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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9477773 No.9477773 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the name of this dish?

>> No.9477775


>> No.9477776


>> No.9477779


>> No.9477805


I see rye bread.

Buckwheat Kasha.

And something that looks like beef liver gravy.

Everything is an ok russian food.

>> No.9477809


>> No.9477821

The largest portion the average Russian has ever seen on a plate post-1917. That woman had to work her whole life just to hold that plate, though in reality she is only transporting it to a Kremlin official.

>> No.9478029

RIP for not getting

>> No.9478537

Comfort food.

Loaf of rye bread, and a heaping serving of buckwheat. Sounds delicious

>> No.9478560

Kasha with bread and fish or something

>> No.9478565

>The largest portion the average Russian has ever seen on a plate post-1917. That woman had to work her whole life just to hold that plate, though in reality she is only transporting it to a Kremlin official.

I know you think you're joking, but ever since the oil bust and US sanctions and Ruble dropping by 60%, most of us are living a very bad life.

Not quite soviet era starvation bad, but we're on our way...

>> No.9478575

>he says as he posts from a computer with internet access

>> No.9478577

Communism. Best served lukewarm

>> No.9478581
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>> No.9478608
File: 67 KB, 438x460, IMG_1613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pictured here
>not pictured: the kerosene generator in the corner powering the PC, the exposed wiring running along the walls, and the large antenna built onto the roof providing dial-up nternet access at 10 Kb/s.

>> No.9478622


lol... the picture is not that far off...

>> No.9479426

Tell putin to stop fucking around and we'll lift the sanctions and you can become a part of the global community again. Get imported foods and wealth. Can't do much bout the oil thing tho.

>> No.9480415

b-but we won the cold war
t. butrhurt ruskie

>> No.9480454

Your fault for being born a Russian. You people are savage, soulless, monsters. And you know that.

>> No.9480698

Stop being a dick, this is a board of peace.

>> No.9480727

Your people are being punished for not bowing to the IMF. Stay strong.

>> No.9480758

Get rid of your overlord and the globalists will ease sanctions again. At most, we got 8 years under our current embarrassment, then we can put on a new face. Take a page from our more successful book.

>> No.9480905

How is Stalin viewd over there nowadays? Retarded teenagers in the USA are romanticizing him as "le ebin communism man XD no more student loans!!" and are trying to say that disliking him is "American ignorance" or some bullsbit.

>> No.9480932

Curious if you'll turn on Putin and eat him alive, or blame the US/NATO for all your woes. I mean as a country, not just yourself. I feel bad for the average slob over there who is having a hard time of it; sanctions rarely hurt the powerful until the meek get fed up and crucify them (or they manage to spin it in their favor and have a good old fashioned war over it).

>> No.9480962


>> No.9480995


>> No.9481012

More than gypsies deserve

>> No.9481022

>a board of peace
Pick one

>> No.9482197

Chujnia z grzybnia

>> No.9482250

Coming from who?

>> No.9482467

Kill yourself

>> No.9482499

Stalin special

>> No.9482534

Suck it up, it's your own country's fault. Russians invaded Ukraine and shot down a commercial airliner, then tampered with the US election. I don't care if your whole family starves to death.

>> No.9482539

Happy meal

>> No.9482543

>then tampered with the US election.
Reddit is down the hall and to the left.

>> No.9482644

"I should have gone west with that American I met in Berlin" with beans and bread

>> No.9482658

>tampered with the US election.
Do people unironically believe this?

>> No.9482665


>> No.9482690

Keep taking the "red" pill fascist stooge.

>> No.9482696

>he thinks I support (((Trump)))
I couldn't care less about who rules the Jewnited States of America. But thinking that the Russians tampered with the elections is way too stupid.

>> No.9482729

t. Russian

>> No.9482732

i will fucking kill you

>> No.9482787


>> No.9482847

When they tampered with elections all over the world, or "liberated" anybody who tried sell oil for something else than $$$. Then it is all perfectly fine. When some leftist fag from Hillaria Clinton wrote cool story about Putin tampering with erection, it is all drama.

I still remember WTC and "freedom fries" drama because France dared not to cry loud enough. And comments after tsunami or Fukushima (generally that Asians deserved it because of some unforgivable sins). You amerifats are eirther hypocrites or just idiots.

>> No.9483502

>You amerifats are eirther hypocrites or just idiots.

Both, I know an amerifag who told me they won't do a vacation in Dubai coz "muh slave workers" but is perfectly fine with going to Israshit for a vacation.

>> No.9483524

Read the news you retarded cunt, you're wrong as of a few days ago.

>> No.9483530

Borodinsky bread, gretchka and beef stroganoff

>> No.9483535

this swirling mess of bullshit you call a post is why your side lost and will continue to lose

>> No.9483536
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>> No.9483600

>Retarded teenagers in the USA are romanticizing him as "le ebin communism man XD no more student loans!!"
>t. shut-in NEET who gets all his real world information from /pol/
if anything, putin is the main promoter of "le soviet russia stronk" meme in order to distract his fleabit population from the problems he's causing
you're just a dumb stooge, but luckily for everyone with a real life you're so fucking irrelevant that your whole existence of fucking anime character pillows and shitposting political drivel on cantonese shadow puppet forums will never mean anything in the long run

>> No.9483626

Substitute "trump" for "putin" and "le 'murrica stronk agin" for "le soviet russia stronk" you have precisely the same thing happening in the US. The disenfranchised look to a strongman savior who ultimately bleeds them even drier with a middle ages leech cure.

>> No.9483634

>read the news

Where, breitbart? I notice they haven't disbanded the investigation and in fact it's intensifying.

>> No.9483653

That poor old lady :(

>> No.9483663

Turns out Russia spent $100,000 in online ads. Does that sound like hacking an election to you? It's especially hypocritical when you consider what USA has done in Iraq and is now trying to do in Syria. All around the world you have been manipulating politics. You burgers are all fucked in the head, we need to sever all ties with you or we risk being on the wrong side of history again.

>> No.9483701

Cheeki Breeki

>> No.9483805



>> No.9483839

>Retarded teenagers in the USA are romanticizing him
You're thinking of Lenin. American communists hate Stalin for what he did to Lenin.

>> No.9483862

some russian sadlad to look at

>> No.9483866

>people saying communism
>back of the van literally says RUS and has a Russian Federation flag
Stay retarded /pol/

>> No.9483906

>implying I voted for Shillary
I voted for Bernie like a true American, faggot.

>> No.9483942

If the gullible millennials hadn't been tricked by ruskie social media manipulation, bernie would have won the primary and the general. Instead they went against their own interests just like the disenfranchised drumpftards.

>> No.9484030
File: 623 KB, 1280x720, socialist dance party.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bud, no refunds.

>> No.9484174

If shit gets worse you can marry me and come here in the US

>> No.9485800

Don't forget the withdrawal from the ICC so Russia wouldn't have to answer for its crimes/aggressions.

>> No.9486895

>tfw a nurse student and all the import pills we need in hospitals are free from any sanctions and sent here without any problem as ever
sucks to insta-loose 30% of my savings (to dollar) but we are kinda good