related, its me

>> No.9523708

Harmon and the lead writer have done this before. They have begged for nintendo products on the show.

>> No.9523957

you forgot minecraft arm band

>> No.9525356

I'm sure you have great ideas for how to fix the economy

>> No.9525466
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>> No.9525505

How one man can be so based is beyond me.

>> No.9525804

Our guy

>> No.9525867
File: 19 KB, 350x168, hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a real hero

>> No.9526155

Good attention to detail OP, couldn't possibly have made that post more reddit.

>> No.9526170

I ejaculated into my own fleshlight that had some latent semen in it. When I ejaculated into my own cum I think I created a fleshlight baby. I washed it out and there was some weird wiggling thing that fell into the sink. I'm just freaked out.

>> No.9526180

>Jerry's Drive in Liquor

>> No.9526193


>I'll take "What is opportunity cost?" for $200, Alex

>> No.9526210
File: 193 KB, 1200x600, IMG_1247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here go for yous

>> No.9526237
File: 119 KB, 385x407, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9526240

>this damage control

>> No.9526245

>those cucks who are literally spending upwards of $100 for meme value
It tastes totally shit too.

Might have been an earwig.

>> No.9526257

>sperging out this hard
You realize I don't even watch the show, right? I am just saying that's something the writers should definitely do. It would make the fans lose their minds because they wasted so much money and time to get their hands on mediocre sauce.

>> No.9526260

what lawyer would take this case tho?
unless R&M fans pool a bunch of money, you wont be finding a lawyer who will take this one on contingency

>> No.9526261

And right winged cucks just love the free market.

>> No.9526264

>he didnt get the sauce to resell it

>> No.9526265

They clearly don't need to pool the money. Take a look at those ebay listings. They are shelling out hundreds just to get one sauce.

>> No.9526278

I made some today based on the leaked recipie. Pretty good, should have done less marmite tho.

>> No.9526307

McDonald's pulled a black Friday on the nation and disguised the details. All your comparisons don't measure up to that.

>> No.9526326

the ones selling out arent the ones who would hire lawyers, because they realize they have no case

>> No.9528241


>> No.9528246
File: 316 KB, 1278x653, 1507549910352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9528433

>leaked recipe
Binging with babish's revisited recipe? You get no cool points for your hype words here, kid.

>> No.9528470

> average Rick and morty fan

At least they will never procreate

>> No.9528480

is that papa franku?

>> No.9528486

>Anyone wanna try the Rick and Morty meme shit show sauce.

>> No.9528499
File: 440 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-265231537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but you don't seem to understand opportunity cost yet anon.
Or you're just arguing semantics.

>> No.9528500



>> No.9528528
File: 223 KB, 1200x900, Beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, mcdonalds put the sauce in the briefcase, he didn't. That guy was just a bro and decided to share it with the people in the store. Also he made a pretty funny self referencing post on reddit, basically making fun of himself and justifying the situation. EI: Pretty cool dude.

>> No.9528548

>reddit and memey
kill yourself

>> No.9528559

fuck I didn't care about the whole sauce thing, but now I wish I had thought of this and done it to some fag. opportunity lost.

>> No.9528562


you're 100% full of shit

>> No.9528568

Stop making these pol threads, what is even wrong with reddit?... I'm sick of pol tards trying to make everything on this board political. These are the same people that voted for drumpf for god sake. You don't deserve the right to post here asshole

I love this tv show but I can understand if not everyone gets it, its an acquired taste, haha!

>> No.9528569



>> No.9528578

Soy. Teriyaki. Dried red peppers.

Make your own you faggots.

>> No.9528584

I love my soy! PICKLE RICK LOL

>> No.9528588

Whats wrong with soy?

>> No.9528593

Nothing man, hey does anyone know why I can't grow a beard?

>> No.9528599

Im not following you here

>> No.9528601

I was 13th in line for sauce this past Saturday. By the end of the wait time, 2PM, the line wrapped the entire way around the McDonald's and then 3 blocks down the street.

Poor souls were never told there were only 20 packets of sauce available. All these kids were in cosplay too.

>> No.9528606

do you know of any studies that show how soy is bad for you

>> No.9528610

I saw some 4chan memes about it. Thats all i need.

>> No.9528613

Why am I shorter and weaker than my father wtf

>> No.9528617

Any sources to back up this claim? People have been using soy for thousands of years.

>> No.9528628

Haha nah bro its all just memes, I love my soy milk xD

>> No.9528633

Haha yeah the mongol army were a bunch of limp wristed fags haha its the soy that does it haha!

>> No.9528638

No sources, the only sauce I need is soy sauce haha. Its really good, I don't believe any of that bullshit about testosterone levels. I don't want too much muscle anyway, I don't want to end up like some uneducated beefcake *Shudders* lol!

>> No.9528642

Can you stop getting dubs you numale soy swilling faggot

>> No.9528647

Half decent cosplay at least

>> No.9528648

fuck off

>> No.9528649

Sorry i cant help it.

>> No.9528658

Gods not real morty
Hes not real

>> No.9528665

hahaha christcucks btfo!

>> No.9528752

*tips fedora* well memed my fellow redditor.

>> No.9528789

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to hate Rick and Morty's fanbase. The hatred is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the bandwagon effect most of the criticisms will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also The Szechuan Sauce Freakout of 2017, which is deftly woven into the show's mainstream downfall - it's personal philosophy draws heavily from literally any predated example of science-fiction in contemporary culture, for instance. The fan's critics understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly despise the vapid nature of these jokes, to realize that they're not just unfunny- they say something deep about how marketing your show as counterculture and underground can appeal wildly to the masses. As a consequence people who like Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the irony in McDonald's Szechuan Sauce release, which itself is a blatant cashgrab reminiscent of Hot Topic selling Invader Zim merchandise.

I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion the entire world unfolds in laughter at the McDonald's freakout videos on Youtube. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have an original and personally meaningful tattoo that won't degrade as our culture's taste shifts. And no, you may not see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 levels of irony of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.9528838
File: 687 KB, 981x330, 1481315636536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9528970

>actually using the sauce


>> No.9528971

Is this pasta?

>> No.9528987

>literally has to explain jokes

>> No.9528997

nigger they make money hand over fist no matter what they do

>> No.9529003

This isn't /tv/, we don't want your kind here

>> No.9529019
File: 56 KB, 680x497, 0d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw made my own sauce

>> No.9529050

Fuck off.

>> No.9529051

I've been too busy to get to the local McD's recently. I'm going to go tomorrow. I hope they have some sauce left for me!

>> No.9529110
File: 38 KB, 463x387, COMPED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Me
>Be obese Burger
>Be hungry
>Go to Mickey D's for their McButtermilk Tendies
>Line from le Rock N Mortin fans waiting in line for their Reddit sauce
>People yelling "Pickle Riiiick XD"
>Non redditor gets the sauce
>Guy starts auctioning off his Reddit Sauce
> "$100!"
> "$100,000 COMPED!"
>Everyone turns around to see Eric Paddock holding a bowl of thousands of dollars of COMPED sushi
>After trying it with his Sushi he spits it out and throws the Reddit sauce into the Mctrash after yelling "Disgusting, I wouldn't even lube my anus with this!"
>Redditors pile around the trash for the empty sauce container and start killing each other
>Get stabbed by autist before finally making it to the counter.
>Order my Tendies
>Lady at counter says "Sorry this is Taco Bell we don't serve Chicken Tenders here"
>Been in a Taco the entire time
>The reddit sauce was actually a expired Mild sauce packet
>TFW didn't get my food comped

>> No.9529135

Hi jordan

>> No.9529137

This forced meme is not going to catch on anywhere but /pol/ where those retards will worship this guy for his total and utter lack of ability to disguise his autism. pls take it to pol.

>> No.9529145

I didn’t think the meme of people bragging about how smart of a fan they are, boy was I wrong

>> No.9529579

Because they couldn't source ingredients more than likely. McDs is not a company that makes up food at the drop of a hat. They spend years researching and getting contracts for sourcing ingredients before introducing a new menu item.
They rushed as much as they could and could only make this much if a batch. They had to rush because Rick and Morty fans are impatient children. The meme was dead in two weeks. If it took too long afterwards the whole thing would have flopped.

But they got it out to the public in a few months and now that they know how many fags will buy it, they're upping the scale to a proper production while riding on the memery of Rick and Morty fags.

>> No.9529620

tbf you have to have a very advanced flavour palette to enjoy szeuchan sauce, the taste is extremely subtle and without a solid grasp of chinese cuisine then i just dont think the average person would get it. There's also the subtle honey flavours that only those familiar with the deep culinary traditions of the Sichuan province could appreciate

>> No.9529650

I don't I believe that because there's nothing in it that they already shouldn't have had a source for. >>9520897
It's also supposed to be the same sauce they already developed for Mulan ages ago. And if they could produce it at all, surely they could have made more than 20 packets for a very select number of restaurants.

Nah, I'm still of the belief the marketing team didn't understand the fandom they were appealing to at all.

>> No.9529718


>> No.9529726 [DELETED] 

Adult cartoons are the same for animes, fuck them 'adults' who watch it, 'kidults' is more suitable

>> No.9529739 [DELETED] 

Tell me again why a mega corp should give a single fucking fuck to a fandom in one country. Mcdonald's could go bankrupt in america and still have chains on on other 118 countries.

>> No.9529781

Why is he calling it a children's cartoon, I don't like the show either but at least I have the sense to know it's not for kids.

>> No.9530400

Comped sauce. Kek a lek a dubs dubs

>> No.9530886

Nothing if you like being filled with estrogen.

>> No.9530907

Fuck off.

>> No.9531686

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Szechuan Sauce. The taste is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical spices most of the flavors will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his taste buds - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Guy Fieri , for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these tastes, to realize that they're not just delicious- they say something deep about FLAVORTOWN. As a consequence people who dislike Szechuan sauce truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the flavors in Rick's existencial catchphrase "I feel like I'm taking a bit of the Mona Lisa right now," which itself is a cryptic reference to Gordon Ramsay's epic Roasting In Hell's Kitchen. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as McDonald's genius unfolds itself on their trays. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Szechuan sauce tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.9533190

where is you're evidence for this. Sounds like a racist myth to me.