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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9424674 No.9424674 [Reply] [Original]

You're at Cracker Barrel for whatever reason.

What do you order?

>> No.9424676

A barrel of crackers.

>> No.9424680

Most of the menu is pretty good to be honest

>> No.9424709

Chicken fried steak then shit my brains out for an hour thirty minutes later

>> No.9424711

What do they sell?

>> No.9424776


>> No.9424786

Oh. I don't want to eat a barrel.

>> No.9424788

Is the term "cracker" used to refer to white people based on "cracker barrel"?

Also, did white people make up the term "cracker" so that they'd have a "but what about cracker" retort whenever someone tells them to stop raving about niggers?

t. Asian who never visited a Cracker Barrel restaurant until age 28 and finds them confusing

>> No.9424793

Beef stew. With extra biscuits.

>> No.9424821
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The term cracker comes from 'whip cracker' ie a slave owner.
The actual etymology of the term actually dates back to Shakespeare but was popularised in 18th Century America as a perjoritive against whites.

>> No.9424829

>does cracker derogatorily refer to whites

Pretty easy to figure that out. A cracker is white, flaky, salty and crumbles easily.

>> No.9425022

roast beef with mashed potatoes and brown gravy, mac n cheese, chicken n dumplins and corn bread muffins with a sweet tea. I eat out like twice a year so screw it. Carbs will be carbs.

>> No.9425027

You're trying too hard and way off.

>> No.9425031

fried catfish filets

>> No.9425034

I would go on the day when they have the chicken pot pie special

>> No.9425035

the sampler (dumplin, ham, meatloaf) with mash and gravy and a double helping of green beans

>> No.9425051

Biscuits and gravy

>> No.9425053

Cracker as a pejorative relates to
And is often confused/falsly believed to be

Cracker Barrel is about literal cracker barrels, because Crackers used to be stored in Barrels. The place's theme is it's trying to be an old timey general store that also happens to be a restaurant

Country Ham, Mac n Cheese, Corn with Cornbread muffins

>> No.9425054


>> No.9425111

the rainbow trout, can't remember their sides

>> No.9425303

A grandslamwich.
Their very popular.

>> No.9425347

Country boy breakfast, eggs over easy, grits, gravy, fried apples and hashbrown casserole, sirloin medium rare and corn muffins. Usually get a cheerwine out of a frosted mug, shit's perfect.

>> No.9425350

Nostalgia. The place is basically an Ad Man's idea of what the food was like in white rural America in the early part of the last century. The restaurants are placed just off highways in rural areas for visibility and easy access. The menu is all big country breakfasts and Southern American warhorse dishes like meatloaf, chicken fried steak and chicken and dumplings. For a lot of folks it's a way to taste the kind of dishes their grandma or great-grandma made when no one on their family cooks like that anymore. Compared to good Southern home cooking it's shit, but it's a step up from other roadside options like Waffle House or Denny's.

It has also been shown that living near one strongly correlates with having conservative values, the same way living near a Whole Foods strongly correlates with liberal values.

>> No.9425358

Whatever entree that tickles my pleasure then collard greens and fried okra for the sides

>> No.9425391

Literally just a glass of water.

The food at this shithole isn't worth the energy it takes to chew.

>> No.9425394

My girlfriend works at cracker barrel, but in the retail area. I go there relatively often when I meet her after her shift or something.
I usually get the tendies with Mac and cheese and mashed potatoes, and then I ask for a side of gravy to put on the biscuits that they give me. It's like $4 with her discount so I can't complain.

>> No.9425480
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This or the meatloaf

>> No.9425520

The pancakes. Best pancakes I've ever had at a restaurant. Wish they served them with real maple syrup, though.

Everything else is just okay.

>> No.9425608

Dude start dating someone with a brighter future ahead, shit a stripper would be an upgrade.

>> No.9425610


>> No.9425619

Lemon Pepper Rainbow Trout with Mac & Cheese and Steamed Broccoli as the sides, Biscuits for the bread. Coffee, Frozen Mug Cider or Orange Cream Soda for the drink.

>> No.9425639

Tell us a little about your life so we can shit on it. How about it?

>> No.9425642

Mommas French toast or pancake breakfast depending on how I'm feeling, scrambled eggs with Colby cheese, half and half iced tea, 2 bottles of syrup.

>> No.9425647

I'm a chef at Wendy's, faggot.

>> No.9425675

big mac

>> No.9425686


>> No.9425690

A Taxi

>> No.9425697

This is depressing.

>> No.9425715
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Its a real blast

>> No.9425852
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Never in my life have I been to a cracker barrel, nor have I seen the restraunt in person

>> No.9425878

Gonna say this. Can't go wrong.

>> No.9425939

She's 17... She just started going to school for pre med. Calm the fuck down

>> No.9425951


>> No.9425954

Not him but they are non-existent west of Colorado.

>> No.9425957

Oh you can have a Cracker Barrel restaurant chain but you can't have a Nigger Canister chain fucking libtards

>> No.9425961

man cracker barrel's menu is fucking huge

>> No.9425963


she's not gonna be with a tendie chomping fuckface like you for much longer lol

>> No.9425973

>he's jealous I have a qt gf and he doesn't

>> No.9425977

gott love 4chans autismo

>> No.9425983

that's pretty funny ngl

>> No.9426018

So she's fat and delusional.

>> No.9426085


>> No.9426756

>40 minutes
this is why I never cook
I don't want to wait prep times and cooking times
I just want to get eating over and done with so I can resume normal function, eating is a chore

>> No.9426772
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>chef at Wendy's

>> No.9426778

Yeah, I'm sure you have lots of important work to do on 4chan that you can't do while a potato bakes.

>> No.9426793


I agree, they make a pretty decent chicken fried steak.

>> No.9426794

Their chicken lunch special is healthy enough.

Their lunch meatloaf is a bit less healthy but still good.

For dinner I get the fish.

Most of the other items are so unhealthy. I don't just mean in general, but even by restraunt stands. It's comical.

>> No.9426797

Can't go wrong with fried catfish.

>> No.9426800

Country boy breakfast..ham, eggs over med.

>> No.9426803

Same, and I grew up in South Dakota

>> No.9426808
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>> No.9426923

chicken fried steak because i want to die happily.

or may tendies...actually, if this shit includes breakfast, then a plate of eggs bacon and toast

>> No.9427030

>Chicken fried chicken, which is really just a giant tendie
>mashed potatoes

>> No.9427204

the 40 minutes is a lie those fucking things never take less than an hour to get crispy

>> No.9427207

This. So much this.

>> No.9427227

When I was a kid I liked the cheesey hashbrown casserole. As an adult I have no idea because I have never been to Crackerbarrel on my own volition. Seriously, I would rather go to fucking Applebee's. The food sucks but at least they have beer.

>> No.9427255
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that doesn't make any sense, he didn't even use reddit spacing. But what kind of criticism would you expect from a """chef""" and Wendy's?

>> No.9427315
File: 98 KB, 640x342, restaurant_pancakes-such-mommas-pancakes.ashx_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything but mama's pancake breakfast
Their pancakes are the only reason to go there. Everything else is shite.

>> No.9427332

kek. I can't wait until burger flippers start calling themselves "burger artisans" or some shit.

>> No.9427359


>> No.9427383


>> No.9427453

Fried shrimp platter with green beans, mac n cheese, and cinammon apples.

>> No.9427454

chef at wendys is an old maymay from /b/
everyday for what had to have been like a year there was thread that kept getting reposted that went something along the lines of:

Every itt post your job and salary, i'll start
>chef at wendy's
>$8.45 an hour

every. fucking. day.

>> No.9427462

That baked mac n' cheese. Just, like, 5 bowls of that shit.

>> No.9427467

It was impressive. I mean there was some mental issue going on but still that is an unusual degree of dedication.

It wasn't even like the 4am stu threads, Wendy's chef had no context