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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9470629 No.9470629 [Reply] [Original]

New al/ck thread.

>missing your ex edition

>> No.9470670
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Been off the booze for 15 days, chest pains have stopped 90% but bloody gout has come back :(

>> No.9470700
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I need it

>> No.9470718

I think I have made an entire rule list for alcoholics
It consists of these rules:


I think it's comprehensive

>> No.9470723

Doesn't water diminish the effects of ethanol though? Or is it a meem?

>> No.9470725

Bah, forgot to add one


>> No.9470728

It literally doesn't matter if you're drinking hard liquor, but you will feel better during it, and when you wake up, if you drank enough water before passing out

>> No.9470734

>your “tapering” ends up as a full on binge and you’re back to square 1

There’s a reason we’re here you know, it’s not like we have any self-control

>> No.9470741

any of you lads want to see a video of two autistic british tripfags from r9k meeting up irl?

>> No.9470743

That's more of a suggestion to not quit cold turkey, and not to get into any withdrawals.
Kindling is bad and it WILL give you brain damage: if you're had the shakes more than twice, you already have brain damage, and further withdrawals will only make it worse

>> No.9470745

Not really.

>> No.9470746

>tfw get gout every summer
>tfw had it 3 times this summer already
The one I had in July was literal hell. So much agony.
The one I had in 2014 was the worst pain I've ever experienced, but it was only really painful for two days. The one this year in july was not as painful, but it was still incredibly painful, and the extreme pain lasted four days, since my blood work was done on a saturday and I had to wait until monday to get the pills that actually worked.
Used the leftover pills in august and september and the gout only lasted two days and three days, while the july one was like a week and a half.

>> No.9470747


>> No.9470753

skip to 3:07 to see them meet, some backstory

>one outside car is shipanon, not much to say hes kind of normie
>drove down to meet the other one
>one in the car is ebin
>real name kyle rigg, got doxxed recently
>everyone who is not a tripfag hates him
>completely despises waifufags even though he used to be one because one dumped him for a different waifufag
>is now in love with another trip, tilde, a bulimic tranny who is not convincing in the slightest

honestly there is so much lore about this cunt hes such an autist

>> No.9470769
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>if you're had the shakes more than twice, you already have brain damage

>> No.9470794

I had gout once, it was unthinkably painful. Like I've had people describe it to me and I just couldn't believe it. It fucking renders you bedridden.

>> No.9470800

I spend a bit of time on arcanine, who are the two tripfags?

>> No.9470804

they post almost exclusively in britfeel, although after kyle got doxxed all of the trips ran and made a board on 8ch
following this the threads were trip free for almost a week and were the best they had been in years, then they turned to complete shit again when all of the trips came crawling back because they werent getting enough (you)s in their hugbox

>> No.9470844

Why would anyone want to see this? Sounds shit, and sounds like 2 guys. No thanks.

>> No.9470846

>really drunk and feeling cocky as hell
>go ahead and fart
>rocket out a gallon of diarrhea soaking my pants and the couch
>just sit in it the rest of the night

>> No.9470849

Bun from burgerland here. Just turned 21 and had my first legal drink in a bar.

I had 2 cups of vodka, a shot of petrone, and a shot of tequila before throwing it all up. Did I do good?

>> No.9470862

Yeah you did fine. Don't start drinking liquor every single day and become alcoholic though, I'm serious.

>> No.9470863

just bants lad calm down

>> No.9470867
File: 252 KB, 1600x1513, 1506208086183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you fucking faggots would stop posting about your disgusting vices and bad habits on this FUCKING board. Alcohol isn't FOOD nor is drinking it like a fucking LOSER related to COOKING OR FOOD IN ANY WAY.


>> No.9470873

Hide the thread you bitch ass

>> No.9470879
File: 56 KB, 552x428, 1486235202854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb janitor

>> No.9470884

> I wish you fucking faggot would
set up a filter. Top right of the screen, follow menus, filter "al/ck/" and "/alc/".
Threads will not bother you any-more.

>> No.9470889

>Alcohol isn't food

Get a load of this guy!

>> No.9470897


>> No.9470901


>> No.9470938
File: 89 KB, 1024x1011, 1503071148183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone heard of Naltrexone? I'm a binge drinker and my problem is I just can't stop until I black out when I drink. Naltrexone apparently can help me cut that out.

I've always thought I was never an alcoholic just a lightweight who enjoys being piss drunk every now and again, I think this might actually help me drink like a normal person.

>> No.9470957

>I just can't stop until I black out when I drink
Till a few days ago I thought this was the norm. Oh man

>> No.9470975

Really? No way man, most people stop when they think they're more drunk than they'd like to be, people like us just stop until there are no more means to get alcohol

>> No.9470983
File: 307 KB, 1354x934, 1478035915019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I was in that thread too. I did wonder if there were any other britfeel posters in here, only decent thread on that cesspool of a board

>you're welcome to join m....
>[drives off]

>> No.9470993

many years ago it was the best board on here, now its basically lg/b/t

>> No.9470999

I remember dipping into it around 2010 and it was a lot better than it is now, can't really remember what was there though. Now I only go on britfeel, I don't even look at the other threads in the catalog its that bad.

>> No.9471027

I mean, I just assumed that when you're drinking alone, there's no reason to stop till you're completely shitfaced

>> No.9471037
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anyone else here enjoy a smoke with their drink?

>> No.9471043

I smoke a nice cuban cigar with some very nice whisky once or twice a year with my Dad, if I could afford it or even had somewhere I could smoke (rented flat) I would do it a lot more often

>> No.9471106

>ice in your drink while smoking a cigar
might as well not bother desu

>> No.9471108

Guy's actually got a point here.

>> No.9471112

sounds exceptionally comfy
really wish nice cigars werent so expensive, might have to just move to cuba at this rate

>> No.9471117

fugg, meant for >>9471043

>> No.9471132

If anything else it is a nice little tradition my dad and I have, but I do wish I could do it more often. My last place had a communal garden and I used to buy Dutch cigars which are actually very nice for what they are and smoke them outside, felt a bit strange knowing people could see me drinking and smoking by myself but it was comfy.

fug I want a cigar now

>> No.9471431

1. Vodka with fanta
2. Vodka pure, and a bit of water afterwards

Which one is better?

>> No.9471501


its delicious but why not just use regular orange juice, it goes better with alcohol

>> No.9471554

I have been a frequent smoker of cigarettes for almost seven years now, and for some reason I just don't "get" cigars. I've had nice ones and I often drink with them but they're never really satisfying/tasty to me.
Have I nerfed my taste in tobacco by being a casual smoker?

>> No.9471558

Vodka with water after always, this is my favorite way to drink it.
Ice water afterwords is a special treat if I feel like getting up.
Great taste, anon.

>> No.9471698

Is delet

>> No.9471863

Who else here has one small meal and one big meal a day totaling 2 meals a day with the drinking?

>> No.9471879

I kind of graze on bits of fruit and nuts, then typically throw up.
Anything high in calories and energy. Raisins, honey, peanut butter. No prep, instant nourishment. And crucially I take an a-z and thiamin.
Had 135 quids worth of food delivered this morn. Good quality food. 90% of which will just rot. Room is filled with fruit flies and rotten meals.
Eating is shit.

>> No.9471886

Holy shit the narrator guy filming the video in the car is a mess.

>> No.9471890

I used to be on that level a couple years ago but thankfully got a bit of treatment and I don't binge on liquor anymore. I'm sorry dude, there can be a way out if you want to talk to someone. It's just possible that's all.

>> No.9471891

Can you suppress your (cuckold) porn addiction with an alcohol addiction? Not even memeing

>> No.9471898

Possibly but that's a pretty tough way to go about it, wouldn't really recommend it.

>> No.9471914

Of all the people I've met on 4chins, I've either been high with, or had my penis inside, within literally 15 minutes. Why did those two even bother meeting?

>> No.9471937

I am up to 5-6 drinks a night now, really ramped up when I gave up soda a few months back(used to average 2/night).

I can still go a day or 2 without much strain, but I find myself daydreaming about what drinks I am going to mix every night.

>> No.9471943


>> No.9471947

>but I find myself daydreaming about what drinks I am going to mix every night
A few days ago those kinda thoughts started appearing for me too. Alcohol addiction is the most subtle one I've ever encountered.

>> No.9471948

I drink until I know I will be able to sleep, thats all I real'y want. Have a few hours of being a bit less miserable and being able to not crash from the high until I wake the next day.

>> No.9471950

Robots interact a bit different than humans

>> No.9471959
File: 169 KB, 559x350, KaerunDepression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking normalfag
fucking braglord

>> No.9471967

>That feel when I feel like I'm slowly starting to become an alcoholic
I'm drinking every other night or so now. It's gotten to the point where I'd rather not be sober when I'm by myself. I think my one saving grace right now is I only get totally shitfaced when I'm with friends. But I can already easily outdrink everyone I know. I feel like I should cut back but I also feel like I'm not in that bad of a spot and it won't get worse unless I purposefully let it. I don't know man.

>> No.9471974

My life is just about as atypical as can be. Don't mistake me for a happy person, bruh.
Grils on 4chins are easy. Hardly a respectable accomplishment.

>> No.9471983

Honeymoon period. When the real hell hits, you'll know. You'll miss the things you describe.

>> No.9471986

I just need something to overcome my sexual paraphiliae. I keep reaching out to some /r9k/ guy that'd fulfill my super fucked up fantasies (including findom and stuff) and I see no way to ever overcome my problems. My therapist is a fucking joke and he does NOTHING but listen to me and give me some bullshit advice. I fucking hate myself

>> No.9472000

Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. Right now is fine, I just don't want it to progress into an actual problem. But drinking just feels too good ;_;

>> No.9472001

Not him but a similar situation basically
How long does this phase last? I've been drinking like this for 1,5 year, how long could I have?
I've made peace with becoming an alcoholic, but I'm curious

>> No.9472007

We need more tripfags. Gnomebro, sudokubro, homerbro, all AWOL.
Malldrinker seems to be sober, the fucking magician, but it's hard to know who's dying when all we've got is anons. Makes me has an sad.

>> No.9472023

>not mixing flavored vodka for taste with 99c soda water on ice for built-in hydration
pleb detected
>inb4 flavored vodka
trust me, you want the soda water unflavored and the vodka flavored, not the other way around or even worse NEITHER. being a vodka soda faggot gets real old

>> No.9472046

There's nothing to get. If you don't enjoy the taste, smell and ritual there's not really anything there for you but conspicuous consumption and posturing desu.

Not a bad thing though, it's an expensive hobby.

>> No.9472067
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I find it easier to maintain a streak every time I get on the wagon.

Almost dare to think I'm improving desu

>> No.9472107

Alcohol and hangover and/or withdrawals make me horny and perverted.
(I have a bunch of dildos and butt plugs accumulating dust in a closet since I'm on the wagon.)
PAWS probably lowers libido, but that's not a good plan.
Opiates I think lower libido too, but I never tried.

>it won't get worse unless I purposefully let it.
It gets worse by itself. You have to make an active effort for it not to worsen.
If you drink regularly, your tolerance increases : you need more to reach the same spot, and you experience minor withdrawals when you're sober so it's hard not to drink.

Change therapist.

>But drinking just feels too good
I wish drinking still felt good.

>> No.9472244
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>was three weeks dry
>chuggin four lokos as we speak


>> No.9472304
File: 92 KB, 848x1508, IMG_0669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.75l boi here, anyone else being /productivedrunk/ today? Still constantly drinking but instead of binge watching Netflix/hbo, I'm finally tackling the MOUND of laundry in my room, and collecting the recycling that's littered about. I'm playing fallout nv while laundry is on so it kinda dulls the annoyance of cleaning. Slow and steady, my house should be pristine by the week's end.
I'm tired of living in squalor.

>> No.9472308

>Manage to eat one slice of ham
>body feels soothed and cosy for like 2 days
Eat, al/ck/s. Just swallow it, force it down. It really helps.

>> No.9472318

I wish junkies would get their own board.

>> No.9472319

Stop. You don't know what you're doing. There's no peace. Do it for the people you love, or they'll soon hate you. This is not a trivial affair.

>> No.9472321

I wish you'd go away too.

>> No.9472329

gordons gin and diet cherry coke and a can of 4lokos

time to get comfy

>> No.9472333

>missing your ex
I know that feel. I'm struggling to even function without her. When she broke up with me two years ago I got really depressed, and though I'm doing better now I'm still very depressed. Nothing really seems to be worth the effort anymore.

>> No.9472335

I fixed my car while completely shitfaced this morning. I vaguely remember starting to mow the lawn, but I went in to take a nap. I was only 45 minutes late to work and I'm having a beer on my lunch break. It's all good baby.

>> No.9472337
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>when you drink alcohol too slowly to pass out
Can't even get drunk properly. God, please delete me

>> No.9472338

what car?

>> No.9472343

>no alcohol
>no money
>no food
>ran out of asthma medication

what a life i lead. rent is due in a week and i'm going to have to pull a rabbit out of a hat. fuck me

>> No.9472344

Thanks bro, but I have no one, my family is either dead or estranged bc they are even bigger pieces of shit than I am, I have no close friends and I hate my job (can't change it)
At least it's something to do

>> No.9472347
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How does it feel to kill yourself in the slowest and most painful way imaginable?

I'd just like to know.

>> No.9472352

join the military before you're homeless and smell like a turd

>> No.9472363

i've sincerely considered it, but i've been diagnosed with generalized idiopathic epilepsy, and the military does their research on medical history.

>> No.9472370

Great. For a few hours daily.
Then hell. Absolute hell.
But those few hours are better than a lifetime of anhedonia.

>> No.9472373

>epilepsy and asthma

don't blame you for alcoholism

>> No.9472378

I had been drinking maybe like 3-8 drinks a night for about 3ish years. Two weeks ago my anxiety got so bad I started taking lexapro. It put me in such a good mood that I haven't drank since. Feels pretty good. I know I'll drink again, but I'm getting married soon and it feels good that I can abstain.

>> No.9472385

>I wish drinking still felt good.
Drinking has never felt good. Never drank for fun. Try to drink alone and to slip into numbness after dealing with nonstop bullshit, pulling magic out from my ass to make shit happen for everyone while reaping no benefits but stress and more exploitation of my efforts. God forbid I put my foot down because any time that happens, shit really hits the fan and fucks me in the ass in both the short and long run. I can stop drinking whenever I choose because I've put it to the test, but this constant cold, dead inside hatred feels like shit. So every now and again, I pour some alcohol on that shit and marinate in a moment of unfeeling. Those moments are my highlights. My tolerance seems to vary based on what I've eaten, horrendous sleep schedule, mood, stress levels. Maybe I've gone crazy. Sometimes it takes half a bottle of liquor to get where I need to be. Other times, only a few shots. But I digress. Drivel over.

>> No.9472393

Shitty 02 Mitsubishi eclipse. Bought off my brother in law because I essentially ran my civic into the ground last year by staying drunk constantly and not bothering to check fluids or do basic work.

>> No.9472396

>a lifetime of anhedonia.
It lasts a year max.

>> No.9472404

What are your reasons for drinking?
I just do it to have a glass in my hand and speak foolish things. Sometimes I do it because I can truly "let go" of things, or soothe the pain of being a heavy manual laborer.

>> No.9472408

I used to do it because it made me feel good, it made me feel happy, and it made it easier to socialize. Now I most often do it to relieve stress and/or temporarily silence the voice that tells me I'm a good-for-nothing loser who will never amount to anything and die alone.

>> No.9472421


>> No.9472422

Panic pretty much instantly when I wake sober. Drinking stops it. Legit throw up with fear when I think about my debts, my health, my family and my life generally. I'm a mess.

>> No.9472454

> I'm a good-for-nothing loser who will never amount to anything and die alone.

Own it then.
Also If you want to get rid of the voices. Stop using your brain,literally. Stop thinking. Become the dumbest thing in your immediate surrounding.

It sounds counter-productive, but by not thinking much, you can put it more effort and pound whatevers in your way.
I used to do just that. I was the happiest, most successful and content man in the world.

I do not have that luxury of being dumb anymore. I wish I never got my family. They just weigh me down, and I have to think a lot, just to ensure their shitty lives are up to their peer standards. Sometimes, I just think up of disappearing from their lives. Taking the bottle and what matters to me, go to countryside and live out as a poor metal worker in some village.
Ah...One can dream.

>> No.9472458

to forget, mostly.

but also:
>i enjoy the ritual and exploring different drinks
>it makes me feel comfortable in my own skin
>live in a bachelor's pad with three other guys and mainly associate with other regular drinkers

and, of course, to ward off withdrawals. but yeah, mostly to forget

>> No.9472470



>> No.9472475


I'm depressed guys. What do?

>> No.9472483

make sexy time with a beautiful woman/man

>> No.9472510

watching Manchester by the Sea
maaaay have been a poor choice for a drunk me

>> No.9472544

Alternatively, watch some crime documentary series. It always warms my heart and cheers me up to bask in the stories of people who fucked up at life a lot worse than I did.

>> No.9472584

Sadly, it feels pretty good at times. The first 200ml of the day is shit because it's hard to keep it down and thoughts of "why the fuck am I doing this again?" won't stop racing around your mind. Then once you're past that it's however many hours of gross indulgence that feels pretty amazing. If you're lucky, you can pass out for several hours in that phase, but insomnia sucks, so you keep waking up every 30-90min wishing you could cease existing while taking a couple more rips off the bottle in hope of more sleep.

>> No.9472612

What if you're a gremlin of a man who can only reliably score with hamplanets?

>> No.9472640

Hey man, you do what you gotta do. I won't judge you. I haven't fucked in over 3 years and I'm sure some here have probably gone longer.

>> No.9472785

One, but the moment I held it in my hands I felt I was never going to be a good father simply because I don't like anything else but myself.
Still, I owned up to it, I wouldn't feel bad feeding off the kid and sending it to school if he would show any interest in anything. But he just likes playing shitty iphone games, hes fifth grade and can't comprehend multiplications and divisions. Part of it is my fault because I never actually sat down with the fucker to hammer it into him, but goddamn if he showed an inkling of will for anything I would show him the world.
Fuck him though, I will let him do his business, I will do mine until 18 then out of the house he goes. Still trying to think of a way to get rid of the fat bitch that is parasite on my neck.

>> No.9472849

Yoo I've been on a Casey Affleck kick lately. You should watch The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford if you can, it's on amazon but it might be hbo exclusive, I can't recall. It's got him and Brad Pitt and a whole slew of talented actors in it.

>> No.9472907
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Oh god. I raped my stomache. What do I doooooo

>> No.9472942

Pepto bismal I would assume.

I usually binge AFTER suffering horribly, not before.

>> No.9472971

if you want to clean house jsut drink a bottle of magnesium citrate

>> No.9473047

Same. I'm a pack a day smoker and I can't stand cigars.

>> No.9473057
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been recently getting sharp pains in bladder and nausea during the daytime.
Have upped my quantity of alcohol daily so I'm assuming this is a direct correlation.
Anyone else get this and is it normal?

>> No.9473208
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I love milk. It's filling and I don't have to put any effort into drinking it. Is there anything alcoholic I can mix it with without it tasting gross?

>> No.9473264

A mudslide, maybe. A cheap version, anyway.

>> No.9473274

I've been traveling and drinking daily, usually only a few drinks each day but sometimes I have a pint of liquor too. My abdomen below my right ribs gets a pulsing pain which means my liver is in trouble, so I take it easy until that goes away.

>> No.9473285

dont do it brah, I forget exactly how it works but it blocks opiate or dopamine receptors or some shit like that, its just not natural, i dont think it will make you feel right.

t. ex drug and pharm addict/user

>> No.9473310

careful i got bad withdrawals from lexapro, worse than from methadone

>> No.9473315

Alcohol addiction will make your porn addiction much worse. It's called cross addiction, and one will feed the other. If always drunk or withdrawing, your porn habits and fantasies will get even more fucked up. Deal with the porn problem sober.

>> No.9473316

Now you're on a pill instead of the sauce. Hooray.

>> No.9473335

Man, i get you've got a big dialogue going on about being some kind of drunken asshole something (i dont really get whatever it is) but christ be selfish with anyone except the kid you helped bring into the world, grow a pair and drop the whole sad drunk kinda bad ass whatever bullshit you're trying to pull and do something for that damn kid, for at least a while - he will move on and you can die or whatever

>> No.9473344

i miss my ex but dont drink, not sure why i miss her though. should i start drinking?

>> No.9473353

didnt drink at all today after killing 8-12 beers everyday for a month.

even went on a 4 mile run, did laundry, applied for jobs.

tapered yesterday, feeling okay for now

>> No.9473363
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>Some random woman asked me out today
>gave her my number
>she text me an hour later
>she was sober


>> No.9473369

if you want to think about it a lot more in a much sadder light then go for it.

>> No.9473390

maybe you could even call her while not remembering it!

>> No.9473415

i always thought drinking took the pain away or at least helped

>> No.9473425
File: 118 KB, 1600x900, jebby jebbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join some hippie commune cult or do some peace corps shit if ya really got to anon

>> No.9473443

Sort of makes you comfortably okay with the pain. But it will make your problems eat you if you go the route many men go.

>> No.9473458
File: 116 KB, 500x500, IMG_0691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking a few shots and then biking to Checker's. They're based as fuck for having walk up windows open late, it really keeps me from drunk driving and being a total piece of shit. Wish me luck, anons.

>> No.9473513


trying to not drink tonight, all i want is some fucking food that isn't corn and beans

>> No.9473517
File: 56 KB, 416x700, pepe_reasonstolivesober.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the rewards of sobriety?

>> No.9473534

Not being dependent on a substance to live.

>> No.9473538

I guess you will live longer or something.
Sounds horrible.

>> No.9473540

You're always going to be dependent on substances to live.

>> No.9473547

Okay, more specifically, not being dependent on alcohol to live (which has a lot more implications than human dependency on food or water).

>> No.9473566

It still doesn't really seem like a reward.

>> No.9473578

if you can't identify the rewards of sobriety, you're probably not too far off the deep end yet. that or you're just a much higher-functioning alcoholic than i am

>> No.9473588

Yeah, I am high functioning but I just don't see my life getting any better because of sobriety. I don't see it getting better at all really. Alcohol just makes it tolerable.

>> No.9473602
File: 92 KB, 1200x627, levar-burton-to-bring-reading-rainbow-back-in-an-app-14283f1d83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will be lucky if it kills you fast. You could end up drooling on your self staring at a wall for 30 years in some shit special house for old and broken people. Maybe end up in a mental institution with no family to visit you cause they all moved on with their life's . Look after your self and you might still be able to enjoy your life when you are 50-70. read a book kid ;)

>> No.9473606

That's less than 20 years away. It's unlikely I'll be in a position to enjoy that time regardless.

>> No.9473622

Made it back just fine. Made a friend with some young dude waiting there and he bummed me a cigarette, we rolled them together. He seemed pretty drunk, too. We shot the shit for a while and exchanged stories while we waited. It was fun and now I'm home with a SHIT lot of fast food. Fixing to nail six shots in a row between sandwiches, and hopefully pass the fuck out.
C'mon, al/ck/ why is this thread so dead?

>> No.9473628

>C'mon, al/ck/ why is this thread so dead?

I've been sober for 3 days so all I have to add is posts asking why I should bother continuing.

>> No.9473631

Not risking getting in trouble for having alcohol in your system (driving, work).
Reduced danger around machines (especially woodworking and lawn care ones).
Depending on your level of consumption, you may also have improved focus, recall, and comprehension.

To drink or not is a simple cost-benefit analysis. What do you get from drinking, and could you do better spending that money on something else?

If you're not sure, try a smaller step. Cut back rather than quit, and give it a month, and see what effects (good and bad) come of it.

>> No.9473634

Using benzos to help with withdrawals from quitting cold turkey for the 20th time maybe. Maybe I keep the panic attacks, fatigue and acid reflux in mind and stop binge drinking.

>> No.9473655

You can do it. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.9473689

>missing your ex edition

I was driving earlier today and heard this song on the radio
really good memories of this song. dated a girl for 3 years and we'd occasionally drive down to this diner at like midnight to get food. Nice place owned by this little old italian couple. nobody was ever on the road when we went down at that hour, could easily break 100 mph no problem and keep those speeds for miles. that song came on pretty often on the radio when we were doing that shit. just really fun. Wr broke up in May, I miss her so much. Never met a girl I've connected so well with before

>> No.9473690

>instantly start throwing up, dry heaving, shaking, heart racing, anxious as fuck
>no booze
>no benzos
>no money until Friday
>no medical help, I've relapsed too many times, they won't have me
I feel like crying

>> No.9473708

I was trying to take a break today.

Fucked up my sleep schedule so I went to sleep at like 5pm to try to get back on point and then my dad calls me to go buy him beer at 10.. Gave me enough money for both of us so now I'm here.

I haven't had a sober day for like four weeks now; rarely have more than one in a row. Was trying to do a week this week, but I couldn't say no to free alcohol. So now I'm here.

>> No.9473723

>made a friend with some young dude
>he bummed me a smoke
>he seemed pretty drunk too
Did you fuck his boipucci?

>> No.9473733

In about 12hrs I will cry with you, anon. I have a couple rips left on a pint of vodka, but I know I'm gonna regret being alive soon. Just struggling to leave those last few ounces for when I wake up. Kratom has actually been helpful for reducing my daily consumption, but those shaking mornings and rejection of solid foods are real.

>> No.9473744

I want to snag a benzo stock, but the existing marketplace prices are absurd. It's almost like life wants me to get back in the game so it's $1/mg for alprazolam.

>> No.9473751

gimme your corn and beans
I've got some fast food-style bacon jalapeño cheese bread and pizza right now, but I know my gut won't tolerate it. I'd prefer some mellow beans and rice.

>> No.9473753

Nah, I guess I should mention I'm young too. Not some old guy crusin' for young fags.
He looked older than me, but he wasn't some "missing teeth 50+/yo vagrant" type, just a cool dude with no car who was at the walk up window with me.
Gf is asleep so I'll go smack her nice round butt when I clamber into bed later, no boipucci for me :(

>> No.9473759

You two aren't helping with how nauseous I feel

>> No.9473774
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Guessing that you are a eurobro. Be well, bruv. Ina few hours I'll be hitting tremors with ya.

If snarky, gay, butt pirate banter makes you feel ill, then you are on the wrong website. pic unrelated

>> No.9473783

>Drink 3 40s last night
>Past 2am, smoke a fat bowl of weed
>Get super emotional and introspective
>Realize I've had happiness and companionships thrown at me repeatedly my entire life and I've always sabotaged everything single one
>No-call no-show at work and skip every class the next day
>Chug tequila all day instead
>Repeat the next day
>Spend the third day vomiting profusely
>Probably lost my A status and will be losing scholarship
Can't say I didn't do this to myself, and all I want is more tequila

>> No.9473785

>last night
I should probably take a day to let time reconstitute itself in my head

>> No.9473786

Nah, southeast 'murica faggot here, why'd you think euro?

>> No.9473790

People bumming smokes from you in america if you're not a flyover are usually trying to sell or buy crack, or mug you.

>> No.9473795

Oh, nah. I bummed one from him. I live in a definitely non-flyover city but I always use bumming cigarettes as a social mechanism. That, or asking someone for a lighter. I will do either even if I have them just to strike up a chat, it's a great in and I'm a friendly person.

>> No.9473798

The walk-up food window aspect made me think you're a eurobro. But I'm a n.midwest burger myself, and we don't have walk-up window food vendors here. I think our winter months kill 'em all off.

>> No.9473802

Heard. Honestly I'd never seen one until I moved into a heavily populated college town. As I posted before, I'm mad greatful because almost nobody will serve you drive-thru on a bike.
Down here in the southeast we do not have seasons, it's some straight up 90 degrees year round dick.

>> No.9473806

Fug I'm starting to get drunk

>> No.9473822

Let's grind it out.
Get a fifth of smirnoff, down most of it in a few hours and then get back to us. Post about how much you'd like to die, save the thread and then check your post the following day.

>> No.9473830

having been addicted to both, I'd say dipping tobacco is a stronger addiction than booze. if i had to choose between either I'd pick dip

>> No.9473838

to each their own, i'm sure tobacco is tougher for some people. i don't care to dick measure addictions because they're so dependent (ha-ha) on personal factors.

>> No.9473841

Of course it's easier and preferable to be addicted to nic. Comparing those two is likely the stupidest thing I've seen on al/ck/--home of dysfunctional drunks. None of us have smoked a few too many cigs or dropped too many chaws, resulting in bizarre behavior and nights in jail or detox. Tobacco products are a side show for overindulgence of ethyl alcohol.

>> No.9473848

Down in SC-GA-FL range? Or inland further?

>> No.9473860

Got pulled over and charged with a DUI when heading two streets over to my house. It was an extremely shitty situation, and my broke ass will be dealing with the repercussions for longer than I can fathom. The shittiest part is, I was at the bar celebrating shit going right for once. I wish I weren't such an idiot fuck up, and I deserve the obligatory influx of comments wishing I died wrapped around a pole.

>> No.9473863


>> No.9473873

FL, why?

>> No.9473875

I'm a year into my second ban. 2 years to go. If I get caught a third time I'll go straight to prison.
They check for drug use now too. I smoke weed and take benzos. Guess I can't drive any more, too dodgy.

>> No.9473876

Down to the last 1/5 of a 1.75L and am honestly putting off drinking because I know I am going to have to drink it fast as FUCK for it to do anything.

>> No.9473884

just go to bed.

>> No.9473888

Can't, I've been cursed with terrible insomnia and restless legs.
I wish it was that easy, anon.
I'm just gonna have to slam this and hope it actually makes me tired.

>> No.9473899

sober 15 days now
start new job today
running 6 miles a day
woah. this is very strange.

>> No.9473932

No reason. /tips burger

>> No.9473942

How hot are you, Apollo?

>> No.9473965

More like how old is he? I bet that girl has more lines on her face then a Tokyo road map.

>> No.9473972
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>trying to get sober

>> No.9473983

Unlike porn, real life has several years between "teen girl" and "mature granny".

>> No.9473984

why u making me feel bruh ;_;

>> No.9473998

>finished the last of my bottle
why did I do that? i hope i manage a couple hours of sleep before shakes and racing heart start.

>> No.9473999
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>tfw poor so I have to drink this instead

>> No.9474010

What's al/ck/'s favorite Tom Waits song? I love Get Lost.

>> No.9474012

Also a huge fan of Icecream Man.

>> No.9474038

how the hell do you meet grills on 4chan? you go on /soc/ or something?

>> No.9474074

"I don't wanna grow up" and "The piano has been drinking".

>> No.9474079

Just randomly happens every now and again. I've been here almost ten years, so have occasionally bumped into anons who live nearby, one had mutual friends, another I bought weed from, some I've just spoken to on IM's/email, whatever. No big deal.

>> No.9474134

fair enough, guess you are a lot more outgoing than I. Only been here around 7 - 8 years but kept personal details to myself really. What other boards do you frequent out of interest? Maybe the ones you go on are more sociable than my usual haunts

>> No.9474144

I can't stand most of 4chan nowadays tbqh, it's overwhelmed with cringey kids, gay porn and repetitive, unfunny crap. I do still have a look through /diy/, /x/ and /out/ from time to time. /ck/ has been my fave board for a couple of years or so. al/ck/ has to be the most chilled place on all of 4chan. Assuming I don't die anytime soon I expect I'll meet one or two of you lot somewhere down the line.

>> No.9474147

Alright dudes am 21 in a few weeks, what should I drink? I was thinking a white Russian because it sounds good, but what your thoughts?

>> No.9474175


>> No.9474230

Drank a pint of vodka and just bought $120 of weed, on it's way over here. Haven't smoked in six years. It'll be noon when I get home.


>> No.9474232

yeah it's better to not start

>> No.9474246

>fallout nv

good taste

>> No.9474261

>wake up feeling like shit
>promise myself I'll only smoke weed and take a break from drinking
>2 hours later

Every day

>> No.9474316

My dad loves Tom Waits and when I was a kid we had a tape of Swordfishtrombone and my favourite track was In The Neighborhood, I'd listen to it over and over again. It still brings me super warm and fuzzy feels

really anything off the Frank trilogy (Rain Dogs, Swordfishtrombone, Frank's Wild Years) is pure gold

>> No.9474337
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What comes first: The physical or mental dependency on alcohol?

>> No.9474342

For me, mental. I've been lucky in that I generally can't stomach liquor so I stick with beer and cider and I think this has saved me from physical dependence. I've gotten very minor withdrawal a few times after drinking all day but its mostly a head game for me.

>> No.9474352

The habit (psychological) hit me first, for sure. Physical addiction is a whole new type of hell.

>> No.9474355

Your physical addiction comes as a result of your mental addiction. For whatever reason you're consistently turning towards alcohol, that's why you drink, and that's in your head. Then eventually that reason becomes "because I can't function physically without it".

>> No.9474364


>feels music

>> No.9474368


>> No.9474447
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>when you wake up and realise you mailed 'her'

>> No.9474506

Shit, what did you say? I have a self imposed ban on social media when I am drunk which I largely stick to. Blocked all my exs so that isn't an issue thankfully

>> No.9474514

This except the weed. I have't smoked since 2013.

>> No.9474602

Farts are literally a disguise that shits put on so they could spray liquid shit out of your ass without you realizing it

>> No.9474623
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Last time I drank, downed almost the entire bottle of vodka. Hadn't thrown up for some time. It sucked. Had a hangover. I don't think I've ever blacked out, no matter how much I've drank. The next day, on the way to work, my body felt tingly, cold, and numb like I was a glorified corpse roasting in the light. It barely felt like my body. Everything seemed surreal. For a brief moment, I thought to myself, "what if you get mugged or killed right now?" I would have laughed because it would be thoroughly hilarious.

>> No.9474670

I've been drinking to forget for years. I mostly drink now because I've been addicted to it. I even don't drink as much as I used to, but still being stone cold sober is just bad for me. Because of my mind being so used to the alcohol my thoughts race a mile a minute when I'm completely sober and I just don't like that. I think that is just caused by the dependence on the drug though. When I get a few drinks in me it's like my thinking becomes controllable to a degree and I can focus on what I'm doing, enjoy it, and live in the moment.
It also makes me feel at ease with being alone.

>> No.9474690

>shilling flavored vodka so hard
you want to know how I know you're a burger?

>> No.9474692

I used to drink because I love the ritual, taste and effect and also to deal with hating life.

Now I have other ways to deal with life so I just drink for the joy of it.

>> No.9474695

>Now I have other ways to deal with life
What's your secret?

>> No.9474739

A good culling of the social circles, possessions, habits, activities et cetera. Cutting out everyone and everything that doesn't feel like a positive contribution and more of a useless obligation. Cut out all the deadwood. Making life as simple as it can possibly be and then only carefully and deliberately adding things of value, if at all. Ditch social media, change email and phone number if necessary. I guess you could move house even, but I didn't.

Also exercise, proper diet, sleep hygiene and daily meditation practise. Cold showers and fasting optional but recommended.

Basically creating the most simple and austere life possible and learning to be contented with that. If you achieve that the rest is just decoration and variety that can be abandoned in an instant if necessary.

>> No.9474800

>tfw they are repaving my driveway today
>they started just as I was trying to go to sleep
>pounding headache and jackhammering since 8am

Well I guess I'll just drink though the day until they finish

>> No.9474807

>wake up
>feel like shit again
>go to work

>> No.9474813
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the joys of home ownership

>> No.9474824

I would NEVER suggest you buy a house.

I've probably put 80k into this fucking house, If I rented it I would be paying pretty much the same a month.

Plus fucking homeowners insurance is a bitch

>> No.9474835

My boiler exploded last year. I nearly froze to death in the winter and only got heating and hot water back after shelling out 2.8 grand for a new one. It's more expensive to own than it is to rent

>> No.9474848

It seems like too much hassle for a normalito, let alone a drunk.

>> No.9474850
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Definitely man.

You know how much this fuckin driveway is costing me? I could buy a new car

>> No.9474856

if i got nothing on my medical record about my drinking but went to aa for a few months can i still join the military?

not as bad as i was but i got a fucking masters degree and im doing jack shit

>> No.9474863

Isn't the whole point of AA that nobody knows you're there? How is it related to your medical record.

>> No.9474868

idk wondered if they did a poly or anything

>> No.9474880

That dot was supposed to be a question mark, hope I didn't come off as an asshole or anything

>> No.9474887

youre good man. didnt take it that way

Any militaryfags here? Would have to lose bout 20lb but could probs get into OCS

>> No.9474889

so basically assuming you're a failure and can't achieve anything and settling for living like a pseudo-monk in an urban setting.

I'd rather still be depressed and be honest to myself that I'm failure, but if it works for you....

>> No.9474890

A lot of drunks get stuff on their medical record about checking into the ER for a benzo extravaganza while doing the shiver I guess.

>> No.9474901

>tfw wake up with severe chest pain
>thought was going to die


>> No.9474909

The way to 'succeed' at life, if there is such a thing, is to be happy/contented, I'd say. That's a mental state. If that state can be achieved with the bare minimum of externalities then all the better because it's more robust and easier to maintain.

By which standards of success do you consider yourself to have failed?

>> No.9474968

You need to realise you have a fetish, which is just a fixation on an inanimate object or situation.
But that is all that it is just a fetish, it might get you off, but you never have to act it out as it is only pretend, you could roleplay, cum then forget about it.
No use beating yourself up about such a silly thing as fixation on an object or being humiliated, no women could even truly cuck you, only pretend to, just to please you.
If you want to look down on someone look at the diaper fags, fur fags, foot fags and all the other homo's.

>> No.9474978

>Third liquid shit today
>Ass hurts
>Ass is now bleeding too

>> No.9475001

>The way to 'succeed' at life, if there is such a thing, is to be happy/contented, I'd say. That's a mental state.
>By which standards of success do you consider yourself to have failed?

My father, when he was 23 years old, had 5 children, stable income, didn't rely on anyone but himself, worked several different jobs and owned his own business and was competent at every one of those. He was kicked out of his father's house when he was 15 and never complained, he only studied up to 5th grade and was still able to achieve all of that and become extremely wealthy. He didn't have connections either.

Me, I had decent parents, was not kicked out of home, had education paid for me by my father and objectively speaking I'm not even 1/10th of the man my father is/was.

I have managed to fuck up every goal I've set to myself and have not achieved anything so far (27 years old currently). I have debt I cannot pay (thought my father offered to have it cleared for me but I denied), I'm currently employed at a failed business which only keeps generating debt and my mental state is deteriorating with each passing day. I'm ashamed to even look my father in the eye, and if it weren't for him, I'd be homeless by now. I've resorted to alcohol to forget the pain I feel. Actually, I don't feel anything anymore, I just live each day because I'm alive, I've lost the ability of having emotions.

So, by any standard, I have failed miserably in life. I'm still stuck in the 3rd world shithole I live in, which I had promised myself to leave for a better country.

Because my father and mother were great people I'm not living in poverty and need like 90% of the people in this country.

But I have not done anything to deserve that, I was simply born to decent parents. So luck had it that I'd not die a horrible violent death on the streets of a South American shithole.

My only dream was to be able to move to Japan and live life in quiet and peace by myself.

>> No.9475010
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>spend 135 quid on food
>don't eat for 3 days, can't stand the thought of it. Entire body is so rekt that just swallowing water feels like I swallowed a red-hot bowling ball
>zero appetite. Aware that I need to force food down, presumably getting ill by this point
>roast an organic lamb shoulder with onions, garlic, broccoli and carrots, make roasting juices into a lamb, tomato and rosemary gravy
>take one bite
>throw up, pain so bad eyes watering
>Throw it away, get more drunk instead
This will end well.

>> No.9475011

You will never be happy if you cannot learn to not compare your life to others. I don't have any more advice then that I've got a righteous headache.

>> No.9475022
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Anyone else feel like less of a mess when they drink from nice glasses / tankards?

>> No.9475035

Fug that sounds terrible. Least you are making an attempt to eat decent stuff. Haven't made it to the point of not wanting to eat but I do forget sometimes. How long did it take you to make it that far down the rabbit hole?

>> No.9475039

I can see how debt and maybe going to lose your job are real problems if you're in the third world, but the rest of it is just you setting rather arbitrary standards for yourself which you cannot live up
to and then being paralysed by a sense of defeat by them and drowning in your own misery and booze and depression.

I can't see how that is preferable or more honest than being humble in your needs and expectations.

>> No.9475045

Eating really began to become a problem about a year and a half ago, I spose. I just keep honey, fruit and peanut butter nearby, force down a few spoonfuls a week and other than that, just rely on vitamin supplements and calories from booze. Can't be good for me but I simply cannot stand eating.

>> No.9475049


What material is that tankard?

>> No.9475050

You just grew up

>> No.9475053

Jesus that sounds miserable. I assume you have been drinking a lot for a long time to get to that stage? Hope you get better man. I'm at the stage of anxiety and stress when I'm not drinking with the shakes occasionally, then when I have a few it all goes away, then I end up drinking about a litre of spirits a night

>> No.9475063

I had quit. I was in the withdrawal clear and I went back.

I fucking hate relapsing.

>> No.9475064

Surely you know that's pancreatitis smirnoffbro

>> No.9475069

Didn't buy a fan heater, lol

>> No.9475070

how long did you go for?

>> No.9475073

No idea, I think it might be pewter but I don't know. Found it in a charity shop a while back and I really like it, makes beer taste better in my mind. Need to go out and find a few more

>> No.9475076

About 2 weeks. Sure it's not that long but it's improvement.

>> No.9475083

I was binge drinking pretty bad for a few weeks there. About a handle of vodka every 3 days by myself then a lot more than that with friends on the weekend. Now, I decided to take sometime off because I really felt like I was doing a lot of harm to my body. I haven't drank since Friday night. I still have a headache. I still have a twitch in my eye. I still feel pressure on my face. No shakes though, just all that stuff and a constant melancholy. When does it end?

>> No.9475091

That isn't THAT much by al/ck/ standards so you should be ok. Keep hydrated, and eat well. If it persists for a few more days then go to the doctor but you shouldn't have fucked anything in 3 weeks on that much.

There are a lot of variables of course, but I think you will be ok. I was on a litre a day for about 2 years, quit for 6 months and felt normal after a week or so. Relapsed now, but still vaguely functional.

>> No.9475096

My pancreas is apparently in very good condition. I was in hospital recently and had seemingly every damn organ checked out. Only my brain and large intestine are damaged. Pancreas, liver, kidneys, lungs (I smoked for 20 years, everything from tobacco to crack) etc are all apparently fine.
Wont last though I don't suppose. I feel fucking terrible, my eyesight is worse by the damn HOUR due to more and more brain lesions forming, hospitals will no longer help me because I just relapse as soon as I'm released, and... tomorrow I'm going cold turkey again. It's going to hurt, a lot, but I have to do it. I always fuck up tapers and doctors are sick of trying to help me.
Bought a quarter ounce of weed, it's all I've got for going CT from booze and lorazepam. Can't wait.

>> No.9475109

Last time in the hospital you were already planning to get drunk again though.

Do you have any motivation to *stay* sober rather than just getting sober? Seems like that would be the key.

Best of luck though m8

>> No.9475112

I don't know either, maybe you're right.
But my only purpose ever since I was a child was to move out of here. I'll never accept the fate of being imprisoned here and seeing the disgrace I see every day... kids being left to rot on the streets, abused, homicide in clear daylight every fucking day.

Fuck if I sound superficial, egotistical, needy and childish, but I just want to run away from it all, since I can't, I'll drown my anger in alcohol. And it's not like I'm feeling sorry for those people and the situation in this place, I don't care anymore, I just care about myself, I just don't want any part in seeing this garbage, I've become desensitized to it.

>I can't see how that is preferable or more honest than being humble in your needs and expectations.

You're right, it's not preferable I think. But then again you shouldn't expect a rational argument from a drunkard depressed fuck.

>> No.9475120

Brain damage? Jesus fuck how long did it take you to get there? Be very careful with cold turkey, that shit can kill you

>> No.9475131

Thanks anon.
Nah, I've got fuck all to look forward to tbqh. I'm old, rapidly losing interest in life, going fucking blind, running out of money, everything looks kinda bleak.
I'll get my drivers license back in a couple of years and I'm looking at buying a crazy-fast superbike, might enjoy that I suppose, but if I'm nicked for a third DUI I'll go to prison for years. If anything is going to kill me it'll be that.

>> No.9475134

I became partially-sighted overnight in 2011, been getting gradually worse ever since. Been drunk for... 24 years as of January.

>> No.9475147

Fair enough mate. It’s easy for me to be all philosophical in my cosy first world welfare state, I’d probably be much more prone to lose it in a shithole.

Going a bit pseudo-monastic/ascetic is still a decent approach whereever you are though I think. The meditation part at least is proven to be beneficial.

>> No.9475164

I've considered the bike thing myself, I reckon I'd probably kill myself within a week of getting one. Got a BMW M5 in the garage that I don't drive very often for obvious reasons, really have to be on your toes to press on in that. During my sober periods my arse has been properly kicked by some bikes, would love to experience that. I find wanting to go out in my car gives me a reason to be sober, I hope you find something like that for yourself too anon. It's a balancing act, but means I'm not drunk every hour of every day

>> No.9475165

I hate this. I even started crying everyday because I'm so scared. How do I get off this ride? It's been like 9 years.

>> No.9475183

Which fucking genius just posted this?
/b/ in al/ck/? Christ fucking help us all. I'm immediately getting blackout drunk so I'm left with no memory of the incoming bratstorm.

>> No.9475188

Probably one of the people who complain about us having a general at all.

>> No.9475189

It's not to bad when we get linked there, the recent /r9k/ and /pol/ influx was worse

>> No.9475209

What's wrong?

>> No.9475221

al/ck/ is 100% not for kids.
/b/ is 100% kids.

>> No.9475222

I'm sure that's the same guy every time. It's one thread on a slow board (ok sometimes more when we fuck up but we always migrate to one) so who cares? Least it's better than "for me it's the..." or sips threads

>> No.9475261

Back from a funeral of a buddy who od on droogs. I am pounding liqour, listening to music and considering doing some coca. hope all my fellow al/ck/ are having a better day.

>> No.9475268
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Why do i get depressed when i drink beer but not liquor

>> No.9475303

Guys, I haven't really participated in these threads, but I begin detoxing today, well tonight I guess. Have been a drinker of vodka for over ten years. At the peak I was drinking a fifth a day. Taken maybe 20 days off in the ten years, five of which I was in hospital recovering from surgery. I am worried about the withdrawal process. I have been prescribed 30mg oxazepam (serax) and supposed to take them 3-4 times daily as needed. When I was in the hospital I was on 10mg and didn't experience any withdrawals. I'm hoping for the same but really for anyone that has went through them with or without medicine how bad are they? I don't have anything against alcohol, had plenty of good times but I feel it's time now to quit before my health starts to deteriorate. Doctor told me my liver should recover if I quit now. Wish me luck.

>> No.9475317


Do you get a weird random pain in trapezius/neck shoulder region front and back?
Cos I do.
Not sure if drink related or something else...
Bunch online pics say referred pain there is liver/gall bladder but Wikipedia says it's thymus

>> No.9475327

your body chemistry and how addicted you are will determine it, a fifth is 750ml? It won't be funI drink a handle 3,74 L a day and it is blah

>> No.9475359

>neck shoulder region front and back?

isn't that a sign of a failing heart?

>> No.9475369

which side? this is important

>> No.9475383



>> No.9475384

If you were only "two streets" away from your house, then why didn't you just walk?

>> No.9475391

What does it mean if I feel more alert after sleeping off whiskey for four hours than if I'd slept 8 hours at night?

>> No.9475398


You're still drunk

>> No.9475400

It means you're alchohol dependant.
Basically you're weak and need to be purged.
You are a person unworthy of life.

>> No.9475417

Why don't you do something about it Mr. Internet Tough Guy?

>> No.9475420

To forget about all my bad decisions I've made in life. To forget about using then discarding anyone who has ever tried to help me. To forget about the girl who left me to move to another country and isn't coming back. To forget that I've reached a dead end in life and I'm only 26. Some day I won't wake up and it will be done.

>> No.9475475

Possibly, I don't feel like it though
Doubt considering I've consistently woken up feeling like dog shit since before my first coffee or booze

>> No.9475533

hops are too calming 4u

or you hate water or bubbles

>> No.9475549

Fewer congeners maybe

>> No.9475569


Blood pressure 100/70ish pulse 60-70bpm resting
No chest pains, no family history heart problems, ankles not swelling, so don't think it's heart related.
Just pain on right side shoulder/trapezous/neck/collarbone area

>> No.9475596

yea right shoulder is referred pain from gallbladder/liver pressing on diaphragm which doesnt have its own endogenous nocioreceptors and thus sends it to the closest nerve ganglion.

whatsyour shit look like?

>> No.9475597

What do you mean? Isn't drinking ok if you have it under control?

>> No.9475709

you are now aware of your shit posture

>> No.9475712


Drinking a beer, a glass of wine, a measure of spirit a day is fine and recommended by some docs.
Drinking a crate, bottles of wine, a bottle of spirits a day is not.
But it sneaks up on ya
You have another, your tolerance grows,your drink more to get the buzz, you like the buzz, you drink more, you go from drinking with friends, to being the last to leave, to drinking more than your friends, to contacting anybody you know to have a drink, to drinking in pubs alone, to drinking at home alone, to just drinking because its what you do.
Slippery slopes and all that.

>> No.9475735


Not black or pale.
Starting to think it's what's >>9475709 said and I just have crap posture.
Course that just means I'm thinking heyyy, I can have another drink

>> No.9475771

This is the part many detox fail (and why they shouldn't be called rehab if they don't rehabilitate to a sober life)
Detox and withdrawals are hard, but they last about a week (more for very heavy drinkers like Smirnoffbro). Living sober is easy in comparison, but it lasts decades, making it more risky to drink again.
I don't think SB can live sober. He's been drunk for longer than he's been sober in his life, that would be asking a 40yo man to start living from his 16th birthday.
Unfortunately, I don't have much to help. I switched from booze to pot, it works at keeping me dry, but I start having problems with pot too. Memory, cognition, social anxiety...

/r9k/ and /pol/ went so bad /b/astards are cool guys now... Well, now we know what cancer was 4chan born with.

Benzodiazepines stop alcohol withdrawals, the danger is getting addicted to them. You should taper them over a week (as prescribed I suppose), so you'll probably feel minor withdrawals, but avoid the hell that delirium tremens are.
Follow usual (and lame) sleep hygiene tips, you'll have to teach your brain how to sleep correctly without booze. It'll get better after a week or two.
Also you'll have PAWS, they suck, but it gets better. Wait until brain fog fucks off before deciding if sobriety is worth living. Many don't realise they have brain fog and think this is normal or think it won't go away.

>Slippery slopes and all that.
It's a steep slope, and there is no bottom to this pit.

>> No.9475840

also, drunks tend to sleep weird since they're too sedated to notice when they're in an uncomfortable position. i've woken up with temporarily paralysed arms and the like just because my drunk ass didn't mind laying on top of them all night.

>> No.9475854

lol. Now I know why my left arm hurt when I woke up a few days ago

>> No.9475872

This explains so much.

>> No.9475926
File: 269 KB, 1378x498, cancer or alcoholism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic attached is what im talking about

bunch of websites say if you have pain in area X then its liver/gallbladder but that covers a large area
wikipedia say if you have pains in area Y its thymus but thats more localised
so who to trust, wikipedia or a bunch of random websites

only reason im in this thread is ive had alcohol issues in the past (elevated ATL levels and ulttrasound said liver a bit fatty but that a year ago and killed the booze since then) but now im drinking like once, twice a week and its 3-4 beers only, maybe a glass of wine so i dont think its liver/gallbladder but previous history says ehhhh, you did get diagnosed with a fatty liver so could be...

but then looking at wikipedia version Y, im there going thats exactly where the have pain is...

so, liver/gallbladder or thymus or shit posture?

or should i just see a real doctor (after not drinking for a month to triple make sure ATL levels aint elevated again)

shitposting replies?
dickgirl pics?

>> No.9475934


right shoulder/neck location is what im on about.

>> No.9475937

>spleen in your sholder

what kind of magic is this?

>> No.9475947
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>made it through work sober

>> No.9475953


referred pain image

because of body nerve layouts and other magical shit, early signs of potential issues pop up in other locations of the body

so issues with inner left arm to left index finger might mean heart problem
pain at tip of left shoulder might mean spleen problem
if you have creases that run diagonally through the earlobe thats an early sign or heart disease.
or not in some cases.
(how many of you are looking in the mirror right now?)

>> No.9475998


>> No.9475999

is this real science or hippie shit?

>> No.9476035


the body like all machines and systems is interlinked
signs of liver failure is your skin turns yellow so you might think i havent been showering in paint so what the fuck is happening?
its because toxins in the blood arent being cleaned out and it builds up in the cells giving a yellow hue
your liver might not be hurting but if you look like a lemon then shit be wrong yo
go to a doc and say i have pains in my left arm and they will test for heart issues
you have eye issues it might be diabetes...
an issue with your body is not always directly relatable to the area its felt in

... except when it is.
a testicle hurts and its swollen like a football then yeah, thats cancer
you have a large bullet shaped pain in your chest after getting shot in the chest then yeah, you been shot in the chest, call the mergency services

>> No.9476043

Tomorrow is a job program for ex cons, I am not feeling like going but alas I have to if I want to stayoutta prison. kill me now

>> No.9476046

It's both. Nerves go all over the place and sometimes misfire in weird ways, pain isn't a well-understood phenomenon in the brain and shit like phantom pains and your stomach hurting when you get kicked in the nuts are weird results of your brain doing weird shit.

So they're not necessarily wrong in what they're saying, but the specificity they're using is completely fucking retarded.

>> No.9476059

You can do it bruh. This may sound corny but trying to do your best work really makes the time fly especially if it's an otherwise tedious task

>> No.9476064

Sounds like a hypochondriac's wet dream.

>> No.9476074

what does this have to do with cooking again? fuck off losers, get your shit together.

>> No.9476100


its just something to pass the time while drinking
im socially interacting (over the internet) so im not drinking alone so i dont have a problem.

>> No.9476112

>iim socially interacting (over the internet) so im not drinking alone so i dont have a problem.

>> No.9476122

meant for
I'm stupid

>> No.9476123

bro you're in the alck thread...

I'm not surprised, but yeah you can admit you have a problem

>> No.9476149

The person who told you only people drinking alone were alkies, but getting wasted daily at the bar didn't count, was an alkie in denial.
And so are you.

>> No.9476185


fair enough.

>> No.9476259
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for an anon.

>> No.9476267
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just a few grams

>> No.9476274
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>> No.9476300

>drink so i can shoot myself
>no longer feel like shooting myself

>> No.9476303
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>> No.9476354
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>got drunk last night and overly rambly and people tell me about all the shit I said

>> No.9476379

Is that hemp or some weird weed?

>> No.9476403

The first time I got shitfaced I woke up and my friends said that I kept rambling about how I want to get beaten up by women and lick their feet.
In hindsight it's kinda funny though

>> No.9476416


you did well anon, congrats

>> No.9476419

I think it is hemp, would I really post some weeds? newb detected

>> No.9476468

Took a week off, stopped smoking menthols (still smoking lights on my way to quitting) feel better too (was having chest pains). No gout, but I am guessing that's because I am poor. Trying to cook more (had been eating out).

Tonight is beanie weenies. Did I mention I am poor?

>> No.9476486
File: 1.07 MB, 2560x1440, 20170926_201539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.9476545


>> No.9476806

maybe making edibles would be better for WDs than smoking? I wouldn't know much about it, just that the one time I did edibles it was super sedating--seems like it help WD more than a psychoactive headtrip.

>> No.9476930


>> No.9477810

Why does it hurt my chin when I pull my chest hair?