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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9415164 No.9415164 [Reply] [Original]

>Try to get into cooking beyond basic bitch shit like eggs, hamburgers, etc.
>Every 'intro level' cooking video assumes you're an upper class single person with unlimited time and money
>Expects you to have things like wines, fresh coconut shavings, and shaved gold tier ingredients
>Asks you to have a pineapple and then use 20% of it for the meal, what the fuck am I gonna do with the rest of this pineapple?

I want to get into cooking but everything indicates that its only for the rich to make anything worth a shit that can impress people.

>> No.9415174

Accept your place in the world and stick with frozen pizza and tendies. And tater tots in ranch dressing.

>> No.9415176

buy canned pineapple instead. look cor decent every day cooking channels (asian ones are mostly decent, and tell what ingredients can act as a cheap replacement)

>> No.9415181

>What do you mean you dont have hoisin sauce and imported rice wine vinegar?

>> No.9415184

Those dont expire quickly and if you plan to make Asian food at all in the future you might as well have it around.

>> No.9415189

ATK is for you.

>> No.9415199

Arent those the guys who make everything with sous vide machines that cost thousands of dollars?

>> No.9415200

>try to get into cooking
>make meme recipes with coconut shavings, wine and shaved gold

dont do that ok

>> No.9415208

The thing youre doing wrong is trying to cook based on what you happen to have around instead of deciding what you want to cook next week and buying ingredients for it.

>> No.9415211

>Doesn't have a jar of hoisin sauce to eat by the spoonful at midnight

>> No.9415217

Obviously your rage is not reality based. Go get an issue of Cook's Illustrated. It's basically how to cook well for people who are at the mercy of shitty supermarkets. Or just figure out how to make more money so you're not stuck in such a shit situation.

>> No.9415225

Take proper cooking courses instead of watching e-celeb meme recipes.
Learn the theory and basic recipes and you'll be able to cook decently with cheap ingredients.

>> No.9415232

>deglaze with white wine
>heavy cream

Could've just said this recipe was designed for profligate white women.

>> No.9415233

You can't afford a $9 bottle of beaujolais? You probably shouldn't be cooking anything more expensive than a burger then.

>Fresh cocnut shavings
Use dried and reconstitute with coconut water

>shaved gold tier ingredients
It's OK, you can use unshaved gold tier ingredients insted.

>what the fuck am I gonna do with the rest of this pineapple?
I dunno, EAT IT? Pineapple IS a tasty fruit on it's own you know. Or perhaps you could make pineapple the theme of that week's dinner menu; come up with 5 different meals that each involve pineapple. Make a milkshake for desert or perhaps smoothies for breakfast that week.

Or perhaps you're just too god damned DUMB to learn to fucking cook since you can't figure out what to do with FRESH FUCKING FRUIT.

>God damned millenials are fucking CANCER

>> No.9415242

>not getting that shit dirt cheap at the grimy asian grocery where they don't speak english and are visibly uncomfortable having a honky browse their aisles

>> No.9415246

Who eats pineapple on its own? Terrible advice. The problem is that a lot of recipes call for shit you rarely ever use and wouldnt want to use multiple times in a row.

>> No.9415255

>Who eats pineapple on its own?
bait thread
anyone who replies after me is legally retarded

>> No.9415259

>Not keeping cream, white wine and shallots around most of the time? And parsley?! What the fuck kind of self respecting cook doesn't have parsley? I know there are people out there who live off hot dogs and canned chili, but if you're not one of them these ingredients shouldn't be all that exotic.

>> No.9415269

What the fuck. Pineapples are amazing on their own.

>> No.9415279

What do you expect me to make 3 pineapple based meals in a row like a fucking barbarian?

>> No.9415311

Tasty is a good start no nonsense ingredients or high cost channel, but expect 90% of things to just be cheese, pasta and a meat.

>> No.9415329

Kid, if you weren;t a barbarian, you'd have the dosh to go out to eat every night, or to have a live-in cook.

Pretentious faggot.

>> No.9415340

Thought this was a cooking board SORRY MY BAD

>> No.9415355

Then figure out how to use the ingredients you buy over several meals so you use them before they go bad like a normal person. Or just keep buying prefab shit. Choice is yours.

>> No.9415364
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>> No.9415382

Dicing is preparing you fucking owls

>> No.9415395

We'll help you out OP. What do you wanna make?

>> No.9415416

You don;t want to cook though. YOu want to make masterful pieces of art that no one actually eats.

You're dismissive of classic fare because you don't think it's "high brow" enough for your "refined" palate. You know how often people manage to fuck up a burger? Do you have any idea just how awesome a burger can get if you're not a pretentius fuckwit?

>combine ground beef with ground pork and ground lamb in a 1:1:1 ratio
>mix in italian seasoned breadcrumbs (or make your own and use italian sesoning to taste) in a 1:3 ratio
>mix in one whisked egg for every 2 pounds of mixture
>Form 2 oz of meat into a patty apoximately 3" across (a 30 oz can with both ends cut off works well as a form).
>Place 1.5 Tbsp of feta cheese on patty, spread evenly across the top, do not get cheese within 3/8 inch of the edge
>form another 2 oz patty, place this ontop of the cheese and press the edges together (this is where the can comes in handy) to seal, making sure the circumference of the burger patty is smooth and uniform
>place patty on a piece of parchement paper on a pan of in a baking dish
>repeat process until all your burgers are built, if room in your frige or on the pan is at a premium, stack burgers in two layers with a sheet of parchment paper between them.
>cover tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate for minimum of 2 hours
>remove burgers from fridge, unwrap. Roll the edge of each burger in dried parseley flakes before grilling or placing under a broiler.
>broil or grill for ~8 minutes on each side
>place on plate in one layer (use multiple plates if you have to), cover with a foil tent and allow to rest for 5 minutes
>while burgers are resting, butter and pan-toast buns
>spread buns with stone-ground mustard made with beer or wine and garlic aioli
>place a romaine leaf, a slice of beefsteak tomato (cut horizontally and no more than 1/4 inch thick) and sliced onions & pickles if desired on the upper of each bun.
>burger the bottom
>serve with craft beer

>> No.9415420

Fucking typos. That should say "4 oz of meat" not "2 oz of meat"

>> No.9415421

autistic projecting

>> No.9415425

Fuck me running....
The tomato should be xliced no more than 1/8 inch thick

>Drunkposting is a dangerous game my friends.

>> No.9415428

This. In fact, get everything you can at the asian grocery stores. I get things like shallots, garlic, and coconut milk at this Vietnamese grocery for a fraction of what they cost at Kroger.

>> No.9415429

Says the kid who A) doesn;t know how to cook and B) doesn't understand that there are intermediate stages between "baked eggs" and "coelecanth braised in truffel oil and served on a bed of beluga caviar with a gold-foil bow in it's asshole"

>> No.9415432

>Do you have any idea just how awesome a burger can get if you're not a pretentius[sic] fuckwit?
>gives pretentious fuckwit instructions
Bad bait mate. I rate it 0 out of 8.

>> No.9415438

Lemme alone, I'm drunkposting.

It's my hobby

>> No.9415443
File: 58 KB, 564x846, dJIeZ1S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pork in a burger
this will lead to an overcooked patty, unless you like foodborne illness

>breadcrumbs in a burger
you must be trolling. A burger should be made from ground meat that is pressed into a patty. The outside of the patty should be seasoned, and if the lean/fat ratio is correct, it will require no binders or fillers. If you have to add breadcrumbs to your burger, then you are a shitty cook. Period. End of discussion.

>literal autism to cook and serve a fucking burger
nothing is gained from the maniacally over-complicated process you have laid out. It's all just an exercise in self aggrandizing sanctimony. KYS.

>> No.9415460

>he thinks breadcrumbs are a binder

They sop up fat and keep that delicious grease in the meat where it belongs, ancient meatpie trick.

>> No.9415464

Go for the rustic stuff. There's a reason those recipes stand the test of time. The Italian one is particularly common, but check out French cuisine in its rustic form. They're all relatively readily available ingredients. The only bad thing is wine, but you can buy the cheapest wine for that shit and it will work, or just use water or stock.

Chicken cacciatore may feel fancy, but it's basically:
>olive oil
>onion and garlic
>bell peppers
>salt and pepper
>basil/thyme/rosemary/oregano/pick whichever you've got
>the cheapest pieces of chicken you can find

Seriously, there is a reason why rustic cuisine exists. It's the sort of stuff you can do with the basics. Afterwards, experiment and go further.

>> No.9415465

I know exactly the difference between home cooking food and restaurant food. But really, if you're at the point where wine and cream trip you up you're barely cooking.

>> No.9415467

>>he thinks breadcrumbs are a binder

no, i think they are a filler. a properly made burger patty doesn't need this. It isn't a meat pie, it's a burger. If you want to make a meat pie, there are plenty of good recipes out there, but a meat pie is not the same as a burger.

Please learn to read, and then neck yourself, mate.

>> No.9415473

>refrigerate for minimum of 2 hours
What this will accomplish?

>> No.9415477

>a properly made burger patty doesn't need this

A burger that's had all its delicious fat melt out and burn on the charcoal is not a proper burger.
Every burger needs breadcrumbs.

>> No.9415480

This is my problem as well. Its like I can drop $$$ on ingredients or get carry out for the same price that I know will taste good.

Also fuck those recipes that call for like 18 differemt seasoningz that you cant even taste in the end.

>> No.9415482

Just learn the rustic stuff. It's peasant food but it's survived on word of mouth, it ought to be good.

>> No.9415485


You must be black causes Asians only look at you if your black.

>> No.9415488

>foodborn illness
average of 15 cases of Trich occur in the US per year. That's 15 cases out of 320 million people. and most of those can be traced back to wild game. You could eat raw porkchops everyday for a year and never get sick from eating raw pork.
If you use the cheap ground beef (~30% fat), the burger will have enough fat to keep it moist.

>only season the outside of the burger, no breadcrumbs
Nigga you never worked in a kitchen before have you? McDonald's uses 100% pure beef; I assure the $15 dollar burger you get at the 19th hole or the brewpup has panko or other startch added to encourage structural integrity as the burger is cooked (i.e. so it won't fall apart).

>maniacally over-complicated process
Yet more evidence that you have never actually worked in a kitchen. This is how high-end burgers are built. I ommited the use of the burger press since I figured a dude too cheap to spend a tenner on wine would be unwilling to shell out a Grant for a specialized piece of equipment. Besides, DIY is alive and well on /ck/ last I saw. Besides, who wouldn't like to save some dosh in these uncertain economic times?

>> No.9415504

Yeah, cooking must be pretty hard for retards like OP

>> No.9415513

It's the EGG that's the binder whiskeydick. The breadcrumbs provide an interface matrix between the meat and the egg that allow the egg to hold everything together. And as the other anon said, the starch soaks up the fat so it stays inside the burger where you can taste it, ratehr than on the pan/coals where it just turns into smoke and extra dishwashing time.

Lets the egg set and the burgers to firm up a bit, makes them easier to manipulate on the grill. Also allows the seasonings in the meat to moisten and spread their tasty goodness to the meat.

>> No.9415524

The process is easy, cooking is just following instructions. Its acquiring hard to get and expensive items that complicate things for most home cooks.

>> No.9415543

Can we stop pretending you need to be rich to make good food? Some of the best food comes from cheap cuts, vegetables, oils, and spices.

>> No.9415549

No thats just bullshit people from the south tell tourists to validate their shitty cooking. Poor people food will take like poor people food.

>> No.9415553

Now I know you're fucking with us

>> No.9415561

I have no idea why that anon is responding to you in the first place.
>cooking is just following instructions
Shows clearly that you have no clue about cooking whatsoever.

>> No.9415562
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>French onion soup
>fancy as fuck dish
>literally onions, butter, stock, salt and pepper
>if you wanna be even fancier you use wine, bread and cheese

Seriously, learn the fucking basics of cooking.

>> No.9415565

Pineapple eaten straight is painfully sweet and sour. Its a shitty fruit to eat straight but great in all sorts of dishes.

>> No.9415571

Making fajitas out of a ribeye is not only outrageously expensive, it's just wrong. The texture is all wrong, you won't end up with something that tastes right or have the right texture. Making french bread out of cake flour doesn't work because cake flour has the wrong proportions of protien in it.

Just as one should use the right tool for the right job, one should use the right ingredient for the right recipe.

>> No.9415572

Tastes like shit too. Its just onion soup. Nobody likes that except poor French people. They tricked you into thinking its fancy. Its like when southerners try to trick you by using cute terms like rustic or comforting. In reality its just some cheap slop made by cheap commoner ingredients with often one dimensional flavor.

>> No.9415579

>painfully sweet and sour
yeah...pretentious faggot detected. Let me guess, you blot your pizza and eat it with a knife and fork, don't you?

>> No.9415587

Not in my experience. Anyhow, I'm of the theory that if these recipes last that long in popular memory, there's something to them. If it tastes like cheap slop is because you're cooking it like cheap slop.

>> No.9415589

>Buy a whole chicken its like 99 cents a pound
>Pat it dry, cover it with butter, salt, and pepper
>If feeling 'fancy' throw in some dried or fresh herbs you got laying around
>In the pan throw in some carrots, onion or cubed potatoes that were covered in olive oil salt and pepper whatever the fuck you want
>Food good enough for like 95% of people

>> No.9415611

Woah slow down there Ramsey. Butter? Salt? Were not running some michelin star place here

>> No.9415630

Can you stop trolling already, you fucking retard?
You already got a lot of (You)'s with your shitty baits.
Can you calm down?

>> No.9415643


>> No.9415685
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wowee, all this cooking guys
glad I came into this thread

>> No.9415701

you can then use the bones and some vegetables to make a ton stock for like $2. Economical, extremely easy, highly versatile, and far better than store bought

>> No.9415706

Buy a fucking jamie oliver cookbook designed for poor people. Why would anyone go to youtube cooks for their daily needs?

>> No.9415782

Jamie Olive Oil is a youtube cook.

>> No.9416019

Get an immersion blender and start making vegetable soups.

>> No.9416027

t. milleniel retard

>> No.9416041


Eat shit and die peasant.

>> No.9416050

No better than maccy D's shit.

Burger = shit tier. No exceptions.

>> No.9416072

You must be going to the wrong stores.
The more racist the clerk the better the products.

>> No.9416080

Don't watch Ramsay, watch Food Wishes.

And you eat the pineapple, you baiting fuck.

>> No.9416082

Blow your brains out, nigger. Let your mother be free to get fucked by Chad she deserves better than to care after you for the rest of her life.

>> No.9416085
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When you actually cook you learn to use the leftovers in your next dish. In a constant cycle of make dishes with the leftover ingredients of the last. Buying new ingredients as needed. This is simple logic.

>> No.9416095
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Fair's fair, he's also a purveyor of fine terracotta bullshit with garbage tin fittings stacked up in the As Seen On TV corner of every grocery store

>> No.9416141

This is bait, you don't need special ingredients to make fancy shit. Try to learn how to make your own pasta and sauce, or how to make a tortilla de papas. None of those things use any uncommon ingredients.

>> No.9416213

>cooking is only for the rich and haughty

Until the ascendancy of the corporate HFCS pig slop troughs poor people cooked every meal with locally grown, farm to table ingredients. Stop watching stupid cooking shows and find recipes for simple, basic foods.

>> No.9416216

>be a weeb
>too stupid to cook

>> No.9416217

>be a normie
>easily baited by bad bait accompanied by an anime slut

weebs win again

>> No.9416226

The British shouldn't comment on cooking.

>> No.9416574

>Make this thread because last night I was frustrated
>Wake up and its at the front page

My bad

>> No.9417312

Meatloaf is not a hamburger.

>> No.9417335

You're fucking clueless as to what that means, aren't you?

>> No.9417392

>>cooking is just following instructions
>Shows clearly that you have no clue about cooking whatsoever.

I'm sorry if you emotionally invested your self-worth into your ability to cook a decent meal, but it's true.

>> No.9417486

Watch chef John you cuck

>> No.9417575

>instant potato salesman


>> No.9417831

Do not insult the curry birbs.

>> No.9417979

>breadcrumbs in a burger
Go home son, you're drunk.

>> No.9418130
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Made these yesterday and I'm not the best cook.

>> No.9418245

They look at everyone unless you live in some flyover-ville where there's only one asian named chang that owns a liquor store.

I've never been asked to leave asian concentration camp supermarkets but I've seen people who have.

>> No.9418250

I bet you're watching some bullshit youtube channels. Those kinds of things use expensive shit for views

>> No.9418337


>crisps on the burger

Your burger looks like shit anon. Have you no concept of balancing and contrasting flavours? fuck that's just all salt and grease.

>> No.9418369

It's about the texture, anon. I doubt you'd ever even taste the chips over the bacon, beef, etc. But the crispy texture would be in nice contrast to the rest of the meal.

And speaking of no concept of balancing and contrasting things, don't you have a toast sandwich to be making?

>> No.9418396

Buy older cookbooks.
In the UK at least we had a very limited range of ingredients until about the 80's. Pasta was considered exotic well into the 70's. Cookbooks from that era use only cheap common ingredients in thrifty ways because it was written by people who went through rationing. The stuff in them might not be high cuisine but for teaching you entry level beginner cooking skills it'll do the job.

>> No.9418456

This nigga knows what's up. I always have at least two jars, just in case one runs out.

>> No.9418477
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Duuuude, if you want to avoid expensive ingedients and multi-step recipes then go to smaller cooking youtube channels.
Example: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJBmsDy6CmYn84Ef6xqy3RQ

Simple meals with small amounts of ingredients. Cooking is a skill like any other, at first you fair, with time and practice you become comfortable with it, and it can be a lot of fun. Cooking is like playing with LEGOs, but they can be eaten afterwards.

>> No.9418893
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this is the reason I survived on pot noodles/tendies for the past 3 years.

>> No.9419006

I feel like cooking is really pretty much impossible unless you have a group to cook for (family, girlfriend, roommates) or want to eat the same shit for a hundred meals.

Cooking for one leaves you with a ton of excess.

>> No.9419015

Yeah, that's the reason.

>> No.9419019

learn to greentext you obnoxious douche.

>> No.9419039

wines (especially cooking wines) are cheap, coconut shavings are cheap.

Cooking at a 'high level' is about simplicity, complimenting flavors and understanding timings. If you can't wrap your brain around that then stick to tendies and overcooked eggs.

>> No.9419042

literally just start slapping burgers together out of whatever
some of the best burgers I've ever made were just ground mince + chilli flakes/garama masala, greek yogurt, rocket and tomato relish on wholegrain rolls
it's much easier to just make your own shit up than follow exact recipes, just be conscious of what flavours work together and go from there

>> No.9419118

Quite the contrary, it came out really balanced due to the lettuce and the chips are mainly for texture and crunch. Nice and juicy, and came out medium rare, just the way I like it. Only complaint is that the buns could have been toasted a bit better. But eh, next time.

>> No.9421101

Budgetbytes.com : ^)

>> No.9422063

>I'm not the best cook.
we can see that

>> No.9422174

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9422461


>> No.9422698

Assuming you have an actual burner and not limited to an electric stovetop, just get a cast iron skillet and look up some easy one-pan recipes. Also, what this anon said >>9415242

>> No.9423252

Just give me your email and I'll email you some written down family recipes and some good youtube links. You can't peak down the wrong rabbit holes man.

>> No.9423376

Shallots are nice but can be substituted with silver onion - shit, even regular "yellow" onion in many cases.
Also, my culinary arts professor taught me that it's genetic (much like mango and koriander) but I really do not enjoy Parsley. To me it tastes like rancid grass. This saddens me, most people taste it as very refreshing :/ .

>> No.9423381

Lol this

>> No.9423392 [DELETED] 
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>want to make a recipe
>it requires like 1/10 each of several expensive ingredients that are sold only in large quantities and that have a short shelf life

>> No.9423394

Peak ___ peek obv.
Got ahead of myself there.

>> No.9423401


>> No.9423435
File: 39 KB, 966x725, Alton Brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wht has no one directed this man to St. Brown patron saint of n00b cooks? Come newfag, be welcome at the church of Good Eats.

>pic related

>> No.9423820

>Check the prices
>They're not even in the ballpark of what is normal

>> No.9424500


Look up some written recipes for dishes you enjoy as casual fair. Learn to follow directions and adapt to your cooking hardware. No need to spend lots of money. I shop at mexican, asian, indian shops and get produce on the cheap and any specialty stuff far cheaper. Once you get more comfortable start branching out.

>> No.9424537

I'm in Germany and they don't fucking sell parsley what the fuck is wrong with this country

>> No.9424540


Isn't hoisin sauce like $3?

>> No.9425685

post them here please

>> No.9425720

Lolwut? Netto, Edeka, Real and Rewe all sell fresh herbs...

>> No.9426356

Dicing is not preparing, we know this because we are wise.

>> No.9427118

>imported rice wine vinegar
you can buy regular non imported rice wine vinegar in the store, dont force yourself to go out of the way to do everything exactly as the video tells you too. Just have some salt, pepper, basic spices, some bay leaves at home, and for beginners, always keep store bought broth for savory meat dishes.

it only seems hard because you're making it harder on yourself

>> No.9427122
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Hello flyover

>> No.9427128

>Take proper cooking courses instead

don't listen to this guy unless you want to go into the food industry or is a requirement for whatever degree you are pursuing.

Just learn through a lot of trial and error, watch a lot of cooking videos go to cooking boards that discuss recipes, ect.

>> No.9427145

a bottle of hoisin sauce costs like two bucks and can be used in any chinese stirfry

>> No.9427146

i browse /ck/ for the memes and funny posts, but I'd actually like to get into cooking. Similar to OP is what's putting me off-- I actually wanna learn how to make stuff that I can make at the end of the work day without too much hassle, or 'whip something up' if I have somebody round.
Where should I get started? Is there a good beginning point, maybe like a guided course? I'm not really looking to make whatever random dish comes into my head; I actually wanna learn and progress, and have practical use.

>> No.9427170

start with chicken, it's cheap to buy, delicious, and tons of way to make them. Baked is my favorite, you can also cook em in a pan, take it apart for a sandwich, you could also buy boneless chicken breast to make schnitzel, ect.

Also baking chicken along potatoes in great because now you have your protein and carbs.

Then move on to brews, stock, and whatever the hell else you are hungry for.

>> No.9427178

99% of the upfront cost of cooking is spices and misc ingredients.
If you don't regularly cook, yeah, no shit you won't have any.
Stick to pasta based dishes for awhile until you build up your spice cabinet, then you can more easily move to dishes that use partial chunks of perishable ingredients and you can make other recipes that make use of them afterward

>> No.9427263

>you can buy regular non imported rice wine vinegar

No thanks, drumpf. A number of us are boycotting your whining constituents and going for quality ingredients from overseas.

>> No.9427302


I'm still pretty much a beginner but I've made some progress and I'm lazy as hell so here goes:

I had good initial success with really simple stuff like making my own spaghetti sauce or stir fry. Frying up some meat like a good pork chop or some chicken along with some carbs and a salad is easy but satisfying. Lately I've been experimenting with soups and stews, an unexpected benefit of which is that I've learned about spices. Chicken soup for example usually has thyme and parsley, so I figured I could dry rub some chicken with them before frying and it turned out great. The pattern that's worked for me so far has been find a dish that's feasible but appealing, something I'm excited to have, then make it a few times until I've worked out the kinks. I also go really slow, sometimes it's weeks before I get sick enough of the usual stuff to try something new. Just try to hold on to that desire to be able to make things yourself that you want to eat.

>> No.9427350
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start with the basics; pasta, eggs, burgers. Shit you see all the time but probably don't actually know how much variation there can be.

Learning how to properly boil pasta, cook an egg (fried, scrambled, omelette), burger is an easy way to get familiar with your kitchen but also how ingredients react and interact with each other.

Do you use angel hair with a heavy sauce or light sauce? Should you use a high fat percentage to make burgers and a low fat percentage to make meatballs, or vice versa? Should you add cheese to the scrambled eggs when you put them in the skillet or after they're done cooking?

Also, basic knife skills. dicing, chopping, julienning are super crucial. I'm not gonna lie, I watched all of Gordon Ramsey's kitchen basics videos on youtube; he's a cunt, but he's got good videos.

Then you'll get interested in recipes, learning the basics of ingredients so in a few weeks or months you'll just have things on hand in your kitchen like broths and spices so you can just "whip it up"

>> No.9428870

Buy a '80 traditional french cook book. It's more manageable and ppl were poor then